Women Power and Politics Renu Keer
Women Power and Politics Renu Keer
Women Power and Politics Renu Keer
Course Details
Subject: Political Science
Course Name: Women, Power and Politics
Medium of Instruction: English
Nature of Course: Generic Elective
Course Objective:
This course opens up the question of women’s agency, taking it beyond ‘women’s
empowerment’ and focusing on women as radical social agents. It attempts to question the
complicity of social structures and relations in gender inequality. This is extended to cover
new forms of precarious work and labour under the new economy. Moreover, The Objectives
of this Course is to enhance the gender equality in personal and professional life of the young
minds and encourage them practice gender equality in their lives.
Course Curriculum:
Pre-requisites: Students who are admitted to various B.A. Honours First semester and have
opted for this paper.
Evaluation Methodology: Students will be assessed at different stages during the course
learning process. After completing every unit they will be asked to take part in group
discussions on any one important event or issue relevant for that unit. They will also do one
presentation and one test.
Class Test: 10
Class Presentation/Online: 15
Final Exam: 75 Marks
Others: 0%
Course Schedule Details:
Public-Private M. Kosambi, (2007) Crossing the Threshold, New Delhi, Permanent Black,
Divide, Public and pp. 3-10; 40-46.
Private Distinction:
4 Patriarchy, Power, N. Menon (2008) ‘Gender’, in R. Bhargava and A. Acharya (eds), Political
and Public/ Private Theory: An Introduction, New Delhi: Pearson, pp. 224-233
S. Ray ‘Understanding Patriarchy’, Available at
Accessed: 19.04.2013.
Family as an agent C. MacKinnon, ‘The Liberal State’ from Towards a Feminist Theory of
and instrument of State, Available at http://fair-use.org/catharine-mackinnon/toward-a-
socialization, Role feminist-theory-of-the-state/chapter-8, Accessed: 19.04.2013
of family in gender
Structure of
Patriarchy at the
level of community,
Caste and Gender in
India, The
Masculine State,
The Feminist
Critique of State
9. Unit
Movement in India Raja RamMohan Roy, Gandhi, Writing and Speeches of Dr. B.R.
Ambedkar, Pandita Ramabai, Jyotiba Phule,
movement in pre-
independent India,
Women in India’s
Struggle for
Women movement https://www.thenewsminute.com/article/unprecedented-protests-change-
in Post Independent laws-how-nirbhaya-case-moved-needle-120693
India, women’s
movement and
Political Violence
Fundamental rights
and Directive
Principles of State
Policy, Hindu Code
Bill, Maternity
11 Violence Against N. Menon, (2004) ‘Sexual Violence: Escaping the Body’, in Recovering
Women Subversion, New Delhi: Permanent Black, pp. 106-165
Theorising Gender
Based Violence,
Sexual Violence
and Logic of Law,
Sexual Harassment
in the Workplace,
Violence Against
Women and
13 Work and Labour P. Swaminathan, (2012) ‘Introduction’, in Women and Work, Hyderabad:
Women and work in Orient Blackswan, pp.1-17
India: The Concept
of Visible and J. Tronto, (1996) ‘Care as a Political Concept’, in N. Hirschmann and C.
Invisible Work, Stephano, Revisioning the Political, Boulder: Westview Press, pp. 139-156.
Why women ‘s
work is not visible?,
Reproductive and
Care Work: An
Introduction, Care
as a Political