Epic 3 Reviewer
Epic 3 Reviewer
Epic 3 Reviewer
First stage in Job Hunting: Self-Assessment (DISC – Dominance, Do your homework, because Gigi’s homework will already
Influence, Steadiness, and Conscientious) be done.
Formalist > bring a remarkable sense of attention to detail, Assure Gigi that there won’t be any unexpected surprises.
precision, and maintaining stability within their empowerment Be certain that individual responsibilities are clear, and that
boundaries. there are no ambiguities.
Given clear expectations, a timeline, and quality resources, Gigi will follow through, so you should be certain to follow
Formalists will deliver quality results. through on your part.
They are cautious risk-takers and will move forward only Be candid, open, and patient.
when facts, details, and logic point the way. Present your ideas and opinions in a non-threatening way.
While they may not be outwardly verbal, they provide deep When Communicating with Gigi, DON’T:
critical thinking behind their decisions.
They should be encouraged to contribute their ideas and Offer assurances and guarantees that you can’t fulfill.
analysis more openly. Rush the issues or the decision-making process.
Make decisions for Gigi.
Personal Direction: Focus on reaching goals in a steady, reliable Be vague about what’s expected of the group.
way. Leave an idea or plan without backup support.
Strengths offered: Will embrace and support high-quality results, Leave things up in the air, or decide by chance.
including the important details, to reach goals. Fail to follow through. If you say you’re going to do
something, do it.
General characteristics: Driven by high degree of detail
awareness and follow-through on tasks and projects. IDENTIFYING STRENGTHS & WEAKNESSES
Contribution to others: Thorough, detailed, and accurate input It is relevant to identify your strengths to align your best
to others’ efforts and goals. qualities & qualifications to the ones set and necessary in
the job. This way, it’s easier to highlight on these qualities
Getting along with others: Focuses on stability and accuracy of more when preparing your CV (curriculum vitae) or when
tasks completed. attending the interview.
In weaknesses, layout things that you think you are not
When stressed: May engage in overly-cautious maneuvering and
capable of then provide measures to improve your
revert to too many negotiations.
weaknesses. In an interview, it was recommended to share
Keep in mind: May rely too much on old ways of doing things and your weaknesses first and provide ways how to improve it
be hesitant to accept new methods. then proceed to your strengths.
Dominant ‘D’ style: Stubbornness, impatience, and Specific and technical abilities that can be measured
competitive. Naturally preferring to take control of and may be required in a given context.
others, they may have low tolerance for the feelings, Part of the skill set that is required for a job. Includes
attitudes, and “inadequacies” of co-workers, expertise necessary for an individual to successfully do the
subordinates, friends, families, and romantic interests. job.
Interacting ‘I’ style: Too much involvement, Job-specific and typically listed in job postings and
impatience, being alone, and short attention spans w/c descriptions.
causes them to be easily bored. Behaviors can be Includes specific knowledge and abilities required for
superficial, haphazard, erratic, and overly emotional success in a job.
when taken to extreme. Observation and life experiences.
Steady ‘S’ style: Reluctance to express themselves Ex: Accounting, Administrative, Analytics, Technology,
can result in hurt feelings. Lack of assertiveness can Engineering, Database, Financial, Design, Healthcare,
take a toll on their health and well-being. Editing, Management, Mechanical, and Automotive.
Conscientious ‘C’ style: Perfectionism if taken to
extreme can result in “paralysis by over analysis” Overly Transferrable Skills (combination of soft & hard skills)
cautious trait may result in worry w/c promotes their Often called “Portable Skills” because you can bring what
tendency to behave in a more critical, detached way. skills you’ve learned from one job to another. You can apply
IDENTIFYING SOFT, HARD, & TRANSFERRABLE SKILLS these general skills to various fields, working environments,
and industries.
Soft Skills (innate/within you) Skills and abilities that are relevant and helpful in the social
and professional setting.
A cluster of personality traits, social graces, interpersonal
skills and other inherent skills which characterize
relationships with people.
It relate to how you work. Includes interpersonal (people) REPORT PREPARATIONS
skills, communication skills, listening skills, time Add infos/Explanations
management, and empathy, among others.
Hiring managers typically look for these skills because they DEFINITION
make someone more successful in the workplace.
The term "cold calling" reflects the nature of the contact— The individual started cold calling nine months before
unexpected and without any prior engagement—making it a officially separating from active duty. This early start
"cold" introduction. allowed ample time to build connections and explore
is a method of prospect outreach, which a job seeker uses to opportunities before the separation. Before making the calls,
get in touch with a potential employer not previously he researched local organizations to identify the right
contacted in an attempt to land a job. contacts within each company. This step ensured he was
It generally refers to phone-based conversations (hence speaking to decision-makers or relevant personnel who
cold calling) with an employer that you have not had any could influence hiring decisions.
previous contact with. The goal of the call is to see if the He made a point to ask for specific individuals by name,
employer or company is hiring. demonstrating his preparation and showing respect for their
Remember: The purpose of a cold call is not to get the job right time. This personalized approach—cold calling—helps
away, it is to secure a job interview. People do not care how much make a stronger impression compared to generic
you know until they know how much you care. Cold calling for a inquiries.
hidden job (one that doesn't necessarily look for an employee but During the calls, he effectively communicated his
are open to applicants if you reach out to them or in simple words experience and qualifications. This is crucial in making a
—a job that isn't advertised/hasn't been advertised). strong case for why he would be a valuable addition to the
organization. After the initial contact, he kept the lines of
ADVANTAGES communication open. This follow-up helps reinforce his
Naturally, after your call is answered, you receive interest and keeps him on the radar of potential employers.
immediate and even real-time feedback, this direct The strategy led to job offers from three out of four
interaction can clarify opportunities and improve the companies he contacted. The fact that offers were made
chance of a quick follow-up. six months before his separation, while he was overseas,
Once you establish a rapport with them by showing real highlights the effectiveness of his job hunting method.
interest in their business, they will feel persuaded enough Additionally, two companies were willing to create positions
to open up to you and answer more of your questions. It specifically for him, which underscores the strong
allows you to tailor your application to better fit their impression he made and the demand for his skills.
specific requirements and stand out more effectively.
Regarding response rate, cold calling typically
outperforms other cold communication strategies and
online applications as it bypasses the impersonal nature
of automated systems and job portals.
Unexpected calls can be intrusive and bothersome to
recipients especially employers when they are busy,
potentially leading to a negative impression.
It’s not always effective; its success rate is lower
compared to more reliable methods like referrals and solid
It involves extensive research, preparation, and follow-
up, consuming significant amount of time with no
guaranteed outcomes.