3 GastrointestinalHelminth

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• Normally, it affects liver, lung, spleen and

Hydatid cyst in Lungs & Liver

Control of endoparasites in mithun:

• Fenbendazole @10mg/kg body weight orally
(3 g bolus/adult animal).
• Piperazine adipate (45mg/100ml) @ 30ml for
calves (Toxocara vitulorum infection)
• Albendazole @7.5-15mg/kg body weight orally Published by
(2.5g bolus/120kg body weight) effective as broad ICAR-NRC on Mithun, Medziphema,
spectrum anthelmintic. Nagaland-797106
• Ivermectin (0.2mg/kg body weight) @ 1ml/50kg
subcutaneously is very effective against
Compiled and Edited by:
endoparasites and ectoparasites.
J.K. Chamuah, Vivek Joshi, H. Lalzampuia, S S Hanah,
Prevention and Control: Lalchamliani, K.P Biam, D Borkotoky,L Sunitibala
1. Proper deworming of affected animals with broad- Devi, Vikram R., M.H. Khan and N Haque
spectrum anthelmintics.
2. Planting feeds and fodders having anthelmintic
For further information
properties in mithun thriving forest areas.
Email: [email protected]
3. Regular pre-monsoon and post-monsoon.
deworming of mithuns with anthelmintics. Website: www.nrcmithun.icar.gov.in
4. Adopt optimal feeding practices and maintain
proper hygiene in sheds.
5. Rotational grazing should be followed for parasite -

control in forest grazed animals. 2020 ICAR-National Research Centre on Mithun

(An ISO 9001: 2015 Quality Management System)
Introduction • Pimply gut is a common phenomenon in chronic
• Endoparasites especially gastrointestinal infection of Oesophagostomum spp., where entire
helminthes are the major cause of ill health in large intestine and rectum are filled with greyish
mithun that are directly and indirectly associated white nodules.
with morbidity, mortality and economic losses.
• Most common gastrointestinal parasites of mithun
are Haemonchus contortus, Oesophagostomum spp.,
Trichostrongylus spp., Mecistocirrus spp., Cooperia Fasciola gigantica
spp., Trichuris spp., Toxocara spp., Strogyloides spp., Amphistomiasis
Bunostomum spp., Fasciola gigantica, Moniezia • Immature amphistomosis is an acute and fatal
benedeni and Moniezia expansa disease of young mithun characterized by profuse
Clinical signs diarrhoea, dehydration, pale mucous membrane,
Pimply gut Pot-bellied condition rough body coat followed by death of the animal.
Round worm infection
• The clinical signs vary depending on species Cestode infestation
• Mecistocirrus digitatus cause death of the
of parasites involved. In H. contortus, clinical animals in heavy infestation; they show clinical Monieziasis
signs are anaemia, palor of mucous membrane, signs according to the degree of infestation and • Among Cestode infection, Moniezia expansa and
bloody diarrhea, weakness and progressive common signs are anemia and palor of mucous M. benedeni are the most common in mithun,
debilitation. membrane. this is due to presence of oribatid mite in the
• Toxocariasis is another disease responsible for environment during winter.
calves’ mortality in mithun. Clinically, animal
defecate mud coloured watery feces, show • Cestode infected mithun calves show pot-bellied
potbellied condition, intermittent diarrhoea condition rough body coat, palor of mucous
followed by constipation, emaciation, rough body membrane, reduced body weight gain and
coat and in postmortem, mild catarrhal enteritis constipation.
of intestine.

Adult M. digitatus infested

Mecistocirrus digitatus abomasum

Fluke infection in mithun

Adult Moniezia benedeni Rough body hair coat
• Fascioliasis is a major fluke infestation caused by Hydatidosis
Fasciola gigantica in Mithun. The affected animals • It is the formation of fluid filled cysts in different
show edema in submandibular region, pale body organs of Mithun and it is important since
Adult Immature Toxocara
Toxocara vitulorum spp. in abomasum mucous membrane, diarrhea and constipation. it can be transmitted to humans by consuming
mithun meat (Zoonotic disease).

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