Science Assignment
Science Assignment
Science Assignment
Essay. From your understanding in your previous lessons in Research, briefly answer these
Research plays a very vital role in our daily lives. Research is the most significant and most
dependable way to understand and solve the complexity of numerous problems faced by
humanity. Research plays a crucial role in healthcare, education, technology, and social policy,
among other fields. Without research we would not be able to make the significant
advancements that have improved our lives and contributed to the betterment of society.
3. What are some hindrances to research? Why are they called hindrances?
From my experience, writing a research paper can be challenging due to various difficulties.
One common difficulty is the lack of skills and knowledge in writing, which we overcome
through instruction and practice.
The first thing I deal in this study is the problem in selecting the research topic, what type of
topic can be selected at the student level? And how can choose a topic? Secondly, how to
write the introduction? And problems in writing the introduction. Thirdly, problems in writing the
literature review and rules of writing the literature review, fourthly the format of a research
Every writer faces challenges. By acknowledging these common pitfalls and developing
strategies to overcome them, we can navigate the research and writing process with
confidence and produce a high-quality paper.
Activity 1.1
Cite at least 3 experience wherein you have lot of questions in your mind and then in time you find
solutions to it.
1. When I was designated in our field study or practice teaching. I question myself, “how can I
handle the different behaviors and gain the attention of the children?
I used different teaching strategies to gain their attention and become authoritative in a
friendly way. Because of this, I easily gain their attention and they much more focus on
their learning.
2. When I observed that some people are so greed. How can I handle this kind of situation?
I just accept the reality, that life is unfair and I will take it every problem, as a challenge
to improve myself more in any aspect of life.
When I’m thinking about death, it reminds me that I must not waste the time that I
have. In my opinion the solution to dealing with death is not to overcome it but to accept
it. The only way I see of dealing with the reality of death is to go out there and live the
best life you can. I will use my life to do something that gives me meaning and then I no
longer see death as a problem when it comes upon me.