Higher Study Policy
Higher Study Policy
Higher Study Policy
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Government of Rajasthan
Technical Education rtment
F.No 8(1 1)T.E./2006 pan Jaipur, dated : 10.06.201 5
The Govemment of Rajasthan herein introduces the state policy for study leave to improve
the overall quality of technical education in Govemment Polytechnic Colleges (Engineering). It
is anticipated that training the faculty members in some of the institutions where the facilities.
infrastructure and the faculty are of the international standards, would. provide them an
opportunity to get involved in an environment of sophisticated research and development
u"tiriti"s. This would eventually lead to building quality infrastructure and improve the standard
oftechnical education in their parent department.
l. Coverage
l.l Scope: The provisions of this policy shall apply to permanent faculty mernbers of
Govemment Polyechnic Colleges ( Engineering) hereinafter referred as Govemment
Polytechnic Colleges.
1.2 Date of Effect: The policy come in to force with effect from the date of issue of this
Provided further that any study leave which is granted prior to the date of effect of this
order shall not be adversely affected by the provisions of this Policy'
2. Eligibility:
2.1 only permanent faculty mernbers of Govemment Polytechnic colleges can apply for:-
I Category I - M.Tech. (Full-Time, Half-Pay)
2. Category 2- Ph.D. (Full-Time, Half-Pay)
3. Category 3- M.Tech. (Part-Time, Full Pay)
4. Category 4- Ph.D. (Part-Tirne , Full-Pay)
4. Types of lnstitutes for Study leave permission.
A permanent faculty rnay opt the following types of institutes for study leave
d. The approval comminee shall finalize the list of eligible candidates by l5th April of
every year after the receipt of the proposal from all the Principals, Covemment
Polyechnic Colleges.
e. The approval committee shall send the final list of eligible candidates by 20ft epril
of every year to all Principals of Government Polytechnic Colleges. Principal of
Govemment Polyechnic College shall release the permission/NOC of the eligible
candidates by 25th April of every year. The final list of eligible and ineligible
candidates shall also be displayed by 30th April every year on the institution website
stating the reason of disqualification of the ineligible candidates.
Conditions of Bond
A candidate selected for admission will have to execute an undertaking in terms of a bond as
prescribed by Govemment. The Bond Period hereinafter referred as period of study leave
and the minimum period for which the candidate shall serve for the parent department after
acquiring the higher degree. Similarly the Bond Amount hereinafter referred as amount that
a candidate shall pay to the parent department if he/she fails to execute the term of the bond.
The Bond Period and the Bond amount is stipulated in the SCHEDULE (Annexure 2).
7. Salary during study leave.
The faculty members deputed under study leave for higher qualification are allowed to
withdraw salary as per Rajasthan Service Rules as amended time to time.
8. Scholarships and Contingency Grants.
No scholarship or contingency Grants shall be paid by the department.
9. Other conditions.
3. Name
Father's Name:
Mother's Name
4. Designation &
Street/ I-ocation
Telephone No.
E-mail ...........
6. Personal Data: Date ,Month / Year Year /Month M/F (SCi ST/OBC/GEN)
From To Year
E. Academic Datr: Please write dor n the final aggregate marks of gradriate degree and attach attested
copies of all mark sheets and degree.
M.E./ M.TechJ Masters Degree-Non technicsu Equivalent. (Tick the appropriate degree)
Kindlv attach authenticated conversion formula in case marks are as CGP
Exam University Year and Branch/ ClasV Aggrcgate Max.
passed Institution Specialization Division % Marks Marks/
or GPA Max.
obtained GPA
10. Short Term Courses Attended: Please list in chronological order and enclose attested copies of
relevant certificates. (of not less than 5 days duration).
ll. Research Papers: Please List & enclose a 'Xerox copy ofthe Best 5 papers published:
12. Declaration:
(a) I declare that all the information given by me in this application form are correct to
the best of my knowledge and belief, and I understand that false or incomplete
information would cause invalidation of the application.
(b) I shall abide by the decision of the Government. The decision of the Govemment
shall be final and binding on me.
(c) I shall abide by the rules and regulations of the Department and all the clauses of
the policy ofhigher study to which I will be offered admission, ifselected.
$\,/ (d) Out ofthe institutions offering admission I shall never have any concem whatsoever
of any purpose, with any institution othsr than the one in which I will be offered
admission, if selected-
(e) For all level of actions, suits and proceedings, the jurisdiction ofa court of law shall
be deerned to lie exclusively at the place at which the institution to which I am
admitted (if selected) is situated for the time being as applicable and no other court
or place.
(0 I understand the contents of this form and, particularly, this declaration being made
2. Bond Amount:
Sum ofgross pay during 2. Requirement of
study leave minimum 100 marks
+ Rupees l0 lacs Out of 150 as per Table I .
2. Requirernent of
2. Bond Amount= minimum 3 years of
Sum ofgross gap between permission
pay during study leave of M.Tech. and Ph.D.
3. Requirement of
minimum 100 marks
Out of 150 as per Table 2.
+ Rupees l0 lacs
4 Ph.D. As per 1. Bond Period:Study l. Minimum 3 Years of
(Part-Time, Table 2 Leave Period + 5 Years of permanent regular service
Full-Pay) service in the parent ( Excluding
Department after acquiring probation period)
Doctoral Degree.
2. Requirernent of
minimum 3 years of
2. Bond Amount: gap between permission
Sum of gross of M.Tech. and Ph.D.
pay during study leave
+ Rupees 'l 5 lacs. 3. Requirernent of
minimum 100 marks
Out of 150 as per Table 2.
Table I
Table 2