Your Space For Bulgaria 7 Grade Skills Tests Key
Your Space For Bulgaria 7 Grade Skills Tests Key
Your Space For Bulgaria 7 Grade Skills Tests Key
1 T 2 T 3 DS 4 DS 5 F 6 F 7 DS 8 T 9 DS 10 T 3 Skills Test
2 Skills Test Exercise 1a
1 They decided to live just as people did in the early 1900s.
2 For one week.
Reading 3 Because most people didn’t use it in those days.
Exercise 1a 4 The phone hadn’t been invented then.
1 Life in 2060. 5 No crisps or pizza.
2 On the computer. 6 Spending a lot of time with her family.
3 You’ll see images of the other person. 7 She had to do all the cooking and cleaning by hand.
4 It will be warmer. 8 Her washing machine.
5 No, there won’t. 9 To keep the stove warm to heat water and cook food.
6 They will be under water. 10 Emma.
7 Electricity and alternative fuels.
8 A computer will drive your car.
9 Everywhere.
10 They work hard and don’t need holidays.
Exercise 1b Exercise 2
This family decided to live just as people did in the early 1900s for one week. Student’s own answers.
They were not allowed to use electricity, watch TV, or use their phones or
computers. Listening
They had to wash clothes by hand, and use a stove to heat water and cook
05 Exercise 3a
Some good things were: learning to appreciate modern machines, more free
time Transcript
Some bad things were: uncomfortable clothes, no favourite food, no Martina Hey, Rob! Look at all these fantastic clothes!
newspapers, no showers. Rob Oh, hi, Martina. You’ve already got lots of clothes!
Do you really need all of those?
Exercise 2 Martina Why not? I love shopping!
Student’s own answers.
Rob Mmm… well I hate shopping. I’ve just read
Listening this article about something called ‘International Buy
Nothing Day’.
04 Exercise 3a
Martina What’s that?
Transcript Rob Buy Nothing Day. It’s just a day when you don’t
Marie Have you done your volunteer work for the do any shopping – you don’t spend any money at all.
International Award? You buy nothing!
Jonathan I did my volunteer work over the summer Martina But I like going to the shopping centre! But
holidays. I was helping older people. I usually spend too much money. I don’t go shopping
Marie What did you do? that often, but I usually end up buying things that I don’t
Jonathan I was repairing their houses and gardening. need. I mean, do you really need a new mobile every year?
Marie Really? Did you like it? Rob The problem is that things go out of date so
Jonathan I’ve never worked so hard in my life! quickly. I bought a new laptop two months ago and
But I learned a lot! they’ve already started selling a newer version!
Marie What kind of things did you learn? Martina That’s true, and you can’t wear the same old
Jonathan Well, I learned about painting and repairing T-shirts year after year. And I love shopping for all the
windows and walls… and we also helped in the garden – latest styles! Is that bad?
I didn’t like that very much! How about you? Have you Rob I don’t know, but I think we waste a lot of time
done your volunteer work? on shopping. It’s faster to buy things on the internet.
Marie No, but I’ve started. So far I’ve spent three days
helping out at the local hospital.
Jonathan Oh yes? What do you do there? Answers
1 T 2 F 3 T 4 DS 5 T 6 DS 7 T 8 T 9 T 10 F
Marie We just talk to the patients – they’re usually
children – and read them stories and play games with
them. The nurses are very friendly, too. They said that
children get better faster if they have someone to talk to.
5 Skills Test
Jonathan Wow! So it’s really important.
Marie Yes… You know, I really admired some of the Reading
children – they were so brave, even though they were Exercise 1a
1 Sandy 4 Danny
really sick. I learned a lot from them, too. 2 Veronica 5 Matthew
3 Suzanna
Answers Exercise 1b
1 T 2 F 3 F 4 DS 5 F 6 F 7 DS 8 T 9 T 10 DS 1 Young people who want to do volunteer work.
2 It matches volunteers with work projects.
3 To make friends, to feel positive.
4 Building a playground, making a web page.
4 Skills Test 5 Homeless people, older people, children.
Exercise 1a Exercise 1c
The Young People’s Volunteer Network is an organisation
which matches young people with volunteer projects that
they are interested in. This type of work can be interesting,
Exercise 1b useful and you can make friends, learn new skills and help
1 On Carfree Day, people walk or go by bicycle, underground or bus. other people. Some examples of projects are: making food for
2 On the 22nd September. homeless people, building a playground, making a web page.
3 There is too much noise and pollution, and it is dangerous.
4 It’s clean and quiet and there is more space.
5 They have free transport and special events.
Exercise 2
Student’s own answers.
Exercise 1c
On Carfree Day, people try to leave their cars at home and go to work or Listening
school on foot, by bus or by bicycle. 06 Exercise 3a
Carfree Day is a good idea because people realise how much quieter and
cleaner their city is without cars. Transcript
Cars are not good for cities because they create noise and pollution and they
are dangerous. Presenter Hello and welcome to Teen Radio, the radio
station that’s just for teens. On today’s programme, and computers to change an actor’s face!
we’re going to hear about some of your typical problems Interviewer Awesome! I suppose you needed a lot
and if you’ve got any advice, just email us or call in! of alien models on the set.
Our first caller today is Sharon. Hello, Sharon? Ron Yes, we made about a hundred alien models
Sharon Hi. and about two hundred alien facemasks!
Presenter Hi, Sharon. So, what’s your problem? Interviewer Wow! Were there any problems?
Sharon Well, my problem is that my parents won’t let Ron One problem was the heat, because we were
me stay out after 8 pm. All my friends can stay out until filming in Miami and it was really hot. It wasn’t easy –
at least 10 o’clock. When we go out I’m the only one for the actors or for us! Next time, I’ll ask them to film
who has to leave early. It’s not fair! in a cooler place or at night!
Presenter OK, well, later we’ll hear what our listeners
say. Thank you, Sharon, and now here’s Dennis.
Dennis Hi. Answers
Presenter Hi, Dennis, what’s your problem? 1 T 2 DS 3 F 4 F 5 DS 6 T 7 DS 8 T 9 F 10 T
Dennis My parents say I send too many messages. And
they hate it when I read messages during dinner or when
we’re in the car. But I need to read my messages – if 7 Skills Test
I don’t answer them, I’ll lose all my friends!
Presenter I see. Well, that’s a difficult problem… Reading
Dennis, who pays your mobile bill every month? Exercise 1a
Dennis Er… my parents do… 1 The Gillington School Council
2 The students of Gillington School.
Presenter Ah, I see. Yes, well, I’m sure our listeners 3 Once a month. / Every month.
will have lots of suggestions for you, thank you very 4 The school council had a meeting.
much. Next, it’s… 5 They talked to the staff of the school cafeteria.
6 The students.
7 You should tell your class council member.
8 Students and their friends.
Answers 9 Ј3.50
1 T 2 F 3 T 4 T 5 DS 6 T 7 DS 8 T 9 DS 10 F 10 To find out students’ opinions about what they need to change in the
Exercise 2 Listening
Student’s own answers. 08 Exercise 3a
Listening Transcript
07 Exercise 3a Presenter If you had a million pounds to give away,
who would you give it to? That’s the question we asked
Transcript you this week, and our first caller is Kim. Hello, Kim?
Interviewer Ron, you’ve worked as a make-up artist Kim Err... Hi! Err, I would donate the money to a
for a long time, haven’t you? charity that helps people to have clean, safe water for
Ron Yes. I’ve been a make-up artist for about twenty drinking and washing. Over a billion people haven’t got
years. clean water. We should do everything we can to change
Interviewer So, tell us about your most recent film this situation.
and what kind of effects you created for it. Presenter Thanks, Kim. And next it’s… Dave.
Ron My latest film is called The Alien Invasion. Dave Hi! I would donate the money to an organisation
I created special make-up for the actors, and also special that helps to plant trees all over the world. Did you know
models of aliens… that the world’s rainforests may completely disappear
Interviewer What was the most difficult part? in just 40 years? Trees can help us to fight pollution and
Ron Erm… it was hard to make the models look save the land from droughts and floods. We need to save
realistic. There have been lots of alien films, so it was the forests and plant trees!
hard to make them look different from other films. Presenter OK, thanks very much. And who’s next?
Interviewer I see. And how did you do that? Frankie Hi, my name is Frankie.
Ron Well, we have a lot of new materials and Presenter Hi, Frankie. What would you do?
technology now. For example, we can combine make-up Frankie I would give the money to find a cure for
diseases. We shouldn’t spend money on fashion or the Interviewer And what’s the best thing about Sydney?
latest mobile phones – let’s fight these terrible diseases Greg I think it’s the cultural activities – there’s always
that are killing millions of people every year. something going on – music, film, theatre, dance and art.
Presenter Great, thank you all so much. And next week… There are some exciting arts festivals – the largest one
is the Sydney Festival, which has lots of free outdoor
1 F 2 T 3 DS 4 F 5 DS 6 T 7 F 8 T 9 F 10 T
1 F 2 T 3 F 4 T 5 T 6 T 7 F 8 F 9 DS 10 F
8 Skills Test
Reading 9 Skills Test
Exercise 1a
1 In California on the west coast of the USA Reading
2 New York
Exercise 1a
3 over 17.6 million
1 F 2 T 3 F 4 T 5 T 6 F 7 F 8 T 9 T 10 F
4 Hollywood, Beverly Hills, Santa Monica, Malibu
5 beaches, hills, mountains, desert
6 film, arts, media Exercise 1b
7 English, Spanish, Korean Hilary Swank was born in Nebraska in the USA. Her family
8 fantastic art collections didn’t have much money but this didn’t stop her acting. She
9 amazing houses, smart restaurants and shops was also an athlete. She moved to Los Angeles when she was
10 very poor areas, air pollution, terrible traffic sixteen and went on to act in Buffy the Vampire Slayer and
Boys Don’t Cry. She has won two Golden Globe awards and
an Academy award. She has always liked films.
Exercise 1b
Los Angeles is a megacity in California. It covers a huge area including
beaches, mountains and deserts. It is a famous centre for arts including the Exercise 2
film industry. It produces newspapers in various languages and has fantastic Student’s own answers.
art collections. Although it’s a beautiful city with amazing houses there are
also poor areas as well as air pollution. Listening
11 Exercise 3a
Exercise 2
Student’s own answers. Transcript
Daughter So, Dad, I’m going to ask you some questions
Listening about when you were a child, OK?
10 Exercise 3a Anjan OK! I’ll try to remember!
Daughter OK. So, where and when were you born?
Transcript Anjan I was born in Mumbai in India in 1967.
Interviewer Greg, you’re from Australia, aren’t you? Daughter What kind of house did you live in?
Greg Yeah, I live in Sydney. It’s on the south-east coast. Anjan Oh, our house in Mumbai was beautiful! It had a
It’s a great city! big garden full of trees. I used to climb them all the time.
Interviewer It’s a big city, isn’t it? What’s the But then we moved to London when I was eight, and we
population? lived in a much smaller house.
Greg I think there are over four and a half million Daughter So, what are your first memories?
people living in Sydney – it’s the biggest city in Anjan Hmm… One was when I was about four – I
Australia. was hiding in a tree in our garden in Mumbai. Grandpa
Interviewer So what’s Sydney like? was looking for me and calling my name! Oh yes, and
Greg Well, it’s right on the coast so there are lots of another one was when I was five – we were at the beach.
fantastic beaches – forty in fact! It has a lot of great A big wave made Granny’s dress wet! I remember her
parks and gardens too. People from all over the world laughing and shouting!
have come to live in Sydney – there are many people Daughter What clothes did you use to wear?
from the UK, China, Vietnam, Italy and Greece for Anjan Well, when I was a teen, it was the 80s. I loved
example. There are loads of great restaurants where you rock music, and I used to wear a lot of black clothes. I
can have food from these countries. had really long hair once, too!
Interviewer What’s Sydney most famous for? Daughter I have to see some photos of you from when
Greg Well, Sydney Harbour Bridge, and the Sydney you were my age! How did you use to listen to music?
Opera House – it’s a beautiful modern building right on Anjan Most of us listened to music on cassettes in the
the harbour. These are the most popular with tourists. 80s. We had a record player too though, and I used to
And then there’s the famous Bondi Beach, which is listen to old records on it.
really popular for swimming and surfing. You can swim Daughter What else did you use to do in your free
all year round at an outdoor pool there, too… well, if you time?
like cold water in the winter! Anjan I used to write songs! Rock songs of course.
Interviewer Are there any problems living in Sydney? They were all really terrible.
Greg Well, Sydney has some problems, like any big
city… and I’m so far away from my friends in Europe Answers
and the USA! It’s a long flight to get there! 1 F 2 T 3 F 4 DS 5 T 6 T 7 F 8 T 9 T 10 DS