CM Assignment 1
CM Assignment 1
CM Assignment 1
A part.,clc moves m two dt.mcns1ons on the el~psc x 2 + 4 .,2 = 8. At a parllcular instant ,t ,sat the pomt (x,
y) = (2. I) and the \"-Component of its vcloctty is 6 (m suitable uruts). 1l1cn the y-componcnt of ,ts velocity
IS (NET June 20151
(a) - 3 (b) -2 (c) I (d)4
2. 1n the figure shown a particle is thrown from point 'O' towards a heavy sphere lfparticle tS onJyacted upon by
gravital1onaJ force ofsphere then for what mmimum value ofangle o ii will not hit the sphere.
/v '" fli" --
~ JR R
3 A panic le of mass m moves with constant speed•~ along a curve J' = a:c2 . Force on the particle at pomt
(0,0) IS
, '
(a) mWo (b) 2mm~ {c) mavo (d) mavo
2 4
4. A ball weighing l 00 gm. released from a height of 5 m, bounces perfectly elastically off a plate. Th: collision between the ball and the plate is 0.5 s. The average force on the plate is approximately
(a) 3 N (b) 2 N (c) 5 N (d) 4 N !NET June 20171
5. Three equal weights A, B, C of mass 2kg each are hangmg on a string passing over a fixed fiictionless pulley
as shown in the figure. The tension in the string connecting weights B and C is
(a) zero (b) 13 newton (c) 3.3 newton (d) 19.6 newton
6. Two blocks are held as shown in figure. On being released, bow much time it takes for the two blocks to
cross each other. (take g = I0 m/s2)
(a) ✓Jsec
{b) .fi.sec
(c) J1,sec
(d) 2sec 1kg
fa1 South Delhi : 28.-A/I I, Jia, Near- llT Metro Station, Ne"· Delhi-16, Pb : 011-26851008, 26861009
~ North Delhi : 56-SS, Finl Floor, Mall Rold, G.T.8. Nagar (Nrar l\htro Gate No. J). Delhi-09, Pb: 0 ll-41420035
m ,\,~l1tnnwnt-l : ( 'l111t•lul Mrd111nlc'1 (lt('Vl('W or D••k Conccpt•)
7, ,\ hl\\l'k nl 1111,.,,. 2 k~ "' ut I est 1111 o lwr11tm1UI lohlc I he cocll 1c1c111 of fr1ct1on hetwccn lhc block and
1hc tnbk• 1-1 0 I A l111r110111ul ln1 cc J N 111 upphcd lo the hlnck I he '!peed oflhc hlock (in m/.,) uOcr 11
lrns mo, cd u d1stuncc Ill 111 is
~ A ball of mn,;~ 1111s d1oppcd liom II toll huildmg with ,cro 1111110I vcloc1ty. In ndd1llon to gravity, the ball
cwcncncco; n dumpmg lon:c of' the form -y v, where v 1s 1t, instontoncou, vcloc1ty and '/ 1s D constant
Gl\'\:l\lhc\11lucs m 10 ~s. y - 10 kl4"s,r11u.l -":= IO rn/112 , the d1stoncc lrnvcllcd (inmctrcs) int1mc /m
~1.~01\ds, ,s INKT Dec. 20161
(o) IO(t + l - c.1 ) 1
(h) IO(t - 1 t e ) (c) 2 s,
(1 - J) (d) 51 2
9 Asmoll rnmdn>p ofmuss m c.xpc1 ,cnccs o vr!icous thug lb1ce t•., bv, proportJonul to its instantaneous speed
·v· tr,1 stm ts fl\11n n.-st 01 o height h. ,ts spcxd oiler u time• ,· 1s
mg. ( bt)
(a) u(t) b ton\-;;;
(n) ":~n
(b) vJ (c) mvo (I - e~•) (d) mvo (1-e ~' )
K 2K
12. A body of moss m kg is rotating in a vcn,cal ctrelc at the end of a string of length r metre. The difference
in the kine Iic energy ot the top and the bottom of lhc circle is
(a) 6mgr (b) 4mgr (c) 2mgr (d) mgr
13 A particle of mass m is rotnlmg by means of a string in a venical circle. The difference in the tensions at
the bottom and the top would be
(a) 6 mg (b) 4 mg (c) 2 mg (d) zero
14. A paniclc sligcs on theinside surfaceofn frictionless cone. 'The cone is fixed with its tipoo the ground wid its
axis vcrtica~ as shown in the figure on the righL The semi-vertex angle of the cone is a. U'the particle moves in
a circle of radius r0, without slipping downwards, the angular frequency wof this motion will be
(a) J, c!sa
<)v~ (c) Jr c!ta
(<l) J'ii t:n a
rfal South Dtlbl : 28-A/II, Jla Sarai, Nnr-11'1 l\lelro Shlllon, N'°" l)rlhl-16, Ph : 0ll-26851008. 26861009
~ NOf'lh l>tlW : 56-511,. flnt Moor, MaJJl<oatl, ( ., I H. N1a:1r (NMlr Mr 1roG1II(•Nn.J). Uelhl-09, Ph: 0ll- H-1200JS
\"l)l•lm r nt- 1: ( ' lni~lr,11 l\lrrhenll'• (Hrvlrw of lln•IC' ( 'onrepl•J CI)
,~. \ 1ll,n-u111h\nll rod ,1fkt1t.Uh I 1• lyi11l' nlong p,,, ,1,vc ll-11,ijq w11h one end 111 ongm J he rod ha11 ma,, per
(0) -
,, I.
(h) 8 (c) -"I (d) /
1t\ \ l'l\.'8\1 un,fonn l\'I~ ofh...'Tlgth I mld mnsci per unit length JJ goes ovc,·u rnct1onl~c; pulley ofdiameters R, and
I~ t" \, ma,~ M nn<l m nllachcd lo itc; two ends as shown In terms or the distance x, the cqu,hbritrn position
, .. i!-1\"Cll b\
(a) - 1( L - -~1L-+JJR)
m+ M 2 2
I( m+M)
(b) - L+ - -
(c) L - -
I ( L -m-
M -nR
17. lfthe mechnmcal system shown below is in static equilibrium then what is lhen valucoftcns1on T?
I 8. A ball is dropped vertically from a height Hon to a prune surface and permitted lo bounce rcpentcdlyalong o
verucal hne After every bounce. its kinetic energy becomes a qoarter of its kinetic energy before the bounce.
The baJI wtll come to rest after time !Tl FR 20161
(a) mfiruty (b) (2H/g)1'2 (c) 2(2H/g)1rz (d) 3(2l-Ug)11.!
19. A region ofspace 1c; divided into Lwo parts by a plane P, as showo in the ligure below. A particle of mass m
passes from Rcgjon I lo Reg.ion U, where it has speed vI and v2 respectively. TI1erc is o conswnt potentml U1
tn Region I and U2 m Region II. ITIFR 2011 I
Roglon I Region II
u, u,
I et 1 1 be tJ1c kmellc energy of lhc pur11clc~ II\ Region I l f thl, 1ru1cc1nrv 1)1' th'-' 11nn1d~ 1s md11~-<l 1~, the
normal to the plane P by tmglc'I 01 und 03, t111 llhown III the llgurv then th~ 1111io sin 01 smO, L, g,wn lly
rat \uull1 Otll1I , 28-,A/II, Jla Sarai, N1•1u-ll f Ml'lro ~111lun, Nt,\ Otlhl- 16,, Ph : Ull-l6ll~ IOOII. 2~ol009
~ Nurlh (>t·llil , ~ -1111, J•lrtl l<loor, Mall ltuad, ( ..111 'li1111111(Nr11r Mrl'ro t.ah• Nu. J ~ lMhl-ll9, l'h: 011-nUOOJ..II
GJ \"l1tnmcnt I : ( lo~,lrn l l\lt'rhnnln (Hnkn of nn,lr ( onC'eJ)h}
,. A c,p
( _,.J)
If r (11)
,; A(r 'j, - y':)
21. A panic le of unit mass moves tn thC.:\)'•planc m such o way thal ..r(t) = y(t) ond y(t) - x(t) We can con•
elude that 111s mn conservative force-field which can be derived from the poacn1ial
I • l
(o) - (x· + V ) (b) .!_{x' - / ) (c) :c+ )' (d) x - y (NET June 2015)
2 2
22. The 10101 moss of o spherical stor of radius R and um form density is M. If 11 c,plodes into a gas cloud
of much lower density, the grovttatJonal polen11al energy will
GM 1 2GM 2
(a) dccrcac;e by SR (b) increase b y ~
23. Consider the earth as a un1fonn (density) sphere oftotal mass 'M' and radius R Asmoll obJectshdo olong
a tunnel connectmg two potnl!) on the surface oflhc earth nnd 1s acted upon only by the gmv1tat1oml force
due to the earth Usmg the value of the acceleration due lD gravity as 9.81 me1rc/scc1 nnd the radius ofthe
earth R - 6 3 7" I ()b m, the ttmc Lo slide between the two points 1s
24. A high-vdocity m1ss1le, travdhng inn hon,onwl hnc \\ 1th n lmehc encl)\) of 3 0 (i1go-Jouk, (G.I), c,pkxl-:.
in flight and break,!, into two pieces A um.I U of cquul mn.,-. One ofth(.~C p,"w' (A) oil m n ,trati,hl h~ 11"''
pcrpcnd1c." to the ongmal d1n."Chon 111 wlm.:h ti~ mM1lc \Ht'l movmg nnd 11, k1nc11c ci~rg) ~ fr,mJ to Ix>
2 0 GJ If gravity cllll ~ ncgk>t;tcd for such l11gh-H:kx11y pro1cc11k,, II folk,\\, that the other l)k.'\.'t' (R) 11'!\\
off in 11 d1rcct1on ot on w1glo w11h the ong1nnl d1r"'\.lllln ol I n f R 2012 I
(u) 30° (h) 3 , .. 24' (L) 4~" (d) t\0°
~ -,,,ulh Urlhl : 2H-A/ll, .f11 \11r11I, Nur -111 l\h-lro '41tl1111, N,·I\ Urlhl• l6, rh : llll-l611!1100S, lt18bl009
~ -.,,,.,It Udhl ~f,-~H, l<lr, 1 Hoor, M1ll k111t.1 , ( :. t .U, f\1111:11r (1'ur\l,•1ro<,11r "liu. J). IMhl-011, Ph: 01141-t.?tklJ~
A howl, below flleccn!rc ofd,crr~ IJC!I
lfll lht\ lliC1..Bt1i"C 'C J(' ..
2h h h
,M T (r) - (d) -
-' 6
.:-!h "' sptlerioal hQle-=' diamete, R has hcen ,;cooped flit of a solid ~phcre of umform nws dcnsr1y and radrus
R 1llc- h<lk ,-. t.-emrcd al (-'.y.:) = (0.0,R/2) as -.hown m the figure
The ccnttt of ll'UlSS of the body ,s 11
v-;- (b)
V~ (C )J2Gm
-- (d ) J8Gm
)a 3a
2P. A thm rod oflenglh / has density p = p0.r1 I I' , "here .r IS distnnce from one m.1 The roJ is s-~~
by two stnnC,) lied al 11s ends lfth~ so,ngs are ,erttcal nrd rod rem:un:, hon70n.3.l, l1IOO of ~ ' f l m ~'-'
Sir tnp.Jt 1.) close 10 mte-g.cnulue _ __ _ _ {greater Uttn one)
29 A head or mhi Al shde!> along a parabolic ,, tre d-ocribed b:> : = :? ( Ti -1-) ~) Ilk- ,. ir.:- n ~ ~ tth
rmgula, vcloc uy U about the: :-;om Al wha1 , olue of Cl ~ ~ bead 11\lW\latn l.l C\n, tanl ~~'-'\"fl' ~,aht
111'idet the UOIJhll ul gruv 11y alonJ:! : '> ii.U:O. { !tl71
31 I\ o;onpk-pcndulum, rntl!>btmg 111 o <,mall ball of ma..._., · m 01toclx'll to a ma.,;,;lt.'SS c;tnn& hangllg vo1ically from
ttx- 1.~1lhntt ,, 1"-C1lloting" 1th an wi1phludc <,ud1 that the mruomum h.-nsioo m the string~ rclalcxl lo the m•umum
tcl\,11"1 ti, 1 '"' = 21' • Whal b tl1c, aluc of the ma.x,mum 1cns1on is the string?
(almg2 (b)Jmg/2 (c)Jmg/4 (d)Jmg
J2 ·\ pru11clc 1s ,,bscr. cd ullcr 11 has been moving for o long lime under the influence of o constant f<Tcc ma
ml'1.11um that upph~ u drng force proponional to the c;quorc ofils vclocny D1Stnncc versus time groph made by
the '"°''er,c1 ,, ,II look h"-c
, 1 1 ~-
--- -
,(tu t
33. A small body of moss n, slides down from lhc lop of o hemisphere of mdius r The surface of block IU\d
hemisphere are fnctlOlllcss Tiic height at which the body lose coot.act with the surface of the sp~~ is
A region of space 1s dw1dcd into two pol\S by a plane P, as shown m the figure below A particle of ITl.'1SS
m passes from Rt.-gKll'I I to RL"glOO 0, whi..'fe 11 has speed v1 nnd v, ~~-ctM:ly There I!) n consuuu pocenll.ll
U1 in Region I an<l U2 m Region II ITIFR 20111
Rog1on I ReglOn II
IA1 11 he the k111cuc crier MY ut'tlw p11nic1~, in Rq1i11n I II th,· tl\lll'\'t{lr\ ,,t It\(• l'4\lt1,·I,• l'\ 11'11:'IUW l\\ ttK-
lll.Jl'flllll to the plwk" Phy u,1Hk."'j 0 1 und 112, 1u111hm, 11111 Ilk' lig111c tlK·n ti~· 111110 ~u, 0 1 ,ultlJ 1., g,wn h)
(ri!I t-M,ulla ltrll1I I 21 .\/11 . Jl1 l'lu1I , Nn, 111 M, hu S.,ulud, l'\r" I~ lhl lb, l'h I lll I -l~'.\IU\llt, !oSti I ~
~ ._,,, 1ldttllli 1~ 1, !II I lul I 1,.,,,, Mill tt,..iJ,c, I H N•11•• tN, •• \h1111t ;•h· :'l.u I). l~lhl lW, t'h tllll414!~\\
,,,litnmrnl I • ( 111, i lu l i\lf rl11rnh:'I (Rc-vlrw or n.~,c ( IHtC't'JH•) CD
\\ In tlw li.,11,,• , ll\n\11 p,11ttdl' poc, hom l\.'gll'lll (I) tn rl'g11111 (1) 111 (I) 11 h1i-. ,ipcccl v, und p<,tent1;1I
l'lll"f}I.\ 11 \\ hill· 1111\.'v.1011 ( ') 11 lw1 potrn1111I cnupy u Wh1d1 ol thr followtng ts cmrcct
ltq;l1111( I l ltc~1n11( 2J
( b) - I + ~ (u, llz)]
cosO, [ nn,2I
------- .x
4,r 4R 2,r 2R R R 2R 2R
(d) - ,-
(8) 3,c •j; (b) J,r ' J,r (c) 3,r ' J,r ,r IC
37. A pamclc ofmass m, movmgolong lhcx-diroctaon. cxpcncnccs o damping force - yv • where y isa commn1
and " 1s tb mstontancous speed Ifthc speed ol t = 0 is v0 , the speed ot time t is INET Dec. 20181
(o) v0 e "' (b) "n (c) mvg (d)
1+1n(1+Y''.o') m+rvot
38 Two hod1es A and 8 of equal mMs nn: suspended from two ng1d supports by scpnrotc massless sprmg.s havif18
spnng constants k1 ond k, rcsp1.-ct1Vcly lfthc bodies osc,llotc vcnicolly such that their mn.xtmum , clocto.!S mre
equaJ the rauo ofthe ampl11udcof osc1llat1ons ofA to thnt of81s ITI FR 20191
ff'al ~1,utl1 IJr lhl · l N-A/11 , .1111 1'111ntl, N, 11 111 l'\lrt111 'it11tl1111, " n\ Ht"lhl 16, l'h : llll ,l~"t~ .?o.li6100~
~ 'u,,11, lhlhl % !!H, l•lr- 11'1001, J\hll H1>AJ . t . 1 II, N111■1 t l'li ri11 \h·11u( ,11h • ~11- .\ ). ll\'lhl 11'1, l'b. 111141~.?Ull._\~
'\O In lh1HTI91Qemo"l1 ~lOWn 1n II~ llgtirelhtlf:nlll/' ond (J ur fin un tretd,i,hlc siring m,,ve dawn • ;ml with
11111t"m1 ,;peed II l'ull()'S A nncl fhtt 11~cd MM,J \f nl(!V~ Uf'\\ rulb w/lh o pocrl
40 \ h..."1) ~ummg 11\lm O:'-l ~"cs along a c.troight hne w11h constanl acc.clmlt,on fhe vmaoon oftpeed (v)
"•lh J,,.tnncc (<.) ic. given hy graph
41 . A parucle 1s moving along a straight hne path accordmg to the relation
s1 =at 1 ➔- 2br +c
where ·s represents the distance lravcllcd m r seconds, o, b nnd c arc constants. Then the acc.clcration
a of particle vanes as
(a) s' (b) s-3 (c) s2 (d) s 2•
42 An obJcct of mass nr lS thrown vertically up ll is acted upon by a constant resistive force: F. tr , 1 and':
be tune of ascent and time of descent then value oft /t2 is
43 A block on lhe horiwotal table is acted upon by a force F. The graph of fncuonaJ foccc: agamsi Fis
C C:
C. 0
~t gt
(b) .....
(a) :.i.
0 .\:
r- r-
C C:
e 0
~t iJ f
(C) (d) ..'.:
,_ X 0 t-
\,dJ?nnu.' nt I. ( '"~sk11I \terhnnk~ (It<', lrw or lh11lr <on<'cph) CD
44 \ bll'Ck 1-e,b on n ll'lt~h plnnc wl11l,c 111dmn1tun u to 111<• l111n1on111I con he vnrrcd Which of the followmg
gruph, mdll'Utc, hu\\ the fr1ctlonnl fotlC / hl'lwl'cn the hl01.. k 1111d plnnc vurics u-. I) ,.. ,ncrcuscd?
(a) (b)
(C) (d)
45 A boot ofmass m was trnvellmg wnh spt..'Cd ,,11 when ro" mg ,s "topped. Assume rctordmg force due to woter
depends on mstnntnncous speed v us ac"' After whit time the boat will stop ,fmass ofboat IS m
(6'6 (b) (2-a' 2-a) (c) (8-a'8-a) (d)
48. A rod i:> hanging vcrt1caJly from o pivot. A particle, travelling in horizonlol dircclJon, collides wuh the rod
a£ shown m the figure For Lhe rod-pnnaclc system Consider the linear momentum and 1hc angular mtr
mcntum obout Lhc pivot Which oflhe follow mg statement~ are NOT tmc?
(a) bolh lmcar momentum and ongulnr momentum ore conscrvt.-d
(b) linear momentum 1s con~crvcd but ungulormomcnlum as not _
(c) linear momentum 1~ not conserved but ungulor momentum 1s C(ln~ervcd
(dJ neither linear momentum nor angular momentum nr~ conscrvt.'<l IJA M 10 I~ I
f'ral South Utlhl : 2H-A/II, JI■ Sarai, Ntar-111 M,hu ~11llon, Nt-" IMhl-16, Ph 1 011-lM&,IIHMI, 2611~1009
~ 1"'w1h IJdlil : ~~II, 111nl flloor, M ■ll koa&J, (; 1:tt, 1' ■1t■rf°"'uu Mr1rn(:1ud';td). lh-lhl•IW, l'b: Oll41~200J~
A,,l11n111r11t l : C'l11,1knl l\lrd1nnh, (llr\ lrw of Uink C'oncr111,c)
Answor Koy
- ---------
l. (ll) 2. (d) J . (h) 4. (ti) 5.(h) <,.{<') 7.(J to4)
8. (h) I), ( d) IO. (ll) 11 , (l') 12. (C) I J.(n) t 4. {d)
15. (n) I <1. (d} 17. (11) 18. (d) 19. (f) 20. (d) 21.(a)
12. (c) 2J. (c) 24. (n) 25. (c) 26. (n) 27.(d) 28. (J)
29. (d) JO. (d) JI. (h) J2. (11) JJ. (b) J4. (f) J~. (c)
J6. (a) 37. (c) 38. (It) 39. (b) 40. (b) 41.(h) 42. (d)
43. (11) 44. (11) 45. (b) 46. (d) 47. (n) 48. (c)
\"lll nmrnt I ( ln,,lrn l '.\l('d u,nlc ~ (Rr,11-w or Un,lr ( onrc p1,)
Ille- \ht\.'\ 1\.-J hl'.lll\ li,,m n ,mnll hu1 ptm LI lul ~cMchllght pl,1ccd on tht! ground lr,u:ks a
smnll flying
~,11wn111l1\ nl II lhL-J he 1ght ' h nl'1<1,c the g111untl w11h n unilhrm vdt~11y v, us
shown in lhc figure below
ITII-R 2014)
If the scnrchhght sto11s rotntmg with on msluntoncous nngulnr vcklCity "'o nl time , ... 0 when
the plane was
d1rc1:1ly o, crhcad. then ot n Inter lime ' t' 111 ms1nn1nncous angular velocity to( t) is given
(b) I◄ ton wut (c) l +m' t'
(d) - lu,,
1- c~,, +
2 A lnrg.c cyhndcr ofradius R filled wuh pnnicles ofmns m The cylinder spins oboul 1IS OXIS
11 nn nngubnpccd
tu rnd1nns per second, providing on accclcrnllong lor the pnrticlc nt the nm
If lhc temperature r is constant
insider the cylinder. what lll the mtto oflllr pn;ssurc P nt the n.~is to tho pressure P, nt the
0 nm?
mgR] wcgR] mgR 2k T
(o) [
exp 2ki,T (b) exp[-
2k,.T (c) 2k~T (d) ~ 1,J EST 20181
3 An 01rcrnn. which weaght 12,000 kg when unloadl-d, 1s on o relicfm1ss10n, cnrrymg 4,000
food packets
we1ghmg I 1-.g each The pbll• is gliding horizontally with its engines ofioL a uniform SJ)l.'\..'<l
of540 kmph " t-..--n
lhe ftrs1food packet 1s dropped. Assume thnt the horizontal nir drng can be ncglcc1cd ond
the n1rcral1 keeps
movms homon1 olly If one food packcl 1s dropped every second, then the dlc;toncc between
the last f\\O
packet drops will be ITI FR 20161
Co) I 5 km (b) 200 m (C) 150m (d) 100 m
4. A ball ofmas.s m stnrung from rest, fulls u vcnicat distaoce h belbrc slrikmg n vertical spnng,
,, h1c:h ncomp~
by o leng1h c5 Whal b the spnng constom oflhc spnng? {I Imt Mcnsure oil the vcrurol
d1stnrK.'CS from the poo:t
where the ball first touches the uncompressed <;pnng I e, set thJS point ns the ongin oflhe
vertcol n.·u s)
2mg 2mg/, 2mg
Co) 7 (h + ~) (b) b '{h - 6) (c) 7 (h - c5) (d)
7 h IJF.ST2018l
5 A wheel of rndws R rolls ono hon,ontol surfocc w1tJKlu1 st1rping l)Lc;toncc movL'<l by o pomt
ol\m fk.'rlf'~C'\ 01
wht.:cl during o~ full rotnuon is
(u) lfl (h) 2rrR (c)4rrR (d)RR
6 A panich.: •~ moving 111\ u plunc At Mlnll! m~uml ol tune mdml velo~lly ot ranick L, .fi tmw-. trn,i,,\'r.-'-'
velocity rt 6p ci:d nl purtu;II! h K m/\'I thl!n trnn, ,crw src\.- J"
Cu) .Jj ml• (h) 2./3 lll li (C) •I m f:, (J):? m-.
lf'al bwth fklbl 1 111-AJII , Jl11 ft■ral, Nur-111 MC'ln1 ~•th111, N"'' lkllll I~. l'h ! Ull -lU..\IOUtl, lwtot~
~ ••torlb lhilel : ~~H. Mrat Moo,, Mllll Huad, (d ,11 ~•i:•• tN,,u Mt1mti1U,• 1'u. .,). IMhl•...., t'h:Ul\41.Uuo..l\
\ ,,l1tm11rnl I : ( ' lw~~knl l\h•rh1111lr1 (ttn,Jr" uf lltnlc ( onrrph) @)
7. ,m
\ pa, udc I!\ muvms n pllln\: 1:quu\11111 ol ''" p1101 1• , fJ
l:<1n'ilm11 • lt!i trun,;vcrsc uccelcrotmn 1111 / cro
I (11\.1..' nctmg ,,n thl! po• l1l'l1.•. , m,e,. \\ 11h , 011
1 I
, o) - l h) , (c > , (d> •
\ I I f' f'
8 ,\ 1.'. )'l'h!\t wc,p.hms o 10101\,I NOkg " ,th the b,c,~k . pellnls nt o c;pc.;c<l Clf I fJ mis c.;hc stc1ps pcdalhng at
on m,;tnnt "lm:h 1s !liken 10 hc , .. O Due tu the vdcx;11y dependent lr1~1,onal force, her vcloc,ty,. found lo
" " ' 0 .,_ INt: r Dre 20171
,·(1 )=F;o)mi,
" here t 1s m~surcd m seconds When the velocity drops to 8 mis, she starts pedalling ngoin to marntam a
constant speed TI1c energy expended by her in one minute at this (new) speed, IS
(n) 4 IJ (b) 8 kJ (c) 16 kJ (d) 32 kJ
9, The given graph shows the vnnot1on of vcloc:1ty with displnccmcnt. Which one of the graph gwen bebw
com.-ctly rcpresenlS tJ,e vnr111ll0n ofoccclerat1on with displacement
IO Equation of path of a particle is r = e11 • If magnuudc of its speed is 13 t then magnitude of rod ml
speed IS
(a) 12t (b) St (c) 21 (d) 61
11. A narrow tunnel is dug along diameter ofearth nnd a small particle isJcleascd nl one end of tunnel If R be
radius ofearth. g accelcratton due to gravity on earth's surface, v speed ofpll.rtlclc near centre ofeanh then
valucof .[ifi
1s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
12. System shown 111 figure is in eqwlibnum ond Ill rest The sprmg nnd stnng arc massless. no,, the string is
cut The accelerat1on of mass 2m ond m JUSI atler the slring is cut will be
frr.!11 ~ ,11th IMhl : 2#-A/11, JI■ l\aral, Nn, -IJI Mr1rn ~11tli1n, 1'r" lttlhl-1&, Pll I Ull-16lt~IOOll. !0,116100~
~ N1,r1h Urlhl : 4'(...~11, l'h ,1 l'k.or, M•II k, C• I.It Na11.. (lllnu 'hll\l( ••••• J'ilu. J). lk\lll-1)'), l'h, Ol 1--H.allkll~
(ID ,,~,li?nmC'nt- 1· Cl1~,1tal Mcrhnnln (ftnlcw of 0 1nlr ( 'oocepl1)
13 ----------------
\ "'P'-' ,,r kngth I. •~ pulled h't a constnnt force/- . Wh,11 is the tension in the rope at n d1c;t11ncc x from
th.: ,:nd "h.:1~ the fon;..: j., npphc<l
(n) t I '\ (b) 1: (I - "1') l (c) /· / /(/ t) (d) f xi(! .t)
14. l\,o panidcs ol mo-... m coch arc t1c<l 01 the ends of a light slnng oflcngth 2a The whole system IS kept
<ln a lndionkss homontol -.urfocc with the string held tight so that each moss ~ at a d1swncc a from the
centre/> (ns shown Ill the tigurc)
p m
Now, lhc mid-point of the strms is pulh..-d venically upwards w1lh a small but constant forccF As o n.."Sult,
lhc pamcles move towards each other on the surface. 1bc magnm.1dc of accelcrn11on, when lhe separation
between them becomes 2x, 1s
F a F X Fx
(o) 2m J 0
2 -x2 (b) 2m J02_;e (cJ - -
2m a
15 In the figure shown coefficient of friction between the block and inclined plinc as µ. Whnt should be "aluc
of r- so lhat block slides up the plane wilh constanc speed
16. A 2kg block is lymg on a rough surfncc ff coomc,ent of stat.Kl fnc11on between the block ru,d ground
is 0.2. What mnx1mum force can be applied on the block w1thou1 moving 11
17 In M1ll1kan'5 011-drop cxpc-r1mcnt on 011 drop ofro.d1us r. mos-. m on<l chnrgc- q "m1r t,•1 ➔ , • ) f. b m1)\I~
upwlil'ds w11.h n LL·munal \lckic 11y ,,, due tu Wl Oflflh,:J cll!I.Jnc fie kl ol mu~nnutlc F.. "hen• ,, b ~ ""'~ll~k.'nL,
of \11)(.;hSlly ., he U(;ct:k-rullun due tll gruvtly Ill l(I\ICll by tn·s I 20161
(ia) g c t,m1,,,.Jm (h) g • Jrn1n•/m (l:I >: = 6rr1111· fm (\I) .~ • '"'ln':lm
IH A partlek· 111 t1W)lll 111 h thrown u1,w111d "'1th\ cllll·ll) \ 1111tl tl\\'h.' 1, h:tu1J1ng u11 t\·-.1,11u,'-,' l'"'l~.llll\f\al I\,'
the i,quur..: ,,I the vc~x;1ly w 11h p111pu,1io1111hly w1hlol11I ~ II ti"· J\clllk "-1 u11u11\, J nu,m,um "'·•~ht olk1 lull\'
I , umJ" II lhc MI UVIIUIICllllll UlCdc1ut1n11, \\ hlll l!li thl' \doCII\ \ > 1ns1 I
rtr.!11 ,;1,ulh lltllil lH-.\111 , II• ~.,111, l"iru 111 Mt uu ~h1llcm, Nm Odhl tc,, l'h , 1111 -lMl~I~• .?NIC\lllt)ll
~ ; :,,.. ,....1 '1011 11r . 1ti.,.., , r.1:11ltui1J 1.1 . u ~11111111•11111 M r 11,1(,o1h
1 " ;-j). ''~lhltW, I'll \lll--Ullll(I.,\\
_________ .....;.,.___1. n11-.,knl Mrd1enlt• (k r, -lrn or HA~k -------------==-
\\\lpnmruf- ( IIJl<'l'J)t~) ill)
1\l , hC" th.'\.' lnll '"""' , 11 ll ll'\I lllll<,S \\I\ 1111 oh11.:tl ol 111U<,S ,\/ ti11111 II hl•1gh1 '1/( lo/{ Ii r.,f_,S'JI
(U) ( n 2 • l)
- (h) JIc;M
l' (C) (,r/J)
J <,M
(d) ,,,
20 Sphm(ol p,ll11~ks ol n g,, en mn1c1101 llflknsuy fl nrc rdca~cd fwm rest 1m,1dc o ft(rutcl medium of lower
J"·ns11, 111c, tsCllu, llmB force mov be oppnl\nnotcd hy the Stoke's low, 1c. f ~ = 6rrriRv . where 11 is
llx, L'C'l\,tl\ llf the mL-dmm, R the radius of o pun,clc and v lb mslanlnncous velocity If t{ m) is the 1,mc
111! b, a particle ofmn!-s m 10 rcoch half 11s 1cn111nol vcloc11y, then the rn110 t(8m) / t(m) 11
~, -\ pantde trnvcls ma medium nlong o honzontnl lmcar poth The 1m11al vclocny of the particle as 1•0 and the
force octmg on 1t is propon1onnl 10 its mstnntnncous veloc11y In the absence of ony other forces.
, l!>CC'IUS
"hich one of lhc following figures correctly represents the velocity of the particle os a funcuon of tune?
12. A body of moss m falls from rest a1 a height ' h · under gravity (acceleration due to grnv1ry g) through a
dense medium "hich provides a resisuve force F =- A"l'~• where k is o conston1 and , IS the s ~ fl
"tll htl the ground with n kinetic energy ITIFR 20 I~ I
m g
(a) --exp
(-- 21.JI) m!g
(b) -
ianh -
2/; m 2k m
23 A particle ofmass 0.01 kg falls freely m the earth's gmvitouonal field with an m.mal ,,e~1l)1 ,'(O) =toms-•. lf
the au C")l.ef15 a frictional force ofthe form. f = - kv , then fork = 0 05 N m-•s. the ,-elocity l m ms ') a t ~
r• 0 2J is_ _ _ (upto twodl!Cuno.l places) (use g = I Oms· ) nnd e= :!.72) !GATE l015]
A paruc le M' ah ~ -varying mas~ m ( /) = m11 ( I - ~) . " here m,1 lll\J t ore f1'.~lll\l.' \'\'f\'\lllf\b. m,." ""'S id,.~
tJ-.e A--ilU:i uode, the action ol o CUfbttlllt ,n-1t1\\.' Ion;~ F lor OS I S r If the (\llrtlfk '-' Ul 1,-:.-l :U lulll: I c: \) ,
then a1 11mc: t • ,, 11, vdl>l 11y ,. ~ 111 ll\.' 11 It-'~ [email protected]
(I) r/
lo~(I 1
) th>
It (I
:J (II) 1/ ( 1 ,' l
"'u "'·•
(ill \Ul(lnm 1 nt -1: ( lt1"ICG I Mtc h1'nlro IU nh•n or "••Ir ( fln('f'Jll\J
2-" I\ llll -.101,i. h,~n ''l~I nnlhtl'I.: l'lc111h's u1lllc1 .i lc•1!C / 11ic1c.is111g
lmc:.uly rn rrme u~ / 111 vihcre a ru1!
Al 1101,~ r, 0 1hl.-- h,n,• I· 1c; '-lliltkn h s,, 111.:lll'll 11II Al II ll1IL1 111nc
t1 1, hrn~.cs ore ,pphcil resuhm g ,n u (rJfCC
, .. "hos(• mAgn1 h1lh! ml t~,,~l'~ hnc II Iv" 1th 111nc, / ' "C, , 2 1 \\here " 1'! the snmc conslll nt M hdOfe
\\ lm.'h ,,fthl' 11,11.," mg gmphc: " oul,1 best represent the r m the
pos,1100 or the car x(tJ wrth hmc"
(b) rra FR 201 s1
(C) (d)
0 ,,
{cJ J2.n,, (J) ~
lJ.: "' the vr~oo i \IUCJIIDII IUUIII Wlll d1J11t1,11t1011 ul lilH Ulj \S
I 21 I
( I) ' (ll > A (, I ;!A
➔ y
1 1
~9. A h1k~ !'-tuntmon ri<l~, 11t'1dco well offnchonlcss surface given hy: (l(;c ) , umJcr the u<.llonofgruv1ty
m::tmg m the n~gnt,,·~:•lhrcction g = - gz Whal speed should he momtom to be nblc to mlc o.t o const,int
heght : 0 " 1thout liuhng down ? l,fEST 20 J~ J
(b) J3g:n J2g:0
(d) TI,c hiker,, 111 not be able to mn,ntom o constant hc1gh1. 1rrcspcc11vc ofspeed
30. "hoop ofradius a ro1otcs with constant angular velocity aJoboul the vertical oxas as shown in the figure. A
bead of ma!is m can shdc on o~ hoop without fnot1on If g < ,1io , at whnt angle O oprut from Oond ,r is the
bead stationary , c , -dO = -d 0 = O) ?
dr dt l
--P I
(o) tan O= ,rg/c,ia (b) sinO = glula (c) cosO = gl<1ia (d) tnn O = ghra,'a
31. Two masses M1 and M, (M, < Ml ) arc suspended from a perfectly rigid horiLOntol support bya system of
three tnut massless wires W,, W1 and w,,as shown in the figure. All the thrtt wires have 1denucol CTOS!i-
sect,on and elas11c pr~r11es and are know lo be very strong ITI FR 2012 I
Jfrhc mass M~ 1s increased gradually. but without lunu, we should expect the wires to br!!nk m th~ fol11.," ms
Ca) fim w,, then w, Cb) rirst w,. then W2 (c) First Wi, then w, (d) r,r,t W 1
32 Consider the pokntwl lil!ld I'{ x,y) wluch t'I Oond - le) ( "' > 0) (1.~ tx"Cll\'Cly in II\\! T\'~l\\l'b \\t\ gr1.-ah,,. iU.J
lcssth.w11.cro f ..d fJ and o' be unglc11 ol uic 1dcncc the pun ick.• \\1th,~,, ~a,i,. a111\<- Jl\'lllll..'f
triCidow.:e iia 11 cr°"c~ the x-u,m1 I lkl , utto , in ( 0) / s 111 ( 0 ') is given ( 111 lcmb ot ,, - Ii, I-. }h,
(ill \ssignmcnt- 1: C lo,., icol Mcrhonic, (Re, icn or Buie ( onccpts)
.,.7 r.v;; I 2V
(n) (b) f ~£ (c) I ➔ o
(d) I 1- Eo
33 A pa-t1deo( ma;sm Is a lhestooleBtullibrium posilloci of llspot01t.1al energyV{x) = ax-bx 1
\\ here n. b arc pos1ll\'c constants l he mm,mum velocity that has to be unpartcd to the particle to render
It!- monon unstable is fNf',T .June 20JJJ
(a) (Ma' 9m2b) 1 4 (b)(64a3 / 27m2 b} 1 4
(C) ( 16n' 27m~b) 1 ~ (d)(3o3 / 64m2b)'- 4
34 \ spnng of force constant J. IS stretched byx It takes !Mee as much work to stretch a second spring by x/2.
The for~e constant of the second spnng is, IJ EST 20 I 51
(a) J. (b) 2k (c) 4k (d) Sk
'\5 An obJecl of mass m, 1s fixed to a massless rod pivoted at pomt " 8 " as show m the figure below
1l1erod IS free to move m anyw:rcction Wllhoul nny resis~.Alargcmass M IS fixed to the pout A lfthe two
masses interact with each other via gravrtythen the genera] motmn ofthe system wiU satisfy the cond1t1on
(a) Onl)' the total angular m~ntum oflhc system 1s constant
(b) Only the total energy ofthe S}'Stem is constant
(c) Both t..'llCrgy and angular momentum ofthe system arc constant
(d) Neither energy nor lbC" momentum ofthe system are constant
36 Two paniclcs of lllilSSC$ m1 and"'~ arc placed 'd' dJstance apart. Due to graV1tot1onul ottracuon they mo"-c
toward!> each other Whal is speed of m1 when their scparauon reduces 10 d/2 ,
37. The radius ofFarth lS approxunalely6400 km The he1ghlh at which &he occclcrnt1on due to Eanh's gravity
differs from got the Earth's surface by appro,cimatcly I% as IN ET Dec. 2014 I
(a} 64 km (b) 48 km (e) 32 km (d) 16 km
38. lrnagme that a narrow tunnel is excavaied through the Earth as shown in the diagram on the lefi und that the
mass cxcavau.-d to crea&e the tunnel is C.'(tremcly smnll compared to Eunh 's mass Af ITIFR 20161
A person falls mto Ihe tunnel 01 one end. at tune l = 0 Assuming that lhc tunnel lS fnctionless, the person" ill
(a) t.8.11 stmigh1 through, escaping Earth's gravity at lune 2,r./ R' /GM
(b) describe simple harmon1t: motion w11h (lCnod 2,r (d/R)JR 1/GM
(cJ describe !)lmple harmom1. mot1on wuh pcnud 2,r ✓(R ,/) 1 G.\I
31) 11c,r 1s 'ipring ma,!) !>~tern or :,mtplc pendulum which of lhc :.U11cmcn1 L, com:d rcg1mhns DC\.-clcnll\011
(a) II 1•, mJxImum ul mcJn po:,IUon Ih) ll 1s mux1m11m c,1rc1m.• (llhl(l()lb
(,) It arnc every where (d) 11 ,, ne \-l' t 1cm
~ ~1,utll Hr lhl 11f -N II , Jh1 ',1nl, Nur 111 Mtlro 'f•tlon. i'l'" Udhl-U,, Ph : tll 1-26'1~10ott. !61lol009
~ ,-.i,r-111 Urlld ~. '!H, I Int U ri(,,, ~htll l(,,a\l, f, I II, N1114111 (1'ur \lrtrn( ,att NlL .I). Dr lhl-09, l'h: 011 -U~20lll~
' "'l!nm r nt ,f : (' IIH~lul i\hchank~ Cltt~ln• or Ua11t <,,n<tphJ @
40 Ono pL111ct ha, 11lg lhc &,1mc ma"" OJ1<l da.anlltcr us the l:.mth, 11 JJ <>h· crvul lhJI uhp:11 hc.c.1,mc we~k,.
.it the 1.i.1uotm hnd lhe time pcrllld nr rotn11nn of 11111 pl.met in minulc..-s (u ; defined on the r~.,,thJ
I flff< 20J6J
41 '\ h.111 Jroppcd Imm n height h canunlyollnm the height 4h15 olh.:r hourw.:mg,,fl the fli11r lfth.:tr.1111.. dmppcd
fwm o hc1gh1 ufl m, Lhc tune 11 will tul.c lo l:ornr In rest t•, oppt(llltmntcly
I lgll<ln! uu r~t~la.ncc ond th\: hnitc rndrus ol ti-.: b,111 J
(nll9,; (h)38 s (c.)kO s (dJ41ll
42 ,\ "tl'l...: 1s dmprcu ,crt1cally Imm the tnp ol o tuwcr ofhc1gh1 Wm Al the '-!me 11mc a gun 1s armed dircctly
at the :.tone Imm the ground at o horvontal dutuncc 30m from the ba~ of the lower and fired ff 1he hullct
from the gun ts 10 h11 the stone be lore 11 reaches the ground, the mm1mum vcloc11y of the hulk.'1 must be,
appro,unatcly, (Tl f k 20131
(a) 57 4 ms-• (b) 27.7 ms- 1 Cc) 17 7 m.,- 1 (d) 7.4 ms-•
43 Coru;1dcr a simple pendulum m Lhrcc-duncnsional space. II con.s1S1S of a s1nng length/ 20 cm and bob mass
m = 15 kg attached to 11 a shown m the figure below. The acceleration due Lo grav,tyo downwards 33 shown
in the figure with a magnitude g = IO ms · l,Jf..:.\~f 20181
m • IS ~S
a mtOrru
The pendulum 1s pulled m thcx- : plane aoa position wherethcstmgmakesan angle O= with thcz-axis
It is then released wuh an angular velocity n radian:, per second so that the qle thc stnng makes with z-axis
docs not change with tune?
44 An obJCCL 1S dropped on a cushion from a height IOm above n. On bemg hll, the cushion IS depressed by 0. Im.
Assummg that the cushion provides a constant rcs1511vc force, the dccelerauon of the obJcct after hitting lhe
cushion. m terms of the occelerauon due to gravnyg is INET June 20191
(a} IO g (b) 50 g (c) 100 g (d) g
45 A pr0Jec11le of mass I kg 1s launched al an angle of30" from the dtrccuon 011 = 0 and takes ume T
before hnung the ground If 115 mrual speed 1S IO ms-', the value ofthe ocuon mtegrol for the cnurc 01ghl in the
units ofkg m's-' (rounded olTto one decunal place) I S _ _ _ __ !GATE 20191
46 A bullet with tmLiaJ speed ,,0 IS fired al a log of wood 'The res1St1ve force by wood on the bullet is gi, en by
,,-v" . "'here a < I What IS the tone taken to stop the bullet ms,de the wood log ? IJEST2019I
m ,,u-•
m ,P•I
m ,,,
o , ,1 - a
11 11-
(a} - - - (b) - - - (c) - - - (d) - -
11 I - a 11 a+I 17a + I ml - a
47. A th111 un,form steel cham ts IO m ~ with a linear mass dens.oy of2 kg m 1 1l1e cham ~ , erocall) "ah ooc
end atlached to a uxle, having ll ncg!Jgi>ly small radius compared to tb k.-ngth Whal is th!.-" on. d..10e
(in N-m} to slowly wmd up the chain oo to Lhca~lc'? T~ occclcn11100 due 1c1 gra\ll) ,., g - Q.8 I m:; .
fal South Ot'llll : 28-A/II , Jla ~1r1l, Nta,-111 Mttro S.atlon, ~"' Dtlhl- 16, Ph ; 0ll-268~1008.. l6h1009
~ 1'ur1b Dt'lbl ; ~,a. tint t- loor, Mall Muad, ( a 8 ~•tc•rt ~..., Mttro <:att l\o. .l). Or•~. PII; 011 -U ~llt@J!'
\,,i~nmenl- 1: ('la~,iul l\lecb,mic, (Retiew of Buie ( onctptJ)
48 A pa11deof massm L'- plnC\.-<l 011 on mdmcd plonc making an ru.ltuslllblc unglc O wrth the howontal. as shown
111 the figu1c 11~ cocffic1cnt of lhclton between the porllclc and the mclmcd plane 1sp
lfthc ,nctu~d plane IS mo, mg ho11zo11tnll) '" 1th o uniform oct:elcrot1on a ,. ~ (sec figure). the Villue of O for
,, hich the particle will n!mom nt n:,;;t 011 the plane 1s ll lFR 20191
(a) O = tan 1 (µg+o
g - µa
) (b) 0 = t:Ol 1
(µo +g)
o + µg
(c) 0 = cot
1 (d) 0 = tan 1 (µg+
.\ perfectly straight twmcl tS dug bet\\ ecn any two points on the surface of the Earth which can be treated as
a stanc sphere ofun1fonn dcr1S1ty p The tunnel docs not necessanly pass through the centre ofthe Earth Ifa
particle 1S allowed to shde without fnctmn m this tunnel under the action ofthe Earth's gravity, rl wtJI execute
simple hrumoruc motion with llme penod ITlfR 20191
µ;- rT ~
(a) v,;c; (b) '-J2p{i (c) J2:pG (d) ~pG
50 A ball. wttally at rest, is droppoo from a height/, above the Ooor bounces again and again vertically. Ifthe co-
efficient of restitution between the ball and the 0oor 1s 0.5, the total distance travelled by the baJI before 1t
comes to rest tS INET Dec. 2019)
(a} 8/1/3 (b) 5h/3 (c) 3h (d) 2h
51 Followmg a nuclear explosion. a shock wave propagates radially outwards. Let Ebe I.he energy released m the
explosion, and p be the mass density of the ambient air. Ignoring the temperature of the ambient air, usmg
dtmens1onal analystS, the functional dependence ofthe radius R oflhe shock front on E, p and the time t is
Er- , )u ( p~)i·s £1- , 1
- (b)
Er P
(c) - (d) £pt jNET Dec. 2019)
52 A particle is to slide along the horizootaJ circular path on the inner surface ofthe funnel as sho\\>n in the figure.
The surface ofthe funnel tS frictionless. Wbatmust be the speed ofthe particle (in terms ofrand 8) 1f1t1S to
execute this mouon? jJEST 2020)
(a) .jrgsin8
(b) Jrgcosa
(c) .Jrg tan 0
(d) .Jrgcot0
S3. Two JOggCrS A and Bare running at a steady pace around aCU'C\Jlar track. A takes T ~ mmutes whereas B takes
T8 (> T,.) to complete one around. Assuming that they have stnrted together, what will be tune takm
by A to overtake B for the first tune? (JEST 2019)
(a) 2,r I I
(b) - - - (C) - - (d) ( - ' __
I ) I
r. . - T 8 r,
T8 T1 +T8 r, r,
(ral \4/ulh Drlhl : lH-A/11 , Jl11 ,■nl, Nnr- 111 ~h-lu1 \lalloo, !'Ii,," IMhl-16. t•h ; Ull-l68~100ll. ?blc)I009
~ ~,,nb l>rlhl . 5lr-~H, Nnt Moor, Mall Moad,( ~ l.ll !'i•K•• t'll111r Mttn, <:aud\o. J~ ltdhl-09, Ph: 0 ll-11~?0O..\~
S4 1,, ,, tu,,.: \h:1'C11di:11t 111,n-11. :u1, n 11,,s 11(/l 11ml v(t I , which 111c not 1m1i,1lly p ,rullcl to cuch mhcr, satisfy
1 11" • O ol nll tune
1; .._ d, - , x t II lhl.!lllCU 111 lh~ pa1mllclogrnm formed hy u(f) nnd vii I he /f(IJ and
dt Jt the
un,t 111'fln,\I, "\:t\11 tt, 11 hi! ,i(,) thl n IN f, I Nr,v. 20201
(a} 1(1) mcri:,1ses hncarly \\llh r, hut ,i(t} is o con.~L1111
(h) Jf(O mt:l'-':\'-C'\ lmc.1rly \\ 1th f and 11(1} rotnlcs obout 11(1) )( il( t)
\C') ((() I i, 0 con\lOnl, hut
rnlotc.. obout u(r) < \'(/)
(J) A(r) ond n(f) ar" LOnstonL,
55 \ tncuonkss h1mzontal cm:ulnr tnblc 1s spinmng wllh I urufonn angular vcloc,ty ,,,
about the vcnicaJ axis
t.hrough its centre If• ball of radius 'a' IS ploccd on 11 ot o distance ' r' from the
ccnlrc of the table, its lt~r
\'doc1t)''' 111 be
!NET Nov. 20201
(n) - rrt1r+awO (b) a,uO nur-. (c) awr+ rruO (d) 0 (1cro)
The suspended is at rest ms1de Lhe hfl wluch l!i d~cendmg vert,cally at
a SIX,"t.'d ofO 5 ms lflhe bl\
suddenly stops, the amplnude ofosc1l lnt1on ofll1e mnss will be
!Tl FR 2020 I
Ca) 0.20 m (b) 0.25 m (c) 0.05 m \d) I 25 m
59 Consider •~o planets fl and I', which be modeled as umlonn sphcr~ or
radu R1 and R, n::-p\.'Cl\\cl\.
and ofthe same mntcrwl w11.h 1.hc same dl"l'\SIIYund other phy.;1cnl properties Ifthe
ma.\lmum ix~1b~ hc1gh1 ol
a comc-..11 mountain (ofthe some matennl) on there planets 1s dcnot\."tl hy h nnd
1 h1 n:-,p"'Ctl\d\ ("' c: R ,
h1 < R1 ). then the rulin /,1/ I, 1s
l111' R 20201
(fal Suu.Jh f>d hl I lH -A/1I, Jla haral, f\inr-111 Mclru Sf1llun , Nr,, llttbl-16, t•h : 011 -lbll~IOOS.
~ "t,wtlJ Odl,I I ~l,.'111, I Ir.I H our, M illi H,uul,f . l ,U Nll(it ( ~ •••
l\lr l nil,•h '\o..J). lldhl-ll i, l' hil>ll- H,UO\l\ '-
l ,,, J ,. ,,~l\111 \ "' l nn~drnl Mn h1111lt• (Hn lrt\ ur u n~k ( -" "_r_r_r _,._>_ _ _ _ _ _ __
Nl I\, 11b.,11~ ''"· ,h,1ppl·d 1111111 the top ,,111 l1111h lo\\lf "1th 11 t1111c mh:rvnl of~' !ICCond, where 111 ,,~rn,,lfcr th;in the
hllh' 1,1!.1:ll h, tlw Iii ,1 h.,11 to I\ ,ll h th1. 11u:l,1, 11L' fh11._11 I h1 <11 ~111111..c !l he tween the two h,1ll11, pkAlcc.l ugam'lt lhc
tmw Inf"\' 11t,,m th\.' 111, 111111 ot ,h,1111111111. thl' '•L l11t11I h11ll I best ~cp11111tc<.l hy
~I . \ """l'kJX'lll.lulmn Lflllw,tmg.t1I u rc,111t nlll'-'I ' m' hl'd tou ma.,.,h,:-;,; string oflcnglh / c:xc•u1le~sm'J.ll
.. ~1llatiom
,,rtn:qucnq ,,, and umphtudc I ~ l 011 ll1e n, cmgc (over o complete time period / ,,,
- of the pendulum)
m. ,.,,.,.
, '\
2 2
(n) mg+- - - (d) mA '-''
4( 21
61 l" o "oodcn blocl.s arc movmg on o l!lllooth horvonwl surface such that the mass m remains stationary
w11h rc.,pcct to block of mass M as shown m figure. The magnitude of force P 1s
(a) (i\/ +m).(? 10n f\ (b) gum p (c) mg cosP (d) (A/+ m)coscc p
63 A port1clc 1s moving in o circle of radius r0 with constant SJk."'Cd ,,0 Suddenly rodml force ocung on the
pnrt1clc becomes zero Radial speed of the p-arttclc as o function of radial d1stoncc (r) voncs us
,, r.
(b) ...!l.!!.
r (c) ' '"
n . (d) ' 'u
A block of mass M IS held against a \ICl'UCal wall by applyalg a fon:c F. Coetllc1L'flt ofstnlJe fncoon bct,\ccn
R 0
the wall and the blocl-. 1s µ The smallest value of F that con do 1s
(D) µMg (b) -,:--;
+ it
(d) µMg'
6S. In the figure shown coctlic1cnl of stnt1c fnc11on bc1,,1.'\:n the bloc~s is O5 while ground b -.m()()(h \\ hich
of I.he following suucmcnt 1s true
(a) Friction force on IO kg blod. ts SON
. . . . IO N
Ih) I·r1c11on force on IO kg hlod; l'I -
(c) I he hlockr. do nut mow on the 11001
Cd) 10 kg hlod 11liJcs on 20 ki hlud
fral S4,ulh Dtlhl 1 211-A/l I , JI■ S■ r■I, Nur-111 Mrtrn Sl•llon, N,·" lklhl-lo., l'h : 011-lbll,lOO.. 2686100~
~ "'41,rtlllkllil 1~~It, I Int floor, 1\1•11 Hu.J,f .. I.H. N11111 (!''fr•• i\ll'lni ( ;11r ~o. .\\, 1)(-lhl-lW. t'ht lH 1-U41Ckl\~
\"l1lt1IIH' III I • ( ln,,h nl \h•d11mh ~ (Hnlt" of Un•lt ( 'oncq,h)
lfthc mass M., IS increased gradually, but without loml. we should expect the WlfCS to break m the following
order· •
(o) firstW 1 , thenW 1 (b)firstW.,thcnW1
(c) first W 2• then W J (d) first W3
69. A umfonn ladder of length 2L and mass 'm' leans against a waJI in a vertical plane at an angle O to the
honzontal The floor is rough, having a cocffic1cn1 of static friction µ. A person of moss M stands on the
ladder at n distance O from 1lS base (s<..-e figure). lfthe wall as frlcuonlcss, the maxunum distance {Dnu,>
up the !odder that the person can reach before the ladder slips is ITIFR 20141
fral ~ourb Dt lhl : lH-A/11, Jl11 ~11raJ, Nnr•II I Mrrrn ~11th111 1 Nr" IMhl-16, Ph : 0ll-268~\00tt, loi61009
~ Norlh l>t-1111 : ~~H. l-lnl Moor, 1\11II H1..d, t ~ l,lt, l\11111r CNr1r l\lt1ro«;111,, ,o. J). Ut lhl-lW. l'b; 011~1.-100.,~
\,,l1tn1111 Ill I c1i, ..1lrnl :\11·1 h1111ln (It,' '"" ,;, 1111 ,lt ( llllf'l11 1)
'h\ \\' lllllfl"l1ll 1111"' ,,1k 11lllh I lllkl 11111~"1 po 111111 kngth fl r«ll~ 11\l'I II l11ch1mlc:- !I pulley 11fth,mictcr R, find
h., \"'' m 1 •~ t\ I L1n, I m 1111111.:h..:d In 11~h, 11c11,l11 11 , shm\ 11 111 k 1111q ol lhc 111 tun~c it, Ilic ct1111l1hr111m poo111on
h l'l\\.llh\
·- · .
t_ - nl
ln) .!..(1.- ~ 1 ~ )
~ m◄ M 2
(h) '(1.+!n+M)
2 ~1
(c) I. nR
2 (d) •
'( 1.-m-
-M- nR
µ 2
72 \ f'.'lldulum ,~made- olu masslc-.s stnng ollcngth Lond o smull bob ofncghg1blc svc nnd masc,m It is rclc:.iscd
n'-llJn~ on 011 ( « I rod) lrum the Wt~n pass11g through the vertical, the string shps o b,1 from the
pm.,1 ,o that 11s knglh I\Creascs by o smJU nmoum 6(6 « l ) m ncghg1blc hmc. lf11swm~ up 1oonglc O, on
the olhcr ,;1dc helore sUU\mg to S\\ mg back. then toa good appro,umatJOn which ofthe follow mg expression IS
CC\ITC~i'? IJAM20l 7, J f..ST 201 91
73 A pan.1clc of mass m is moVlllg an a circular path of constanl radius r such thnl 11s ccntnpcml occclcrallon
a, 15 vorying with I as a, = k1 rti. where k is o constant. The power delivered 10 the parttclc by the
force ncung on 11 1s IJEST 20221
(d) 0
74. The front-end of o Lrnm movmg w1Lh constant occelerntton, passes a pole w1U1vcloc11y 11, and ,ts bnck-end
passes I.he pole with velocity v W1lh whal velocity does the mtd-pomt oflh1s tr.11n pass the same pole?
Ca)JqZ (c)
(d) u + II
rf'dl South ()dbl : 28-A/1I, JI• Sarai, Nnr-111' Mt lro \lallon, Nr" Ot•lhl-16, l'h • 01 l -26tt~IO(l8, ?btl61~
~ North fk lhl : ~~H, flnl t-101,r, Mall Koad,G. Lii. l\114ar (Nur M,•1ru<:111· Nu. .l). t)('lh~, l'h;Ol14Hl00l~
1S ""-'"' -xi
\ ,111.11111h1\'\'I I 111 nw,.. "' '" Ir'-'-' h1 'Ihde 1111 the plu,w ol 1111 mnttulm b(O(.~ IJ of fTIU4t'l 2111 (\Cc figure)
11111111ll, h11th ti~ hh:1..., 1uc mol11ll1k,<1 Ilk1d. I ,101 l'I 'lhdmg under the 111.l1nn ofl!rllVtly from tho h1ijfx:<il point
lll hl1~ I.. fl \\ ,, the the 'lh:l'd ufhlo,k II "hen hhJ ,I hib the Ooor 'I 1n:s'f 21)221
(o) I fii (h) .!. [ii (C) Jii (<l) 2 fi:1
3 2 3
76 ,\ cm:l..ct ball, bm, 11.-J h) a fru,t lxm li:r '"~ h om the pllch al on angle of JCr w,th a \peed of72 km/hr, then
mows [email protected] ond, ot o height of O5 m. s1nkc11 the not surfocc'I of the hot held firmly ot rc~I in o
honzooml pm,111,,n (<;1.'C figure) M, o 1cc;ull. the hall bounccc; off clost1cully, prov1dmg o rclumcotch ~tro1ght
had, Ill the ll()\\ lcr f fl FR 20221
II the co-cmc,cnt ofrost1Lul1onbctwccn the bal and tl1c ball 1s 0.577, thcaccclcmuon due 10 gravrty IS 10 m s--
and 01r rcs1stoncc enn be neglecied, the catch will carry, before h1t1mg the ground, to a distance of opproit1•
(a) 195m (b) 210m (c) 95m (d) 370m
Answer Key
I. (<') 2. (b) J . (c) 4. (a) 5. (d) 6. (c) 7. (c)
8. (b) 9. (a) 10. (b) 11.(1) 12. (a) 13. (b) 14. (a)
JS. (c) 16. (b) 17. (n) 18. (c) 19. (n) 20. (c) 21. (d)
22. (d) 23. (4.93 to 4.98) 24. (c) 25. (c) 26. (b) 27. {ll)
28. (b) 29. (c) 30. (c) JI. (d) 32. (b) 33. (b) 34. (d)
35. (c) 36. (c) 37. (c) 38. (d) 39. (b) 40. (85) 41. (c)
42. (c) 43. (IO) 44. (c) 45. (33.2 to 33.4) 46. (c) 47. (981)
48. (a) 49. (a) SO. (b) 51. (1) 52. (d) 53. (d) 54. (d)
55. (d) 56. (c) 57. (b) 58. (n) 59. (a) 60. (c) 61. (a)
62. (a) 63. (c) 64. (b) 65. (b) 66. (b) 67. (o) 68. (d)
69. (b) 70.(d) 71. (d) 72. (d) 73. (a) 74. (n) 75. (a)
76. ()
(cal ~oulb Delhi : 28-N II , Jla S11rol. ,car-llT \lrtro Station, 'le\\ Oelhi•IG, Ph : 0ll•26851008. 26861009
~ "<iortb Deihl : SG--58. Hnl f-loor, Ma.II Rrod. GT. O ,og11r ("Iicar \lrtro Gnr, No. J). Drlhi.D9, Ph: 011-" 1~200JS