Writing A Rationale
Writing A Rationale
Writing A Rationale
Writing a
► It’s a RATIONALE. I will immediately give
Firstly, get the you a D if you submit a RATIONAL.
name right…
► A rationale is designed to accomplish
several things:
► Demonstrate an understanding of the
medium you have chosen
What’s the ► Demonstrate an understanding of the
point of it…? stimulus materials or texts
► Give an explanation of your
decision-making process
► Reflect on your product
► Answer these questions:
∙ Why did I choose that form of response?
∙ Why did I choose that particular part of the text or
stimulus on which to base my response?
In order to do ∙ What are the main ideas in the text or stimulus that
I have used in my response?
this, you could ∙ How are these ideas conveyed differently or
do the similarly to the text/stimulus?
► What do you hope to achieve in your exploration?
► Why have you made the choices you have? Connect back to the text or
stimulus and also reference your own material explicitly
► Animal, Iron Sky, Unknown Citizen, Self
achieves length expectations. achieves only one of the does not achieve either Insubstantial evidence of
Length learning submitted; student
creative 3-5 ▢ length expectations length expectations. did not make a reasonable,
rationale 3-4 ▢ genuine attempt
Presentation Skills: expertly and consistently uses consistently uses presentation uses presentation skills to uses some presentation uses minimal presentation Insubstantial evidence of
learning submitted; student
Eye contact, projection of voice, presentation skills to skills to engage the audience engage the audience skills skills did not make a reasonable,
intonation, effective use of thoroughly engage the genuine attempt
notes, etc. audience
communicates insightful communicates thoughtful communicates relevant communicates ideas which communicates Insubstantial evidence of
Represents an idea or learning submitted; student
ideas and complex concepts ideas which are transformative ideas are derivative of the straightforward ideas did not make a reasonable,
concept that relates to a
which are transformative of of the stimulus stimulus or other texts which are derivative of the genuine attempt
stimulus text
the stimulus stimulus or other texts
innovatively manipulates the effectively selects stylistic uses the stylistic features uses the stylistic features uses basic stylistic Insubstantial evidence of
learning submitted; student
Creates with awareness of stylistic features and features and conventions for and conventions of the of the medium features with little or no did not make a reasonable,
conventions of medium conventions of the medium the medium medium consideration of the genuine attempt
Considers how language critically analyses the use of analyses the use of literary explains how literary describes how literary identifies language or Insubstantial evidence of
learning submitted; student
choices represent human literary conventions, language conventions, language and conventions, language and conventions, language and stylistic features with little did not make a reasonable,
experience and shape and stylistic features stylistic features stylistic features are used stylistic features are used or no reference to use genuine attempt
selection of evidence is selection of evidence is selects evidence and describes ideas with some identifies straightforward Insubstantial evidence of
Selects and applies learning submitted; student
discerning, concise and discerning and analysed explains relevance evidence or examples ideas with little or no use did not make a reasonable,
appropriate textual evidence consistently evaluated throughout of evidence genuine attempt
to support argument
student upholds principles of academic integrity by presenting the research, drafting and editing Insubstantial evidence of
learning submitted; student
Academic integrity through of the creative and rationale scripts in the Google Doc and Slides provided did not make a reasonable,
processes genuine attempt
Things to note…
► Keep in mind that this is SPOKEN. How are you going to create a
narrative/character/monologue and deliver it effectively?