AJP Part B

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Course & Code: AJP[22517]

Title of microproject : "Infosys Springboard Course Of


P.H. Gutte S.B.Veer M.R.Lohokare

Subject Teacher Head of Department Principal

Seal of

This is to certify that following students of CM5I (Division-A/B) of Diploma
POLYTECHNIC,BEED,Institute code:0032,have satisfactorily completed
MICROPROJECT work in subject/Course: for academic year 2024-25
asprescribed in the curriculum.

Roll Enrollment No. Name of Student Title of

No. Microproject

1 2200320291 Kshirsagar Sneha Springboard
Course Of Adv.

Place: Beed Date:--/--/2024

P.H. Gutte S.B.Veer M.R.Lohokare

SubjectTeacher HeadofDepartment Principal

S Seal of


Name of Student:Kshirsagar Sneha EnrollmentNo.2200320291

Programme:Computer Technology Semester:CM5I
Roll no: 1715

Course Title &Code: AJP[22517]

Title of the Micro-Project: "Infosys Springboard Course Of Adv. Java"
Course Outcomes:
1. Enhanced Java Proficiency.
2. Experience with Multithreading and Concurrency
Evaluation as per Suggested Rubric for Assessment of Micro-Project.
Sr. Characteristic to be assessed
Poor Average Good Excellent
No. (Marks1 -3 ) (Marks4-5) (Marks6-8) (Marks9-10)

[A]Process and Product Assessment(Convert total marks out of 06)

1 Relevance to the course
2 Literature Review/information
3 Completion of the Target asper
Project proposal
4 Analysis and at a representation
5 Quality of Prototype/Model
6 Report Preparation
Total Marks Out of(6)
[B]Individual Presentation/Viva(Converttotalmarksoutof04)

1 Presentation
2 Viva
Total Marks Out of(4)
MIcro-Project Evaluation Sheet
Process and Product Total
Assessment(6marks) Individual Presentation/Viva Marks
(Note:The total mark staken from the above Rubricsis (4marks) 10
To be converted in proportionof ‘6’marks)

Name and designation of the Teacher: (Lecturer in CM)


Part–A Micro-Project Proposal

Title of Micro Project:

"Infosys Springboard Course Of Adv. Java"

1.0 Aims/Benefits of the Micro-Project(minimum30-50words)

1. Enhance Problem-Solving Skills.

2. Develop Practical Coding Skills.
3. Gain Hands-On Experience.

2.0 Course Outcomes Addressed

1. Develop programs using GUI Framework(AWT and Swing).

2. Handle event of and swing components.

3.0 Proposed Methodology

1.Take Guidance of subject Teacher to choose understandable course.
2. Attend all Lecture of the course.
3. After Completing Course, I will give exam and get Certificate.
4. After all I will make report.

. 5.0 Action Plan

(Sequence and time required form ajor activity)

Sr. Detail so factivity Planned Planned Name of

No. Start date
Finish Responsible Team
date Members
1 Collecting different formats 20/07/24 09/08/24 Kshirsagar Sneha

2 Finalization of form at s in collaboration 10/08/24 30/08/24 Kshirsagar Sneha

List in gstationary items required for

4 project along with budget 31/08/24 20/09/24 Kshirsagar Sneha

Discussion of budget in group and

5 finalize the amount 21/09/24 22/09/24 Kshirsagar Sneha

6 Information collection by each group 23/09/24 13/10/24 Kshirsagar Sneha

7 Report writing/Printing 14/10/24 4/11/24 Kshirsagar Sneha

6.0 Resources Required

No. Name of Specifications Qty Remarks

Software PC 01
2 Textbook,Youtube - -
google,chatgbt,AI https://infyspringboard.onwingspan.co -

7.0 Name of Team Member

RollNo. Name of student

1715 Kshirsagar Sneha

Annexure –II

Part –B Micro-Project Report


Title of Micro-Project:
"Infosys Springboard Course Of Adv. Java."

microproject on the Infosys Springboard "Advanced Java" course is to provide hands-on experience and
deepen understanding of advanced Java concepts in a structured, practical way. Here are some specific points
explaining the rationale. The Infosys Springboard course covers advanced topics in Java, such as multithreading,
collections framework, JDBC, and design patterns. A microproject allows learners to apply these concepts in a
real-world scenario, reinforcing theoretical knowledge with practical application.

2.1 Aims/Benefits of the Micro-Project

1. Enhance Problem-Solving Skills.

2. Develop Practical Coding Skills.
3. Gain Hands-On Experience.

3.1 Course Outcomes

1. Develop programs using GUI Frame work(AWT and Swing).

2. Handle event of and swing components.

4.0 Achieved.:

Purpose :General-purpose operating systems designed for a wide range of applications sucha
desktops, servers, and cloud environments.

Flexibility:Highly customizable,support in gmultiplety pes of hardware and extensives of tware


Resource Management:Prioritize so ptimizing performance and multitasking forvarious

applications, allowing preemptive multitasking but with out strict guarantees on timing.
Real-Time Operating Systems(RTOS):

Purpose:Designed specifically for application srequiring precise timing and predictability,where
system behavior must meet strict deadlines.

Deterministic Behavior: Guarantees that tasks will be completed within adefined time frame
(real-time scheduling), crucial for embedded systems (e.g., in automotive, robotics, medical

.4.0 Literature Review:

The literature review for a microproject based on the Infosys Springboard "Advanced Java"
course involves examining the background, resources, methodologies, and educational approaches
related to Java programming, project-based learning, and online skill development platforms.
Here's a structured overview:

5.1 Actual Methodology Followed.

Project Planning and Topic Selection

Identify the Learning Goals: Based on the Infosys Springboard Advanced Java course,
define specific learning objectives (e.g., mastering multithreading, database connectivity with
JDBC, or implementing data structures).

Choose a Project Topic: Select a topic relevant to the course content. Common projects for
Advanced Java include:

A multi-threaded banking system

A simple library management system using JDBC

A task management app utilizing the collections framework and design patterns

Define Project Scope: Clearly outline the scope to keep the project manageable, focusing on
implementing specific features that demonstrate key Java concepts.

2. Requirements Gathering

Functional Requirements: List the features that the project will include (e.g., for a banking
system, features like account creation, deposits, and withdrawals).

Non-functional Requirements: Define additional requirements such as performance

expectations, code readability, and error handling.

Tools and Technologies: Gather the necessary tools such as an Integrated Development
Environment (IDE) like Eclipse or IntelliJ, JDK for Java, and a database like MySQL if using

6.0 Actual Resources Used
(Mention the actual resources used).

S. Name of Resource/material Qt Rema

No. Specifications
y rks

1 PC 01

2 Techmax,www.youtube.com,www.google -

8. Skill Developed/ Learning out come MicrProject


Through this micro project the following things are learnt and the skill developed by the group
1. The concept of project understood.
2. The structure and requirement of proposal and report understood.
3. The necessity of team work is understood.
4. What is the role of group leader and team member ? It well understood.
5. The importance of time management and good communication skill is understood.
6. How to search information and use of different online tools came to know.
7. The writing in English skill is developed.
8. The new words are collected.
9. Able to tackle and solve the problem arised due to miscommunication
and misunderstanding.
10. The decision making ability is developed but needed good cooperation.

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