Tm400 The Basics of Motion Control

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The Basics of Motion Control



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The Basics of Motion Control

Table of contents
1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Objective 2. THE MECHATRONIC DRIVE SOLUTION 2.1 The core aspect s of mechatronics 2.2 The basic requirements for a drive system 3. THE COMPONENTS OF A DRIVE SYSTEM 3.1 Electrical drives 3.2 Position encod ers 3.3 Pow er converter 4. INTEGRATION IN THE PROCESS 4.1 Selecting the technology 4.2 Develop ing the control software 5. SUMMARY 4 5 6 8 10 11 12 26 36 46 46 50 53

The Basics of Motion Control




INTRODUCTION Nearly every machine or system comp onent today involves positioning tasks with mo re or less complex characteristics. The trend is clearly moving in the direction of mechatronic drive solutions. Mo vement procedures that were previously implemented using mechanical constructions that wer e sometimes quite elabo rate, can now be carried out with the highest degree of flexibility and efficiency using the latest technologies from the area of mo dern motion control.

Fig. 1: The basics of motion control

Uniformity of the drive solution is an important factor in this asp ect . Optimum coordination of the individual comp onen ts with each other brings out the true technological strengths. The mechatronic drive netwo rk is integrated into the proces s as a closed functional un it. This makes it po ssible for develop ment to focus mainly on optimizing the higher-level processes. This document will describe the fundamental concepts and procedures in a clear and understandable manner. The basic functionality of the individual comp onents will also be covered. Special know- how is not mandatory.


The Basics of Motion Control



Objective Participants will learn the comp onen ts of a mechatronic drive solution. Participants will under stand how different technologies fun ction and will be familiar with their respective advan tages and disadvantages. Participants will learn the mo st important criteria for selecting a drive configuration.

Fig. 2: Overview

The Basics of Motion Control


The Mechatronic Drive Solution


THE MECHATRONIC DRIVE SOLUTION ...Electrical drive system, power transmission system, drive solution, drive configuration, ser vo drive, etc. These (or similar) express ions are used frequently to describe the range of components in a positioning system. Defining all of this into one single term is tough to do but why? One thing is for certain: There is a wide range of electrical drive system types. Further more, there are generally multiple designs of a single component with specific strengths and weaknesses. For example, a servo-driven linear motor with high-precision position determination is required for one type of app lication, whereas an induction motor supplied from a frequency inverter is sufficient in another app lication.

Fig. 3: Orientation

Therefore, the fundamental questions are: What compone nts actually make up a drive system or po sitioning system? What are the differences between the existing technologies or variations? What are the separate technologies specifically used for? By approaching each section step-by-step, we will shed some light on these issues in no time at all.


The Basics of Motion Control

The Mechatronic Drive Solution

A good place to start is with a simplified diagram, which essentially app lies to all drive systems:

Fig. 4: Basic components

Pow er converter Electric motor Mechanical gear Mechanical process The power converter takes electrical energy from the mains and tur ns it into a suitable "form" for supplying the electric motor. The motor then converts the electrical energy into kinetic energy, thereb y putting the mechanical system into motion (via a mechanical gear if necess ary). We will add to this basic scheme step- by-step as we work through the following sections. We will be concentrating on the functionality of the individual components and their properties in the complete system. But let's first go back one step and take a quick look at a topic that involves all aspects of modern drive technolo gy. We are talking about the area of mechatronics.

The Basics of Motion Control


The Mechatronic Drive Solution


The core aspects of mechatronics The area of mechatronics deals with the interaction of mechanic, electronic and information-oriented systems.

Fig. 5: Mechatronics

In mechatronics, the separation betwe en the areas of mechanics, electricity, electronics and information technology is put aside. The system is viewed as a single functional unit. The main goal is the processing of all information for usage in all of these areas.

Fig. 6: Communication throughou t the whole system

This is exactly the challenge wh en designing and setting up an electrical drive system. In addition to the visible componen ts such as mo tor or power converter (hardware), complex control loops, algorithms and a number of communi cation procedures play a decisive role in au tomated po sitioning .


The Basics of Motion Control

The Mechatronic Drive Solution

Even the design and development of thes e technologies are carried out in close ag reement with the pr oces s demands , in our case the mechanical system. This integrated approach for mechatronics provides clear advantages: Optimum adaptation of the basic system to the process requirements Creation of compact function units (automation objects) and improved poss ibilities for standardization because the different pr ocess routines can be developed modularly and therefore easily re-used Easier usage thanks to standardized user interfaces and detailed diagnostics possibilities All of the resulting advantag es for process optimization, efficiency, quality managem en t (process monitoring) and many more The ad van tage s of the mechatronic drive solution can be seen in practical app lication:

Fig. 7: Comparison

The Basics of Motion Control


The Mechatronic Drive Solution


The basic requirements for a drive system What prop erties characterize a drive system? An important requirement of the system is for it to be highly dynamic. The term "dynamics" (from the Greek dynamik relating to power or energy) describes general force, propulsion or force adjusted to change. This will be used to summarize develop ment over time. In practice, it is often necessary to achieve the following in the shortest amount of time possible: quickly reaching a certain speed or quickly reaching an exact po sition Therefore, the drive system must be able to positio n the conn ected mechanics exactly according to specification and to apply the highest amount of force without "getting out of whack". This characteristic is then applied directly to the machine's productivity (increased clock rate, etc.). In many applications, positionin g precision is also a decisive factor for the suitability of a drive system. In addition to the dynamic properties, the drive must also be able to accept exact positions and to maintain these po sitions with the corresponding force (e.g. with constant torque load from hanging loads). Note: Definition of servo drive: Servo drives are drive systems that feature dynamic and accurate behavior able to handle overloading over a wide speed range. Choosing the electric motor is not the only decisive factor. Sophisticated measurement systems and control algorithms also play a major role in accomplishing these tasks. High de mands can only be met with compact interaction of all components in the system.



The Basics of Motion Control

The Componen ts of a Drive System


THE COMPONENTS OF A DRIVE SYSTEM The following diagram offers a som ew hat detailed overview of the basic components in an electrical drive system. Although the concrete configuration can vary considerably from app lication to application, this general diagram is the optimum starting point for our purposes:

Fig. 8: The compon ents of an electrical drive system

The working machine (mechanical process ) is driven by an electric motor. When necessary, the mechanical link is mad e via a mechanical gear to align the spe ed and torque. The electrical drive converts electrical energy to mechanical energy (torque, force). To control the motor movem ents, a power converter brings the electrical energy to a "useable form". A position encoder provides information about the current status of the drive and the position of the machine. The power converter then receives its comm ands from a control CPU. This is where the application pr ogr am is executed to implement the neces sary mo vement procedures.

The Basics of Motion Control



The Componen ts of a Drive System

Note: Throughout the course of this document, we will get to know the two power converter types; servo drive and frequency converters. The ser vo drive is the considerably mor e "intelligent" po wer converter design with its ability to control highly dynamic and precisely po sitioned movements. Therefore, we will spend the majority of our time with this type of po wer converter and will from now on be talking about "positioning systems". 3.1 Electrical drives Since the initial develop ment of electromechanical energy forms at the start of the 19th century, three different type s of motor s have been established which differ in structure and functionality: DC motors Synchronous motors Induction motors There are many variations of thes e basic types e.g.: linear motors, tor que motors, step per motor s, reluctance motors, etc. We will now take a brief look at the struct ure of the individual mo tor types and become familiar with their special characteristics. One of the three types, tog ether with the possibilities of modern inverter technology, will pr ov e to be specially suited for precise and dynamic po sitioning procedures. 3.1.1 The basic principle of electrical drives Lorentz force is the basic physical principle for the fun ction of electrical drives: A conductor with electrical current located in a magnetic field is subject to a certain force.



The Basics of Motion Control

The Componen ts of a Drive System

This force's direction of action de pends on the alignment of both originating values, the flow of current and the magnetic field.

Fig. 9: "Left hand rule"

The figure abo ve employs the "left hand rule" to illustrate the directional relationship. The basic definition is re presen ted mathematically as follows:

r F


r B) I
F..... Force vector B..... Induction vector (field lines) l...... Length vector for the conductor in the field I.... . Current

(vector syntax)

The following formula generally repre sents the amount of resulting force:

I l B sin

Whereby is the angle between the direction of the magnetic field and the flow of current. Note: For electrical drives, this angle is almost always 90, as illustrated in the following diagrams. The force on the conductor de pends on the intensity of the ma gnetic field, the strength of the current and the len gth of the conductor in this magnetic field.

The Basics of Motion Control



The Componen ts of a Drive System

The following diagrams illustrate the principle of applying this force in a rotational movement:

Fig. 10: Coil conducting cu rrent in the magnetic field

A pivoting coil conducting current is located in a magnetic field. A flow of current in the conductor creates mechanical force in the coil sections diagonal to the direction of the magnetic field these sections are drawn vertical to the image plane in the diagram. These forces affect the rotational range of the pivoting coil. The torque for the resulting rotation is repres en ted as follows:

2 F r sin

starting from this position, the system would assume a "rest po sition" after a defined amount of time:

Fig. 11: Rest po sition

There are two ways now to sustain the rotational movement: Reversal of the direction of current flow



The Basics of Motion Control

The Componen ts of a Drive System

Fig. 12: Reversal of the direction of current flow

The coil rotates out of the res t po sition using its mechanical inertia. The flow of current is rever sed at this point, thereby inverting the coil forces' direction of action. The rotational movement is continued. By the same tok en, reversing the magnetic field polarity would also pro duce the sam e result. Electrical drive motors are mad e up of a moving part (the rotor), and a fixed part (the stator). In our example, the pivoting coil correspo nds to the rotor. The magnetic field is generated by the stator. This knowledge takes us a gr ea t step further in understanding how electrical drives fun ction: Commutation has the job of making su re that a conductor winding with current flowing through it is always in the exciter field in the correct po sition (at 0 to the field).

Fig. 13: Rotation caused by reversal of the direction of current

The Basics of Motion Control



The Componen ts of a Drive System

On a DC motor this is achieved using a collector and brushes for establishing contact, as shown in the above arrangement. This is also known as a mechanical commutation. The wear of the mechanical elements in the commutator (collector, carbon brushes) and the resulting maintenance that is required represe nt a disadvantage of the collector motor. The change in the exciter field (stator) can be mad e using electronic actuators (power transistors). The rotor is a ma gnet, as illustrated in the diagram below:

Fig. 14: Rotation caused by reversal of the magnetic field

The exciter field is inverted by reversing the direction of the flow of current in the exciter winding. The flow of current is controlled by electronic switching elements (power transistors), thereby eliminating mechanical par ts that are subject to wear. A position encoder provides the po wer converter with information about the rotor's present status for controlling the exciter field. The rotor's present alignment must be know n in or der to properly control the stator windings. This is the only way for the control and switching elements to "know" how the magnetic field must to aligned. This "electronic commutation" can be applied optimally with permanently excited synchronous motors for highly dynamic positioning movements.



The Basics of Motion Control

The Componen ts of a Drive System

3.1.2 DC motors In the previous section we learned about the principle functionality of the DC motor. The DM motor is designed with multiple windings on the rotor that are supplied with current via static carbon brushes on the collector when set ideally.

Fig. 15: DC motor structure

Note: The stator field can also be divided into several poles for larger motors. The function principle always remains the sam e. Multiple carbon br us hes ensure targeted current feed for the rotor windings.

Before the development of industrial power electronics, the ease-of-control of the DC motor (easy speed adjustment, etc.) made it a mo re beneficial mo tor than the three-phase motor. The possibilities of mod ern drive technology for three-phase mo tors started pushing the DC motor more and mor e out of the picture for po sitioning app lications. Howe ver, other areas of application still include: Automotive technology Co nsumer electronics Actuators Windshield wiper motors, etc.

The Basics of Motion Control



The Componen ts of a Drive System

3.1.3 Rotating field motors (AC motors) Develop ments in the area of electronics as well as materials have lead to a shi ft from the DC motor to the three -phase motor in the drive systems. Even in servo systems, which used to be used solely in DC technology, a strong tenden cy has been see n towards three -phase synchronous motors. Variation of the stator field is the functional principle of the rotating field drives. The field gen er ated by the stator coils where the rotor is located is changed with a certain timing that results in a rotating magneti c field alignment (-> rotating field). The required voltage feed to the stator windings is be st described using the voltage characteristics of the three- phas e mains power supp ly (threephase system):

Fig. 16: Function principle of a rotating field motor

The sinusoidal supply voltage of the individual phas es reach their respective peak values one after the other in periodic intervals, offset electrically by 120. The windings are also equally distributed on the stator.

The rotor can be setup as a permanent ma gnet or an electromagnet ( current-conducting coil). Therefore, we can look at the rotor as a ma gnet that aligns itself according to the field in which it is located.



The Basics of Motion Control

The Componen ts of a Drive System

The maximum supp ly voltage and therefore the maximum of the stator field influence moves in a circle around the stator circumference. The ma gnetic field vector mad e up of the individual coil fields rotates in the stator. The rotor is essentially "passed" betwe en the individual stator windings. The manner in which the magnetic field occurs in the rotor is different in the two types of three- phase motor: Induction motors Synchronous motor Further more, special designs of the rotating field motor s are becom e more and more com mon. Direct drives are steadily gaining importance because of their special characteristics for automated po sitioning.

Induction motors (IM) The stator of an IM cor res ponds to a rotating field motor with a three phase winding. The rotor is different as com par ed to the synchronous motor because it is not permanently excited. Conduction ba rs are connected in the rotor via a short-circuit ring (squirrel-cage motor). This results in a system of conductor loops. Voltage is induced in the conductor loops because the rotor is located in a changing magnetic field (Lenz's rule). This voltage creates a current flow in the conductor bars.

Fig. 17: IM squirrel-cage motor

A force caused by the stator field is again placed on the active conductors, which puts the rotor into motion (Lorentz force). After starting, the rotor turns at a speed slightly under that of the rotating field. This spee d difference ("slip") is neces sar y to induce enough current in the rotor to overcom e friction, air resistance or load torque.

The Basics of Motion Control



The Componen ts of a Drive System

The rotor can never reach the spee d of the rotating field, therefore the mo vement is asynchronous, resulting in the term asynchronous motor (induction motor).

Synchronous motors (SM) The stator windings are connected to the three- phase star (U, V and W). Connecting a three-phase supply causes the stator win ding to produce a revolving field.

Fig. 18 : Synch ron ous motor structure

The rotor in a synchr onous mo tor has either an electromagnet (currentconducting winding arrangement) or a permanent magnet. The rotor field is generated "actively" The high energy-density of new, extremely high-performance per manen t magnets increases the motor's performance while simultaneously reducing the mass. This results in increased drive dynamics and smaller motor sizes. Optimized concentricity enables high-precision positioning.



The Basics of Motion Control

The Componen ts of a Drive System

Direct drive systems Direct drives reduce the amount of mechanical transfer elements (e.g. a gear) needed between the motor and working machine. The special motors developed for this purpos e feature high torque (torque/sector motor) and high thrust (linear motor). Let's take a brief look at two comm on types of direct drives: Linear motors Translatory direct drives use the functional principles of rotating motors ("translation" = straight movement). The principle of the permanently excited synchronous motor is the most comm on:

Fig. 19: Linear motor structure

Fig. 20: Linear motor

We find the sam e comp onents in linear mo tors as we do in the rotating field motor, stator and rotor, but in linear arrangement. The three -phase current feed for the stator windings positions the rotor slide linearly. Torque motor Regarding their construction, torque motor are generally manufactured as multipole permanently excited synchronous motors.

Fig. 21: Torque motor

The Basics of Motion Control



The Componen ts of a Drive System

Note: "Multipole" means that the stator is equipped with a higher numbe r of pole pairs. These types of motors have a lower spee d and deliver a higher torque.


Power Speed

The mo tor can deliver higher tor que with a constant power output. The torque motor is often built with a rotor molded into a hollow shaft. This enables the mechanical conn ection for transferring high torque forces. The torque motor can be op timized to the working machine. The benefits in detail: The core task is to use suitable drives to provide the forces, tor que and movement forms required for carrying out processes such as conveying, mixing or separating. The drive layout requires an adjustment to the machine's operating point to the load process 's operating point (torque, speed). Generally, this adjustment to the proces s is mad e using a gear to accordingly converting the torque and speed:

Fig. 22: Adjustment using mechanical gear



The Basics of Motion Control

The Componen ts of a Drive System

A gear is not ne cessar y wh en the process operating point coincides with that of the machine. The mo tor in this cas e the electric motor becomes the direct drive. A direct drive has zero-play because mechanical transfer elements are not used. System values such as current, force/torque and spee d/revolution can be determined directly and integrated in a control concept. In addition to improving the positioning accuracy, this also increases control of this drive. General characteristics of the direct drive: Low mo ment of inertia Precision (zero-play) paired with dynamics Elimination of parts that are subject to wear (gear) Small installation dimensions Large hollow shaft diameter poss ible The high power dens ity in direct drives can cause significant heating in the drive. Therefore, they are often equipped with water or air cooling systems, which is not always necessar y in comparable drives that use mechanical pow er conversion. Note: The term "power density" refers to a drive's peak power (in this case , the mechanical power) in relation to its mas s and size. Com par ed with a drive technology that has larger power density, a drive with smaller powe r density, designed for the same peak pow er, will be smaller in size and dimensions.

The Basics of Motion Control



The Componen ts of a Drive System

3.1.4 Comparison of motor types Develop ment over the pa st few years has resulted in a numb er of innovations and improvements in the area of microprocessors and power electronic switching elements. Now adays, it is possible to use intelligent power converters for targeted control of the stator coils allowing the stator field to be rotated or dynamically placed with variable frequency ("independent of the mains"). These conditions now ma ke it poss ible to utilize the major advantages of three-phase drives: Maintenance-free operation due to the elimination of mechanical commutation Better cooling characteristics Robust design Synchronous motors are the bes t choice to meet highly dynamic movement criteria.

Fig. 23: Comparison of motor types

This comparison clearly shows the ad van tages of the permanently excited synchronous motors as op pos ed to the DC motor.



The Basics of Motion Control

The Componen ts of a Drive System

The induction motor is also considerably less effective than the permanently excited synchronous motor. In principle, the induction motor can achieve relatively high dynamic properties. However, much mo re complex control system s are need ed than for the synchronous motor to do this. This motor type is well-suited to be operated by a frequency inverter (rotating field specification without reference to rotor position) and is typically used in this area. The direct drive characteristics, usually a special design of the permanently excited synchronous motor, were already covered in the previous section.

The Basics of Motion Control



The Componen ts of a Drive System


Pos ition encoders The position encoder is an important part of the drive system. As the name implies, it enables accurate determination of the position or status of a mechanical element. The spe ed is then derived from this information.

Fig. 24: Position measurement

Note: In principle, a position encoder is not required for op erating a frequency converter. Encoders will, in some app lications, be used for position mea surement, (so-called external encoders), but do not have direct contact with the frequency converter. The position system Clearly, the drive position is the fundamental information used when controlling a positioning process. The drive system, and therefore the machine's mechanics, can only be "sent" to a define d position by using the following methods to introduce a unique positioning system: Defining the position of the po sition zero-po int Dividing the encoder revolution into a specific number of position units "... move to absolute po sition 3000"



The Basics of Motion Control

The Componen ts of a Drive System

"... 290 units to the right of the pre sent position ..." The position encoder as measuring element The position en coder sends the actual position and sp eed, the reb y fun ctioning as a me asure ment tool in the process. Therefore, the po sition encoder plays multiple roles in a servo system: The position encoder provides the servo drive with the information about the current position and speed of the drive. As we will see later, the stator field of the electrical drive is specifically controlled by the servo drive (electronic commutation). This control make s it po ssible to bring the drive rotor to a defined alignment or to dynamically put it in motion.

As a result, the servo drive can use internal control to react to deviations in the drive from the predefined positioning profile (set po sition, set speed).

Fig. 25: Positioning profile

A ser vo drive must also acc urately detect the presen t position of the drive rotor (alignment of the rotor field) within a revolution to activate the control at the correct po sition. That's why the po sition encoder is usually connected directly to the drive shaft in the motor housing of servo motors ( motors intended for op eration via a se rvo drive). Resolution is an important criteria when selecting an encoder type. The resolution determines how accurately the position can be mea sure d by the encoder within a single revolution. This resolution has an additional effect on the control. It determines the deg ree of accuracy with which the encode r can inform the ser vo drive

The Basics of Motion Control



The Componen ts of a Drive System

about control deviations. A high encode r resolution improves the control quality decisively. Add itional characteristics of encoder system s will be discussed together with the individual encoder types. 3.2.1 Optical incremental encoder Structure and functionality

Fig. 26: Optical incremental encod er: Structure and me asure ment signal

Placing a slo t ma sk over the line code disk creates a sine and 90 offset cosine signal that is converted to a square wave encoder signal. They are use d by the process ing logic in the system (electronics) to increment/decrement a position coun ter.

Fig. 27: Signal evaluation



The Basics of Motion Control

The Componen ts of a Drive System

When using an incremental encode r, the po sition of the mechanics ( encoder po sition) cannot be concluded right away due to the encode r information. Only the "increment" is recognized in positive or negative direction as po sition information. The incremental encode r cannot determine the position of the encoder within one revolution. An additional reference track provides an "improvised" indication for determining the position within one revolution. In or der to create a relationship between the counter and the current position, a homing procedure has to be carried out. Note: A homing procedure must be performed to pre pare the po sition system (initialize) before a positioning procedure. To do this, the mechanical system is generally br ought to a defined pos ition, e.g. by app roaching a fixed reference switch:

Fig. 28: Homing procedure

The presen t po sition is then assigned a defined value (for the softwarebased positioning). From this point on, the drive system effectively knows wh ere the mechanics are located. Positioning can now be started.

The resolution of the incremental en coder de pends on the numbe r of lines, the type of evaluation (1x, 2x, 4x) and the maximum input frequency of the processing logic.

The Basics of Motion Control



The Componen ts of a Drive System

The optical incremental en coder has a very high resolution (several million increments po ssible per revolution) and features high-speed evaluation. This is clearly an ad vantage for controlling the servo drive (spee d, position etc.). Information about deviation of the pr esent values from the set values is very quickly available on the servo drive. Reaction is po ssible within minimal dwell time. 3.2.2 Resolver inductive absolute value encoder The military designed a very robust encode r with simple construction the resolver. Structure and functionality The resolver wo rks on the principle of a rotary transformer. In a rotary transformer, the rotor consists of a coil (winding), which together with the stator winding, mak es up a transformer. The resolver is ess entially built the sam e way, with the difference that the stator is made up of two winders offset from each other by 90 instead of just one:

Fig. 29: Resolver: Structure and me asurement signal

The signal is generated by feeding a sine signal with constan t frequency in the rotor coil (S3). This uses the transformer principle to transfer voltages S1 and S2 to the 90 offset stator coils. The signal curve for S1 and S2 (shown above) results when the rotor starts to move. The envelope curves for these signals depict two sine curves offset by 90. The processing logic uses this information to determine the po sition.



The Basics of Motion Control

The Componen ts of a Drive System

If the mo vem ent area for the axis is within one encoder revolution, each encode r value cor respo nds to a unique position (homing is not necessary). The output signal is rep eated on the resolver (the position information from the envelope curves) with each new revolution. If for example, you deactivated the drive system and manually turned the motor shaft 360, the system would have no cha nce of detecting this manipulation. If the mo vem ent range of the machine exceed s this one revolution, then a homing procedure must be performed on the resolver (in mos t cases) after restarting the system. The resolution of the resolver depends on the processing logic and the frequency of the supply for the rotor coil (4096/16384 increments). A specific amount of time passes before the processing logic se nds the corresponding value about the pre se nt position. This means an add itional dead time for the control loop. This dead time affects the control quality. 3.2.3 Optical absolute value encod er Structure and functionality Absolute encod ers have a unique value for ever y encoder position. The resolution of an encode r revolution is realized using a bit-coded optical encoder disk:

Fig. 30: Optical absolute encoder : Binary-coded enco der disk

The Basics of Motion Control



The Componen ts of a Drive System

The disks can be binary or gray code.

The position is given as a bit combination - ea ch bit is a spur on the encoder disk. Signal transfer to the process ing logic takes place using the SSI protocol (Synchronous Serial Interface). Synchronous: Position data is sen t to a clock signal Serial: Position data is sen t consecutively at a certain baud rate.

Fig. 31: SSI data transfer diagram

The current po sition value is accepted with a falling edg e on the clock signal. The data bits of this value are then transferred to the servo drive in time with the subsequent po sitive edge s. The transfer is linked with a defined dwell time. As we can see, a full encode r revolution can be explicitly triggered with the op tical absolute value encod er, similar to the resolver. In this case, we are talking about single-turn encoders. A homing procedure is not neces sar y for this encoder as long as the range of one motor revolution is not exc ee ded during positioning. The encode r displays an explicit value after starting the system (power-up). This value can then be used to figure out the po sition of the mechanics.



The Basics of Motion Control

The Componen ts of a Drive System

The multi-turn encoder is the expanded version of the single-turn encoder. The explicit resolution of an encod er revolution (single-turn) is expanded with a counting mechanism, which determines the number of complete revolutions. This information is use d to stretch the explicitly defined position measurement range to a specific number of revolutions (typically 4096 revolutions). A homing procedure is no longer ne cessar y wh en using a multi-turn encoder. The current machine po sition can be figured out immediately once the position offset has been determined one time. Note: The position offset is the difference between the actual internal encoder po sition and the machine position. For example: The mechanics are in the zero position, the softwarebased position should be set to zero ther e (po sition = 0), present encode r po sition value = 56343, (i.e. offset= 56343 ):

Fig. 32: Enco der offset

This offset can be used from any position to figure out the position of the mechanics. This coun ting mechanism is implemented either with an additional mechanical transfer ge ar or an electronic logic.

The Basics of Motion Control



The Componen ts of a Drive System

3.2.4 ENDAT Optical sine encod er Structure and functionality ENDAT position encode rs (ENcoderDATa) combine the two type s of optical encoders, incremental encoder and absolute value encoder. This ma kes it po ssible to utilize the ad vantage s of both technologies:

Fig. 33: ENDAT structure

Incremental encoders The ad van tage s of this encoder type are high-speed signal transfer and extremely high resolution becau se of sine evaluation. The se characteristics create the ideal conditions for drive control. Absolute encod ers There is a constant link (offset) between encoder and machine po sition. The encoder po sition can be use d to figure out the current po sition of the mechanics (-> "software position" for the control program). A homing procedure is not necess ary. Of course the valid mo vement range for the encoder must be taken into consideration (single-turn / multi-turn). Embedded parameter chip (EDS "electronic datasheet") The ENDAT encod er system has nonvolatile, maintenance-free EEPROM data memory onboard. All data required to operate the drive is stored here. Variables su ch as motor parameters and characteristics of the encoder are pre-program med on this mem ory by B&R. The data is automatically transferred to the servo drive via the SSI connection wh en the system is started (po wer-up).



The Basics of Motion Control

The Componen ts of a Drive System

3.2.5 Comparison of encode r systems With high resolution and fast signal evaluation, the ENDAT system provides the optimum conditions for drive control. This guaran tees the best concentricity and highest rigidity for optimally timed and precise movements. The possibility of explicit position determination (absolute encoder) throughout the entire mo vement range (multi-turn) optimizes the control pr ocess. Positioning can be started "immediately" without a homing procedure.

Fig. 34: Comparison of enco der systems

Com pared to the ENDAT system, the resolver has the advantag e of a highly robust construction. Resistance to high tempe ratures and mechanical vibrations ma kes it suitable for usa ge in har sher environments.

The Basics of Motion Control



The Componen ts of a Drive System


Power converter General definition A power converter's job is to convert electrical energy from a mains power supply for the operation of electrical drives. Why is this conversion necess ary? As we now know, the stator field for rotating field motors can be "set" using the voltage supply of the stator win dings. The alignment and intensity of the magnetic field in the stator result from the respective winding voltages. The power mains provides a single or multi-phase AC voltage (e.g. a 3phase supply with 50 Hz).

Fig. 35 : Power mains

As you can see in the figure above, sinusoidal voltages are provided with a constant frequency and amplitude (so-called three- phase current). An AC motor (IM, in som e cases also the SM) can be operated directly on this power mains. As a result, the motor's stator field rotates at the frequency of the supply voltages. Note: The actual spee d of the rotor in an induction motor is set just below the synchronous frequency. The synchronous mo tor would mo ve exactly with the rotating field.



The Basics of Motion Control

The Componen ts of a Drive System

A pow er converter is now need ed to specifically control the characteristic of the stator voltages for po sitioning. The converter takes electrical energy from the mains supply and passes on the voltage characteristics required for po sitioning to the motor. In the following section, we will break the power converter down into general, easily-understandable parts. There are considerable differences between the two main types of po wer converters in electrical drive technology, which will be looked at in detail at the end: Frequency converter and Servo drives

3.3.1 Fun ction principle The principle behind the power electronics is generally the same for frequency converters and servo drives. It consists of three parts:

Fig. 36 : Power conversion principle - power electronics

Rectifier, in this case - bridge rectifier DC bus, in this case - voltage DC bus Power inverter, in this case - 6 pulse inverter

The Basics of Motion Control



The Componen ts of a Drive System

The bridge rectifier ge nerates a DC voltage from the sinusoidal AC voltage of the power mains. This DC voltage is stored in the so-called DC bus. The DC bus capacitor take s over storag e of the electrical ener gy. In this manner, the DC bus becomes a sort of "energy pool" from which the downstream pow er inverter can draw energy. The voltage required to control the motor is clocked from the DC bus voltage. Let's take a quick look at an important component of the power inverter the IGBT (Insulated-Gate-Bipolar-Transistor): The IGBT, as electronic switching element, combines the advan tages of MOSFET technology and bipolar transistor technology:

Fig. 37: IGBT structure

It features ease-of-control, good pa ssb an d response and high dielectric strength. The IGBTs in the power inverter are controlled by the signal electronics of the po wer converter. Pulse width modulation (PWM) offers a highly-flexible method for generating a dynamic voltage characteristic.

Fig. 38: Pulse width modulation



The Basics of Motion Control

The Componen ts of a Drive System

Note: Closing or op ening the voltage valve within a constan t period with the pul se width modulation generates a specific effective value on the output. The longer the valve is open within a cycle, the larger the effective output value of this period.

Fig. 39: Pulse width modulation principle

The clock frequency is a decisive factor for the quality of the effective value generation.

3.3.2 Other components We will now add a few more important function units of the power converter.

Fig. 40: Power conver ter structure

Line filters In some operating conditions, the power converter can cau se disturbance signals in the mains power supply (rectifier and pow er inverter). A line filter is integrated to avoid interfering with the mains supply and influencing other comp onents on the supp ly network.

The Basics of Motion Control



The Componen ts of a Drive System

Energy returned to the DC bus When motor braking is active, this is op erated by the power converter as generator. The kinetic energy of the mechanical system is reconverted to electrical energy. This is the n ab sor bed by the DC bus. From there, this "energy surplus" can be used in the following ways: Method: Linking the DC bus The DC bus voltage can be contact ed on the power co nverter module via a connector. This makes it poss ible for modules to be electrically linked together in a parallel struct ure essentially resulting in a comm on energy pool for the linked drive modules. A drive that has "extra" energy from a braking procedure makes this energy available to the other comp onents in the DC bus networ k. In this case, the energy in the system is also used optimally. Method: Braking resistor / brake chopper Here, the excessive energ y that cannot be ab sor bed by the DC bus is converted to hea t via a power resistor (braking resistor). The brake-chopper (electrical valve) clocks the DC bus voltage on the resistance. When the maximum braking energy is rea ched, the power switch is op ened completely. Method: Power regeneration unit The excessive energy in the DC bus can be regenerated into the mains power supply. An additional power inverter with oppo site processing direction take s over the respective regeneration of voltage to the mains pow er supply. This results in optimized energy consumption.



The Basics of Motion Control

The Componen ts of a Drive System

Temperature monitoring The present thermal relationships in the system are important for op erating the power converter. Certain elements becom e warm during op eration, but cannot exceed critical temperatures.

Fig. 41 : Pow er conver ter , tem per ature monitoring

IGBT - jun ction temperature The jun ction temp er ature of these pow er transistors must be monitored. A se nsor is used to meas ure the temperature on the IGBT heat sink because a measurement cannot be made directly in the component. The struct ure of the IGBTs is known exactly (thermal transitions). With this measure ment value, a temperature model can be used to determine the actual jun ction temperature. Motor windings The stator windings are heated up when a load is placed on the motor. Sensors are also used in this cas e to determine the current value. Additionally, a temp er ature model is also used to calculate the win ding temperature from the pr esen t stator currents. This is how the system compensates for the delayed heating of the sensor ("thermal inertia"). This provides optimum protection for the motor. 3.3.3 Signal electronics, control and software Who actually manages the power electronic components and the evaluation of the monitor signals in the power converter? The control loops of a po wer converter can be efficiently implemented on highly-integrated process ors (use of the Floating-Point-Unit for high-end devices). The extremely high process ing spe ed of modern technologies allows optimum clock rates for power control (typically 5 to 20 kHz). The processor with its supp orting electronic elements (memory units, etc.) mak es up the foundation for the "drive management system" on the power converter.

The Basics of Motion Control



The Componen ts of a Drive System

Note: The term "drive man age ment system" is used here to repr esen t the entire range of electronic and software comp onents responsible for the IT tasks on the power converter.

Com pact and po werful algorithms use this basis to solve the controlrelated tasks. The monitoring mechanisms and services for operating the drive (application interface) are also man age d by this system:

Fig. 42: Power conver ter , diagram of entire system

The general control structure of the ACOPOS is illustrated in the following diagram:

Fig. 43: ACOPOS control structure



The Basics of Motion Control

The Componen ts of a Drive System

Starting from the left, a path for positionin g is generated based on the user's specifications.

Fig. 44: Positioning profile

The three cascading control loops ... Position controller Speed controller Current controller ... generate a respective manipulated variable from their measurement values (comparator values) using position and current measurement. This is converted to the control signal for the pul se width modulation. The position encoder is also integrated her e as an important element. It provides the value abo ut the present position (used to derive the speed) of the drive. This information is use d as comparator value for the respective control loop. This also illustrates the importance of the de mand for the highly accurate and high-spee d transfer of this information. A high-resolution current measurement is also made. Complex algorithms ensure correct evaluation of the measurements. The software, that handles all of these task s for the ACOPOS is also considered the ACOPOS operating system or Firmware. Like any other op erating system, the ACOPOS Firmware also manages the reso ur ces (memory, interfaces, etc.) of the ACOPOS ser vo drive. In addition to the basic com ponents for drive system managem en t (control, parameter manag ement, etc.) the ACOPOS system also has reso ur ces that can be allocated by the user. Function blocks can be configured on the ACOPOS using the app lication software. This makes it possible perform app lication-specific calculations or logical decisions on the ACOPOS in an extremely high-speed cycle (400 s). This allows maximum specialization of the system to the dem ands with a maximum degree of flexibility.

The Basics of Motion Control



The Componen ts of a Drive System

3.3.4 Differences between frequency converters and servo drives As we have already discussed several times, there are clear differences betwee n po ssibilities offered by a frequency converter and those of a servo drive in the electrical drive technology. In the previous section, we got an overview of the servo drive's "intelligent components" such as the path generator, mea surement systems use d to determine the position (encoder system) and application interfaces. The frequency converter however, do es not have these mechanisms! Why then, did we take the time to go over all of these comp onents? We could have covered the topic of frequency converters much earlier, right? The answer is simple we now know the impo rtant characteristics of the mo st versatile powe r converter; the servo drive. From here on out, we are much better prep ared to understand and evaluate the limitations of the frequency converter as a more basic type of converter. The conversion of electrical energy from the mains power supply is performed by the powe r electronics in the frequency conver ter based on the principle described above. Unlike a servo drive, the frequency converter is not able to control the mo tor for a highly-dynamic positioning sequence.

It has a limited layout in reg ard to signal electronics and control. The frequency converter generally converts the voltage from the mains power supply into a voltage with a variable frequency and amplitude.

The power transistors are generally dimensioned smaller than in the servo drive (-> lower overload capacity and dynamic prop erties).



The Basics of Motion Control

The Componen ts of a Drive System

U/f frequency converter This is the most basic design of a mo dern frequency converter. The converter regulates the motor voltage and frequency in a linear relationship. This results in a very weak tor que at low speed s. The spe ed of the connect ed motor varies depending on its present load. A current mea surement can also be used for compensation (slip compensation) without requiring feedback about the position from a determination of the load. This design is sufficient for simple applications with small speed variation and without heavy starting. Only induction motors can be op erated. In the class ical se nse, a frequency converter is basically a speed positioner: Rotating field specification without reference to the rotor position (not a position encoder) Low PWM switching frequencies Slow control res ponse not suited for dynamic processes Dimensioning to rated power without overload properties The differences between frequency converters and servo drives are evident when making a direct comparison with one another: Frequency converter
PWM ground frequency Current controller Speed controller Position controller Brake chop per Induction motors Synchronous motor Overload cap acity Highly-dynamic movements 4 ... 8 kHz 0.5 ... 2 kHz Optional (2 msec) missing Optional Yes No Low No

Servo drive
5 ... 20 kHz 16 ... 20 kHz 0.2 ... 1 ms 0.4 ... 4 ms Default Yes Yes High Yes

The Basics of Motion Control



Integration in the Process


INTEGRATION IN THE PROCESS We can recognize the main components of the electronic drive systems from the previous contents. The core characteristics of the individual technologies are also familiar.

In the following section, we will get one mor e overview summarizing the important points to consider wh en choosing components. The challen ge for the software developer is to implement the process in the control program. 4.1 Sele cting the technology The starting point when setting up an electrical drive system is naturally the process that must be implemented. All of the necess ary ma chin e sequences must be exactly known in orde r to estimate the mechanical requirements and the demands placed on the control system (drive system manage men t, control software): Power converter The limitations of the frequency converter com pared to the ser vo drive can be seen clearly. Proces ses that require variable speed adjustment, but that do not require precision positionin g or highly dynamic speed profiles can generally be handled very effectively using a frequency converter. It is usually used in combination with an induction motor. Comm on app lications for this type of configuration include: Main spindle drive motors (machine tools, textile spinning machines, packaging machines) Co nveyor systems with variable speed Material transport with variable haul-off spee d Regulated fan units



The Basics of Motion Control

Integration in the Process

Fig. 45: Conveyor belt

Simple and cost-effective positioning procedures (very low dynamic properties) The servo drive is us ed whe n higher demands are placed on positioning in the mechanical system: Highly-dynamic mo vem ent of precise po sitioning profiles Use of electronic gea rs with variable gear ratio (positioning in realtime) Use of dynamic positioning profiles (cam profiles) for real-time po sitioning Processing of process-specific calculations and logical decisions in one exact cycle (ACOPOS 400 s) Direct measurem en t of process signals (position encoder, digital inputs) and control of sensors

Fig. 46: ACOPOS control software, objects and resources

Detailed diagnostics po ssibilities and maximum process control

The Basics of Motion Control



Integration in the Process

Motor The mo tor is responsible for converting the electrical energy into a mo vement. It must be able to provide the torque for positionin g the mechanical system:

Tmotor = Jmech.
Tmotor ... required drive torque J mech . ... mo ment of inertia (mechanical inertia of the entire system) ... rotational acceleration (dynamic requirement) The mo tor must be designed for both average load as well as for the po tential peak loads (instantaneous acc elerations, etc.). As mentioned many times in the previous sections, a permanently excited synchronous motor working together with a ser vo drive for control is the absolute front-runner for dynamic and simultaneously precise positioning. The B&R product range offers synchronous motor to meet these demands in a wide range of performance: Torque from 0.2 115 Nm Highly dynamic properties High peak torque Compact construction, high power density Low tor que ripple Reinforced bearings Practically maintenance-free

Fig. 47: B&R synchronous motors



The Basics of Motion Control

Integration in the Process

Encoder system One of the main criteria for the po sition en coder is the resolution. It is a decisive factor for how precise positions can ultimately be mea sured and controlled. The quality of drive control is also largely dep endent on the encode r resolution. Additionally, the speed of position evaluation and transfer to the ser vo drive also play a decisive role. In this case , optical encoder systems are superior to the inductive encode r (resolver). Depending on the application, the constan t repetition of the homing procedure after a system restart is either not po ssible or not desirable. In this case, the characteristics of the extended movement range of a multiturn encoder can come prove useful.

Fig. 48: Position encoder

Physical limits are also defined for safe functioning of the encoder. Above all, vibrations and high temperatures can cause problems for the encoder. In this case, the resolver is more durable with its highly robust construction. The resolution and control quality offered by the resolver system is sufficient for many app lications. B&R servo motors with ENDAT encoders and em bed ded parameter chips mak e up a comp act plug & play compone nt for drive automation.

The Basics of Motion Control



Integration in the Process


Developing the control software As we have seen, mode rn drive technology encom pas ses a very wide range of topics, which can and should include a variety of considerations. The developer of control software is respo nsible for implementing the process at hand in a control program.

Fig. 49: The developer's tasks

It is immensely important to always keep the spectrum of the entire system in mind so that you can plan in all of the asp ects accordingly. Only then can the appr oach be optimally "sketched" and implemented.



The Basics of Motion Control

Integration in the Process

The drive system is generally controlled by a CPU that is connected with the servo drive via a commun ication network (e.g.: ETHERNETPOWERLINK, CAN etc.).

Fig. 50: CPU ACOPOS comm un ication

The process flow is implemented in the app lication program. Software tools (graphic editors, etc.) and fun ctions for the control proces s (po sitioning commands, etc.) are provided in the development environment (B&R Automation Studio) for this reason.

Fig. 51: Automation Studio, Motion Components

The Basics of Motion Control



Integration in the Process

The spectrum ranges from simple basic movements...

Fig. 52: basic positioning functions the managem en t of dynamic po sitioning profiles for complex app lications.

Fig. 53: Cam profile automat

Knowledge of these software-related tools and functions is also impo rtant for us so that we can divide the application into individual fun ction units. A modular and structured layout of the control software mak es it much easier to create, maintain and expand the software applications. Note: The following training modules will deal extensively with the software tools used for setting up and configuring the B&R drive solution.



The Basics of Motion Control



SUMMARY The level of performance of mod ern drive systems has improved significantly thanks to technological advan cements in the ar ea of power electronics and signal electronics. Electrical, IT-related and mechanical compo nents are combined to automate a process. Optimum coordination of this mechatronic system is decisive for mee ting high demands.

Fig. 54: The fun damentals of the drive system

Even the selection of drive system components must be ma de in close coordination with the requirements of the pr oces s. The specific characteristics of the system comp onen ts and their effects on the entire system are the main focus in this case. Basic knowledge about the comp onents, technologies and pr ocedures in the system is quite useful for the software developer. With this basis, the mechatronic drive system can be optimally adjusted, setup and further developed into a fun ction unit that can be use d repeatedly.

The Basics of Motion Control



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