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Syllabus for Undergraduate Bachelors Program in Linguistics,

Department of Linguistics, University of Lucknow

Semester I

Paper 1: Introduction to Linguistics-I

Course Outcome: By the end of the course, the student will have an introductory
understanding of

 the basic tenets of linguistics,

 its various branches of study,
 classification of language families around the world and in the Indian subcontinent,
 as well as scripts of the world.

Unit I

 Language and Communication: Evolution of language,

 Design features of Language,
 Animal language, Sign Language;
 Different means of communication and its types (human/non-human, Verbal/non-verbal),
 Models of communication

Unit II

 What is Linguistics: Branches of Linguistics;

 Levels of linguistic analysis: Phonetics, Morphology, Syntax and Semantics;
 Methods of linguistics (comparative, historical, descriptive)

Unit III

 Classification of languages
 Language families; Indian language families
 Indo Aryan language family

Unit IV

 Language script: origin and development of scripts around the world

 scripts used in India.
 Devanagiri script (introduction and major features)

Recommended Books –

Bloomfield, Leonard. An introduction to the study of language. H. Holt, 1914.

Hockett, Charles F. A course in modern linguistics. New York: Macmillan Company (1958).
Hall, Robert Anderson. Introductory linguistics. Chilton Books, 1964.
Gleason, H. A. "An Introduction to Descriptive Linguistics." New York: Holt (1958).
र तोगी , किवता 2014, भाषािव ान का प रचय, अिवराम काशन,िद ली (क ीय िहदं ी िनदेशालय से ा िव ीय सहायता से कािशत)

Paper 2: Sounds of Language: I

By the end of the course,

 the student will have an introductory idea of human speech—its production and
 When given a speech sample to analyse, the student will be able to identify sounds,
syllables, suprasegmental features and transcribe the same using IPA.

Unit I

 Phonetics: Branches of Phonetics;

 Organs of speech,
 states of glottis
 types of air-stream mechanisms.

Unit II

 Articulation of speech sounds: Consonants

 places of articulation, manners of articulation
 three terms labeling of consonants;
 vowels; classification of vowels; cardinal vowels; diphthongs.

Unit III

 Complex articulations: Secondary articulation: palatalization, velarization, labialization

and nasalization;
 double articulations;
 Segmental and suprasegmental: stress, tone, intonation, duration, juncture, Rhythm.

Unit IV

 Syllable: Structure-Onset, peak and coda;

 acoustic phonetics: speech waves-their nature; pitch, frequency, amplitude, and quality.
 IPA symbols and transcription

Recommended Books
Balasubramanian, T. 1981. A text book of English Phonetics for Indian Students. Macmillan
India Ltd.
Sahay, Chaturbhuj. 1987. Swan Vigyan. Kumar Prakashan: Agra.
Reference Books:
Roach, Peter.2009. English Phonetics and Phonology: A Practical course. CUP: Cambridge.
Ashby, M. and Maidment, J. 2005. Introducing Phonetic Science. CUP: Cambridge.

Semester II

Paper 3: Introduction to Linguistics-II

Course Outcome:

By the end of the course,

 the student will be able to draw on knowledge attained during Intro to Linguistics I
and build on their understanding of Linguistics and its basic some of its
foundational concepts via their understanding of speech and language disorders,
theories of language acquisition.
 They will be able to evaluate the role of culture in shaping language and vice versa
as well as identify routes and results of language change.

Unit I

 Language and brain,

 Language acquisition,
 Critical period
 Speech and language disorders.

Unit II

 Language and culture

 Colour terms, kinship terms, time concepts, address terms, gender;
 Linguistic relativity

Unit III

 Language change;
 Types of Language;
 Change; Directions of language change, Causes of language change

Unit IV

 Current interdisciplinary research in linguistics,

 A career in linguistics: scope, fellowships, research and other opportunities (language
teaching, lexicography, speech pathology, computational linguistics, machine translation,
translation, research and academia)

Recommended books:

A.Akmajian, R.A. Demers, et. Al. 2001. Linguistics: an introduction to Language and
Communication. MIT Press: Cambridge, MA.

A. Radford, M. Atkinson, 1999. Linguistics: An introduction, Cambridge University Press

Rodman, R., Hyams, N., Fromkin, V. (2018). An Introduction to Language. United

States: Cengage Learning.

Yule, G. (2010). The Study of Language. (n.p.): Cambridge University Press.

Paper 4: Sounds of language: 2

Course outcome:

By the end of the course,

 the student will build on their knowledge of speech sounds and delve into principles
that govern their analysis.
 Students will be able to identify and define phonemic principles, reasons behind and
types of sound change,
 and be trained in rule writing formalisms.

Unit I

 Phonemics : Concept of Phone, phoneme and allophone;
 Major distributions of sound;
 Identification of phoneme; minimal pairs

Unit II

 Phonemic principles;
 Neutralization,
 Morphophonemic alternations;
 Phonotactics

Unit III

 Sound Change- Addition, Assimilation, Dissimilation,

 Metathesis
 Haplology, Elision

Unit IV

 Distinctive features;
 Rule writing formalisms;
 Practical Phonemics.

Recommended Books

Ashby, M. and Maidment, J. 2005. Introducing Phonetic Science. CUP: Cambridge.

Roach, Peter.2009. English Phonetics and Phonology: A Practical course. CUP: Cambridge.
Reference Books:

A. Akmajian, R.A. Demers, et. Al. 2001. Linguistics: an introduction to Language and Communication.
MIT Press: Cambridge, MA.


Paper 5: Patterns of Words

Course outcome:

By the end of the course the student will have an understanding of

 the minimal meaningful unit of a language,
 the tools and rules to identify such units in a language and analyse the same.
 The student will be able to identify basic rules of word formation in a language and
 identify morphemes and its characteristics from a given data set.

Unit I
 Morphemes, morphs, allomorphs;
 Morpheme- Types, Distribution and Conditioning.
Unit II
 Lexeme, Word,
 Root, stems, base,
 Stem -extenders,
 Inflection and derivation.
Unit III
 Word formations
 derivational processes,
 conversion,
 compounds,
 reduplication,

Unit IV
 Principles of Morpheme identification and Identification Exercises

Recommended Books

Lieber, R. 2015. Introducing Morphology. CUP: Cambridge

Nida, E. 1949. Morphology: the descriptive analysis of words. University of Michigan Press:
An A. Akmajian, R.A. Demers, et. Al. 2001. Linguistics: an introduction to Language and
Communication. MIT Press: Cambridge, MA.Arbor.

Lyons, John (1968). An Introduction to Theoretical Linguistics. Cambridge: Cambridge

University Press, UK.
D. Thakur Morphology Published by Bharti Bhawan Publishers & Distributors

Recommended Books:

Katamba, F. and Stonham, J. 2006. Morphology. MacMillan International: London

Morenberg, Max (1997). Doing Grammar. New York: Oxford.

Palmer, Frank (1991). Grammar. Penguin Group: UK

Katamba, F. 1993. Morphology. Modern Linguistics Series. New York: Macmillan International
St. Martin’s Press
Paper 6: Grammatical Traditions: Indian

Course outcome:

By the end of the course, the student will be able to
 identify the characteristics of the work of ancient grammarians,
 recognise ancient grammatical traditions and their importance in today’s studies in

Unit I

 Introduction to Ancient Grammarians – Pre-Paniniyan;

 Munitray – Panini,
 Patanjali,
 Katyayan and Yask

Unit II

 Ancient Indian grammatical traditions – Phonetic – Shiksha, Pratishakya;

 Semantic – Nirukta, Nighantu.

Unit III

 Grammatical Traditions – Ashtadhyayi,

 Kaumudikar,
 Vartikkar
 Prakriyakar.

Unit IV

 Modern Indian Linguistic Studies – General Introduction,

 Suniti Kumar Chatterji,
 Siddheshwar Varma,
 Kamta Prasad Guru

Recommended Books:

Suggested Readings:
Kulikov, L.: Language vs. grammatical tradition in ancient India (2013) FOLIA LINGUISTICA
HISTORICA. 34(1). p.59-91
Robins, R.H. 1967: Short History of Linguistics, London: Longmans
अनंतचौधरी 2013, िहदं ी याकरण का इितहास, भारत सरकार के मानव ससं ाधन िवकास मं ालय (िश ा िवभाग) , िबहार िहदं ी थ अकादमी
डॉ शमा देवे नाथ, 2015, भाषािव ान क भिू मका, राधाकृ ण काशन , िद ली

Semester IV:

Paper 7: Patterns of Sentences

Course outcome:

By the end of this course,

 students will gain technical mastery over the concepts of constituent structure,
phrase structural representations.
 Students will be able to identify verbs and its arguments, including their semantic
roles and exponents.
 This course aims to equip the student with the initial tools of linguistic analysis in

Unit I

 Constituent structure;
 Phrase and its types;
 phrasal tests;
 Phrase structure representations.

Unit II

 Clause and its classification: Simple, Complex and compound;

 Subordinate Clauses: complement; adverbial and relative clauses.
 Finite/nonfinite;
 causatives, passives.

Unit III:

 Verb and its arguments – transitive , Intransitive, Ditransitive Verbs;

 Grammatical Functions –Subject , Object, Indirect Object;
 Complements and adjuncts;
 Copula and its Complements;
 Subcategorization and Selectional restriction;
 Semantic role of arguments – Agent, theme, goal

Unit IV

 Exponents Marked in verb: tense, voice, aspect, mood, and agreement;

 Exponents marked in noun: person number, gender, case.

Recommended Books

Kroeger, P.R. 2005.Analysing Grammar. CUP: Cambridge.

Wekker, H and Haegeman, L. 2009. A modern course in English Syntax. Routledge: London
A. Akmajian, R.A. Demers, et. Al. 2001. Linguistics: an introduction to Language and Communication.
MIT Press: Cambridge, MA.

Larson, R. 2010. Grammar as Science. MIT Press: Cambridge, MA.
Koul, O.N. 2008. Modern Hindi Grammar. Dunwoody Press: Springfield, VA.

Paper 8: Grammatical Traditions: Western

Course outcome:

By the end of the course,

 the student will be able to identify the characteristics of the work of Western
 recognise ancient western grammatical traditions and their importance in today’s
studies in Linguistics.
 They will also be able to build on their knowledge from Paper II in Sem III and
compare and contrast Indian grammatical traditions with the western ones.

Unit I

 Origin and Development of the Western Linguistics

 Greek Philosophers,
 Latin Grammarians.

Unit II

 Renaissance Period- General Introduction

 18th Century – General Introduction.

Unit III

 The 19th Century,

 Discovery of Sanskrit,
 Comparativism and Historicism,
 Evolutionism,
 Neo-grammarians

Unit IV

 Western Linguistics Studies in the 20th century – Ferdinand De Saussure,

 European and American Schools.

Recommended Books:

Milka Ivic, 1970. Trends in Linguistics, Translated by Muriel Heppell, Mouton and Company,
NV Publishers, The Hague, Paris.

Pederson, H. 1962. Discovery of Language, Indiana University Press, Bloomington.
Robins. RH. 1968. A Short History of Linguistics. Bloomington, Indiana University Press.

Semester V

Paper 9: Patterns of Meaning

Course outcome:

By the end of this course,

 the student will be able to explain what is semantics and why is it essential to
linguistic study.
 They will be able to define sense, reference and connotation,
 as well as identify and differentiate between different kinds of meaning.
 They will also understand sense relationships and explain their meaning.

Unit I
 Semantics: its definition and scope
Unit II
 Sense and reference,
 connotation and denotation
Unit III
 Types of meaning: descriptive, emotive and phatic
Unit IV
 Sense relations: Synonymy, polysemy, antonymy, hyponymy, meronymy

Text books

Lyons, J. 1977. Semantics. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press. (Vol. I).

Ly;ons, J. 1995. Linguistic Semantics: An Introduction. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press.

Suggested readings

How to do things with words: J.L.Austin , Oxford University Press 1976

Linguistics Semantics: An Introduction: j. Lyons, Cambridge University Press 1995
Linguistics Semantics: Nick Reimer, Cambridge University Press
Linguistics: Donna J. Napoli, oxford university press
अथत व क भिू मका: डॉ. िशवनाथ, नागरी चा रणी सभा
अथिव ान और याकरण दशन: डॉ. किपलदेव ि वेदी, िह दु तानी अकादमी, उ र देश इलाहाबाद
Paper 10: Dialectology

By the end of the course,

 the student will be able to identify different characteristics that differentiate one
variation of a language from another.
 S/he will be able to use the foundational skills used in field work (elicitation,
documentation, archiving) to study such a variation and record his/her findings.

Unit I

 Concept of Dialectology,
 Nature and Scope.
 History and development of Dialectology.

Unit II

 Differences among Dialect, Sub-Dialect, Idiolect and Language.

 Types of Dialect – Regional or Geographical and Social.

Unit III

 Dialect Geography,
 Linguistic Geography, Scope.
 Areal Linguistics.
 Field methods and techniques.
 Methodology, Preparation of questionnaire, Data-collection.

Unit IV

 Linguistic Atlas – Definition, History

 Techniques of making Linguistic-Atlas,
 Types of Atlas,
 Isogloss – Types and importance.

Recommended Books:

Chambers, Jack K., and Peter Trudgill. Dialectology. Cambridge University Press, 1998.
Nida, Eugene. “Field techniques in descriptive linguistics." International journal of American
linguistics 13.3 (1947): 138-146.
Grierson, George Abraham, (ed). Linguistic survey of India. Vol. 4. Office of the superintendent of
government printing, India, 1906.
Abbi, Anvita. A manual of linguistic field work and structures of Indian languages. LINCOM handbooks
in linguistics." (2001).
Grinevald, Colette, and Peter K. Austin. "Language documentation and description." (2003): 52., SOAS,
कै लाश च द भािटया - भाषा भगू ोल, हीरालाल शु ल, श द भगू ोल, Kendriya Hindi Sansthan, New Delhi, 1998.

Paper 11a: Language and Society

Course outcome:

By the end of the course the student will have an understanding of

 the different ways in which languages in a society and the society itself, interact,
 how both bring about changes in the other due to their inherent characteristics
 and how different features of each can be understood better by studying the other.
 They will examine this relationship through the lenses of class, gender, caste, and
other similar classifications of a society and examine how languages change in each.

Unit I

 Language and Society and their interrelation,

 social functions of language;
 Man, language and society;
 Language and identity;
 Language and culture;
 language and thought

Unit II

 Concept of speech community;

 Hindi speech community;
 Problems of the conceptualization of Indian speech community;
 Bilingualism and Multilingualism;
 Speech repertoire;
 Interference and Borrowing;
 Diglossia;
 Code mixing and code switching.

Unit III

 Social context and language types;

 Language and dialect;
 idiolect, standard language, regional language;
 Style, register,
 Slang, Jargon, Cant, Pidgin, Creole,
 Official language, National language

Unit IV

 Variation- social and regional;

 relationship between social and regional variation;
 Sociolinguistic change;
 Language planning,
 language standardization and modernization;
 Language maintenance and shift.

Text books:

Fishman, Joshua A. "The sociology of language." Sociolinguistics. Palgrave, London, 1997. 25-30.
Giglioli, Pier Paolo, ed. Language and social context: selected readings. Penguin Books, 1972.
Gumperz, J.J. and D. Hymes. Directions in Sociolinguistics; the Ethnography of Communication. Holt,
Rinehart and Winston, 1972.
Labov, William. Sociolinguistic patterns. No. 4. University of Pennsylvania Press, 1972.
Nida, Eugene A. "Language in Culture and Society." (1964): 964.

रवी नाथ ीवा तव एवं रमानाथ सहाय, िहंदी का सामािजक स दभ. 2004, Payal Publications, Allahabad.

Semester VI
Paper 12: Historical Linguistics

Course outcome:

By the end of the course

 the student will have an understanding of the different ways in which over the
course of time and space, languages change.
 They will be able to follow the basic evolution of one language from another using
the rules and skills acquired during the course.
 They will have a wider understanding of the language families of the world and a
better one of the language families in South Asia, specially, the Indo Aryan
Language family.

Unit I

 Historical Linguistics- nature, scope and importance,

 Methods of historical linguistics

Unit II:

 Language Families - An introduction;

 Proto language;
 Comparative method;
 Reconstruction method- brief introduction

Unit III

 Language change- Causes and directions;

 Types of language change- sound, meaning, and grammar

Unit IV

 Language contact and its results;

 language shift,
 language loss,
 language maintenance

Recommended Books

Hock, Hans Henrich. Principles of historical linguistics. Walter de Gruyter, 2009.

Hudson-Williams, Thomas. A short introduction to the study of comparative grammar (Indo-

European). University of Wales Press, 1951.

Ghatage, Amrit Madhav. Historical linguistics and Indo-Aryan languages. University of

Bombay, 1962.

Lehman, W.P. & Y." Malkiel. Historical Linguistics. Amsterdam: John (1968).

Bynon, Theodora. Historical linguistics. Cambridge University Press, 1977.

Paper 13: Applied Linguistics

Course outcome:

 This paper aims to equip the student with the introductory skill set to use Linguistic
knowledge in the practical field.
 By the end of the course, the student will be able to understand the usage of
linguistic tools in translation, language teaching, dictionary making and clinical
fields like speech pathology, neurolinguistics, etc.

Unit I

 Translation: Principles of translation;
 types of translation;
 process of translation;
 interpretation and transcreation;
 problems of translation

Unit II

 Language Teaching: Learning theories and language teaching;

 notions of mother tongue (M.T.) and other tongue(O.T.);
 second and foreign language teaching;
 methods of language teaching;
 syllabus design and language testing.

Unit III

 Lexicography: Structure and function of lexeme,

 types of dictionaries;
 dictionary making: collection, selection and organization of materials;
 problems in dictionary making.

Unit IV

 Clinical Linguistics:
 Linguistics and language pathology;
 neurolinguistics and linguistic aphasiology;
 aphasia, agrammatism and dyslexia;
 speech pathology and stuttering.

Recommended Books:

Caplan. D. 1987. Neurolinguistics and linguistic aphasiology. Cambridge: Cambridge

University Press

Gordzinsky. Y. 1990. Theoretical perspective on language deficits. Cambridge: MIT Pres.

Richards J C & Rogers T S (2001) Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching (2nd
edition) Cambridge: CUP

Zgusta,L. 1971. Manual of Lexicography. The Hague: Mouton.

Paper 14: Structure of Hindi

Course outcome:

 This course will equip the student with a better understanding of the structure of
 The student will study Hindi through the lenses of geography, society and linguistic
 By the end of the course, the student will be able to perform analysis of a given
Hindi data set on the basis of the perspectives of sociolinguistics, syntax,
morphology and regional variations.

Unit I

 Historical perspective of Hindi language

 Hindi speaking areas, dialects,
 Hindi-Urdu, and linguistics characteristics;
 Sound system of Hindi- segmental phonemes, suprasegmentals and phonotactics

Unit II

 Hindi Morphology- grammatical categories- nominal: case; number; and gender

 Verbal: Tense, Aspect, Mood,
 Word classes, word formation processes, compounds

Unit III

 Hindi Syntax -Noun Phrase, Verb Phrase,

 Sentence and its types: simple, complex and compound;
 Copulative, interrogative, imperative;
 Subordinate clauses-finite clauses, relative clauses and adverbial clauses.

Unit IV

 Hindi Lexicon;
 Structure-topic/focus, given/new, theme/rheme
 Discourse structure-inter-sentential relations
 discourse organization.

Recommended Books

Kellog, H.S, Grammar of Hindi Language, AM Pres. Mission Press Allahabad, 1876

Kachru, Yamuna, Hindi, John Benjamins Publishing
Kelkar, Ashok R, Studies in Hindi-Urdu. Poona: Deccan College.

Semester VII

Paper 15: Linguistics: Theoretical framework

Course outcome:

By the end of the course,

 the student will have an advanced understanding of the basic tenets of linguistics,
 its various branches of study, the scope of research in the subject.

Unit I
 Communication and its means,
 Types of Communication, human and non human communication
 Design features of human language

Unit II
 Linguistics – definition and aim,
 Branches of Linguistics,
 Methods of Linguistics

Unit III
 Major Dichotomies: Saussure - Langue and Parole;
 Syntagmatic and Paradigmatic relations;
 Synchronic and Diachronic approaches;
 Chomsky - Competence and Performance,
 Deep and Surface Structure

Unit IV
 Relation of Linguistics with other disciplines,
 Language and Brain,
 Language and thought,
 Language and Society

Recommendation Books:
Bloomfield, Leonard. An introduction to the study of language. H. Holt, (1914).
Hockett, Charles F. A course in modern linguistics. New York: Macmillan Company (1958).
Hall, Robert Anderson. Introductory linguistics. Chilton Books, 1964.
Gleason, H. A. "An Introduction to Descriptive Linguistics." New York: Holt (1958).
र तोगी , किवता 2014, भाषािव ान का प रचय, अिवराम काशन,िद ली

हरीश शमा - भाषा िव ान क परे खा

Paper 16: Phonetics

Course outcome:

By the end of the course,

 the student will have an in -depth idea of human speech—its production and
 When given a speech sample to analyse, the student will be able to identify sounds,
appreciate physical properties of sound waves using linguistic tools, and transcribe
sounds using IPA.

Unit I
 Physiological basis of speech production
 organs of speech, respiratory system and laryngeal system;
 states of glottis and Phonation types,
 Air Stream Mechanisms – Pulmonic, Velaric, and Glottalic.

Unit II
 Classification of speech sounds – Consonants: Place of articulation,
 Degrees of Stricture: Manners of articulation; and three term labels.
 Vowels: Articulation of vowels, Tongue placement and lip rounding,
 Cardinal vowels, Diphthongs, Semi-vowels.
 Complex Articulations: Double articulation and secondary articulation.

Unit III
 Syllable as a speech unit, its structure and significance;
 Voice Onset Timing(VOT) and Aspiration,
 Suprasegmental features – Stress, length, pitch, tone, Intonation, Voice quality, and

Unit IV
 Acoustic characteristics of Sound waves: Transmission, frequency, Pitch, amplitude,
 Instrumental phonetics: Palatography, X-rays, Spectrography.

Recommended Books:
Abercrombie, D. 1968, Elements of General Phonetics. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
Ashby, M. and J.Maidment. 2005. Introducing Phonetic Science. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.

Ladefoged, P. 2001.A course in Phonetics. Boston, MA., Heinle and Heinle.
Laver, John. 1994. Principles of Phonetics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Paper 17: Morphology

Course outcome:

By the end of the course the student will have

 an understanding of the minimal meaningful unit of a language,
 the tools and rules to identify such units in a language and analyse the same.
 The student will be able to create a rudimentary grammar of a given language using
the skills acquired during the course.

Unit I
 Morphology: Morph, Morpheme and allomorph.
 Morphemic variants and their conditioning
 Criteria for the identification of morphemes

Unit II:
 Types of Morphemes - Roots, affixes, stem and base, stem extender,
 Clitics and their types,
 Morphological processes

Unit III
 Word and its types,
 Word and lexeme,
 Word Classes, Processes of word formation: Derivation, Inflection,
 Compounding, Reduplication, Conversion: productivity and blocking

Unit IV
 Interaction of lexicon, morphology and syntax;
 Morphological Typology;
 Idioms and Compounds;
 Grammatical categories

Recommended Books-

Anderson, Stephen R., and Stephen R. Anderson. A-morphous morphology. Vol. 62. Cambridge
University Press, 1992.
Aronoff, Mark. "Word formation in generative grammar." Linguistic Inquiry Monographs
Cambridge, Mass 1 (1976): 1-134.
Spencer, Andrew. Morphological theory: An introduction to word structure in generative
grammar. Wiley-Blackwell, 1991.
Katamba, Francis. Morphology. New York: Macmillan International (1993).

Rastogi , K.-समसामियक भाषािव ान
भोला नाथ ितवारी -भाषािव ान

Paper 18: Comparative and Historical Linguistics with special reference to the Indo-Aryan
language Family

Course outcome:

By the end of the course

 the student will have an understanding of the different ways in which over the
course of time and space, languages change.
 They will be able to chronologically map the evolution of one language from another
using the rules and skills acquired during the course.
 They will have a wider understanding of the language families of the world and a
better one of the language families in South Asia, specially, the Indo Aryan
Language family.

Unit I
 Concept of Comparative Philology,
 Comparative Linguistics,
 Historical and Comparative Methods
Unit II
 Methods of Reconstruction - Internal and External,
 Exercises
Unit III
 Change in Language – Phonetic, Morphological, Syntactic and Semantic
Unit IV
Phonetic Laws & Neo-Grammarian Theory,
Language Families
Proto Indo-European and Indo-European Languages,
Indo-Aryan language family– Old, Middle and New

Recommended Books-

Hock, Hans Henrich. Principles of historical linguistics. Walter de Gruyter, 2009.

Hudson-Williams, Thomas. A short introduction to the study of comparative grammar (Indo-European).

University of Wales Press, 1951.

Ghatage, Amrit Madhav. Historical linguistics and Indo-Aryan languages. University of Bombay, 1962.

Lehman, W.P. & Y." Malkiel. HistoricalLinguistics. Amsterdam: John (1968).

Bynon, Theodora. Historical linguistics. Cambridge University Press, 1977.

Paper 19: Sociolinguistics

Course outcome:

By the end of the course

 the student will have an understanding of the different ways in which languages in a
society and the society itself, interact, how both bring about changes in the other due
to their inherent characteristics and how different features of each can be
understood better by studying the other.
 They will examine this relationship through the lenses of class, gender, caste, and
other similar classifications of a society and examine how languages change in each.

Unit I
 Sociolinguistics – Nature and Scope, Micro and Macro.
 Sociolinguistics and related disciplines
 Concept of Communicative competence

Unit II
 Social and Cultural variation,
 Style and Registers,
 Social Stratification,
 Sociolinguistic variables
 Language repertoire

Unit III
 Language Contact,
 Bilingualism and Multilingualism
Unit IV
 Patterns of language use in a Multilingual Society,
 Diglossia,
 Issues of Language maintenance and shift,
 Borrowing and Interference,
 Code Mixing and Code Switching,
 Pidgins and Creoles

Recommended books:
Fishman, Joshua A. "The sociology of language." Sociolinguistics. Palgrave, London, 1997. 25-30.
Giglioli, Pier Paolo, ed. Language and social context: selected readings. Penguin Books, 1972.
Gumperz, J.J. and D. Hymes. Directions in Sociolinguistics; the Ethnography of Communication. Holt,
Rinehart and Winston, 1972.
Nida, Eugene A. "Language in Culture and Society." (1964): 964.
Labov, William. Sociolinguistic patterns. No. 4. University of Pennsylvania Press, 1972.
रवी नाथ ीवा तव एवं रमानाथ सहाय, िहंदी का सामािजक स दभ


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