ASNT Reference Manual Eddy Current (1)
ASNT Reference Manual Eddy Current (1)
ASNT Reference Manual Eddy Current (1)
ACCpSM, IRRSpSM, Level III Study Guide s l\1, Materials EvaluarionSI\\ NDT
HalldboofcS M , Nondestructive TesTing HandboopM , Tile NDT Technician SM
and www.asnt.orgSM arc service marks of the Ameri can Society for
Nondestructive Testing. ASN~, Research in Nondestructive Evaluation\!!
and RNDE@are registered trademarks of the American Society for
Nondestructive Testing .
The atomic nucleus is composed of proton s and neutrons and is surrounded by electro ns.
There are the same number of electrons and prolons in a neutral atom.
The ou termost electrons are shielded from the nucleus by the in ner electron shells and are free to
roam. These are called " free" electrons.
Material s with atoms that have many free electrons are "conductors."
Materials with atom s that have few free electrons arc "insulators" or "nonconductors."
Ohm 's Law relates the electrical potential diffe rence and current to the electrical res istance (R):
R= Ell I
The electrical resistance is the ratio of voltage to current.
Resistiv ity (p) = Cd ..
on ucuVlly
( )
The resistance of a conductor is directl y proportional to resistivity (p) and length ( f ), and inversely
proport ional [ 0 the cross- sectional area (A) of the conductor;
(£ Volts)
Power is the rate at which work is done.
In electricity, voltage does work as it "pushes" charge through a conductor over a given time;
P = IR x I = /2R I
P = E x (EfR) = E'IR I
6 Eddy Current Testing Theory and Practice
lfIustrative Problems:
b) 100 Ohms
- -@ A)-.II-- Ammeter
50 Volt Battery
T /
I. What is the current through R as shown?
I. 0 A
2. .1!L
= 0.5 A
3. 50 V
When the voltage difference across a conductor is changed in polarity back and fonh (alternated ),
the current reverses direction, flo wing first one way then the other.
Most power generating today is done with dynamos or generators that produce AC by means of a
rotating armature in a magnetic field.
Current I
360 0
o 2rc
The wiggly shape of the AC produced by the generator is known as a "sine wave ."
Each lime the generaro[ annarure rotates o ne complete turn, that is, 360 degrees rotaLion, the sine
wave picture al so moves 360 degrees.
Often. radian measure is used in place of degrees. Once around a circle is 360 degrees, or 2rr radi ans
in radian measure.
The w,wcform on the right has a "frequency" f numericall y equal LO Lhe number of revolutions per
second of the rotating armature.
ro = 2nd
roT represents the angle through which the annaLure has turned.
Atoms indiv iduall y act as tiny magnets, each hav ing a nOl1h and south pole.
Atoms of three clements - iron, cobalt, and nickel - have an additional property; these atoms
clump together to form tiny magnetic domai ns. Such a material is called "ferromagneLic."
When the domains in a piece of ferromag netic material are sufficiently lined up, the piece is said to
be magnetized.
-'Ar.-: __
, , ,
If the domains Lend to remai n li ned up, a permanent magnet is the result.
If this aligning of do mains occurs when a cUiTent-carrying coil of wire is wrapped around a
ferromagnetic piece, the dev ice is called an electromagnet.
If a magnet is placed under a th in piece of cardboard and iron fi lings afC sprinkled on the cardboard ,
a definite pattern is observed.
Here, each litt le arrow represents part of the overall magnetic field. The arrows come "out of ' the
north pole and "go into" the sOUlh pole.
Chapter 3 - Magnetism 11
These lines of force never cross one another. If one is displaced sideways, its neighbors must move
out of its way.
The strength of the magnetic field is represented by bunching of the lines of force, that is, how close
together they are.
The aggregate number of lines of force is called "magnetic flux" (<b) and the number of lines of
force in a given area is "nux density" (8).
The relationship between the magnetizing force (If) and the flux density (B ) is expressed as:
)..l (Greek mu) is called magnetic penneability.
)1.0 is a constant.
For ferromagnetic materials such as iron, cobalt, and nickel, J.l is greater than )1.0.
I B = ~,,,c~o H) = ~,,/B") I
)1.rel is the ratio of the flux density B in a material to the flux density B in air (Ba ) .
For ferromagnetic materials, J.l re1 is usually much greater than one.
For most ferromagnetic materials, J.lre/ is not constant but varies with magnetizing force H.
FUithermorc, in some materials, when H is broughl back to zero, B does not return to zero.
---:::==---------- --
- - ----------~--
Bresidual [
~~----------------~__ ~oH
The value of R when H relUms [ 0 zero is called residual magnetism (Bmidua) . This effec t is called
"retentivity ." A pemlanent magnet has been formed. The amou nt of H necessary to reduce B to
zero is called the "coercive force."
Chapter 3 - Magnetism 13
This relationship between H and B illustrates an effect called "magnetic hysteres is." The entire
hysteresis curve appears as:
~o H
--1~~ .......1------
Coercive Force
When a current-carrying wire is formed into a coil, the magnetic fields of individual turns combine
lO concentrale the overall flux inside the coil.
Many Turns
[0 1837 Michael Faraday discovered that the energy in a changing magnetic field was converted into
electrical energy.
where: ~<p
E is source of voltage due to ----z;;,t ' the rate of change of magnetic flux ¢l with time t.
[The (-) sign shows that the voltage opposes this flux rate of change.]
:> ~~----~----,-~~Time
Point of Rotation
~ Current
If an alternating current is introduced into a coil, the magneti c flux wi ll alternatc right along with it.
.. Flux
(in step)
(In phase)
I E= - N t><!>
E = voltage produced
N = Number of turn s in coil
64> = Rate of change of nux with time
1 2
Induction is closely associated wi th the concentration of the magnetic field caused by winding the
conductor into a coil.
E = "induced" voltage
E= - -
L = Inductance
M = Change in current with time
I L = Nipll I
L = inductance
N = number of turns
<I> = total flux in coi l
I = current in coil
If the above co ils arc wound one on top of the other, so that they are intimately woven together, all
of the alternating flux due to the AC in Coil 1 passes through eaeh turn of Coil 2.
4 - - - - - Coil 2
... Coil 1
Each turn of Coil 2 picks up an E (EMF) voltage. These all add up to form the total voltage. For
example, if there are 100 turns to Coil 2, a voltage of 100 E appears across the output of Coil 2.
If a conducting plate is present in stead of a second coil, the conductor acts like a shorted single-turn
secondary coil and an induced current appears in it.
The distance between the coil and the conducting plate determines lhe degree of induct ive
"cou pli ng. "
} - COil_[
A similar situation exists whenever an energized coil is wound around a metal rod.
Eddy Currents
Here, the inductive coupling depends on the ratio of the areas of rod and coil.
(10 Coil)
As above, the fill factor is the area ratio and is always less than 1.
This type of coil is called an " ID" or "bobbin" coil, and is used a great deal in the electric p<Jwer
industry for tube inspection , and in pipeli ne inspection.
When allernating current "excites" an empty coil, an opposing. or "back" electromot ive fo rce (EMF),
is induced in the coiL
The E voltage alternates with the same frequency, but is 90 degrees ahead of the current that created it.
This EMF is called "back" EMF because it opposes the original alternating voltage.
In an electric motor, the back EMF subtracts fro m the applied AC vohage across the motor. As the
motor gets up to speed, less and less net voltage is across the armatu re winding.
I E= - (roLll •
the EMF is alternating, but 90 degrees out of phase with I, as above
(0= 2It times the frequency
roL is called "inductive reactance;" that is, XL = 21tfL = coL
XL is measured in ohms, as is the resistance (R) of the wire forming the coil.
Chapter 5 - AC Mathematics 23
XL an d R form the two components of a vector, Z, called "impedance."
Imaginary Axis
Real Axis
Vectors, such as Z picturcd above, in a plane like Z arc formed from two perpendicular components,
here XL and R.
Z'~X/ +R2 1
The direction or "phase" (8) is gi ven by:
g iven R = 200 Q ,
XL ~ 300Q,
e= ran ,( -300
) = 56.3 degrees
on some calculators
"Empty" Coil
___ Coil near
t> R
The inductive reactance value dropped considerably; the resistance value increased.
Since the plane contain ing Xu R and Z is called the "impedance plane," eddy current testing done
using these parameters is called "impedance plane testing."
ZEmpty Coil
Z Stainless Steel
Chapter 5 - AC Mathematics 25
When AC (primary) current, J , is flo wing through a coil and the coil is placed near a conductor (test
object), secondary eddy currefrts, Is' are generated in the conductor. The eddy currents produce a
secondary field that opposes the primary fie ld in the coil. The field due to the coil can be called B
(primary field), and the secondary field induced in thc conductor BI;" P
.. ~ I Coli
I Eddy
Field rel ationships between the coil and conductor are as foll ows:
Primary Flux
Incident (Primary) Flux
Variables that can bc controlled include operating frequency and coil size and shape.
If impedance plane testing is to be performed, the effects due to lift-off and conductivity can usually
be separated by correct choice of operating frequency.
Use eddy current technique to differentiate between nonferromagnetic materials A and B.
Ferromagnetic materials have !l're! > 1. This results in intensification of inductance, L, and hence
inductive reactance, (XL = ffiL ).
Change in Z
Due to Lift-off
The variation of cddy current den sity with increasing depth decreases exponentially.
where :
& is the "standard depth of penetration."
Surface Value
Exponential Curve
Eddy Current Density
o 8 28 38 48
The standard depth of penetration is the distance below the surface of a flat specimen necessary to
reduce the eddy current density to 37% of it<; surface value.
Because the & of material reduces the eddy currents to 37 % of its surface value, 25 drops it to 37%
of 37% or 13.5%, 38 to 5%, and 4& to 2% of its surface value.
J.l ;;; relative penneability
0" = conducti vity
f = frequency of operation
Find the standard depth of penetration for an aluminum alloy having a conductivity of 50% IACS at
a test frequency of 100 kHz.
As the eddy currents penetrate deeper below the surface, the phase changes.
This enables the operator to determine approximate depth of detected discontinuities.
The phase lag, unlike the magnitude, varies linearly with depth below the surface.
e ~xlo I
e = phase lag in radians
x = depth
(5 = standard depth of penetration
As a result, subsurfacc cracks yield an impedance change in a significamly different direction than
those of surface-connected cracks.
"Lift-off Connected Crack
_ _ Subsurface Crack
Material Material
To complete the "nonnalizcd" impedance plane diagram. RD. the resistance of the empty coil. is
subtracted from all values of R. This pul'\ the empty coil point at (0.1) on the graph.
XL (Ohms)
0.5 1.0
5% lACS
Probe Coil
The "lift-off li nes" from the air point to the various conductivi ty points are produced when the probe
coil is moved from the air to test objects with different conductivi ties.
When the probe coil is moved toward the test object, coil-ta-object (az) variations occur. The
resulting curve is called a "lift-off line."
AlrPt H
] Coil-object Distance
Touching (0 distance)
10% ~O"
2 mils from
~I--- Touching
1.0 -=:'
0.' "" , ~
\I\: ,~4\' ~'0-
Tl ~ 0.25 \I{"I ';l ,," "'\'
I ):(20 ,
n = 0.50
0 .•
/\' 00\ /' '"
1/ '" I'"
The above curves illustrate the effect of increasing lift-off or decreasing fi ll factor on test sens itivity.
In the case of lift-off, the number of flu x lines intercepting the test object decreases as separation
}- COII_[
The effect of coil di ameter, d, is a fa clor. If the coil is small, a small lift-off becomes significant. If
the coi l is tiny, d and D are Liny. One way to think of this is to regard lift-off distance, D, in terms of
coil diameter, d.
As the lift-off distance is increased to about 1 1/2 coil diameters, a practical limit of sensitivity is
10 mils
100 mils
This effecl on penetration must be considered along with the depth of penetration variation with
frequency . Therefore, to obtain deeper eddy current penetration, lower frequencies and larger coils
must be used.
The signal is always averaged over the entire field and therefore over the entire test object volume in
which the field is present.
Large coils give the trade-off of strongcr indications and inspection speed at the cost of pinpointing
the spot where the discontinuity actually is present.
In the case of OD and ill coils, the position of the discontinuity cannot be located circumfercntially,
only that it is at a certain spot along the axis.
~ Cracks
Relative Signal
Response \ \ ..
The overall magnetic field of the coil may extend enough to sense the presence of conducting
fixturing or posilioning materials as well as the test object.
Non-conducting Coating
(e.g. paint, plastic coating)
Base Metal
If the conductive material varies in thickness, a high operating frequency typically would be selected
to keep the eddy currents from penetrating to the far side of the conductor.
Thi s same technique can be used to gage conductivity of a conductive coating on a conductive
material. The idea is to ensure that the eddy currents are almost entirely confined to the coating or
Success in gaging thickness of a conductive cladding on a conductive material also depends on the
depth of penetration and the difference in conductivity of the two material s.
A single simple coil is rarely used all by itself. Most eddy current coil configurations or systems arc
built on two·coil principles.
A single coil is called an "absolute" coil. Usually the si gnals from two such absolute coils are
compared much like a balance:
r r
) ()
r r
) Standard
Object Being
V V V v v v Weight Weighed
Reference Test
Object Object
Standard 0 0 Test Part
L- 0
0 0 0
00 00
Reference Coil Test Coil
If the magnitude of the impedance difference between the reference standard and tbe te st part.
exceeds a preset value, dye can be sprayed on the part to mark the out-of-specification portion.
Sometimes the reference coil is located next to lhe test coil on the same object. This setup is called
"self compari son."
This gives a three-wire (rather than four) assembly and is essentiall y a "center-lapped" (CT) coil.
A center-tapped coil can be arranged so that the difference between the two hal ves (either side of
centcr tap) is detected by the eddy current tester.
? .. Tube Moving
Through Coil
If tubing is moved as shown, a discontinuity will first be detected by the right side of the coil. As
the discontinuity passes the center tap, the s ignal~ balance momentarily before the left side sees it.
Due to self comparison, very little signal change is produced by gradual chan ges in properties or
dimensions of the Lest object. Gradu al changes, therefore, arc suppressed by the differential coi l.
Because of this, the system gain can be increased to make the eddy current lester selectively
sensitive to abrupt changes such as localized disconti nuities.
A two-wire version of the differential coil consists of two halves wound in opposite directions.
( )
The action of this coil is much the same as the three-wire version.
Coils can be and are arranged so that one coil induces the field and a second coil picks up the
signal - a pitch-catch arrangement.
Another very sensitive coi l arrangement is the reflection coil. A dri ver coil surrounds a pair of
pickup coils as shown.
000 .... ..
... \\
Ir ....
.... .. .....
.. 000
The pi ckup coils are identical and form two legs of an impedance bridge. The top and bottom
receiver coils are balanced (i.e. produce cancelling signals) in air. When a conducting object is
placed close to the coi ls, the bouom coil receives a much stronger signal than the top co il. This
arrangement is very sensitive, very stable, but more expensi ve than regular probe co ils.
Oscillator Bridge
The oscillator generates the signal at a selected frequency. The buffer/amplifier isolates the
oscillator and amplifies the signal. The bridge detects the impedance changes, which arc then
di splayed.
Basicall y, there are two types of instruments: "amplitude sensitive" and "phase sensitive."
Phase-sensitive instruments generally display both magnitude (length) and phase (direction)
diffe rences from impedance changes. This is typically accomplished by a readout of magnitude and
phase (digital or analog meters) or by motion of a spot on an osci lloscope.
Stri p charts can be hooked up to record either magnitude (2) and phase (9) or res istance (R) and
inductive reactance (XL)'
/ '\
Input Signal
,, \ .;
,, ,
,, 917 '\
,, ,, \...-J Detected Signal
Each of these displays contains vector impedance information as is detected by an impedance bridge.
Meter Offset
o ~"//
o x
o o R
o o o o
Some small , portable, meter-readout eddy current instruments cnable suppression of one of two
unwanted variables by allowing selection of an "off null operating point" (ONO?) on the impedance
In thi s fi gure. lift·off is effectively supprcssed; the magnitude (distance from the preset operating
point) does not change substantially with lift-off (little change in meter reading).
A conducti vity change, however, docs result in a magnitude change and a corresponding change in
meter reading. Selection of the ONOP is usually made by graphing the data.
Any nondestructive test is only as accurate as the standards used. This is true, therefore, for eddy
current testing.
Standardi:ted thicknesses of plastic shims are uscd to calibrate lift-off for noneondueti ve coating
2 Calibration Points
1.5 (shim thickness of
1 1, 2, and 3 mils)
o 25 50 75 100
Meter Reading
Cracks of Known
Widths and Depths Lift-off
/ C
--- ------0
Thickness Standard
The effect of each standard condition on the impedance plane assisL~ in identification of observed
It is important that the probe be positioned away from edges to achieve symmetrical flux; otherwise
a false reading due to "edge" or "end" effect will result.
The maxi mum sensitivity of an eddy current test is achieved when the current direction is
perpendicular to the discontinuity and thereby forced to detour around it.
Eddy Current
Since electrical current is perpendicular to magnetic flux , the eddy current veCfors are always
perpend icular to the magnetic flux vectors.
Currents ---,7"'=----.. ~@--- Delamination
The delamin ation is parallel to the current flow and thus is not detected.
Most effects that produce a definite cbange in impedance can be identifi ed by their signature on the
impedance plane.
These graphs show the importance of frequency selection for suppression of undesired variables.
For aluminum:
1. At 50 kHz, aluminum is clearl y separated from copper.
2. At 2 MHz, the lift-otl lines are practically superimposed.
For each material of given conductivilY, a theoretical1g (called "characteristic" or "limit" frequ ency)
can be calculated. A graph can be drawn for any conducting material in teons of the ralio of
operating frequency ft o limit frequen cy 19: flig.
The best separation between conductivity and li ft -off seems to be in the 16-25 range of the PIg ratio.
If the limit frequency for a given material is known, in principle, the optimum frequency can be
selected from the fll, graph.
For encircling coils containing cylindrical test objects. lhe limit frequency /g can be obtained from:
f = 1354
g r.,
II (Jd 2 coil diameter
Phase Shift in 3
Radians 2
ToAir Point
For surface-connected cracks, this forces the eddy currents deeper into the material.
For a wide shallow crack, the effect is similar to lift-off. This makes discrimination difficult because
the coil simply averages the di stances bit by bit.
11 JI
As thc crack becomes narrower and deeper, the phase shift moves the indication away from the
lift-off line towards the conductivity curve.
Thickness Variations
Vector impedance changes as the thi ckness of a given material is reduced.
Bmh single and double (through transmission) probe techniques are used.
With the single probe technique for a non-ferromagnetic, flat material of fixed conductivity, the only
Olh~r variable is lift-off.
The impedance plane thickness curve for a highly conductive material, such as aluminum or copper,
is shown below.
Air Point
8 is Standard Depth
t:::::::-_~0.010 of Penetration
20 10
The conductivity curves shown up to now assumed that the materials were at least 48 thick.
The curve approaches the air point as the thickness becomes infinitely thin.
Notice that, fo r a cenain region, the lift-off lines arc perpendicular (0 the curvc.
Less Than 90 0
The entire impedance plane can be rotated to render lift-off horizontal, and thickness vertical.
To Air Point Thickness
Voltages from thc vertical output, either read directly or recorded on a strip chart, will provide
thickness data.
For a thin metallic coating on a thin non-conductive substrate, metallic coating thickness and
substrate thickness can be simultaneously obtained.
Non-Conducting Coating
Material Thickness
This type of gagin g has been used as an in-process conLrol for plating copper onto plastic to make
precision ribbon transmi ssion line.
I Higher" Cladding
Lower "
For a given appli cation, a standard could be fabri cated of the two metals to be gaged.
As an alternative, a series of parts with known cladding thicknesses could be used as a "standard ."
Frequency is typicall y chosen by ex periment, keeping in mind that good penetrati on of the cladding
material is needed.
The syslt;:m must "sec" th e bottom material through the top material.
If th e cladding is of higher conductivity, the system sees the cladding becoming thinner.
If the cladding is of lower conducti vity, the system sees lift-off from the base material .
" Curve
Lower cr~
(probe on top)
Cladding Lower " Cladding Higher"
Than Base Than Base
1 2 3 4 5
High? )3: I~~-=------LL--L--J00~W"
---,:!iW1cr ~
1 2 1 2 3 4 5
(probe on bottom)
Howe ver, an actual separation or gap can be seen. It is interpreted as a second layer of the same or
different conductive material.
)~ )
? (
The coil must be large enough for the field to extend imo both layers,
1 2 3
c - - - - f - Gap Due to
In all of these tests, the accuracy of the test depends on the quality of the standards used.
5 ,
~ ,., 4
3 ,
Because of this, lift-off lines and lines of varying J..l,t/ are virtually aligned.
(almost aligned)
Lift-off Lines
C racks in ferromagnetic materials, as in nonferro magnelic materials, lie at a sig nificant phase
separation fro m the lift-off/llrtl lines.
- 0
A A - Shaliow Crack
B - Deep Crack
C - Subsurface Crack
(note ~)
Notice mat deep cracks lie along me cr curve and can be confused with a di screte, localized cr
Because of the effects of varying Jl rel , sometimes an additional pair of coils are utilized to saturate
the fie ld in the ferromagnetic materi al. Thi s effectively reduces the Jlre/ of the material to about 1
and non ferromagnetic test procedures can then be used with carc.
If case-hardened depth is to be gaged, care must bc taken to assure adequate penetration into the
part. The frequency mu st be low enough to get several standard depths of penetration for the desired
depth. The coil diameter must be large enough for the fi eld to extend into the steel.
Standards of known case-hardened depth must be used. The points should be pl otted first on the
impedance planc, then a calibration chart for the chosen off null operating point should be plotted.
1 2
} - Aluminum
If an oscilloscope display is not availabl e, a phase sensitive meter-type instrument can be used.
• 2
• 3
• 4
• 5-Aluminum
A simple test for selecting optimum frequency fo r separation of steel bars of different heat
treat ments illustrates a fun damental use of cddy current testing.
Equipment is avail abl e that will provide meter reading of any desired vector length.
Reference Test
Coil Coli
Can be Separated
at 60 Hz o
Thi s shows that 60 Hz is the best frequency to use. 60 Hz produces an eddy current signal that will
select the speci fi c heat treatment as desired.
One way around this limitation is to drive the eddy current coil with two or more frequencies
simultaneously using multiplexi ng techniques.
As an example. consider the inspection of heat exchanger tubing with an ID differenti al coil.
~ -----------------------------------------------------------
<.-.. >
10 Probe in Tubing
At very high frequencies (VHF), only lift-off (here probe wobble) and surface discontinuities are
detected; there is no significant penetration of the wall.
At an intermediate or medium frequency (MF), both of the above variables are detected, plus the
tube wall is penetrated to give wall thickness andlor OD crack infoITIlation.
To suppress probe wobble, the probe is driven at a very high frequency and a middle frequency
The information provided by the VHF signal is subtracted from that provided by the medium
frequency signal. This leavcs only the wall thickness/crack infonnatioo.
Probe wobble on the VHF signal display might look like this:
The medium frequency display would have this plus wall/OD crack information:
By suitably rOlating and adjusting the gains, Lhe upper di splay can be subtracted from the lower
display. The resulting composite display essentially has wall/OD crack infonnation only.
An experienced operator can take this composite signal and combine it with the low frequency
display, and suppress both wobble and wall/DO signatures to effectively "see" only tube support
3. Conductors arc made of materials hav ing relatively few free eleclrons.
7. The type of conductor and its dimensions are things that influence resistance.
15. Tn most alt.ernating current circuits, the current is out of phase with the voltage.
18. A generator rotates through 10 ful1 tums. How many degrees has it rotated
through? How many radians? _____
20. " 120 V AC" means the instantaneous voltage is zero part of the time.
_ 1. An elec(fomagnet is a conductor wi th a current-carrying coil of wire wrapped around it to
ali gn the magnetic domains.
4. The strength of a magnet is represented by the number of "lines of force" per unit area it
produces at a designated position.
7. Magnetizing force is directly related to flux density and inverse ly related to magnetic
10. For ferromagnetic materials, Ilul is constant and usually greater than 1.
11. Saturation refers to the fact that in certain materials beyond a certain value of magnetizing
force H, (he flux density B will not get any larger.
12. Retentivity refers to a residual fl ux density after the saturation magnetizing force has been
13. The graph descrihing the variation of B with H around a closed loop is called
14. The amount of magnetizing force (hat needs to be applied to reduce the nux density in a
magnetized object to zero, is referred to as _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
4. One way of expressing Faraday ' s law is to state that voltage or electromotive force
(EMF) is directly dependent on the number of turns in a coil and the rate at which the
magnetic flux changes with time.
_ _ 5. Another way of expressing Faraday's law is that the EMF is propoflional to the
inductance times (he rate of change of current.
6. A coil of a conducting material has the ability to induce current in another coil.
9. Inductance is defined as the number of turns in the coil times the coil's total flux, divided
by the current through the coil.
10. The longitudinal CUTTcnt induced in a conducting plate near a coil that is carrying
alternating current is the "eddy current."
11. Lift-off. the di stance between a coil and a conductor, refcrs to the amount of inductivc
coupling between the two.
12. Fill fac tor is a measure of inducti ve coupling between a coi l an d a rod or tube.
13. Fill factor is the ratio of the diameters of rod and coi l and is always less than I (less than
14. Fill factor for an inside diameter (lD) probe is the ratio of the cross-sectional areas of rod
and coil and is always greater than I (or 100%).
3. Inductive reactance is related to inductance but not to freque ncy (that is, the frequency of
the alternating current).
6. Bringing an energized coil ncar a conductor lowers the phase angle between Z and R.
10. The Pythagorean theorem can be used to calculate resistance if impedance and inducti ve
rcaclance are known.
12. The plane defined by XL as the y-axis and R as Ihe x-axi s is called the impedance plane.
17. If the angle 8 (Greek Theta) is 45 degrccs (1t/4 radi ans), then XL = R.
l. Variables that can influence eddy currcnt test resu lts include properties of the test
specimen as well as characteristics of the testing device.
3. An advan tage of eddy current testing is the large number of variables that affect eddy
_ _ 4. A disadvantage of eddy current testing is the large number of variables (0 which eddy
currents are sensitive.
5. One material properly that eddy current testing cannot make use of is resistivity.
7. The higher magnetic penneability of ferromagnetic materials means that the magnetizing
force H is greater than for nonferromagnetic materials.
_ _ 8. The Il-rt1 of greater than I for ferromagnetic materi als means impedance will have a larger
R component.
_ _ 9. The depth to which eddy currents are induced in a given tcst object is increased by raising
the frequency of operation.
11. The definition of the standard depth of penetration is, for a flat specimen, the thi ckness
required to reduce the eddy current density to half its value at the surface of the part.
12. The formula for standard depth of penetration in inches, 26/(0/)112, assumes units of
_ _ _ _ for frequency, for conductivity, and holds for _ __ _
13. By the time the eddy currents have penetrated a thickness represen ting three (3) standard
depths of penetration, the density of eddy currents will have been reduced to about 5% of
their surface val ue.
14. The depth of a discontinuily is indicated by the shorten ing of the impedance vector.
_ _ 2, On the vector impedance diagram, lines or curves beginning at the air poinl having
endpoints that make up the "standard curve" are caned lift-off lines for probe coils,
4, A family of "standard curves" such as can be drawn for probe coils - that is curves made
up of endpoints representing a particular coupling - cannot be obtai ned for encircling
(OD) or probe (ID) coils.
_ _ 6, The practical limi t for the distance a probe coil can be from the test object (and still be
suffi ciently coupled to perfoml a test) is measured in terms of the coil diameter.
7, A small diameter probe coil would most likely be used to detect discontinuities ncar the
_ _ _ _ (for example , ceOLer, surface, etc.),
8. To increase eddy current penetration, one would use _ _ _ _ coils (larger, smalier)
and frequencies (higher, lower),
_ _ 9. Small diameter probe coi ls allow more accurate locating of those discontinuities the coil s
are most sensitive to.
10, Encircling (0 0 ) coil s and probe (ID) coils have [he di sadvantage of not being able to
locate discontinui ties (circumferenlially, longitudinally).
11 , The type of coi l that reveals [he most about the actual location of discontinuities is a (an)
_ _ _ _ coil (for example, OD, !D, probe).
12, A material's surface roughness is a serious interference in eddy current tests, and usually
rules out the use of this test method.
13, The li rt-off sensitivity of eddy currents means that the thickness of nonconductors, such
as plastic coatings, can be measured accurately using eddy c urrent methods.
14, Various thicknesses of plastic (shim stock) can be used as standards for nonconductive
coating th ickness gaging using eddy current methods regardless of the composition of the
coating to be gaged.
1. A tcst system using a reference coil and a test coil is called ____________
5. The discontinuities that a differential coil ~ystem would be lea~t sensitive to are _ _ __
9. The bridge circuit is a kind of balance that can have one or two coils.
10. An eddy current instrument with a single meter as its indicator is typically a phase sensiti ve
11 . Phase sensitive instruments can employ an oscilloscope, stri p chart recorders, or meLers.
12. An oscilloscope that is "sweeping" cannot be used for eddy current tests.
14. A phasc sensitive eddy current instrument should be used in order to suppress an undesired
"IS. The tenn "off null opcrating point" means the location of the air point has changed.
18. The frequency of operation is determined by the frequency of the coil selected for a test.
1. Multiple frequency eddy current analysis is a method widely used to separate variables.
3. The limit frequency Ig can be calculated for a probe coil using the formu la j~ = 1354/~refj2.
4. Phase shift changes linearly with eddy current dcpth beneath the surface of a conductor.
6. The probe coil must be positioned snugly against the coating material in order to gage
coating thickness accurately.
_ 7. Frequency selection is more critical for thickness gaging of a conductor than for surface
crack detection.
8. Surface crack indications move closer to the lift-off line with increasing crack depth.
9. Lift-off can be rcadily suppressed by using multi plexing (operating at 2 or more frequencies
10. Samples used to locate points on a conductivity curve should be at least 35 thick.
11 . As the thickness of a conductive sample increases, the eddy current signal approaches the
air point.
12. Through-transmission eddy current tcchniques can be used to accurately gage conductive
specimen thickness.
13. It is critical for eddy current standards to havc the same conductivity as the specimen being
14. Thickness gaging of metal-an-metal cladding can not be perfonned with eddy current
15. Eddy current testing using a surface probe coil has low sensitivity to delaminations.
16. Variations in eddy current signals due to changes in Ilre! for ferromagnetic materials can be
easily mistaken for lift-off variations.
18. Test frequencies used for eddy current examination of ferromagnetic materials are generally
much lower than for nonferromagnetic materials.
19. For a given frequency, eddy currents penetrate more deeply in a ferro magnetic material
than in a nonferromagnctic one.
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