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Pali Texts for Chanting

(Source: The Mirror of the Dhamma, Buddhist Publication Society, Wheel no. 54;
file:///C:/Users/Owner/Docu ments/Docu ments/BPS/M irror%20of%20D ha mma .pdf)

Namo tassa Bhagavato Arahato Sammasambuddhassa

Homage to Him, the Blessed One, the Worthy One,

the Fully Enlightened One

Homage to the Buddha

lti pi so bhagava: araharn, sammasambuddho, vijjacaraoa sampanno, sugato,

lokavidu, anuttaro purisadammasarathi, sattha devamanussanarn, buddho,

Thus, indeed, is that Blessed One the worthy one, fully enlightened, endowed
with clear vision and virtuous conduct, sublime, the knower of worlds, the
unsurpassed trainer of persons to be tamed, the teacher of gods and humans, the
Enlightened One, the Blessed One.

Namo tassa Sammasambuddhassa

Homage to that Perfectly Enlightened One!

Ye ca buddha atita ca-ye ca buddha anagata

Paccuppanna ca ye buddha-aharn vandami sabbada

Those Buddhas of the past,

Those Buddhas of the future,
Those Buddhas of the present,
Forever do I reverence.

Natthi me saraoarn annarn-buddho me saraoarn vararn

Etena saccavajjena-hotu me jayamarigalarn.

No other refuge do I seek,
the Buddha is my supreme refuge:
By the speaking of this Truth
May peaceful victory be mine!

Uttamarigena vande'ham-pada-parnsu varuttamarn

Buddhe yo khalito doso-buddho khamatu tarn mamarn

I revere with my head

The dust on his holy feet;
If I have wronged the Buddha,
May the Buddha bear with me.

Buddharn yavanibbanapariyantarn saraoarn gacchami

Until I attain nibbana I go for Refuge to the Buddha.

Homage to the Dhamma

Svakkhato bhagavata dhammo, sanditthiko, akaliko, ehipassiko, opanayiko,

paccattarn veditabbo vinnuhi'ti.

The Dhamma of the Blessed One is well expounded, visible here and now, not
delayed in time, inviting one to come and see, applicable, to be personally
realized by the wise.

Namo tassa niyyanikassa dhammassa

Homage to that liberating Dhamma !

Ye ca dhamma atita ca-ye ca dhamma anagata

paccuppanna ca ye dhamma-aharn vandami sabbada

The Dhamma of the past,

The Dhamma of the future,
The Dhamma of the present,
Forever do I reverence.

Natthi me sarar:iarn annarn-dhammo me sarar:iarn vararn
Etena saccavajjena-hotu me jayamangalarn

No other Refuge do I seek,

The Dhamma is my supreme Refuge;
By the speaking of this Truth
May peaceful victory be mine!

Uttamangena vande'harn-dhamman ca tividharn vararn

Dhamme yo khalito doso-dhammo khamatu tarn mamarn

I revere with my head

The supreme triple Dhamma (of study, practice, and attainment).
If I have wronged the Dhamma -
May the Dhamma bear with me.

Dhammarn yavanibbanapariyantarn sarar:iarn gacchamT

Until I attain nibbana I go for Refuge to the Dhamma.

Homage to the Sangha

Supatipanno bhagavato savakasangho, ujupatipanno bhagavato savakasangho,

nayapatipanno bhagavato savakasangho, samTcipatipanno bhagavato
savakasangho, yadidarn cattari purisayugani atthapurisapuggala esa bhagavato
savakasangho ahuneyyo, pahuneyyo, dakkhir:ieyyo, anjalikarar:iTyo, anuttararn
punnakkhettarn lokassa'ti.

The Sangha of the Blessed One's disciples has entered on the good way; the
Sangha of the Blessed One's disciples has entered on the straight way; the Sangha
of the Blessed One's disciples has entered on the true way; the Sangha of the
Blessed One's disciples has entered on the proper way, that is to say, the four
pairs of persons, the eight individual types: this Sangha of the Blessed One's
disciples is worthy of gifts, worthy of hospitality, worthy of offerings, worthy of
reverential salutation, the incomparable field of merit for the world.

Namo tassa attha-ariyapuggala-mahasanghassa
Homage to that Great Community of the Eight Noble persons.

Ye ca sangha atita ca-ye ca sangha anagata

Paccuppanna ca ye sangha-aharn vandami sabbada

Those Sanghas of the past,

Those Sanghas of the future,
Those Sanghas of the present,
Forever do I reverence.

Natthi me saraoarn annarn-sangho me saraoarn vararn

Etena saccavajjena-hotu me jayamangalarn

No other Refuge do I seek.

The Sangha is my supreme Refuge,
By the speaking of this Truth
May peaceful victory be mine!

Uttamangena vande'harn-sanghan ca duvidh'uttamarn

Sanghe yo khalito doso-sangho khamatu tarn mamarn

I revere with my head

The twofold supreme Sangha (the monastic order and the ariyan Sangha),
If I have wronged the Sangha
May the Sangha bear with me.

Sangharn yavanibbanapariyantarn saraoarn gacchami

Until I attain nibbana I go for Refuge to the Sangha.

Homage to the Three Symbols

Vandami cetiyarn sabbarn-sabbatthanesu patitthitarn

SarTrika-dhatu-mahabodhirn-buddharuparn sakalarn sada.

I revere all stupas in every place, wherever they exist, the Buddha's bodily relics,
the great Bodhi tree, and all Buddha-images.

lmaya dhammanudhamma-patipattiya buddharn pujemi.

lmaya dhammanudhamma-patipattiya dhammarn pujemi.

lmaya dhammanudhamma-patipattiya sarigharn pujemi.

By practicing the Dhamma in accordance with the Dhamma, I venerate the


By practicing the Dhamma in accordance with the Dhamma, I venerate the


By practicing the Dhamma in accordance with the Dhamma, I venerate the


[Following the meditation session]

The Three Characteristics

Sabbe sarikhara anicca'ti-yada pannaya passati

Atha nibbindati dukkhe-esa maggo visuddhiya.

All conditioned things are impermanent. When one sees this with wisdom, then
one turns away from dukkha. This is the path to purity.

Sabbe sarikhara dukkha'ti-yada pannaya passati

Atha nibbindati dukkhe-esa maggo visuddhiya.

All conditioned things are dukkha. When one sees this with wisdom, then one
turns away from dukkha. This is the path to purity.

Sabbe dhamma anatta'ti-yada pannaya passati

Atha nibbindati dukkhe-esa maggo visuddhiya.

All dhammas are not one's self. When one sees this with wisdom, then one turns
away from dukkha. This is the path to purity.

Extending loving-kindness and compassion

Dukkhappatta ca niddukkha
bhayappatta ca nibbhaya
sokappatta ca nisoka
hontu sabbe pi panino.

May those who suffer be free from suffering;

may those who fear be free from fear;
may those who sorrow be free from sorrow.
May all living beings also be thus.


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