MIni Project Synopsis opms123
MIni Project Synopsis opms123
MIni Project Synopsis opms123
MCA-II year/ III Semester
o Backend
Problem Statement:
The Online vehicle management System is designed
from day to day working of parking system. The project
provides online platform to accomplish day to day
parking provide information of the areas. Admin can add data
about parking and user can view all information.
Admin Dashboard:
In this sections, admin can briefly view the number of vehicle
entries in a particular period.
In this section, admin can manage category
Add Vehicle:
In this section, admin add a vehicle which is going to park.
Manage Vehicle:
In this section, admin can manage incoming and outgoing
vehicle and admin can also add parking charges and his/her
In this section admin can generate vehicle entries reports
between two dates.
In this section, admin can search a particular vehicle by
parking number.
Admin can also update his profile, change the password and
recover the password.
View Vehicle:
In this section, users view the details of vehicle parking which
is parked by him/her.
Existing System:
In the Existing system parking areas have to manually
maintain information regarding parking. Information relating
to parking details and completion have to be maintained
separately. Provide a simpler method to store and access
information related to parking slots, availabale slots, booked
slots and vehicle. Provide a simple interface which will be
easily used without much training. Reduce paperwork and
make all related information accessible easily.
Proposed System:
The vehicle Parking Management system is a web-based
technology that will manage the records of the incoming and
outgoing vehicles in an parking house. It’s an easy for Admin
to retrieve the data if the vehicle has been visited through
number he can get that data. Vehicle parking management
system is an automatic system that delivers data processing in
very high speed in a systematic manner.
System Architecture:
System Architecture:
The system architecture diagram shows that when the user
opens the system, they will
need to log in or register if they do not have an account. Once
they successfully log
in, they will see the home page which will display dashboard
of self .
System Necessity Hardware:
1. Processor – i3
2. Hard Disk – 500 GB
3. Memory – 2GB RAM
4. Internet connection
Technologies used:
1.Operating System :Windows XP and later versions
2.Front End: HTML,CSS, Bootstrap, Javascript, Jquery
3.Programming Language: Php
A structural representation illustrating the relationships
among users, contacts, and notifications in the database
Visualization of data input/output lifecycle that depicts how
data flows between the user and the system architecture.
1. It saves lots of time.
2. It is easy to use and fast to implement.
3. User Friendly GUI
4. Reduction of paper work
5. The system eliminates the use of paperwork needed for
attendance marking and monitoring.
6. The app is easy to use.
7. This system is very easy to implement.
8. The same system can be used for many applications with
minute changes.
9. Very easy to maintain.
10. We can provide security to task management system.
• Information is usually not stored a in compact, re-
usable way, therefore the coordination between medical
experts and surgeons has to pass through
telephone and facsimile.
• Finding the best route involves looking up several
timetables of means of transport (such astrains or planes)
and making spatial and temporal reasoning to provide the
most efficient solution
• Parking Areas
• Malls
Future Scope:
The users suggest that the future researches may improve the
current project. More features may also be added to the
system through future researches to improve and enhance the
capabilities of the system. Future researches may also create a
mobile application or ios android due to which the system
will be more easily accessible and may accommodate and
support more users that use different mobile platforms.
[1]. A list of relevant literature, scholarly articles, and
resources employed during the conceptualization and design
phase to support the project's framework.
The main reason for parking systems is there is a lack
of parking spaces in
metropolitan cities. This due to the cities was developed a
long time back when cars
were considered a luxury. But due to various factors, cars
have moved from a luxury
owned by 1% to a necessity that the medium class owns,
which is around 40% to 60%.
Hence traditional parking solutions would not hold today. In
this paper, the various
types of parking systems are discussed, in which some are
automated whereas others
are manual. The advantages and limitations of the different
types of parking systems
were also discussed. The selection of the parking system
depends on the cost of the
system, the maintenance cost, and the area available for
implementing the system.
In this paper, the concept of smart parking was also discussed,
which uses sensors and
IoT to detect whether there is a free parking space available or
not. The various types
of sensors, their applications, advantages, and limitations were
also discussed. The selection criteria mainly depend on
where the sensor is to be
placed and the current infrastructural condition.