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“To study the Earth’s Magnetic field using a compass needle –bar magnet by
plotting magnetic field lines and tangent galvanometer.”



* Introduction
* Aim of project
* Apparatus
* Theory
* Procedure
* Observation
* Graph
* Precautions
* Application
* Source of error
* Result
* References

The tangent galvanometer was first described in an 1837 by Claude-Servais-

Mathias Pullet, who later employed this sensitive form of galvanometer to verify
Ohm’s law. To use the galvanometer, it is first set up on a level surface and the coil
aligned with the magnetic north-south direction. This means that the compass
needle at the middle of the coil is parallel with the plane of the coil when it carries
no current. The current to be measured is now sent through the coil, and produces
a magnetic field, perpendicular to the plane of the coil and is directly proportional
to the current.
The magnitude of the magnetic field produced by the coil is B; the
magnitude of the horizontal component the Earth’s magnetic field is B’. the
compass needle aligns itself along the vector sum of B and B’ after rotating through
an angle Ø from its original orientation. The vector diagram shows that tan Ø = B/B’.
since the magnetic field of the Earth is constant, and B depends directly on the
current, the current is thus proportional to the tangent of the angle through which
the needle has turned.


To study the Earth’s Magnetic field using a compass needle –bar magnet by plotting
magnetic field lines and tangent galvanometer
Tangent galvanometer made by Top view of a tangent galvanometer J.H.
BunnellCo.around 1890, made about 1950

* Tangent galvanometer (TG),
* Commutator (C),
* Rheostat (R),
* Battery (E),
* Ammeter (A),
* Key




Tangent galvanometer is an early measuring instrument for small electric currents.
It consists of a coil of insulated copper wire wound on a circular non-magnetic
frame. Its working is based on the principle of the tangent law of magnetism. When
a current is passed through the circular coil, a magnetic field (B) is produced at the
center of the coil in a direction perpendicular to the plane of the coil.
The working of tangent galvanometer is based on the tangent law. It is stated
as when a magnet is suspended freely in magnetic field F and H, the magnet comes
to rest making an angle θ with the direction H such that,
F=Htanθ 🡪(1)
When a bar magnet is suspended in two magnetic fields B and Bh, it comes to rest
making an angle θ with the directions of Bh.
Let a current I be passed through the coil of radius R, having turns N. the
magnetic field produced at the centre of the coil is,
F= μ02 πIN/4 πR 🡪(2)
Let H is the horizontal component of earth’s magnetic field and the magnetic needle
comes to rest at angle θ with the direction of H, then according Eq.(1),
Htanθ= μ02 πIN/4πR
H=2π*10-17IN/Rtanθ 🡪(3)
By substituting the value of current I, from Eq.(3),
Tanθ/I=( μ0/4π)*( 2πN/RH) 🡪(4)

Radius of coil of galvanometer R, deflection θ and N, the value of H can be

Connections are made as shown in the figure given below, where K is the key, E is the
battery, A is the ammeter, R is the rheostat, C the commutator, and T.G is the tangent
galvanometer. The commutator can reverse the current through the T.G coil without
changing the current in the rest of the circuit. Taking the average of the resulting two
readings for deflection averages out, any small error in positioning the T.G coil relative
to the earth’s magnetic field H.

1. Make the circuit connections in accordance with the circuit diagram.

2. Using spirit level, level the base and the compass needle in compass box of
tangent galvanometer by adjusting the leveling screw,
3. Now rotate the coil of the galvanometer about its vertical axis, its image in the
plane mirror fixed at the base of the compass box and the coil, I.e., all
4. These three lie in the same vertical plane. In this setting,
5. The ends of the aluminum pointer should read zero-zero. If this is not so, rotate
the box without disturbing the position of the coil till at least one of the ends
of the pointer stands at the zero marks.
6. By closing the key K, the current flow in the galvanometer. Read the both ends
of the pointer. Now reverse the direction of current by using the reversing key.
When the mean values of both deflections shown by the pointer in the two
(i.e., before and after reversing the current) differ by more than 10, then turn
slightly the vertical coil until the two values agree. This will set the plane of the
coil exactly in the magnetic meridian.
7. By adjusting the rheostat, bring the deflection in galvanometer around 450.
The deflection should not be outside the range(300-600).
8. Record the readings of the ammeter and the deflection of the compass needle
in the box shown by two ends of pointer on the scale.
9. Reverse the current in the coil of galvanometer and again record the current
and deflection of needle.
10.By changing the value of current, take four or more set of readings and plot the
graph between I and tanθ. The graph will be a straight line.
11.Measure the inner and the outer diameter of the coil with a half meter scale at
least three times.

1. Range of the ammeter –
2. least count of ammeter -
3. zero error in ammeter -
4. Number of turns used(N) –
TABLE 1. FOR VARIATION OF θ WITH I Value of deflection θ (degree) mean tan θ Ammeter

For direct For reverse
current current

θ1 θ2 θ3 θ4 Obs corrected

1. 35 35 35 35 35 0.70 0.15 0.15

2. 49 47 60 64 53.6 1.36 0.20 0.20
3. 36 36 55 58 46.25 1.04 0.25 0.25
4. 50 50 65 68 58.2 1.61 0.30 0.30
5 45 45 64 65 53.8 1.37 0.27 0.27

TABLE 2. FOR RADIUS OF TANGENT GALVANOMETER Inner diameter Outer Mean Mean radius
d1 (cm) diameter diameter (cm)
(cm) d

1. 16.0 x 10-2 16.40 x 10-2 16.20 x 10-2 8.10 x 10-2

2. 16.16 x 10-2 16.08 x 10-2 16.12 x 10-2 8.06 x 10-2

3. 16.06 x 10-2 16.10 x 10-2 16.08 x 10-2 8.04 10-2

Mean radius of coil R=8.04 x 10-2


Slope of straignt line=BC/AC

m= tanθ /I
Now substitute the m in Eq.(4),
m= (μ0*2πN)/ (4πRH)
H=7.6867 x 10-8T

1. The battery should be freshly charged.
2. The magnetic needle should swing freely in the horizontal plane.
3. The plane of coil must be set in magnetic meridian.
4. There should be no parallax in noting down the readings of ammeter and
5. All the readings should be adjusted between 300 and 600.
1. T.G can be used to measure the magnitude of the horizontal component of
the geomagnetic field.
2. The principle can be used to compare the galvanometer constants.

1. There may a magnetic material around apparatus.
2. The plane of coil will not be exactly in the magnetic meridian

The value of earth’s magnetic field by using a tangent galvanometer is
H=7.6867 x 10-8T

● Wikipedia

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