Hospitalization_Insurance_IN [8]
Hospitalization_Insurance_IN [8]
Hospitalization_Insurance_IN [8]
Within 60 days, if
the investigation leads to hospitalization (minimum of 24 Hrs. hospitalizations) then this can be
claimed from the insurance company as reimbursement.
• Restriction on Parental Base Policy exit: A team member who has made / Placed a claim for
Parents / Family including self in 2023-24 policy year shall not be allowed to move out of
Parental Base Policy during the annual enrollment.
• There are exit restrictions on Top-Up options during the policy period. Team member can
remain / enhance / decrease Top-Up coverage only during annual enrollment window for the
next policy year
• In case of team member exiting company, team member contribution towards voluntary
Parental Base Plan would be refunded back on pro-rata basis. This is subject to “No claims”
being made or claims placed, by the team member and their dependents (spouse/partner,
children, and parents) under the base medical policy and Parental Base Plan during that
policy period.
• There will be no refund for Top-up (ESC or ESCP) at the time of team member exiting the
• During exit, team member has an option to convert Family / Family + Parental Base Plan into
a retail policy by approaching Insurer, at least 20 working days in advance, before the last
working day. Any additional costs arising out of such conversion have to be borne by
Employee. Top Up Policies will continue to be active till the policy end date, i.e., June 30th,
2025. For ESC Top-Up, the deductible will be INR 5 Lakhs and for Parental Top-Up,
deductible of INR 3 Lakhs will be applicable, i.e., the top-up policy will trigger after exhaustion
of INR 5 Lakhs for ESC and 3 Lakhs for Parental respectively.
Dental INR 5,000 per person per year with a cap of INR
20,000 per family
Room Rental Cap Room rent capped at INR 7,500/as per hospital
(For Employee, Spouse/Partner, Children and tariff
To Note: