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Subject, Course & Code: Electrical Design 2 : ENEL2EDH2 Page 1

University of KwaZulu-Natal

Electrical, Electronic & Computer Engineering

Examinations: November 2023


Examiners: Mr. K. Makhoba (Internal)

Dr. F. Ghayoor (Internal)
Dr. M. Khan (Internal)
Prof. A. Saha (Moderator)

Your answers to Sections A, B and C must be submitted in

separate examination books
Section A: Electronic Design: [20 Marks]

Question A1
Using a sequential circuit of two 555 timers in monostable mode, design an electronic system
that blinks two lights (RED AND GREEN) alternately and indefinitely (without stopping). The
GREEN and RED must be ON for 2.5 and 1.5 seconds, respectively (𝑡𝑡𝑂𝑂𝑂𝑂_𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺 = 2.5 𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠 and
𝑡𝑡𝑂𝑂𝑂𝑂_𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅 = 1.5 𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠). You may neglect the trigger initialization (the push button).

a) Write down the OFF times, calculate the period and then draw a timing diagram over 2 cycles
for the system in question. [5]
b) For the system in question, draw a block diagram. [4]
c) For the system in question, determine the values of resistances and capacitances (𝑅𝑅1 , 𝑅𝑅2 , 𝐶𝐶1
𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎 𝐶𝐶2 ) where the subscripts 1 and 2 represent ON_GREEN and ON_RED, respectively). [3]
d) Complete the circuit schematic diagram given in Figure A1 for the system in question. [8]

Figure A1: Timers

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Section B: Instrumentation & Measurements [20 marks]

Question B1 [4 marks]
This question consists of multiple-choice questions worth 1 mark each. Simply write down the
number of the statement that matches the best.

a) The term "----------------" is used to refer to an unbroken chain of comparisons relating an

instrument's measurements to a known standard.
1. Standardization
2. Calibration
3. Measurement traceability
4. Tuning
b) The device with the known or assigned correctness that is used during calibration
process is called
1. Reference device
2. Primary device
3. Main device
4. Standard device
c) Which of the following devices can be improved by a re-calibration process?
1. Device with low accuracy
2. Device with low precision
3. Device with low resolution
4. Device with low sensitivity
d) The basic d’Arsonval meter movement can be converted to a DC voltmeter by connecting
a resistor to the meter movement.
1. The resistor is usually a small-valued resistor connected in parallel to the basic
d’Arsonval meter movement.
2. The resistor is usually a large-valued resistor connected in parallel to the basic
d’Arsonval meter movement.
3. The resistor is usually a small-valued resistor connected in series with the basic
d’Arsonval meter movement.
4. The resistor is usually a large-valued resistor connected in series with the basic
d’Arsonval meter movement.

Question B2 [12 marks]

An Ayrton Shunt DC ammeter is shown in Figure B2. The meter has
Rm = 2 kΩ and full-scale deflection current of 100µA. Calculate the current values of X, Y, Z that
cause full-scale deflection.
Question B3 [4 marks]
A voltmeter with an internal resistance of 100 KΩ is used to measure the voltage across a 1 KΩ
resistor. Calculate the percentage error in voltage measurement due to the insertion of the
meter (loading effect).
Subject, Course & Code: Electrical Design 2 : ENEL2EDH2 Page 3

200 Ω

2 kΩ
20 Ω


Figure B2

Section C: Actuator Design [20 Marks]

Question C1
Consider the DC electromagnetic actuator shown in Figure C1 which is constructed using Hot-
rolled Silicon Steel laminations (see B_H curves on the last page of the exam paper). All
dimensions shown are in millimeters. For this actuator 0.5 mm diameter Copper wire is used for
the winding, the bobbin has a thickness of 5 mm, the number of turns is 320 and the current in
the coil is 1 A. At a particular position of the plunger, the length of the air gap is 0.125 mm.

Figure C1
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(a) Calculate the reluctance of the entire magnetic circuit when the length if the air gap is
0.125 mm. Neglect fringing in the air gaps but do not neglect the reluctance of the steel.
Work to an accuracy of less or equal to three percent. (Hint: You may start your solution
by assuming that 40% of the input magnetomotive force to the actuator drops in the top
air gap). [7]

(b) Given that when an object is connected to the plunger as shown in Fig. C1, the plunger
moves by a horizontal distance of 0.01 mm and thus increasing the length of the air-gap
to 0.135 mm. Re-calculate the reluctance of the entire magnetic circuit for the condition
when the length of the air gap has been increased to 0.135 mm. Neglect fringing in the
air gaps but do not neglect the reluctance of the steel. Work to an accuracy of less or
equal to three percent. (Hint: You may start your solution by assuming that 42% of the
input magnetomotive force to the actuator drops in the top air gap). [7]

(c) Estimate the force generated by this actuator for the condition when the length of air
gap is 0.125 mm for the input value of mmf calculated in part (a). Hence, determine the
mass of the object in Kg, that the actuator is holding. [g = 9.807 ms-2] [6]
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