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WRITING TASK 2: What are the main tasks of universities to offer students

knowledge and skills essential for their future careers, or to provide students with
access to knowledge itself? What do you think a university education should

The main tasks of the university: provide students with access to knowledge itself.
offer students with knowledge and skills essential for their future careers
P1: Being directed and oriented toward knowledge, students have better learning
experiences and demonstrate academic excellence compared with ones who wait for the
university’s academic provision.

- Giving students access to knowledge means that students can explore the
knowledge by themselves, seeing the knowledge from different angles and having
diversified understandings, viewpoints toward the knowledge.
- As a result, they become more active and critical. When encountering heated
debate in their life, they are able to provide convincing reasons to persuade
themselves and others. This is key to distinguish between employers and
employees in real world.
Instead of spoon-feeding students with steady knowledge and skills,
P2: Counter-argument
- , opponents of this idea reckon that giving students the freedom to learn can
wreak havoc on their understanding if they go to astray

Complete Essay
In this day and age, university entrance is becoming more and more open to everyone
regardless of their social background, economic potential, and race. Despite its
omnipresence in daily life, there is still a heated debate on their primary goal of training.
While some people argue that universities should focus on giving students sufficient
knowledge and skills, I am of the opinion that the top priority of tertiary education is to
promote students’s learning autonomy, making students strive for needed information on
their own by delivering the following thoughts.
First of all, being directed and oriented toward knowledge, students have better learning
experiences and demonstrate academic excellence compared with ones who wait for the
university’s academic provision. Giving students access to knowledge means that
students can explore the knowledge by themselves, seeing the knowledge from different
angles and having diversified understandings, and viewpoints toward the knowledge. As
a result, they become more active and critical. When encountering heated debates in their
life, they are able to provide convincing reasons to defend themselves and persuade
others. The key distinguishing between employers and employees in the real world lies in
the ability to convince, influence, and persuade others. For instance, Barack Obama was
considered a person who easily won other hearts with his passionate, enthusiastic,
compassionate, and persuasive speech. The reason for that is his learning autonomy and
independence during his childhood and university life.

On the other hand, opponents of this idea reckon that giving students the freedom to learn
can wreak havoc on their understanding if they go astray. Making mistakes, however, is
an essential and inevitable part of life. Through mistakes, students realize their potential
and weaknesses, waiting for the future to outshine other candidates in their interest fields.
Furthermore, the university is responsible for leading and giving students sufficient,
accurate pathways toward the latest knowledge. Last but not least, Unlike other
educational systems, university training programs require intensive learning from learners
and are considered an out-of-date way of learning, passive learning is no longer
applicable in tertiary education which aims to provoke students’ creativity and
proactiveness. Therefore, spoon-feeding programs can do damage to students’ growth in
the future, resulting in passive generations.

In conclusion, instead of promoting a spoon-feeding learning culture, the university is in

charge of shaping students’ activeness and learning autonomy.
Word count: 384

The diagram below shows how ethanol fule is produced from corns.

The given diagram reveals the procedures that result in ethanol fuel products made from
Overall, there are nine stages involving ethanol making, starting with the harvest of corn
and coming to an end with ethanol fuel being transported.
The first stage commences with the corn-picking process. Once collected, corn is selected
and stored in a favorable room which helps preserve and maintain the quality of corn.
Afterward, corn is moved to the specialized machine and milled. Then, being milled, corn
powder is cooked over direct heat for 4 hours. This step involves the removal of water.
When finished, the cooked corn powder is fermented for 48 hours, and following,
workers need to separate and take the solid waste apart from the liquid ones. This liquid
product needs to be purified for 5 hours to dispose of any impurities before being stored
and transported to the consumption plant.
146 words

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