Expt 8_Boolean function using decoder_R22_Autonomous_Final
Expt 8_Boolean function using decoder_R22_Autonomous_Final
Implement the given Boolean function using given Decoders
Apparatus : IC 74138 (3 to 8 Decoder), IC 7432 (OR), CDS Board and connecting wires.
Theory :
The name “Decoder” means to translate or decode coded information from one format
into another, so a digital decoder transforms a set of digital input signals into an equivalent
decimal code at its output. Decoder is a combinational circuit that has ‘n’ input lines and
maximum of 2n output lines. One of these outputs will be active High based on the
combination of inputs present, when the decoder is enabled. The outputs of the decoder are
nothing but the min terms of ‘n’ input variables.
A 3 to 8 Decoder has three inputs A0, A1 & A2 and eight outputs Y7 to Y0. Based on
the 3 inputs, one of the eight outputs is selected.
IC Pin Diagram :
Truth Table:
From the above truth table, F1=1 if input is either 010 or 101 or 110.
When input = 010 then decoder output ̅𝒀̅̅𝟐̅ = 0 (Active low).
When input = 101 then decoder output ̅𝒀̅̅𝟓̅ = 0 (Active low).
When input = 110 then decoder output ̅𝒀̅̅𝟔̅ = 0 (Active low).
Therefore, a NOT gate should connected to each of the above 3 decoder
outputs Y2', Y5' and Y6' to make it active high and an OR gate should be
connected to outputs of these 3 NOT gates to generate F1=1 if input is either
010 or 101 or 110 as shown in the logic circuit below.
Similarly for F2=1, a NOT gate should connected to each of the 3 decoder outputs
Y1', Y3' and Y4' to make it active high and an OR gate should be connected to outputs
of these 3 NOT gates to generate F2=1 if input is either 001 or 011 or 100 as shown in
the logic circuit below.
Logic Circuit :
1. Place the required ICs on CDS Bread board.
2. Connect the logic circuit as shown above.
3. Connect Vcc and Ground to all the ICs.
4. Apply the inputs as per the truth table shown above and verify the outputs.
Result : Boolean function using given Decoder is implemented and its truth table is verified.