William J Schnoebelen

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William J. Schnoebelen must be one of the world's most gullible individuals.

Those in the United States and Australia in particular have become

accustomed to television fare such as "World's Dumbest Criminals" where
the most ludicrous and irrational behavior of those who attempt to commit
crimes are recounted. That notwithstanding, Mr. Schnoebelen really seems
to 'take the cake' in terms of naiveté.
He claims that he was a 'witch' (whatever his definition of that is) for some
16 years until he discovered that being a witch was evil. (He has created his
own definitions where paganism is the same as witchcraft). He was a
Mormon for some 5 years until he discovered their supposed evils. And, of
course, he was a Mason (for 8-9 years) until he discovered that Freemasonry
(he now claims) was evil as well. Perhaps after a few more years as
whatever he is now, he'll discover some evil there as well - and will write a
book about it while going 'on the stump' with speaking engagements. Yes,
Bill is nothing if not dexterous with his beliefs and slow to find yet another
'truth' (or lucrative opportunity....).
Oh, and he claims that he's an ordained minister - although (and curious for
someone who ostensibly knows things are wrong from a religious
perspective) he doesn't bother to tell us in what denomination he's achieved
this distinction. Who ordained you, Bill?
Update: We spoke too soon in writing above: summer, 2000 finds Bill lecturing about new
world order conspiracies and Biblical prophecy. In his book on Wicca, he told us how Satan
was using UFOs to unite with earthlings but.... We wonder if he'll tire of that in another few
years when it's less 'in vogue' and give lectures on how flying saucer supporters are evil
If only we knew: March, 2002 finds Bill with yet another money-making activity: a
video titled "Israel, Islam, and Biochemical/Nuclear Terrorism" In a breathless
announcement from 'Director' David Bay (who'll happily sell you a
copy for just $24.95) we're told that we'll "Learn thoroughly about
nuclear and biochemical weapons: how terrorists use them, how to
spot the first signs of attack, and how to protect your family. Learn
about the three kinds of nuclear terrorist weapons: backpack dirty,
backpack clean, and airburst." Now nothing we've seen in Bill's
many and varied biographies indicates that he knows anything
whatsoever about weapons of any kind or that he's ever had any
training and/or experience in any field that would give him even the
most casual tangential exposure to such knowledge. Needless to say,
subject knowledge has never yet stopped Bill from trying to profit from a gullible public.
Mr. Bay assures us that Bill "... speaks from the unique perspective of a former Black
Magick Wizard." - life experience which undoubtedly provides some very unique insights on
how to identify nuclear devices and terrorists!
And in 2007 he's figured out that he was also a vampire. It can't get any funnier than this!
(See bottom of the page.)

So let's take a few minutes to explore some of the contradictions and

spurious claims of Mr. (Reverend?) Schnoebelen and see some of the
discrepancies which cast severe doubt on the credibility of his claims.

Bill's Strange Life

On page 12 of his book, "Masonry Beyond the Light",
Schnoebelen tells the story with great passion: reading a
Jack Chick comic book, he finds Jesus. ("However,
between the [Masonic] meeting and my arrival at the
[Masonic] luncheon, I had made an extraordinary
transition from one kingdom to another. God had moved
upon my life in a miraculous way. Through a remarkable
series of events I had knelt at my bedside holding a
crumpled Chick tract in my trembling fingers. That tract
told me that all I had to do to be acceptable in Jesus'
sight was ask Him to forgive my sins and be my Lord and
Savior."). According to the biography one finds on his web site, this occurred
in 1984.
From his web site, we also learn that he claims to have received a Masters in
Theological Studies degree from St. Francis School of Pastoral Ministry -
ostensibly a Catholic College in Milwaukee - in 1980 during the time he was
apparently not 'saved'. (On page 15 of his book, Schnoebelen claims "This
was a time of considerable spiritual searching for me. I had been saved by
Jesus while a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
Saints (LDS), known as the Mormons." <emphasis added>) Ironic, isn't
What's more, during the time he claims to have been a "witch", he was
attending Loras College in Dubuque, Iowa which bills itself as "The premier
Catholic Liberal Arts College".
It gets more confusing, though:
Schnoebelen says on page 17 of his book "My own background in occultism,
witchcraft and even satanism prior to joining the Mormon church
<emphasis added> had provided me with a comprehensive knowledge of occult
and esoteric (hidden, high-level) Masonry and ceremonial magik."
Putting aside the dates for a moment, one must wonder: if Bill had
learned these supposedly horrid things about Freemasonry, why
did he then decide to join it in the first place?
Is it possible he deliberately lied when he was asked if he was
joining Masonry for "mercenary motives"....?
Did he WANT to be a 'bad boy' despite having been "saved by
Ah, the contradictions swirl. However, if he'd lie about that, what
ELSE is he lying about?
The dates indicate that Schnoebelen - who left Masonry in 1984, had been a
Mormon for 5 years (ostensibly 1979-84 since - as shown above - he was a
Mormon when he was 'saved'). Curiously, this was during a time he was
receiving a Masters in Theological Studies degree (if his claims are true)
from St. Francis School of Pastoral Ministry (1980).
We think it quite odd that an individual receiving a graduate college degree
in a field which would, of necessity, touch on various world religions (and, we
suspect, on Freemasonry as well) would be SO confused that he couldn't
discern the supposed evil in the both the religion he was then choosing and
the Masonic organization of which at that time he was a member? Ostensibly
Schnoebelen was a Mason for 8-9 years - depending on which of his
references you use and thus was a Mason in 1980 (1984 when he was
'saved' minus 8 or 9 years means he joined in 1975 or 1976. His theological
degree was in 1980!!!)

But WAIT!!!
In his book on Wicca, he claims that "Over the years, we advanced to the
higher levels of witchcraft. Up to our departure from the city of Milwaukee in
1984, we were presiding over one of the oldest and largest networks of
covens in the Midwest." So how can this be? Schnoebelen - as we saw above
- claimed to have been a Mormon at the time he was 'saved' (in 1984) and
yet as this quote shows, he is claiming to be a Wiccan, notwithstanding
another of his quotes that he was a 'witch' before being a Mormon. With a
Masters Degree in Theological Studies, did he not understand the difference
between Wicca and Mormonism? Did he think he was both a Wiccan and a
And to add EVEN MORE....
Anti-Mason Ed Decker notes that three years after he became a Mason, Bill
joined "Palladium Masonry". Of course, this is a VERY curious claim since
there was never any such thing!!! It was an admitted HOAX created by the
Leo Taxil in order to embarrass the Catholic Church. So here's Bill off joining
an organization that doesn't exist... Yeah, right!
But let's suppose, just for the point of argument, that somebody really had
created some such organization: Bill would certainly have mentioned joining
(or planning to join) such a thing to SOMEONE in his lodge, don't you think?
That person would have been quite curious about this since they'd likely
never heard of it. (99.9% of Masons are probably unfamiliar with the term
"Palladium Masonry" since it never existed....). SURELY it would have been
pointed out to poor, gullible Bill that there was no such thing. As a Mason
from Chicago wrote about this farce, "Taxil would be proud."
Ed Decker in his timeline of Bill's life notes that Bill joined the Church of
Satan in 1975 and became a Master Mason in 1976. Strange that Bill could
make promise "so help me God" on the Holy Bible when he was (ostensibly)
a member of the Church of Satan. Unless, of course, he lied....one way or
another. An internet poster has suggested that it could be because Bill
actually thought that Satan was God. ---------- Think about that for a
minute. If *that's* what he thought, how can anyone be sure that he knows
what he's talking about now? Or, assuming that he was just 'confused' then,
aren't 20++ years of confusion enough to make one wonder about whether
his head's screwed on correctly now? Why should anyone believe it? Because
it 'sounds good' to them now perhaps?
Something more on Lucifer/Satan/Adonay/Jesus

Sounds to us, frankly, as if Bill has quite a tough time distinguishing

between things: dates, religions, perhaps more - and thus, we trust
you'll forgive us for questioning his ability to determine what's
correct and what's not about Freemasonry!
And - his website (Summer, 2000) claims that he spent seven years in the
Church of Satan. When was this accomplished? Wasn't mentioned
previously: perhaps Bill just forgot?

And there's yet MORE~~~

In the Summer of 2000, Bill claimed on his website that he's been studying
UFOs for nearly thirty years: as you can see from the above, this was while
he was a "witch" and more.... Timelines can be SO interesting....
And, of course, we must wonder when he found time to become an expert
on nuclear and biological weapons such that anyone should spend $25 to
buy a video tape in which he provides information about them. Not a single
mention in any of Bill's prior bios about experience with weapons or
terrorism but now: an instructional videotape! Wonder what'll be next? Stock
market advice? Tax preparation? A cure for hemorrhoids? The possibilities
are endless.... *We note that as of 2006 Bill is selling all sorts of things for the
bowel and pancreas so can the later be far <excuse the pun> behind?

Indeed the possibilities ARE endless. In the summer of 2002, we find that
Mr. Schnoebelen is now happy to sell you non-FDA approved health food
products along with his tapes, tracts, videos and books. One, for example,
is "A synergistic blend of fibers and botanicals that have been used for
centuries for their cleansing properties. It works like an intestinal broom to
gently cleanse and eliminate unwanted toxins and help maintain a healthy
colon. This is a detoxifying, energizing and revitalizing program that can be
used occasionally or on a daily basis for nutritional support." For only $39
you can have a clean colon AND support Jesus Christ by buying things from
someone who will tell you how to protect yourself from dirty backpack
bombs and the evil Freemasons - as well as Satan in a UFO. Truly, truly
amazing.... </sarcasm>
And in December, 2003, we find that Bill's biography now shows him to be
"a Naturopathic doctor, a Nutritional Herbologist and a Certified Natural
Health Professional." Truly amazing that he could find the time to do a
four year post-graduate science degree and some 1200 hours of clinical
training to become an N.D., along with the time spent to be a 'nutritional
herbologist' ($700 and few hours listening to audio tapes it appears) and
getting that certification (another 75 hours) while all the time becoming an
expert on dirty bombs - or is part of that bio, like his others and like his
claims about Freemasonry, shading the truth to enhance himself....???
And we're sure that it'll come as no surprise that he's not listed as a
Naturopathic Doctor by the American Association of Naturopathic
Physicians. Well, maybe he just hasn't had the time to join what with all
that dirty bomb stuff to keep up-to-date on.
In the final analysis, it probably is MOST telling that when one goes to Mr.
Schnoebelen's website and clicks on "Masonry" in the navigation on the left,
it goes directly to his STORE!
We think that says it all about his motivation for castigating the fraternity.

Every time we 'surf the web', we're amazed at the new things we find out
about the many and varied interests of Mr. Schnoebelen. In Fall, 2005, we
found the totally discredited 'Prophecy Man' Stan Johnson plugging Mr.
Schnoebelen with this advertisement. Now Bill's a "Voodoo High Priest",
knows about 'Black Ops' and more. We can only wonder what next angst of
psyche will cause Bill to admit that, yes, he was actually an expert in
<whatever> but just hadn't mentioned it before now. How many different
things can this man have been involved with? Looks like Bill's 'hitting all the
bases' these days....
Bill Schnoebelen
Will be doing 2 talks on:
Exposing The Illuminati from Within &
The Sons of God and the Antichrist
in Topeka, KS Only!
Times: Doors open at 12 pm
Speaking from 1 pm - 6 pm & 7 pm -
10 pm

Gift of $7 suggested at the door

Give what you can and bring a friend

Exposing The Illuminati from Within

Bill Schnoebelen was a Satanic and Voodoo High Priest, 2nd degree Church of
Satan, New Age guru, occultist, channeler, 90th degree Mason, Knight Templar,
and a member of the Illuminati. Bill shows how the conspiracy works and how it
uses the Lodge and the highest echelons of power and technology from secret
"black project" operations to form a world government. Two, 2 hr. DVD's or
The Sons of God and the Antichrist
Bill Schnoebelen has seen over 100 UFO’s and studied them for over 40
years. He was a member of National Investigations Committee on Airal
Phenomena NICAP. Interviewed over 100 people who have been abducted.
including Christians. Bill will show pictures of physical evidence of the
Sons of God. He will explain their connections to black magic, fallen
angels DNA and how it relates to the Mark of the Beast and a counterfeit
Gospel. Bill says the Sons of God will reveal themselves and be a part of
deceiving millions of people, including Christians, into denying Jesus.

Now we shouldn't be too glib but really: aren't Christians - according to Bill -
supposed to be free from all sorts of these little inconveniences like alien
abduction? Does Jesus just lose track of the aliens from time to time and
allow them to snatch up his true followers? Ya gotta wonder why He would
do that, don't you?
From time to time we get e-mail from 'supporters' (defenders) of Mr.
Schnoebelen saying that while the dates he's given about his life might not
match, that his message is correct.
How can someone be so totally confused about their own life, what various
belief systems are, how organizations work and SO much more yet still be
considered correct about other things? Isn't this informational cherry-
picking? Grab what you like to hear and try to convince others it's correct
despite the fact that all evidence indicates its source sometimes doesn't
know one end of the rope from the other. It staggers the imagination.
There appear to us two possible explanations:
#1 - Bill is chronically confused - but if he is, then all of his information is
just as likely to be similarly confused and thus unreliable!
#2 - Bill has fibbed - and if he has, what part of what he's saying is the
truth? Was he lying then or is he lying now? Do true Christians like he claims
to be FIB about their life just to convince you that Jesus is the source of all
Confused or fabricator: your choice - but PLEASE don't try to convince us
that he knows what he's talking about when the above material SO clearly
shows that he doesn't.
We can only conclude that Bill is now trying desperately to fund his
retirement nest egg. We now learn that - in addition to everything else - this
guy was also a vampire. In fact, he's got a 9 HOUR (can you believe it?) set
of DVDs that you can buy to learn all about this previously unheralded part
of his life. It would be fascinating to find out where in the scheme of things
this part of his amazing life journey occurred but frankly, we're not going to
waste the money to find out. One wonders, though, if this was during his
stint at a Catholic College where he had to avoid crucifixes? Maybe he slept
through classes so he could prowl through the night....???
We'll let others breathlessly rave about Bill's many, many, many, many
adventures in life - but we ask you: is there any such thing as a "former
vampire" - and would you want to be listening to him (it) for spiritual
guidance? Honestly: if you believe this stuff, folks, then there's a wonderful
bridge in Brooklyn that we'll be happy to sell you quite inexpensively. P. T.
Barnum was certainly right....
Oh, and those DVDs are available on his website where they seem to down-
peddle this just a bit but where you shouldn't forget to stock up on that stuff
for your prostrate while you're buying his baloney! NINE HOURS! Amazing
he'd never mentioned this some twenty years or more ago, isn't it? What's
next, Bill?
Updated May, 2006 & February, 2007

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