Design of Machine Elements
Design of Machine Elements
Design of Machine Elements
Time: 4 Hrs.
Subject Title : Design of Machine Elements Marks Instructions: 1. All questions are compulsory. 2. Illustrate your answers with neat sketches wherever necessary. 3. Figures to the right indicate full marks. 4. Assume suitable data if necessary. 5. Preferably, write the answers in sequential order. : 100
Q.1 (A) Attempt any THREE of the following: a) What are the steps involved in general design procedure? b) State maximum shear stress theory and maximum normal stress theory. c) What is the effect of keyway on shaft strength? d) Explain self locking in power screw. Q.1 (B) Attempt any ONE of the following:
12 Marks
06 Marks
a) A C-Clamp as shown in fig.____ is subjected to a load of 15 KN & having rectangular cross section; Find the cross section of the C-Clamp, if b=3t. The allowable tensile stress in the material of clamp is 56 N/mm2. b) A wall bracket as shown in fig____ is fixed to a wall using six bolts. Find the size of the bolt required if allowable tensile & shear stress in bolt material is 42 N/mm2.and 35 N/mm2 respectively. Q.2 Attempt any TWO of the following: 16 Marks
a) A foot lever is 1 m from the center of shaft to the point of application of 800 N load. Find (i) Diameter of the shaft. (ii) Dimensions of the key. (iii) Dimensions of the rectangular arm of the foot lever at 60 mm from center of shaft. Assuming width of the arm as 3 times thickness. The allowable tensile stress and shear stress are 73 N/mm2 and 70 N/mm2 respectively.
b) Design a Knuckle joint to withstand a load of 30 KN, the allowable stresses are ft=56 N/mm2; fs=35 N/mm2 and fc=70 N/mm2. c) Design and draw a protective type of cast iron flange coupling for a steel shaft transmitting 20 KW at 259 rpm and having an allowable shear stress of 40 MPa. The working stress in the bolts should not exceed 90 N/mm2. Assume that the same material is used for shaft and key and that the crushing stress is twice the value of its shear stress. The maximum torque is 25% greater than the full load torque. The shear stress for cast iron is 14 N/mm2. Q.3 Attempt any FOUR of the following: 16 Marks
a) What is factor of safety? State three factors governing selection of factor of safety. b) What is stress concentration? What are the causes of stress concentration? c) What are the considerations in designing spur gear? d) What are the various types of shafts? State two materials of shaft. e) What are rolling contact bearings? State its two advantages over sliding contact bearing. Q.4 (A)Attempt any THREE of the following: 12 Marks
a) Find the maximum diameter of hole that can be punch in a M.S. plate 10mm thick having ultimate shear stress of 220 N/mm2. The allowable crushing stress in punch material is 350 N/mm2. b) What is standardization? State any four advantages of standardization. c) Explain the design of shaft on the basis of rigidity. d) Explain the significance of Walhs factor in designing helical spring. Q.4 (B) Attempt any ONE of the following: 06 Marks
a) A square threaded bolt of mean diameter 24 mm and pitch 5 mm is tightened by screwing a nut whose mean diameter of bearing surface is 50 mm. If coefficient of friction for the nut and bolt is 0.1 and for the nut and bearing surfaces is 0.16. Calculate the force required at the end of a spanner 0.5 m long when the load on the bolt is 10 KN. b) A bracket carrying a load of 15 KN is to be welded as shown in fig____ calculate the size of the weld required , if allowable shear stress is not to exceed 80 N/mm2. Q.5 Attempt any TWO of the following: 16 Marks
a) Determine the diameter for a hollow shaft having inside diameter 0.6 times outside diameter. The maximum allowable shear stress for the shaft is 60MPa. The shaft is driven by a 900 mm diameter overhang pulley placed vertically below it. The
weight of the pulley is 600 N. The tension on the tight and slack side of the belt is 2900 N and 1000 N respectively. The overhand is 250 mm. Assume angle of lap of the belt on the pulley to be 1800. b) A screw jack carries a load of 22 KN, the coefficient of friction between screw and nut is 0.15, Design the screw and nut. Neglect collar friction and column action. The permissible compressive and shear stresses in the screw should not exceed 42 N/mm2 and 28 N/mm2 respectively. The shear stress in the nut should not exceed 21 N/mm2. The bearing pressure on the nut is 14 N/mm2. c) Design a helical compresiion spring for a maximum load of 1000N for a deflection of 25 mm using the vale of spring index as 5 and Wahls correction factor as 1.3. The maximum permissible shear stress for the spring wire is 400 MPa and modulus of rigidity is 84 KN/mm2. Q.6 Attempt any FOUR of the following: 16 Marks
a) State four factors to be taken into consideration while selecting ball bearing. b) What are the Ergonomic considerations while designing a machine? c) Write the various stresses induced in screw fastners. d) Draw a neat sketch of leaf spring. State any two applications. e) State any two materials for helical spring. Write any two properties of these materials.
Fig.1, Q.No.1B(a)