Sed 525 Micro Teaching Lesson Plan

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Ben Horvat SED 525MA Data collection and prediction lesson plan Date: November 8, 2011 Context: This

lesson plan is for Algebra I students familiar with slope, the pointslope formula and data tables, in a traditional classroom setting. Objective: The central focus of this lesson is for students to be able to write pointslope equations to fit data, and to use this formula to forecast future data. Students will be able to derive linear equations by using the point-slope formula (Algebra I Standard 7.0).
Book Reference: Key Curriculum Press Discovering Algebra 4.5 Previous Skills needed: Point-slope formula, slope-intercept formula, slope equation Lesson Objectives: Students will be able to use a data table to come up with a point-slope equation Students will be able to use this point-slope equation to predict future outcomes Students will be able to differentiate extraneous and vital data points. Materials: Handout 1 Data table and questions for class-wide warm-up (life expectancy) Handout 2 Data table and questions for group activity (movie ticket prices) Handout 3 Homework activity (estimate local ticket prices given the rate found in the group activity) Warmup (Handout 1) 1. Distribute Handout 1 to the class 2. Lead in investigating the data table by using the points given a. Tell students to graph the points b. Ask a student(s) describe the relationship of the points and their representation on the graph c. Ask a student to relate how they arrived at answers for questions 3-5 Investigation (Handout 2) 1. Distribute Handout 2 2. Arrange the students into groups of 3 3. Read through the instructions of the activity (as listed on Handout 2) with the students and ask if there are any questions on the procedure. 4. Walk around the groups to:

a. Make sure they are on-task b. Ask each group investigative questions like how does that compare to another students answer? or how do you know? c. Assess their work by checking their answers or steps taken thus far 5. When most of the groups have finished, ask the students to pick one representative of their group to relate their journey and arrival at the answers for the problems. Student must not simply tell the class the answers, but describe their rationale for approach. Further Exploration 1. Distribute Handout 3 (Local ticket prices) 2. Ask the students to find 5 local movie theater ticket prices for this Saturday evening (non-matinee) and take the average price. 3. Using the ratio that their group decided was best in Handout 2, have the students estimate the ticket prices for the next 10 years.

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