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Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium Proceedings, Cambridge, USA, July 58, 2010


A Compact Substrate Integrated Waveguide Band-pass Filter

Changjun Liu and Kama Huang School of Electronics and Information Engineering, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610064, China

Abstract A substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) lter with compact size compared to
traditional SIW lters are presented in this work. A band-pass lter for general purpose is designed at 5.8 GHz with relative bandwidths of 5%. The fabricated lter is on F4B-2 substrate and about 0.5g by 1g , which is about 50% of a conventional SIW dual-mode band-pass lter. Simulation and measurements agree well over a frequency band of 310 GHz. The empirical design formulae are presented as well. 1. INTRODUCTION

Substrate integrated waveguides (SIWs) have many advantages over microstrip lines, such as high Q-factor, small size, light weight, and easy to integrate. Since SIWs have been proposed in 1998 [1], SIWs have found many applications in various microwave circuits [2]. A lot of conventional passive microwave components and devices, such as antennas [3], directional couplers [4], diplexers [5], and phase shifters [6] have been successfully realized with SIWs. SIW lters have also been investigated by many researchers. Some of these lters [712] make use of quasi-waveguide cavity resonant modes formed by metallic vias. SIWs are integrated to reduce its size, weight, and cost. Meanwhile, they greatly enhance manufacturing repeatability and reliability [12]. Most of them have very high center frequencies [9, 12] e.g., 20 GHz or higher. Even when the resonance is of high-order modes, the overall size of a SIW lter keeps compact enough to work with other components and exhibits good performances. However, a SIW lter is not acceptable, when the center frequency goes down to several GHz and, even, in low-order modes, such as TE201 and TE102 . It limits the applications of SIW lters at low frequency part. But the SIW is a born high-pass lter due to its waveguide characteristics. If a stop band higher than its cut-o frequency is introduced, a band-pass lter is presented. This work is focused on a compact SIW band-pass lter. We present a method to design and realize compact SIW band-pass lter, in which a hole on the top metallic surface of the SIW lter is applied for mode regulation. A SIW band-pass lter at 5.8 GHz with a fractional bandwidth of 5% is demonstrated. The measured results of the fabricated SIW lter agree well to simulations. The size of the proposed SIW lter is roughly about half of a traditional dual-mode SIW lter, e.g., with TE201 and TE102 modes.

A SIW is a type of dielectric-lled waveguide which is synthesized in a planar substrate with linear arrays of metallic vias. Those vias are used to realize metal edge walls. Its basic structure is similar to a microstrip structure, which is easy to fabricate. It works in TE or TM modes, instead of the quasi-TEM mode of a microstrip line. Thus, some components are usually required at both input and output of a SIW band-pass lter. Planar structures, such as microstrip lines and coplanar waveguides (CPWs), may be integrated to SIWs as various transitions. An entire system based on SIWs is compact, and convenient to connect to other parts. A section of SIW at given boundary conditions is equivalent to a cavity resonator. The resonant frequencies are c m 2 n 2 fm0n = + (1) 2 e a b where e is the eective permittivity, m and n are non-negative integers, and a and b are eective length along x and z directions, c is the speed of light in free space, respectively. The resonant frequencies are corresponding to dierent electromagnetic eld distributions and modes. In many dual mode lter design, sizes in x- and y-direction are almost the same, so the orders of resonance modes are the same [11]. As for SIW, resonance modes of f101 and f102 are shown in Fig. 1. Its the rst time that we have introduced a circular hole etched on the top metal layer of the SIW lter to perturb the electromagnetic eld distributions of these two modes and form a


PIERS Proceedings, Cambridge, USA, July 58, 2010

lter as shown in Fig. 3. With the increment of Rc , resonance frequencies of f101 and f102 get close to each other gradually. When coupling those two modes, the cavity is resonant at dual mode. Moreover, the introduced circular hole reduces the size of the resonator by enhance the path length of currents. A valid method is to use a section of Conductor Backed Coplanar Waveguide (CBCPW) as a transition to connect a SIW to a microstrip line. The gaps of the CBCPW transition work as chokes at a given frequency, when the gap length is about quarterwavelength, as shown in Fig. 2. It is clear that there is a short circuit formed at the end of the CBCPW from the simulated current distribution and, then, leads to a strong reection from the choke. The CBCPW transition may used as a band-stop structure in the SIW lter with the introduced extra transmission zero, of which the frequency is dependent on the length of the CBCPW transition. It is a compact design without occupy extra space. Thus, CBCPW transitions are introduced in the proposed SIW band-pass lter design to improve its performance.

(a) f101 (4.95 GHz)

(b) f102 (6.28 GHz)

Figure 1: Simulated electric eld distributions of resonance modes.

Figure 2: Current distribution of a CBCPW with a choke structure.

Figure 3: General lter.

Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium Proceedings, Cambridge, USA, July 58, 2010 3. SIW BAND-PASS FILTER


The SIW band-pass lter works in dual-mode with a circular hole etched on top metal layer and two CBCPW sections, as shown in Fig. 3. We rst design the SIW lter prototype with roughly estimated parameters at the center frequency f0 . Then, we use CST to simulate and optimize the lter prototype. Finally, we give the following empirical formulae to help the design of the proposed SIW band-pass lter whose relative bandwidth of about 5% (The thickness of the substrate is 1 mm.): 0.58c f0 r LSIW = 1.895 WSIW 2d LCPW = 0.46 WSIW Rc = 0.26 WSIW WSIW = (2) (3) (4) (5)

where c is the light speed in free space, r is the relative permittivity of the substrate, d is the diameter of vars. As shown in Fig. 3, metallic vias are added at corners of the SIW to reduce its insertion loss, achieve a sharper skirt and a wider stop-band. Since these vias reduce the equivalent width of the SIW, WSIW should increase to maintain the resonance frequency f0 unchanged. Parameter values of the lter are given in Table 1. Larger Rc helps to get narrower pass band and steeper skirt, but leads to higher insertion loss.
Table 1: Parameters of the lter with matched port conguration, Unit: mm. s 2.0 d 1.0 Wgap 0.3 WCPW 0.5 Ltaper 10.0 LCPW 9.0 Rc 6.8 WSIW 22.2 LSIW 34.0 Wstrip 2.8

0 -10

Mag (dB)

-20 -30 -40 -50 -60 3 4 5 6 7 Frequency (GHz) 8 Measured Simulated 9 10

Figure 4: Simulated and measured results of the general lter.

0.5 g g
(a) (b)

Figure 5: Front and back view of the general lter. (a) Front view, (b) back view.


PIERS Proceedings, Cambridge, USA, July 58, 2010

Responses of full-wave simulation and measurement are shown in Fig. 4. The center frequency is 5.8 GHz and the 3-dB bandwidth is 280 MHz, which is about 5% of the center frequency. The measured return lose is better than 9 dB and the insertion is 1.8 dB in pass band. The fabricated lter is shown in Fig. 5. There are three drawbacks of this band-pass lter, although it has a quite good performance. A) The frequency response at the cut-o frequency is not steep enough. B) The rst parasitic pass band is too close, which limits the applications of the proposed band-pass lter. C) The return loss in pass band is too small.

In this research, a novel SIW lter is investigated and the empirical design formulae are presented. Filters are fabricated on an F4B-2 substrate, whose dielectric constant is 2.65 and dielectric loss tangent is 0.001. Although there is a little frequency shift by approximately 0.8%, measured results are in good agreement with simulated ones, which suggest that the proposed lters present attractive performances, especially the high selective lter. Its a diculty for traditional SIW lters to get rid of parasite pass bands caused by lower- or higher-order modes [11], while the parasite pass band has been depressed eectively in this paper. The size of the lter is about half of a traditional dual mode SIW lter that make use of TE102 and TE201 , as discussed in [11]. It is expected to nd applications in communication systems, especially for frequencies in C-band.

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