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In this process, water changes from its liquid state to gaseous state. Water is transferred from the surface to the atmosphere through evaporation. Evapotranspiration:- is a natural process which occurs whenever there is vegetation. Considerable part of water applied for irrigation is lost by evaporation and transpiration. The two processes are being difficult to separate taken and called as evapotranspiration or consumptive use

Factors affecting evaporation

1) meteorological factor: Vapour pressure: The rate of evaporation is proportional to the difference between the saturation vapour pressure at the water temperature, ew and the actual vapour pressure in the air. EL = C (ew - ea) EL = rate of evaporation (mm/day); C = a constant ; ew and ea are in mm of mercury; The above equation is known as Daltons law of evaporation. Evaporation takes place till ew > ea, condensation happen if ew < ea Module

Temperature: The rate of evaporation increase if the water temperature is increased. The rate of evaporation also increase with the air temperature. Heat Storage in water body: Deep bodies can store more heat energy than shallow water bodies. Which causes more

evaporation in winter than summer for deep lakes. Humidity Wind action Atmospheric pressure

Physical factor:-

Water supply Size and shape of the evaporating surface Depth of water

Types of evaporation

Measurement of evaporation
The amount of water evaporated from a water surface is estimated by the following methods: 1. Using evaporimeter data 2. Empirical equations 3. Analytical methods 1. Evaporimeters : Water containing pans which are exposed to the atmosphere and loss of water by evaporation measured in them in the regular intervals. a) Class A Evaporation Pan b) ISI Standard pan c) Colorado sunken pan d) USGS Floating pan

Class A Evaporation Pan

Pan of standard dimensions is used and water is filled in this pan up to a certain range of level. The amount of water evaporated from this pan is measured from which the rate of evaporation per unit time per unit area is calculated. It is then multiplied by suitable pan coefficient so as to maintain the evaporation rate. 1.2 m diameter, 0.25 m deep, water level is kept 5cm below the ground level, pan coefficient 0.7

92 cm square, 0.3 to 0.9m deep, water level within 2.5 cm from ground level, pan coefficient 0.78

Colorado sunken pan

92 cm square, 46 cm deep, pan coefficient 0.8


Demerits of Evaporation pan: 1.Pan differs in the heat-storing capacity and heat transfer from the side and bottom. Result: reduces the efficiency (sunken pan and floating pan eliminates this problem) 2.The height of the rim in an evaporation pan affects the wind action over the surface. 3.The heat-transfer characteristics of the pan material is different from that of the reservoir.

2. Fitzgerald formula:E=(0.4+0.124V)(es-ea) V= wind velocity near water surface es= saturated vapour pressure in mm of Hg ea= actual vapour pressure in mm of Hg

3. Rohwers formula:E= 0.771(1.465-0.000732Pa)(0.44+0.07334V)(es-ea) Pa= mean barometric pressure in mm of Hg

4. Lake mead formula:E= 0.0331V(es-ea)[1-0.03(Ta-Tw)] Ta= average air temp. in 0c Tw= average water temp. in 0c

Energy balance method: Energy balance method is an application of law of conservation of energy. The energy available for evaporation is determined by considering the incoming, outgoing and energy stored in water body over a known time of interval Qi+Qa=Qr+Qb+Qe+Qh+Qs Qi = is incoming shortwave radiation of sun both direct and diffused Qa= net energy convected into the body of water by sum of processes such as inflow outflow seepage Qr= the reflected radiation Qb= the net outgoing large wave radiation Qe= the energy utilized in evaporation Qh= the energy conducted and convected from water surface to the atmosphere called the sensible heat Qs= the energy stored in water

Hn= Ha+He+Hg+Hs+Hi Hn= net heat energy received by water surface Ha= sensible heat transfer from water to air He= heat energy used in evaporation Hg= heat flux into ground Hs= heat stored in water body Hi= net heat conducted out of the system by water flow (Hc(1-r)-Hb)= incoming solar radiation into surface of reflection coefficient LEL = density L= latent heat of evaporation EL = evaporation in mm

Control of evaporation from reservoir

Reduction in surface area or water spread area By providing mechanical covers By applying oil films to control the evaporation (surface films, cetyl alcohol or hexadeconal)


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