Presentation On Personal Etiqutte

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20 May 2014

This presentation will follow the underlisted sequence.


Why do we need Ethics?
Who are our stakeholders?
What are our responsibilities towards the stakeholders?
Health Ethics?
Communication Ethics?
Personal Etiquettes?
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Morals: Are personal beliefs which determine the degree of an individual
conformity to a known or clearly defined corporate ethic. Morals
encompass ones expectations of oneself.

Ethics: Can be regarded as a societys or firms beliefs which determine the
kind of behavior expected from their members.

It is the guiding philosophy or principles of conduct governing the
behavior of individuals in a group or society.

Ethics refers to the rules or principles that define right or wrong

It is all about an organizational work culture.
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Values: A sustained and deeply held preference for a mode of acting, being
or achieving which generally influence attitudes and behavior.

Core values: Are the organizations essential and enduring tenets which
must not be compromised for financial gain or short-term expediency e.g.
integrity, honesty, transparency, patriotism etc.

Why do we need Ethics?
An organization generally tends to be viewed as a moral agent.
Consequently, what an organization does is as relevant as how it achieves

Ethical principles must not be compromised on the altar of an
overwhelming and unjustifiable desire for profitability. An organization
therefore owes its stakeholders the responsibility of moral/ethical rectitude
in all facets of its operations.

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The following are the benefits of owning ethical principles by an organization:
Organizations are often judged by how they act, hence the need for
upholding and improving reputation.

Ethical principles provide a road map for all to follow.

Employer/ Employee agree on common values for the organization,
enhancing good relations and mutual trust.

Employee commitment, and thus productivity is enhanced there is focus in

Operating ethically minimizes litigation and builds confidence.

Organizations guided by ethical principles clearly have more competitive
edge over others. For example, values like integrity, honesty and
transparency are difficult to copy. Unethically operated businesses are
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NNPC shall deal with all customers with the highest degree of honesty,
integrity and decorum.

Our relationship with our customers shall be symbiotic--- mutually
beneficial interests shall promoted.

Customers shall be regarded as the arbiter of our performance--- a
feedback mechanism shall always be encouraged.

We shall strive to meet or exceed customers agreed specifications at
competitive prices.

We shall deliver high quality products and services safely.

We shall strive to keep our promises to customers.
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Employees are the heart, muscle and mind of the business and NNPC owes
them the following obligations:
NNPC shall be honest with employees about the business and staff

Employees shall be paid fairly, in relation to similar industry.

Employees are to be seen as human individuals and therefore be treated
with dignity.

NNPC shall keep both verbal and written contracts, and should not take
advantage of employees.

NNPC shall protect the Health, Safety, and Security of staff against
potential hazards in its business.

An open- door policy shall be operated to enhance communication at all
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Every employee shall be duty bound to:

Respect all rules, regulations and instructions made by the
Corporation or given by Supervisors.

Demonstrate full loyalty, dedication and devotion to the Corporation.

Avoid disorderly conduct and actions against the Corporations

Never divulge secret or confidential information.

Never indulge in acts of gratification or inducement from customers,
collusion with customers shall constitute conflict of interest.

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Fair play and transparency shall be the hallmark in the choice of
Suppliers in our businesses.

We shall be honest in all matters of negotiation.

We shall avoid the receipts of off- specification materials.

Gratification or any form of inducement shall be considered

Our behavior to Suppliers shall be graceful.
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As a parastatal established by the Federal Government, and owned by
Nigerians, it shall continue to perform its statutory functions in accordance
with the laws of the Federal Republic. To this end, it shall:

Provide honest information to the authorities when required.

NNPC shall not as an entity participate in partisan political activities such
as funding of political parties, support for political candidates, or be
involved in campaigns and electioneering. However, where its corporate
interests are involved, it shall make its views known to the government.

Consequently, where an employee of the Corporation intends to
participate in politics, he or she shall do so in his/her personal capacity
and within the existing laws of the land.
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NNPC strives to achieve the following obligations:

Discharge our duties with the highest degree of responsibility, and
be sensitive to Community norms and values.

Ensure that our operations do not put local people at risk.

Seek to be involved in local amenity projects.

Participate in the training and development of youths in our local
Community where practicable.

Appropriate channels of communication shall be established with
the local Community.

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NNPC does not believe in Warfare strategies with its competitors and
therefore adopts the following ethics:

Seek to compete freely, fairly and profitably within the tenets of the law.

Shall not engage in acts of deceit to Customers in order to gain
competitive advantages.

Shall not be involved in the sale of competitive information.

Advertising shall be prudent and aimed at promoting honestly our own

We shall avoid gratification, and any form of inducement in order to
undo competitors.

Maintains wholesome channels of communications with competitors.
20 May 2014 12

The promotion of Safety and Environmental Protection is a mutual
obligation for management and employees. The Corporations policy in
this regard is to:

Prevent injury to personnel, damage to property, pollution to
environment and protection of everyone from work hazards and

In case of pollution, to promptly control, clean-up, rehabilitate and
minimize the negative socio-economic effects of pollution.

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NNPC shall undertake to identify and evaluate |Health Risk that may
potentially affect its employees as well as the Public and initiate
appropriate preventive measures.

NNPC shall determine at the time of employment and thereafter, as
appropriate, the medical fitness of employees to do their work without
undue risk to themselves or others.

NNPC shall provide or arrange for services necessary for the treatment
of employee illnesses, including occupational illnesses or injuries and
handling medical emergencies.

No employee shall be discriminated against on account of his illness.
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NNPC as a Government Organization, as a Business concern, places a
lot of premium on effective communication. It believes that
communication is the life-blood of any organization.

To this end, NNPC shall keep an open-door policy, such that all
activities of the Organization are made transparent.

Amongst employees, free communication is encouraged at all levels.
Any activity, or intention considered inimical to our operations shall
be reported promptly through appropriate channels.
20 May 2014 15

What is Etiquette? According to Oxford Dictionary, etiquette is the formal
standards or rules of correct and polite behaviour in society or among
members of a profession
Etiquette is:

Good upbringing
Good manners
Empathy in acting and reacting
Pleasant attitude
20 May 2014 16
Personal etiquette has a direct relationship with our business ethics. When we
cultivate and practice good personal etiquettes, our business ethics will always
be on track.

Good personal/ business etiquettes will reflect in the way we:

Write and answer memos/ letters.
Conduct/ attend/ business meetings (no lateness and rancorous behaviours
at meetings) .
Come and close at work.
Interact at all levels without coming down at all levels.
Receive or make telephone calls Never say hello: Just introduce yourself.
- Followed by greeting.
- Never hang up before the caller.
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1. Handshakes: must be firm, brief, direct and professional.

Dont sit down to shake anybody.
Dont offer your hand to a senior first.
For men, dont shake a lady unless she initiates it.
Timid handshake depicts lack of confidence.
The bone crusher handshake does not impress.

2. Introductions
Dont guess if you forget a name.
Introduce from junior to senior but acknowledge from senior to junior.
When being introduced, rise up, step forward, smile and give your name if
20 May 2014 18
3. Toxic Traits which
Distract from your poise.
Rub off negatively on people.
Make you repulsive to people may include:

i) Offensive physical Acts: Bad hygiene, dandruff, halitosis (bad breath),
body odours.

ii) Outward display of tasteless behaviours:

Pinching pimples, rashes, scabs, sores.
Nose/ ears/ teeth picking.
Spitting, belching and passing gas.
20 May 2014
iii Others include:

Display of belligerence toward customers.
Frequent arguments with coworkers.
Talking in harder than normal voice.
Refusal to obey corporate rules
Noisy gum-chewing.
Being too inquisitive.
Having running mouth.
Discussing taboo topics in public, etc.

20 May 2014 20
4. Office Romance

The Nigerian Constitution accord for the freedom of associaton. However,
you must remember that just as business has its ethics, association in the
office equally has its own ethics.

It is adviced that associations and associates must :

Be purposeful and not adventurous.
Very conscientious and not arbitrary.
Hold each others rights and privacy inviolate.
Draw a line between romance and your primary office assignments.
Avoid private maneuvers in the office.
Be matured to handle all emotional problems that may arise therefrom.
If the association or relationship leads to matrimony, YOU ARE WELCOME.

20 May 2014 21
This is a written or more often, unwritten rules with regard to clothing.
Your dressing have built-in signals which give messages about you. The
message may include Gender, Income, Occupation, Social Class, Fashion,
Traditions and Personal or cultural identity.

For the avoidance of doubt, the following constitute improper dressing to
Spaghetti tops worn without blazers/jackets.
Jeans without jackets (Jeans allowed on Fridays ONLY).
Tops that reveal cleavages.
Low waist trousers that reveal underwears.
Halter neck.
Extremely short dresees /skirts.
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Remember that how you dress to a large extent, determines
how you are addressed.

The Security and Management are empowered to turn you away from the
office if not properly dressed. I am sure you cannot afford this

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