Road Accidents in Kerala

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According to National Transportation

Planning and Research Centre
(NATPAC), Kerala is the second
most road accident prone state in
the Country. The number of
accidents and deaths are increasing
yearly. Now the conditions in Kerala
are very pathetic. On an average,
nine persons die due to accidents
and around 140 are injured. The
State Government looses around
Rs.600 crores every year on account
of damage and properties in road
accidents. The accident rates in
Kerala and India varies very largely.
The accident rate in India is 7.2 for every 1,000 vehicles, but in Kerala it is 15 for every
1,000.Although Kerala is a small state, it contributes 12% of road accidents in the country.
On analysis it is found that most of road accidents occur between 9 AM and 11AM in the
morning and 5 PM to 8 PM in the evening.Bad conditions of the roads, unregulated traffic
conditions and the negligence of the drivers' and pedestrians are the leading causes of road
accidents in Kerala.


Kerala Roads are the densest one in the country. The state has a property of 8,863 square
kilometres and has 6,567 vehicles for every 100 square kilometres, whereas it is just 1,673
vehicles in India. Road density of Kerala is about four times the national average. This high
density makes the traffic crowded and are often leading to many of the accident cases. This
heavy traffic has been increasing through the years. But it is sad to find only an increment
in the number of vehicles on the roads, not the length and width of the roads.

During the rainy days, the Roads in Kerala are like rivers. It is funny to find people moving
by hanging their bicycles in their shoulderstraveling through the monsoon food. Although
it has been happening for the years, yet there is no foul proof plan to check this issue. What
is needed is a channel for this run away water. This can be easily made if the canals near
the roads are properly used. This flooding causes many diseases during rainy season and
also causes heavy traffic blocks mainly in the cities.

Kerala roads are badly damaged during the rain season. This is due to the construction in
unscientific manner. Many roads are being made only to make the people happy that the
democracy is doing something for them. This makes some of the roads even not usable to
walk in monsoon. This is not only the case with the local roads, it is also seen in the State
and National Highways. Although, the National Highways are affected very less manner, it
affects the State Highways very badly. There are many cases in which many of
thebuses avoid their trip during rainy seasons, causing problems to the common man.

The wideness of the roads is the another issue. Kerala roads are very small not only in the
distance but also in the width. This is one of the prime reason for increased pedestrians'
death in Kerala. Even the National Highways in Kerala are too short that two vehicles find it
hard to move at a time. Many of the road blocks and accidents are the product of
overtaking, which in turn comes out due to the less wide roads.

Another problem related to Kerala roads is the curves. Many of the curves in Kerala are so
steep that sometime vehicles coming from opposite sides find it hard to spot one another.
This is also a leading cause to the accidents. This is the problem during construction. The
Government failed to take the land from the land owners during the construction of these
roads. Many of the roads are unnecessarily curved. You can see that when there are better
straight path availabilities available, the roads are made in a steep curvy manner.

A 1985 study by K. Rumar, using British and American crash reports as data, found that 57% of
crashes were due solely to driver factors, 27% to combined roadway and driver factors, 6% to
combined vehicle and driver factors, 3% solely to roadway factors, 3% to combined roadway,
driver, and vehicle factors, 2% solely to vehicle factors and 1% to combined roadway and
vehicle factors.

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