Evaluation Question 5: How Did You Attract and Address Your Audience?

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Evaluation question

How did you attract and address your audience?

Please tick the

appropriate age group.
Age group
Under 16








The people I asked were between the ages of 15-25

as this is the age range my magazine would appeal
to most. 50% of the people I asked were between
the ages a 17-21 which is the most appropriate age
and this gives me an insight into their likes and

Please select your gender


Male; 50%

Female ; 50%

I asked 5 females and 5 males so I get an equal

insight into both genders opinions. Although my
magazine is mainly aimed at females containing
things theyd be most interested in I wanted to see
if any of it would appeal to males.

What is most eye

catching on my front
Front cover

Other; 10%
main image; 40%

The cover lines; 10%

The masthead; 20%

40% of people said that the main image was the most eye catching. This
was one of my aims as I think the images are a good way of catching the
audiences eye. Also 20% of people thought the masthead was the most
eye catching on the front page which was another aim as it makes the
magazine more recognised and stands out from other magazines.

What is most eye

catching on my contents
Contents page

The colour scheme; 20%

The editor introduction; 40%

The images; 40%

40% said that the editor introduction was most eye catching as it was at the top next
to the title. This was an important aspect to my magazine as it makes it more
personal to the reader and they can relate to it as a girl magazine. 40% also said
they liked the images of the girl band Peach Pop and the boy band MTW. Images
are a great way to attract the audiences attention to the most important articles.

What is most eye

catching on my double
page spread?
Double page spread

The text; 22%

The image; 44%

The title; 33%

45% of the people I asked found the image most eye catching
which was my main aim as I think the image is the most
important element on the double page at attracting the
audience to reading it. 33% of people said they liked the title
best as it stood out from the rest of the text and attracted
them to reading it.

What do you typically look

for on a magazine?
People I asked most said they would like to see
gossip, celebrity gossip, competitions and offers to
go to gigs and boy gossip. These appeal to the
target audience as they like reading about gossip
and about celebrities. Boy gossip appeals to girls of
my target audience age. This magazine doesnt
really appeal to boys and the boys I asked said they
liked to see gig ticket offers and competitions to
enter into while girls liked gossip.

Do you like the colour

scheme? If so why? Or
why not?
Most girls liked the colour scheme as its girley and
appeals to them. Some of the girls said that pink
and purple were their favourite colours and thats
why they liked the colour scheme. I picked pink and
purple as they are girley and feminine and would
appeal to my target audience. The boys I asked said
that they colour scheme didnt appeal to them as
they are too girley and they dislike the colour pink.

Do you already buy music

Already buy music magazines

Yes; 40%
No; 60%

60% of the people I asked never buy music

magazines. They thought this was because their
isnt a magazine that appeals to their age range or
genre of music they like. 40% said that they do
already buy them and would be willing to buy mine.

How often do you buy

60% never buy music magazines but the 40% that
did range from once a week, once a month and
twice a week of 2 different magazines. My
magazine is a weekly magazine and therefore
would appeal to some people who buy magazines
weekly. At the end of the month there will be a
special edition issue which would most likely appeal
to the people who buy magazines monthly. It might
also encourage them to buy my magazine weekly if
they enjoy it.

Would you buy Just Pop?

Buying my magazine

Yes; 50%

No; 50%

50% said they would buy my magazine and other

50% said no. I think this is because it appeals to
females and as I asked 50% males they were the
people who said no. The females I did ask said yes
and this is a positive as it shows I have created a
magazine fit for my target audience.

Would you recommend

Just Pop to a friend?
Recommend to a friend

No; 50%

Yes; 50%

The 50% that said theyd buy the magazines (that

were female) also said theyd recommend it to a
friend. This is a positive as it also shows that it
appeals to my target audience.

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