Biosintesis Lipida

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Biosintesis Lipida

Plants produce lipids

Like other eukaryotes, plants require lipids
for membrane biogenesis, as signal
molecules, and as a form of stored carbon
and energy.
Soft tissues and bark each have distinctive
protective lipids that help prevent
desiccation and infection.
Plants produce the majority of the world's
lipids, and most animals, including
humans, depend on these lipids as a major
source of calories and essential fatty acids.

Fatty acids synthesis

Fatty acid synthesis of plants occurs not
in the cytosol as in animals and fungi,
but in the chloroplast and other
It is also significant that the lipid bilayers
of chloroplasts are largely composed of
galactolipids rather than phospholipids.
As a result, galactolipids are the
predominant acyl lipids in green tissues
and probably on earth

Fatty acid synthesis takes


Lipid components of plastids

The phospholipid components of plastids are less
Phosphatidylglycerol is the most prominent
phospholipid contributor to the thylakoid
membrane system of chloroplasts (but < 10% of
the glycerolipids),
Most of the limited phosphatidylcholine of
chloroplasts is associated with their outer

Composition of plastid membranes.

Figures given are percentages (as % of total lipid) of the pictured lipid in the membranes specified

Endoplasmic reticulum and lipid


reticulum has
traditionally been
viewed as the primary
source of phospholipids
in plant cells.
With the exception of
cardiolipin, all of the
common phospholipids
can be produced by
microsomal fractions.
The endoplasmic
reticulum also serves as
the major site of fatty
acid diversification

ER importance for developing seeds

Although plastids do have the ability to
synthesize polyunsaturated fatty acids,
they are formed on acyl lipid substrates
and are not typically exported.
Thus, the endoplasmic reticulum
desaturation pathways are of particular
importance for developing seeds that store
large quantities of 18 : 2 and 18:3.
Pathways for the production of unusual
fatty acids found primarily in seed oils have
likewise been described in microsomes.

Mitochondrion Plastid

The synthesis of fatty

The production of carbohydrates and amino
acids by the mesophyll cells is primarily destined
for export to other parts of the plants, the
synthesis of fatty acids occurs only for the cells
own requirements, except in seeds and fruits.
Plants are not capable of long-distance fatty acid
transport. Since fatty acids are present as
constituents of membrane lipids in every cell,
each cell must contain the enzymes for the
synthesis of membrane lipids and thus also for
the synthesis of fatty acids.

Fatty acid biosynthesis

The first committed step
in fatty acid
biosynthesis is the
carboxylation of acetyl
CoA to form malonyl CoA
using CO2 in the form
of bicarbonate HCO3
This reaction is catalyzed
by the enzyme acetyl CoA
carboxylase which has
biotin as a prosthetic
group, a common
feature in CO2-binding

Ensim CTP
CTP : phosphatidate cytidylyltransferase has been
observed in plastids, mitochondria and
endoplasmic reticulum.
In all three compartments, the CDP-diacylglycerol
derived from phosphatidic acid is used in the
synthesis of phosphatidylglycerol; in mitochondria,
the reaction of phosphatidylglycerol with a second
CDP-diacylglycerol then produces cardiolipin.
The endoplasmic reticulum can also incorporate
CDP-diacylglycerol into phosphatidylinositol and

Kandungan lemak di biji

Tanaman menyimpan cadangan makanan di
biji untuk pertumbuhan kecambah sampai dia
mampu melakukan fotosintesis.
Tiga cadangan makanan utama yang
terdapat dalam biji yaitu lemak, protein dan
karbohidrat dengan komposisi yang berbeda.
Sebagai contoh di biji rumput kandungan
lmaknya 1-2%, sedeangkan di kacang
kacangan bisa 60%.
Kecuali di jojoba mgd wax ester. Lemak
biasanya disimpan dalam bentuk trigliserida.

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