Giw1001 L3

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System software

Lecture 3

System software
4 types of system software

Operating system (OS)


Device drivers
Language translators

System software

Programs that are related to coordinating computer operations

Interacts with end-users, serves as platform for running application

software, and control computer hardware

E.g. control where a word processing program is stored in memory;

determine how commands are converted and so the system unit can
process them

Consists of 4 types of programs:

Operating system (OS)

Device drivers
Language translators

Operating system (OS)

Almost all application programs are designed to run

with a specific platform (i.e. OS)

Apples iMovie run with the Mac OS.

However, different versions of application programs

are designed to operate with different OSs.

Microsoft Office for Windows and for Mac

OS functions:

Managing resources:

coordinate all computers resources, i.e. memory, storage;

monitor system performance, schedule tasks

Operating system (OS) cont.

OS functions (cont.):

Providing interfaces:

allow users to interact with application software and hardware through

graphical user interface (GUI)

Older OS used command-line interface to write commands

Screen provides command prompt C:>\ for user to type commands

Dbase (i.e. a database management system) for microcomputers (running
DOS) had a command line interface with menus

Running applications:

Load and run application and support multitasking -- allow users to

have several different applications running at the same time and to
switch between them

OS categories

3 basic categories:

Embedded operating system:

Stored within a device, e.g. smart phones, tablets, video

game systems

Network operating system (NOS):

control and coordinate communication between

computers that are linked together

Located on one of the connected computers hard disks

called network server

E.g. Linux, Windows NT Server, Windows 2000 Server. Unix

OS categories (cont.)
3 basic categories (cont.):

Stand-alone operating system (i.e. desktop OS):

Control a single desktop/laptop and located on hard


If computers/laptops are part of a network, the

desktop OS works with the networks NOS (to share
and coordinate resources)

The desktop OS then is referred to as client operating


Most widely used OS are MS-DOS, Windows, Mac OS

Desktop OS


Uses prompt to signal user to give command to the computer

to executes command, user must type a name to invokes a

specific DOS program

Examples of command:

C:\> copy myfile.doc


to copy myfile.doc from current directory ( C: ) to floppy disk ( A: )

C:\> dir *.exe

to list all files with .exe

Desktop OS (cont.)


Several different versions released and are designed

to run with a variety of different microprocessors

Windows family:

Windows 9x (95, 98, ME) -- for home user

Windows 98 includes Internet Explorer (a web browser) into

OS; support multimedia; provides Wizards (step-by-step
software installing/configuring)

Windows ME (Windows Millennium Edition) support Media

player and video editing and home network

Desktop OS (cont.)

Windows family (cont.)

Windows NT, Windows 2000 -- for corporate and network


Windows NT (New Technology) looks and acts like Windows 98, for
networked environment and designed to handle many users, provide
stronger security

Windows 2000 -- one computer serves many users, you get your
desktop and files. Regardless of which computer you use to log into the

Windows XP brings consumer and corporate versions of Windows

together, 2 editions (Home or Professional Editions), provide more

personalisation, support for multiple users (user can log off and
allow another user to log on), provide Internet support and

Desktop OS (cont.)

Windows family (cont.)

Windows CE (Consumer Electronics)

Currently known as Windows Embedded Compact

Windows CE is a scaled-back version of desktop Windows,
design for embedding in Pocket PCs, PDAs, with storage

Desktop OS (cont.)

Mac OS is designed for Macintosh, first to introduced

GUI and served as the model for Windows and other
GUI products



Use command-line interface, not tied to specific

processors, i.e. runs on all types of computers (desktop,
mainframe computer) from any manufacturer, serves as
primary OS on Internet servers, and handles many
simultaneous users


Also use command-line interface, open-source concept -i.e. source code is free and user can change the code and
redistribute it

Mobile OS

A type of embedded OS
Designed for wireless communication


Designed specifically for touch screen mobile devices (smart phones, tablets)
Uses touch inputs such as swipe, tap, pinch


previously known as iPhone OS

For Apples iPad and iPhone

Windows Phone

To support variety of smart phone devices

Similarly, it uses multi-touch gestures as input
Has the ability to run many programs designed for desktop/laptops


Utilities are programs designed to make computing easier

Troubleshooting or diagnostic programs

That recognise and correct problems

Anti virus programs

That guard computer system against viruses

Back up programs

That make copies of files to be used in case the originals are lost or

File compression programs

That reduce the size of files so they require less storage space and
can be sent efficiently over the Internet

Device drivers
Device drivers are program that control a

particular hardware device (printer, CD-ROM

reader) and provides as software interface or
intermediary between hardware devices
attached to computer and OS

Enabling hardware devices communicate with OS

Hardware-dependant and OS-specific

Language translators


Translates assembly language (mnemonic codes) into a

machine language/code


Translates high level language (C++, Java) into a lower

level language (machine language/code)

Translates entire program in one go


Translates one statement at a time, i.e. line by line

Capron H.L, Johnson J.A., 2008. Computers:

Tools for an Information Age. 8th ed. Prentice

Timothy J. OLeary, Linda I. OLeary, Daniel A.
OLeary, 2015. Computing Essentials 2015.
McGraw Hill International Edition

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