Lecture (4) Steady State Molecular Diffusion

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Steady State Molecular Diffusion

Course Outline
Introduction to Mass Transfer
Differential Equations of Mass Transfer.
Steady-State Molecular Diffusion.
Unsteady-State Molecular Diffusion.
Convective Mass Transfer.
Mass Transfer Equipment

Nihad Omer Hassan

The general differential equation for

mass transfer

Two situations in diffusion process

1. Only one component (A) of the
mixture is transferred to or from the
interface, and the total flow is the
same as the flow of A. This is called
Unimolar diffusion or one way
Absorption of a single component from a gas into
a liquid is an example of this type.

Two situations in diffusion process

2. The diffusion of component A in a mixture
is balanced by an equal and opposite
molar flow of component B, so that there
is no net molar flow. This is called
Equimolar counter diffusion.
This is generally the case in distillation: the
more volatile component (A) diffuses from the
liquid phase toward the vapor phase and the
less volatile component (B) diffuses in the
reverse direction.

Equimolal counter-diffusion
For equimolal counter-diffusion in
gases, the net volumetric and molar
flows are zero:

Unimolar diffusion
When only component A is being
transferred, the total molal flux to or
away from the interface is the same
as the total molal flux of A:


Nihad Omer Hassan




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