CCC Presentation Clean Power 2010 25-6-10

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Carbon Capture & Storage –

CO2 mineralisation via fuel cells

innovative chemistry to generate zero-
carbon electricity & construction
materials at global scale

Cleanpower 2010 (

Michael Priestnall, Cambridge Carbon Capture, UK
[email protected] tel:+44-7980-707076

© Cambridge Carbon Capture 2010 1

• Cambridge Carbon Capture – Who we are
• Conventional CCGS – economic challenge
• CCS mineralisation – What, How & Why
• CCC’s unique chemistry using fuel cells
• Markets for mineralisation

© Cambridge Carbon Capture 2010 2

Cambridge Carbon Capture
• new 2010 venture
• developer of innovative CCS chemistry – to make CCS profitable
• unique IP: fuel cells (CO2 capture) + mineralisation (CO2 sequestration)

Coal Electricity

Fuel cell
Mineral Mineral
Mineral by-
Mineral input
input product
Air (CO

Electrolyte Electrolyte

• located at Hauser Forum & Dept. Materials

• Team: Department of Materials; Judge Business School; Nottingham CICCS;
Cambridge Enterprise; TSB; EEDA; Renewables East

© Cambridge Carbon Capture 2010 3

CCGS – economically unfeasible?
•Will CCS costs fall
fast enough?
•When will ETS
price > costs?
•Decades until
CCS investable?
•CO2 storage fees?
•Will the public
accept CO2?
•Utilities have other
•China will not let
• +£1bn per power station CCS risk growth.
• ~30% parasitic energy; ~30% electricity cost increase
• £/MWh CCS coal > £MWh nuclear & onshore wind
• ~€40-90/tonne CCS >> €15/tonne ETS price
© Cambridge Carbon Capture 2010 4
CCS Mineralisation – what is it?
• CCS Mineralisation is a very fast version
of natural mountain weathering & marine
sedimentation processes
– CO2 + H2O + Ca/Mg silicates = limestone
– >99% world’s carbon reservoir is locked
in limestone & dolomite

• Known deposits serpentine & olivine > amount

needed to sequester known coal reserves
• Challenge is to develop a practicable industrial
– reaction kinetics
– capture ratio (tonnes CO2 per tonne feedstock)
– energy & cost
– materials logistics

© Cambridge Carbon Capture 2010 5

CCS Mineralisation – how to do it?
• IPCC & IEA review reports examine range of chemistry options & costs
(+10yrs of research):
– many process papers & patents; little data on energy consumption
– milling to <75um, heating ~650C and/or acid/base digestion (~100C) required to
activate serpentine for carbonation
– aqueous phase chemistries better than gas-solid; serpentine carbonation at ~80-
150C & ambient to high-pressure
– watching brief with scope for new, cheaper chemical processes
– continuing progress in low-energy pre-treatment of serpentine (olivine, wollastonite
& industrial wastes also offer low-energy routes)

• wide range of feedstock mineral/waste options – any Ca or Mg ions

• e.g. closed-cycle, pH-swing ammonium bisulphate digestion at 80C &

carbonation to convert asbestos (Mg3Si2O5(OH)4) waste to high-purity MgCO3,
SiO2 & Fe

• e.g. mine tailings study at four Canadian & Australian sites: 1-50 kt/CO2/yr per
mine site (CO2 from atmosphere) – rate-limited by silicate mineral dissolution
& depends on local climate [Dipple, 2009]
© Cambridge Carbon Capture 2010 6
CCS Mineralisation – why do it?
• huge capacity (of feedstock minerals) globally distributed >> conventional CCS
• option where no suitable underground oil/gas/aquifer space exists
• geologically stable CO2 storage as limestone – avoids environmental, safety & legacy
concerns of conventional CCS – i.e. higher public acceptability v. “toxic” CO 2
• higher density CO2 storage (1.6tonnes CO2/m3 for MgCO3) >2X supercritical CO2
• endothermic process, in principle (not yet in practice); faster, lower-energy chemistries
• materials product value makes mineralisation cheaper than conventional CCS
– JBS economic modelling “CCC best case” electricity is cheaper than unabated coal
• sequestered carbonate matches scale of market for aggregates & fillers in global
construction industry
– global ~5bn tonnes/year CO2 from coal-fired power generation
– 100% mineralisation would generate ~20bn tonnes/yr solid carbonates
– global ~25bn tonnes construction aggregates (of which cement ~3bn tonnes)
• potential by-product materials & process values:
– recovery of residual metals (Fe, Co, Ni, rare-earths, precious metals)
– high-purity silica, bicarbonate chemicals
– cementitious phase carbonates to substitute Portland & pozzolanic cements
– remediation value from carbonation of landfill wastes, mine tailings & hazardous wastes
– CO2 credits from displaced quarrying & cement processes

© Cambridge Carbon Capture 2010 7

CCS Mineralisation – Why isn’t
industry doing it?
• CCS industry has so-far largely dismissed mineralisation on basis that is
more energy intensive, costly & logistically difficult than conventional CCGS:
– cost & energy of intense natural mineral pre-treatments (Mg-extraction)
– still have energy & capital costs of CO 2 capture (most expensive part of CCS)
– millions tonnes of mineral feedstocks to be mined & transported & process inputs
– millions tonnes of waste carbonate or bicarbonate solids to store or dispose of
– overall cost ~€30-100/tonne v. €30-45/t in 2030 (€60-90/t in 2015) for CCGS

• CCS industry is focussed on government-funded delivery of power-station-

scale demonstrations of EOR-proven CO2 separation, compression &
underground storage

• But… industries, governments, researchers, companies & investors are

increasingly looking at feasibility & re-evaluating economics:
– ETI - £1m 2011 paper study launched on “mineralisation opportunities” (Shell,
Caterpillar, BGS, CICCS) – UK mineral distribution + techno-economic viability
– Australia – Latrobe valley; NSW (GreenMag-U.Newcastle)
– USDoE CO2 Mineral Seqstr. WG (ARU, ASU, LANL, NETL, PSU, SAIC, UU)
– CCC, Calera, ICS, Novacem, Carbon8, Calix, Oxford Geo-Engineering, Skyonic

© Cambridge Carbon Capture 2010 8

CCC’s Unique Technology
• Oxidation of carbon to solid carbonate (~470kJ/mole) releases ~15% more
energy than oxidation (~400kJ/mole) to CO2

• (hydro)carbons can be efficiently, cleanly & cheaply converted to electricity

via direct electro-chemical oxidation in an alkaline fuel cell
– at high efficiency >50% (+ le Chatelier) & with low-cost base-metal electrodes
– currently using methanol (for proof of principle); low-rank coals feasible

• Aqueous KOH/K2CO3/KHCO3 & ammonia-based solutions

– CCS-proven fast capture & conversion medium for CO 2 to (bi)carbonate;
– is an excellent electrolyte & existing component of alkaline fuel cell systems
– after carbonation, can be regenerated by reaction with Mg 2+ & Ca2+ ions from
abundant silicate minerals and alkaline industrial wastes & slags.
– OH- and ammonium salt digestion reported for serpentine

• Process chemistry can also be used for point-source CO2 sequestration

• Carbonate mineral precipitates can be consolidated to building materials &

aggregates and cementitious phases can replace high value cements &
displace additional CO2
© Cambridge Carbon Capture 2010 9
CCC Process
KOH Ca2+, Mg2+
C + O2 + 2OH- ~pH14
CO32- + H2O ~pH9 - 13
CaCO3 + 2OH- dG = -ve

500 MWe power plant

0.9 million tonnes/yr coal ~500MW electricity
fossil fuel conventional alkaline CO2-free electricity
air fuel cell using base- water
metal electrodes and 100% CO2 capture feasible
3.3 million tonnes/yr CO2 exhaust gas: CO2-free air
OR (no AFC): re-circulating
flue-gas CO2 KOH/K2CO3 (aq) >6.3 million tonnes/yr carbonate products
solid Mg & Ca carbonate
electrolyte (NH3 &
integrated or distant: mineral phases (for sales into
molten salt options) cement, concrete, aggregate, bricks etc)
Mg2+& Ca2+ from
olivine, serpentines, 5-30% of energy output
~4.5 million tonnes/yr SiO2
industrial wastes, silica powders
mine & quarry fines,
oil drilling cuttings & metals (Fe, Ni, Co)
~12,000 tonnes/yr Ni
combustion ash etc.
£ waste remediation &
>5.2 million tonnes/yr forsterite
CO2 abatement value
© Cambridge Carbon Capture 2010 10
Markets for CCC’s Process
• £330 billion/yr – global market for carbonate materials produced by CCC process
• £3300 bn (period 2010-2050) – global spend on CCS technology (IEA estimate)
• £300 billion/yr – ~7.5TWh coal-fired electricity @ £40/MWh wholesale
• £130 billion/yr (~10bn tonnes CO2 @ £13/tonne)
• global power growth ~2.5% + ~2% replacement
• Early-stage opportunities
– Minerals & mining industry: recovery of high-value metals & chemicals; on-site clean
– Industrial waste processing industry: stabilisation process profitable via avoidance of landfill
– Industrial AFC industry: improve the business case for fuel cells

• Later-stage opportunities
– Utilities: £/MWh coal+MinCCS < £/MWh coal+€15/t
– Cement & concrete industry: low-CO2 manufacturing process
– Construction sector: low-embodied carbon building materials
– CO2 credits & CDM (credit for saving CO2 overseas)
– optimisation of mineralisation chemistry to maximise value of materials throughput
– continuous improvement in serpentine activation processes driven by market demand

© Cambridge Carbon Capture 2010 11

• Mineralisation offers a highly profitable & fully scalable approach
to CCS for a ~$1 trillion/year market

• Technology is at least as proven as CCGS

• Commercial deployment doesn’t depend on learning curves,

carbon pricing or CO2 pipeline infrastructure

• Can start small-scale and build from there

• …and it’s only just coming onto the CCS radar screen

[email protected]
Cambridge Carbon Capture, Hauser Forum, Charles
Babbage Road, Cambridge, CB3 0GT, UK. 07980-707076

© Cambridge Carbon Capture 2010 12

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