Milk Code

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E.O 51 s.

A.O 2006-0012
Revised Implementing Rules and
Regulations of Executive Order No. 51

"National Code of Marketing of Breastmilk

Substitutes, Breastmilk Supplements and Other
Related Products

a law that ensures safe and adequate nutrition for infants through
the promotion of breastfeeding and the regulation of
promotion, distribution, selling, advertising, product public
relations, and information services artificial milk formulas and
other covered products

" Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations of

Executive Order No. 51 Otherwise Known as the
Milk Code Relevant International Agreements,
Penalizing Violations thereof, and for Other

These revised rules and regulations are hereby promulgated to ensure the provision
of safe, adequate nutrition for infants and young children by the promotion,
protection and support of breastfeeding and by ensuring the proper use of
breastmilk substitute, breast milk supplement and related products when these
are medically indicated and only when necessary , on the basis of adequate
information and through appropriate marketing distribution
(E.O 51 s. 1986 )
Section 1: Title Manufacturers and Distributors
Section 2. Aim of the code Section 10. Containers/label.
Section 3. Scope of the code Section 11. Quality
Section 4. Definition of terms. Section 12. Implementation and
Section 5. Information and monitoring
education. Section 13. Sanctions
Section 6. The general public and Section 14. Repealing clause
mothers. Section 15. Separability clause.
Section 7. Health care system. Section 16. Effectivity
Section 8. Health workers
Section 9. Persons Employed by
(A.O 2006-0012)
Rule I Enabling Provision Rule IV Research
Section 1: Title Section 9. Research, Ethics committee,
Section 2. Purpose Purpose
Section 3. Scope and coverage Section 10. Public disclosure
Section 4: Declaration of principle
Rule V Advertising, Promotion, Marketing
Rule II Definition of Term and Sponsorship
Section 5. Definition of terms. Section 11. Prohibition
Section 12. Authority of the Inter
Rule III Information and education agency Comitte (IAC)
Section 6. Responsibility Section 13. Total effect
Section 7. Hazard and complete Section 14. Prior written consent
information on breastmilk and Approval of comittee
substitute and replacement Section 15. Content and Materials
Section 8. Information and education
Rule VI Prohibited Acts Section 32. Primary responsibility of
Section 16. Section 21. healthcare workers
Section 17. Section 22. Section 33. Roles of academes and
Section 18. Section 23. others
Section 19. Section 24. Section 34. Classes , Seminars for
Section 20. Women
Section 35. No promotions
Rule VII Containers/ Labels
Section 25. Appropriate Use Rule X - Monitoring and Implementation
Section 26. Content Section 36. Monitoring,
Section 27. Infant Feeding Implementation, Functions
warning Section 37. Report to the secretary of
Section 28. BFADs Authority health
Section 38. Role of DOH/BFAD in
Rule VIII Quality and Standard IAC
Section 29. Quality
Section 30. Standards Rule XI Filing of Administrative and
Section 31. Against aldulteration and Criminal Complaint
the like Section 39. Role of BFAD
Section 40. National level of Violation
Rule IX - Health workers and Healthcare Section 41. Regional level of Violation
Section 42. Meaning of Levels of Section 52. Other Donations
violations Section 53. Construction
Section 43. Issuance of cease and Section 54. Supplemental
desist orders (CDOs) Administrative Issuance
Section 44. Authority of the IAC to Section 55. Continous Review of
issue CDO Prescription policy
Section 45. Role of DOJ Section 56. Extending prohibition for
Brandnames and company logo
Rule XII Administrative Sanctions Identification
Section46. Administrative Sanctions
Section 47. Fees, Charges and Fines Rule XV Final Provision
Section 48. Against Public Employees Section 57. Repealing cause
Section 49. Liability of Manufacturers/ Section 58. Seperability clause
distributors Section 59. Effectivity

Rule XII Criminal Penalties

Section 50. Penalties

Rule XIV Miscellaneous Provisions

Section 51. Donations within the scope
of this code
Scope and Coverage
The Code applies to the marketing, and practices related
thereto, of the following products:
Breast milk substitutes, including infant formula and milk supplements
Foods, beverages, and other milk products (when marketed or represented
to be suitable, with or without modification, for use as partial or total
replacement for breast milk)
Bottle-fed complementary foods
Feeding bottles and teats

It also applies to their quality and availability, and to

information concerning their use.
Declaration of Principles
a. Exclusive breastfeeding is for infants from 0 to six (6) months.

b. There is no substitute nor replacement for breastmilk.

c. Appropriate and safe complementary feeding should start from

six months onwards m addition to breastfeeding.

d. Breastfeeding is still appropriate for young children up to two

(24 months) years of age or beyond.

e. Infant or milk formula may be hazardous to a child's health and

damage child's formative development.
Declaration of Principles
f. Advertising, promotions, or sponsorships of infant formula, breastmilk
substitutes and other related products are prohibited.*

g. Other related products such as, but not exclusive of, teats, feeding bottles,
and artificial feeding paraphernalia are prohibited in health facilities.

h. Government and all concerned stakeholders must continuously

accomplish an information, dissemination campaign/strategy, and do further
research on the advantages of breastmilk and the hazards of breastmilk
substitutes or replacements.

i. Milk companies, and their representatives, should not form part of any
policymaking body or entity m relation to the advancement of breastfeeding.
Definition of Terms
Breastmilk Substitute
means any food being marketed or otherwise represented as a partial or total
replacement for breastmilk, whether or not suitable for that purpose.
Complementary Food
means any food, whether manufactured or locally prepared, suitable as a
complement to breastmilk or to infant formula, when either becomes insufficient
to satisfy the nutritional requirements of the infant. Such food is also commonly
called "weaning food" or "breastmilk supplement."
Infant Formula
means a breastmilk substitute formulated industrially in accordance with
applicable Codex Alimentarius standards to satisfy the normal nutritional
requirements of infants up to between four to six months of age, and adapted to
their physiological characteristics. Infant formula may also be prepared at home
in which case it is described as "home-prepared".
Definition of Terms
Exclusive Breastfeeding
means giving only breastmilk without water, liquid, teas, herbal preparations, or other
food and fluid intake for the 6 months of life.
Gifts of any sort
means any form of financial, personal or commercial reward,inducement incentives
and other favors provided directly or indirectly by manufacturers, distributors, and
their representatives of products within the scope of the code.
Latching on
means that with the assistance of health worker and immediately after its delivery, the
infant is place to the breast of their mother in order to initiate suckling
Medically Indicated
means special milk formula indicated for infants with inborn errors of metabolism (
galactosemia, phenylketonuria,)
The Department of Health shall take measures to
promote, protect, support and monitor appropriate
infant and young child feeding (IYCF) practices.
Appropriate IYCF practices include the following:
Proper Latching-on immediately after birth and initiation of
breastfeeding within the first thirty (30) minutes thereafter
Exclusive breastfeeding from 0 - 6 months
Appropriate complementary feeding from 6 months onwards
Continuous breastfeeding up to two (2) years of age or beyond
Information and Education
a) The Department of Health in collaboration with the national
agencies, local government units, including non - governmental
organizations and members of civil society, shall :
Plan, provide, design, disseminate and regulate information related to
infant and young child nutrition and the implementation of the Milk
Formulate and implement a communication plan, which among others
will indicate key messages on infant and young child nutrition;
Create a Technical Working Group to serve as a clearing house for all
information and training materials on infant and young child nutrition and
the Milk Code; and
Assist Local Government Units (LGU's) and other partners in developing
Information and Education
b) Informational and educational materials intended to
reach pregnant women and mothers of infants,
including women of reproductive age, which materials
shall include clear information on all of the ensuing;
(1) the benefits and superiority of breastfeeding;
(2) maternal nutrition, and the preparation for and maintenance of
(3) the negative effect on breastfeeding of introducing partial bottle-
(4) the difficulty of reversing the decision not to breastfeed; and
(5) where needed, the proper use of infant formula, whether
manufactured industrially or home-prepared.
Information and Education
c) The promotion, protection and support of
breastfeeding and the Proper implementation of the
Milk Code shall be an integral part of all information,
education, and communication plans and training
activities of the Department of Health (DoH), as well
as that of the Department of Education (DEPED),
Department of Social Welfare and Development
(DSWD), Local Government Units (LGU's), and
other such concerned agencies/individuals.
Research, Ethics Committee,
The DOH shall ensure that research conducted for
public policy purposes, relating to infant and young
child feeding should, at all times, be free from any
commercial influence/bias; accordingly, the health
worker or researcher involved in such must disclose
any actual or potential conflict of interest with the
company/person funding the research. In any event,
such research and its findings shall be subjected to
independent peer review
No advertising, promotions, sponsorships, or
marketing materials and activities for breastmilk
substitutes intended for infants and young children up
to twenty-four (24) months, shall be allowed, because
they tend to convey or give subliminal messages or
impressions that undermine breastmilk and
breastfeeding or otherwise exaggerate breastmilk
substitutes and/or replacements, as well as related
products covered within the scope of this Code.
Section 12.
Authority of the Inter-Agency
Committee (lAC)

The Inter Agency Committee (lAC) shall review all

advertising, promotion or other marketing materials,
whether written, audio, visual, cinema, theater, audio-
visual and electronics, including but not limited to
mail, email, text messages, telephone calls and website
advertising, and for communication and information
dissemination in any form, for products within the
scope of this Code.
Content of Materials.
The following shall not be included in advertising,
promotional and marketing materials:
a. Texts, pictures, illustrations or information which discourage or tend to
undermine the benefits or superiority of breastfeeding or which idealize the
use of breastmilk substitutes and milk supplements. In this connection, no
pictures of babies and children together with their mothers, fathers, siblings,
grandparents, other relatives or caregivers (or yayas) shall be used in any
advertisements for infant formula and breastmilk supplements;

b. The term "humanized", "maternalized", "close to mother's milk" or similar

words in describing breastmilk substitutes or milk supplements;

c. Pictures or texts that idealize the use of infant and milk formula.
SECTION 27. Infant Feeding Warning. - Food products within
the scope of this Code marketed for infant feeding, which do
not meet all the requirements of an infant formula but which
can be modified to do so, shall carry on the label, a warning that
the unmodified product should not be the sole source of
nourishment of an infant.

SECTION 28. BFAD's Authority. - The labels of food

products within the scope of this Code shall, in addition to the
requirements in the preceding paragraphs, conform to the rules
and regulations of the BFAD.
Quality and Standard
Section 29: QUALITY - The quality of products is an essential element for
the protection of the health of infants, and therefore shall be of high
recognized standard.

Section 30: Standard - Food products within the scope of this Code shall,
when sold or otherwise distributed, meet applicable standards
recommended by the Codex Alimentarius Commission and also the Codex
Code of Hygienic Practice for Foods for Infants and Children.

Section 31: Adulteration - To prevent quality deterioration, adulteration or

contamination of food products within the scope of this Code, distribution
outlets, including the smallest sari-sari store, shall not be allowed to open
cans and boxes for the purpose of retailing them by the cup, bag or in any
other form.
Health Workers and Health
Care System
SECTION 32. Primary Responsibility of Health Workers. - It
is the primary responsibility of the health workers to promote,
protect and support breastfeeding and appropriate infant and
young child feeding. Part of this responsibility is to
continuously update their knowledge and skills on
breastfeeding. No assistance, support, logistics or training from
milk companies shall be permitted.

SECTION 33. Role of Academe and Others. - The academe

and allied health institutions shall ensure basic education and
training on Infant and Young Child Feeding (ICYF) and
lactation management.
Health Workers and Health
Care System
SECTION 34. Classes, Seminars For Women. - In order to protect
women of reproductive age, including pregnant mothers, milk
companies and their representatives, shall not be allowed to hold any
activity in the guise of classes, seminars, recreation activities, fora, and
the like, regardless whether or not such activities are intended to
promote the products covered by the Code.

SECTION 35. No Promotions. - The health workers and the health

care system shall not be used for dissemination, distribution and
promotion of products within the scope of this Code. No health care
facility should be used for promotions of products within the scope of
this Code nor as venues that undermine breastfeeding
Implementation and
National level:
National Center for Disease Prevention and Control (NCDPC)
National Center for Health Facilities and Development
Government/Non-government Organizations/Civil Societies
without any conflict of interest with the breastfeeding culture,
and/or direct or indirect connection, financial or otherwise, or
with commercial interest within the scope of the Code
Ad Hoc International Agencies such as the United Nations
Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF) and/or the World Health
Organization (WHO)
Implementation and
levels (in collaboration with their respective
Local Government Units):
Center for Health Development Offices
Provincial Health Offices
City Health Offices
Municipal Health Offices/Rural Health Units
Barangay Health Office
Center for Health Development Offices
GOs/NGOs/Civil Societies
Implementation and
The Monitoring Team shall have the following
Monitors compliance as well as problems encountered in the
implementation of the Milk Code.
Reviews/acts on reports of violations of the provisions of the Code.
Verifies reports of violations of the Milk Code.
Monitors labels of products within the scope of the Code and marketing
practices in various distribution centers.
Recommends sanctions or punitive actions for violations of the Milk
Code to the Bureau of Food and Drugs.
Submits regular reports on the status of the Milk Code implementation
to the Bureau of Food and Drugs.
Filing of Administrative And Criminal
Complaint Records

SECTION 40. National Level Violations.- Reports of violations of the Milk

Code committed at the national level shall be filed and investigated at the Bureau
of Food and Drugs.

SECTION 41. Regional/Provincial Level Violations. - Problems/violations

arising at the regional/provincial levels shall be filed, investigated and resolved at
these levels. The regional/provincial level shall notify BFAD of any action taken
relative to the aforesaid problems/violations. Violations that require prosecution
or imposition of administrative sanction as stated in these rules shall be elevated
to the BFAD for appropriate action.

SECTION 45. Role of the Department of Justice. - The Department of Justice

(DoJ) shall cause the criminal prosecution of the violators of this Code.
Administrative Sanctions
a) 1st violation- Warning;
b) 2nd violation - Administrative fine of a minimum of Ten Thousand
(P10,000.00) to Fifty Thousand (P50,000.00) Pesos depending on the gravity
and extent of the violation, including the recall of the offending product;
c) 3rd violation - Administrative Fine of a minimum of Sixty Thousand
(P60,000.00) to One Hundred Fifty Thousand (Pl50,000.00) Pesos, depending
on the gravity and extent of the violation, and in addition thereto, the recall of
the offending product, and suspension of the Certificate of Product Registration
d) 4th violation- Administrative Fine of a minimum of Two Hundred Thousand
(P200,000.00) to Five Hundred (P500,000.00) Thousand Pesos, depending on
the gravity and extent of the violation; and in addition thereto, the recaJI of the
product, revocation of the CPR, suspension of the License to Operate (LTO)
for one year;
Administrative Sanctions
e) 5th and succeeding repeated violations - Administrative fine of One
Million (P 1 ,000,000.00) Pesos, the recall of the offending product,
cancellation of the CPR, revocation of the License to Operate (LTO) of
the company concerned, including the blacklisting of the company to be
furnished the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) and the
Department of Trade and Industry (DTI);

f) An additional penalty of Two Thousand Five Hundred (P2,500.00)

Pesos per day shall be made for every day the violation continues after
having received the order from the lAC or other such appropriate body,
notifying and penalizing the company for the infraction.
Every mother has a right to breastfeed and every child
has a right to be breastfed!

"the best nourishment for an infant is mother's milk.

There is nothing greater than for a mother to nurture
her beloved child straight from her bosom. The ideal
is, of course, for each and every Filipino child to
enjoy the unequaled benefits of breastmilk."
Risks of Formula Feeding
For Infants and Children:
Asthma, allergy, acute respiratory disease, infection from contaminated
formula, nutrient deficiencies, childhood cancers, chronic diseases,
diabetes, cardiovascular disease, obesity, gastrointestinal infections,
mortality, otitis media and ear infections, side effects of environmental
contaminants, altered occlusion, and
Reduced cognitive development
For Mothers
Breast cancer, overweight, ovarian cancer and endometrial cancer,
osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis, maternal diabetes,
Reduced natural child spacing,
Increased stress and anxiety

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