Engine Cooling System

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Engine Cooling
- A Silent Player…
Outline :
Cooling System.
Its Necessity.
Types of Cooling System.
Systems Briefing.
Main Parts & Working.
Liquid or Indirect Advantages –
Cooling System. Disadvantages.
Parts And Working. Conclusion.
Advantages -
Disadvantages. References.
Oil Cooling.
 Theair-fuel mixture combustion in the engine cylinders raises inside cylinder
Asingle combustion produces a temp. difference of approx. 700 °C. The normal
melting temp. of the cylinder material ranges between 600 °C to 1200 °C.
 Higher
temperatures causes lubricating oil to break
down and lose its lubricating ability.

Other engine parts will also get damaged.

Hence an efficient system required for performing

several functions -
1. Remove excess heat from the engine.
2. Maintain a constant engine temperature.
Cooling System:
 An automobile's cooling system is the collection of parts and substances
(coolants) that work together to maintain the engine's temperature at
optimal levels.
 Comprising many different components such as water pump, coolant, a
thermostat etc. The system enables smooth and efficient functioning of
the engine at the same time protecting it from damage.
 Cooling system prevents overheating by removing the excess heat. This
keeps the engine at its most efficient temperature at all speeds and
operating conditions and also brings the engine up to normal operating
temperature as quickly as possible.
 In addition, the cooling system provides a source of heat for the
passenger-compartment heater-and air-conditioner.
Its Necessity:
 To Control the heat produced in combustion chamber in terms of temperature
developed, so that the engine parts are not damaged & the oil does not break down.
 To dissipates the extra heat out of the engine get the engine reach to the optimum
operating temperature as quickly as possible and maintains it at that temperature.
 The temp. of component must be maintained within certain limit in order to obtain
maximum performance of engine. Hence, Adequate cooling is a fundamental
requirement associated with reciprocating I C engine.
 Also the temperature of the engine reaches high enough to weld the piston with the
cylinder which can damages the engine.
So the cooling system keeps the various components of the engine cool and safe.
Types Of Cooling Systems:

 Inorder to cool the engine a cooling medium is required. On

the basis of medium ,in general use for cooling I.C. engine
,types of cooling system are:-

Liquid or indirect Cooling System.

Air or direct Cooling System.
Oil Cooling System.
Liquid Cooling System:
 A liquid (Coolant) is circulated
around the cylinders and absorb
heat from the cylinder walls and
cylinder head.
 Coolant absorbs heat as it passes
through the engine and also
lubricates the water pump.
 Hot coolant enters the radiator in
which the heat is passed on to air
that is flowing through the
Parts & Working:  Other Parts includes –

 Radiator Cap.
 Coolant Temperature
 The Major Parts/ Sensor (CTS).
 Fan Shroud.
Components includes :-  Heater.
 Coolant.
 Water Jacket.  Radiator Hoses &
Heater Hoses.
 Water Pump.
 Radiator.
 Radiator Fan.
 Thermostat.
 Coolant
Recovery Tank.
 Antifreeze.
 The pump draw coolant from the
bottom of the radiator. They force the
coolant through the pump outlet to
the water jackets.
 Non-positive displacement pump
Water which circulates coolant around
Jacket. cooling system.
 Simple impeller design.
 The water jackets are open spaces between the
 Usually driven by drive belt from
cylinder walls and the outside shell of the block
and head. Designed to keep engine block & crankshaft.
cylinder head cool.
 Surrounds the cylinders with water passage &
absorbs heat from the cylinder wall.
Coolant from the water pump flows first through

the block water jackets. Then the coolant flows up
through the cylinder-head water jackets and back to Pump.
the radiator where heat is exchanged to the air.
 Additional airflow requirement (when idle or
at slow speeds) of radiator for preventing the
engine from overheating met with this fan.
 Keeps air moving through the radiator when
Radiator. the car is not moving.
 A radiator is basically a heat exchanger that  This is mounted on the impeller spindle
removes heat from engine coolant (hot coolant driven by a suitable belt pulley arrangement.
to the cooler outside air) passing through it,  Can be of different types including rigid, flex
mostly of tube and fin style type. (not used much anymore), viscous clutch,
electric etc.
 Made of copper & brass or aluminum &
 Radiator provides large cooling surface area so
that water passing downward through it in thin
stream is cooled efficiently.

Radiator Fan/
The three main parts are a radiator core, and
inlet and outlet tanks. Engine
 Thermostat is a heat-operated valve that regulates
coolant temperature by controlling coolant flow
from the engine to the radiator. It is placed
between the cylinder head and top radiator hose.
 Used as a temperature sensor and a valve. Usually
opens around 195 °F and this opening temperature  Its a chemical additive which lowers the
is called Thermostat Rating.
freezing point of a water-based liquid. An
 The valve in the thermostat opens and closes as antifreeze mixture is used to achieve this
coolant temperature changes. i.e. when the engine freezing-point depression.
is cold, the thermostat closes & prevents coolant
from flowing through the radiator. and vice versa  The water cooled engine "water" is actually
when it warms up. an antifreeze/water mixture rather than
 Thermostat Failure plain water. Water pump seal lubricant is
also added. eg- Glycols.
Recovery Tank.

 Keeps the coolant level full in the system at all times  The cap allows access to the cooling
& thereby lesser opening the radiator. system for filling and testing. Its
basically a pressure relief valve.
 Works in conjunction with the radiator cap.
 The cap has two valves: a pressure
 When the engine heats up, the coolant expands and relief valve set at around 15 Psi and
flows to the recovery tank and when it cools down, a vacuum valve which is needed
the coolant contracts and creates a vacuum and when the engine cools down.
draws the fluid back into the radiator.
 Raises boiling point of fluid to
 Reduces air in system and hence reduces rust and make able, to take on more heat.
Sensor (CTS).
Radiator Hoses
& Heater Hoses.

 The cooling system is a system of parts and fluid that
work together to control an engine’s operating
temperature for optimal performance. The system is made
Working: up of passages inside the engine block and heads, a water
pump to circulate the coolant, a thermostat to control the
temperature of the coolant, a radiator to cool the coolant,
and hoses to transfer the coolant from the engine to the
 The liquid that flows through a cooling system, antifreeze,
or commonly referred to as coolant, withstands extreme
hot and cold temperatures.
 Coolant follows a circulation path that begins with the
water pump. The water pump draw coolant from the
radiator and push it into the engine block. Pumps are
usually fan. Nowadays, they may even be driven
electrically. If the water pump experiences a leak from the
seal, it can compromise the entire cooling system, causing
the vehicle to overheat.
 As coolant flows through the system,
it picks up heat from the engine
before arriving at the thermostat. The
thermostat is a valve that measures the
temperature of the coolant and opens
to allow hot fluid to travel to the
radiator. If the thermostat becomes
stuck and quits working, it will affect
the entire cooling system.
 Once released by the thermostat, hot
coolant travels through a hose to be
cooled by the radiator. It passes
through thin tubes in the radiator. It
is cooled as air flow is passed over the
outside of the tubes.
Liquid Cooling System:
Advantages & Disadvantages :

Advantages. Disadvantages.
 (a) Uniform cooling of cylinder,  (a) It depends upon the supply of
cylinder head and valves. water.
 (b) Specific fuel consumption of
engine improves by using water  (b) The water pump which circulates
cooling system. water absorbs considerable power.
 (c) If we employ water cooling  (c) If the water cooling system fails then
system, then engine need not
be provided at the front end of it will result in severe damage of engine.
moving vehicle.
 (d) The water cooling system is costlier
 (d) Engine is less noisy as as it has more number of parts. Also it
compared with air cooled requires more maintenance and care
engines, as it has water for
damping noise. for its parts.
Oil Cooling System:
 Here, the Oil is cooled instead of cooling something by oil.
 The engine oil is circulated in the engine when it is running, and along with the
engine the oil also becomes hot on running. The oil loses its viscosity on getting
heated, thus if an engine is running on higher temperature, then the oil becomes
thinner, thus the lubricating effect of oil reduces which increases friction between
the engine parts.
 To avoid this and to make sure that the oil maintains the optimal operating
temperature; the oil is circulated between the radiator and the engine case, the
radiator takes off the heat from the oil, thus bringing down the temperature, hence
helping in maintaining the viscosity of the oil.
 Oil cooling is just air cooling with an additional cooling mechanism. The
efficiency is definitely better than the air cooled but it’s nothing ground breaking.
Air Cooling System:
Brief:  In air cooled system a current of
air made to flow past the outside
of the cylinder barrel ,outer
surface area which has been
considerably increased by
providing cooling fins.
 The amount of heat dissipated to
air depends upon :
(a) Amount of air flowing
through the fins.
(b) Fin surface area.
(c) Thermal conductivity of
metal used for fins.
 Some engine configurations,
such as flat four-cylinder engines,
employ baffles to improve the air
distribution between cylinders
and to direct additional air to
Cooling critical components such as the
 In the study of heat transfer, a fin is a surface that extends Fins.
from an object to increase the rate of heat transfer to or  The rate of heat transfer from the
from the environment by increasing convection. The cylinder walls can be substantially
amount of conduction, convection, or radiation of an object
increased by using baffles which
force the air through the space
determines the amount of heat it transfers. Increasing the between the fins.
temperature difference between the object and the
environment, increasing the convection heat transfer
coefficient , or increasing the surface area of the object
increases the heat transfer.
 At a speed sufficient to provide enough air movement to
transfer heat, the entire cooling system is merely the
fins on the air-cooled engine.

 A fan or blower is used in air-cooled engines, with
little or slow movement of air, to sufficiently
Duct Work/ improve air flow past the fins. This also use shrouds
or ducts to insure the flow of cooling air past the
Cowling. fins.
 Fan used can be Radial flow type where the air is
 Improved streamlining usually requires a smaller flung outwards by centrifugal force, or axial type
frontal area which demands narrower engines & for where the air is pushed along parallel to the axis of
the fan spindle.
this, cylinders have to be placed behind each other
which requires duct work (cowling) to insure  The radial-flow fan is more compact for a given
enough air - flow to the rear cylinders of the output but tends to be noisy. The axial-flow fan is
engine. more consistent, reliable and delivers large
quantities of air. Hence, the former is used with
 A cowling is basically the covering of a small engines, while the latter is preferred for heavy-
vehicle's engine. It may be used for drag reduction, forduty high output engines.
engine cooling by directing airflow or as an air intake
for jet engines
 The shape of the cowling guides the forced - convection
current around all the cylinders and provides a direct exist Fan/
after the air has extracted and absorbed the heat from the Blower.
 Cool air is in through the inlet and is fed to the
fan (if present) or to the fins arrangement.
cowling for streamlined shape and baffles for
forced convection of the entered air is made
use of.
 The cooling fan is positioned in the semicircular
ducting/ cowling. The ducting also covers the
cylinder head and its interior fitted with baffles,
channel the flow of air over the engine cooling
fins and through an oil cooler. Below the
cylinders the air is directed over a thermostat,
which operates a valve via a lever. The valve
controls the amount of air reaching the fan, thus
maintaining the correct engine temperature.
After passing over the engine and thermostat,
the air is forced out of the rear of the car or
passed through a heat transfer system that
supplies hot water to the car's heater.
Air Cooling System –
Advantages & Disadvantages.

Advantages. Disadvantages.
 (a) Radiator/pump is absent hence the  (a) Comparatively it is less efficient.
system is light.
 (b) In case of water cooling system  (b) It is used in aero planes and
there are leakages, but in this case here motorcycle engines where the
are no leakages. engines are exposed to air directly.
 (c) Coolant and antifreeze solutions are  (c)Can’t be used in heavy duty
not required.
vehicles where there cooling should
 (d) This system can be used in cold be best effective.
climates, where if water is used it may
 (e)Simple design, cheaper and easy t

 Cooling is of utmost importance in an engine design and working.

 Thiscould be attained by usage of different systems based on the
purpose and requirement.
 If not taken care of properly, it could make engine less efficient and can
make the engine system hazard as all these are and can become more or
less, pressure vessels.
 All the parts, smaller or bigger has its own importance and vital role in
the system and a single mal function can be disastrous.

So, here goes the our presentation on

Engine cooling systems…
Thank You All…
 https://www.slideshare.net/yajurvendratomar1/engine-cooling-system-
 https://www.slideshare.net/HarpreetSingh100/cooling-system-in-
 https://www.slideshare.net/amitsen01/cooling-system-presentation
 http://what-when-how.com/automobile/air-cooling-system-automobile/
 https://www.carparts.com/classroom/coolingsystem.htm
 https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-difference-between-liquid-cool-and-oil-
 https://www.uniquecarsandparts.com.au/how_it_works_air_cooled_engine

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