Medium and Technique

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Medium and Technique

Materials used by an artist
to express his / her
feelings or thought.
The manner in which the
artist controls his medium
to achieved the desires
Visual Arts, Auditory Arts, Combined Arts

Visual Arts – mediums can be seen and which occupy space.

Auditory Arts – mediums can be heard which are expressed in


Combined Arts – mediums can be both seen and heard and

which exist both in space and time
Medium in Visual Arts

Painting - art creating a meaningful effects on a flat.

watercolor, fresco, tempera, pastel, encaustic, oil,

Mosaic – art or decoration made of small pieces of inlaid color

stones or glass called “tesserae” to create an image

Stained Glass – artwork using a small pieces of colored glass

together by bands of lead.
Medium of Visual Arts

Tapestry – a fabric produced by hand weaving colored thread

upon a wrap

Drawing – fundamental of all skills necessary in art and

usually done on paper, using pencil, pen and paper, charcoal,
bistre, crayons, silverpoint

Printmaking – anything printed on a surface that is direct

result from a duplication process
Medium of Visual Arts

Lithography – is a surface printing done with smooth surface

which has treated chemically or mechanically so that surface
will print others will not.

Sculpture – a visual art that operates three dimensional

stone, jade, ivory, metal, plaster, clay , glass, wood

Architecture - art of designing a building

Medium in Auditory Arts
Music – is an art form that deals with sounds

Vocal Music – the most natural form of music and it is produced by

the vibrations of the vocal chords in the voice box.
Correct Posture
Correct Breathing
Correct Placement of the Voice
Correct Diction
Correct Interpretation
Medium of Auditory Arts

Classification of Vocal Music

1. Long Vocal Forms – Opera, Cantata, Oratorio,

Moro-moro, Zarzuela

2. Short Vocal Form – folk song, kundiman,

balitaw, anthem, madrigal, ballad, chorale,
Medium of Auditory Arts

Instrumental Music – art form that produces music

using instruments
Sonata , Suite, Symphony, Concerto, Chamber

Types of Musical Instrument

String Instrument
Wind Instrument
Percussion Instrument

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