Direction: Read Each Statement Carefully. Write The Letter of Your Answer On Your Paper

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Direction: Read each

statement carefully. Write the

letter of your answer on your
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1. What system is responsible for
the exchange of oxygen and carbon
dioxide between the air and the
(a) circulatory (c) excretory
(b) digestive (d) respiratory
2. How does the air enter our body?
(a) nose ---> nasal passage ---> trachea --->
bronchi ---> bronchioles ---> alveoli
(b) nose ---> nasal passage ---> trachea --->
bronchioles ---> bronchi ---> alveoli
(c) nasal cavity ---> nose ---> trachea --->
bronchioles ---> bronchi ---> alveoli
(d) nasal cavity ---> alveoli ---> trachea --->
bronchioles ---> bronchi ---> nose
3. Which part of the
respiratory system filters and
warm the air upon entering it?
(a) air sac (c) nasal cavity
(b) bronchi (d) diaphragm
4. What is the primary
organ of the circulatory
(a) Heart (c) veins
(b) Arteries (d) blood
5. All of the following are
associated with respiratory
problems, EXCEPT:
(a) unbalanced diet (c) pollutants
(b) enough sleep (d) smoking
6. Which of the following
are the products of the
Krebs cycle?
(a) ATP (c) FADH
(b) NADH (d) all of these
For number 7, the genetic disorder phenylketonuria
(PKU) is caused by a recessive allele (n). The family tree
below shows the incidence of the disease over three
7. What is the genotype
of Jane's husband?
(a) 𝑋𝑋 (c) 𝑋Y
𝑛 𝑛
(b) 𝑋 𝑋 (d) 𝑋 𝑌
8. A conservation biologist would _____.
(a) work with government officials to
establish a plan for the protection of
endangered species
(b) analyze organism characteristics that help
them survive in particular locations
(c) investigate the impact of industrial
pollutants on an ecosystem
(d) all of the above
9. Acid deposition _____.
(a) is only a problem where sulfur dioxide
and nitrogen oxide are emitted
(b) occurs when sulfur dioxide and
nitrogen oxide combine with water to
produce acids
(c) stimulates the growth of plants that
prefer acid soil
(d) all of the above
10. Chlorophyll is mostly located
above the leaf of the plant to
(a) collect carbon dioxide.
(b) collect light energy.
(c) release oxygen.
(d) release glucose.
11. It is a hereditary
material and is also known
as the blue print of life.
(a) DNA (c) mRNA
(b) RNA (d) tRNA
12. It happens when there is removing
or clearing of forest to include cutting of
all trees, mostly for agricultural or urban
(a) Eutrophication
(b) Acid rain precipitation
(c) Water pollution
(d) deforestation
13. A DNA strand has the
following bases: A A G C C A.
What are the bases on its
complementary strand?
(a) A A G C C A (c) T T C G G T
(b) A C C G A A (d) C C A T T C
14. Which of the following statements is true?
(a) The gene is the basic unit of heredity and
is found in the chromosome.
(b) The chromosome is the basic unit of
heredity and is found in the gene
(c) The gene determines the sex of humans
and the chromosomes carry the traits.
(d) The gene carries the traits inside the 20
pairs of chromosomes in humans.
15. Which of the following traits
is not controlled by multiple
(a) color blindness
(b) freckles
(c) eye color
(d) hair texture
16. In humans, maleness or
femaleness is determined by a
pair of sex chromosomes called
X and Y. What is the genotype for
(a) XX (c) XXY
(b) XY (d) XO
17. Atherosclerosis is a disease in which plaque builds up
inside your arteries. Plaque is made up of fat, cholesterol,
calcium, and other substances found in the blood. Over time,
plaque hardens and narrows your arteries. This limits the flow
of oxygen-rich blood to your organs and other parts of your
Why is atherosclerosis especially serious when it develops in
the coronary arteries?
(a) It can then go on to affect the aorta.
(b) It can make red blood cells die.
(c) It can lead to a heart attack.
(d) It can limit the functioning of white blood cells.
18. Inflammation of larynx is
(a) laryngitis (c) arthritis
(b) phlebitis (d) bronchitis
19. What is a type of inheritance where
both alleles are expressed equally in the
phenotype of the heterozygote?
(a) Complete dominance
(b) Incomplete dominance
(c) Codominance
(d) Multiple allele
20. The beating sound your heart
makes comes from:
(a) Blood going in the wrong
(b) Valves closing
(c) The heart skipping beats
(d) Your ears playing tricks on you
21. A red cow is crossed with a white
cow and produced an offspring that is a
roan cow. What is a roan cow?
(a) A purebred red cow.
(b) A purebred white cow.
(c) A pink cow.
(d) A cow with red hair and white
22. A farmer is experiencing a problem in
growing his crops. Most of the leaves of the
crops are turning yellow. Which of the
following will likely result from the yellowing
of the leaves of the crops?
(a) It will increase the production of food.
(b) It will decrease the production of food.
(c) The production of food will remain the same.
(d) None of the above.
23. Abby wants to know if leaves are capable of making food
during nighttime. Which of the following experimental design
should Abby do to get an accurate answer to her question?
(a) Put one potted plant in a very dark place over night and
test for the presence of starch.
(b) Cover the plant with paper bag overnight and test for the
presence of starch.
(c) Put one potted plant under the sun and the other in a
shaded area for two hours and test for the presence of
(d) Cover one leaf of a potted plant with carbon paper for
two hours and test for the presence of starch.
24. When cells breakdown a sugar
molecule completely to produce
chemical energy (ATP), the cells need
the following materials_________
(a) Sugar and oxygen
(b) Sugar and water
(c) Sugar only
(d) Sugar and carbon dioxide
25. Oxygen is essential in cellular
respiration. What is the role of oxygen in
the electron transport chain?
(a) It provides a high energy proton.
(b) It releases an electron.
(c) It serves as the final acceptor.
(d) It forms water.
26. A vegetable farmer wants to increase
his harvest. Which of the following
conditions should the farmer consider?
(a) The kind of soil only
(b) The amount of water only
(c) The location of the plots only
(d) All of the above
27. What will happen if ATP and NADPH
are already used up at night?
(a) Less oxygen will be produced.
(b) Less carbon dioxide will be used.
(c) Glucose production will stop.
(d) Water molecule will split to form
28. Which of the following best explains why planting trees
and putting up urban gardens can help prevent global
(a) Plants produce oxygen during day time and perform
(b) Plants absorb carbon dioxide that contributes to the rising
of earth’s temperature.
(c) Plants perform photosynthesis.
(d) Plants use up carbon dioxide during photosynthesis,
release oxygen to the environment, and perform
29. When cells break down food into
chemical energy it undergoes three major
processes, Glycolysis, Krebs cycle and
Electron transport. Which of these processes
provides the most number of ATP molecules?
(a) Glycolysis
(b) Krebs Cycle
(c) Electron Transport Chain
(d) No idea
30. Sugarcane juice is used in making table
sugar which is extracted from the stem of the
plant. Trace the path of sugar molecules
found in the stem from where they are
(a) Root----stem (c) Flowers----leaf----stem
(b) Leaf----stem (d) Roots----leaf----stem
31. All organisms get energy from food to
perform different life processes. This is done in
the cells by breaking down sugar molecules into
chemical energy. Which of the following cell
organelles is associated with the production of
chemical energy?
(a) chloroplast
(b) mitochondrion
(c) endoplasmic reticulum
(d) nucleus
32. Plants are very unique among other
organisms due to their capability to trap
sunlight and make their own food. Which of
the following enables plants to trap energy
from the sun?
(a) epidermis
(b) chloroplast
(c) cuticle
(d) chlorophyll
33. If you did not eat for three days,
where did your cell get the glucose for
ATP production?
(a) blood sugar
(b) glycogen in the liver
(c) glycogen present in the muscle
(d) protein in the blood
34. Plants make food by absorbing water and
carbon dioxide. Which of the following
substances is the origin of oxygen released as
gas by green plants during photosynthesis?
(a) water
(b) sugar
(c) carbon dioxide
(d) ribulose-1,5-biphosphate
35. Humans are using ______
natural resources than they did 100
years ago.
(a) fewer
(b) better
(c) more
(d) lesser
36. If 40 carabaos live in a 1 ½ square
meters area, what is their population
density per square kilometer ?
(Hint: density = number of individuals ÷ size of an area)
(a) About 27 per sq. km.
(b) Approximately 30 per sq. km.
(c) 29 per square kilometer
(d) 27 per square meter
37. What is the main cause of
extinction in plant and animal
(a) Hunting and Trapping
(b) Introduction of species
(c) Destruction of habitat
(d) Taking of animals for profit
38. In a farm, soy beans were the only crop that that
was planted on several hectares of land. A farmer
noticed that a fungus was growing all over the soy bean
fields. Predict what might eventually happen to the
soybeans and the fungus.
(a) The soy beans might be killed by the fungus, which
would most likely also die.
(b) The fungus might be killed by the soy beans, which
would most likely also die.
(c) The soy beans will grow.
(d) The soy beans is harvested by the farmer.
39. If solid and liquid wastes are removed
from the body through defecation and
urination, what is released by the body as
waste during respiration?
(a) Carbon dioxide
(b) Oxygen
(c) Blood
(d) Dialysis
40. The average temperature of the
earth’s atmosphere may rise as a
result of _______.
(a) the greenhouse effect
(b) water pollution
(c) garbage dumping
(d) Tropical cyclone

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