Kto12 Pedagogical Approaches: Regional Memorandum No. 233 S. 2016

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K to 12

What is

According Merriam – Webster

Dictionary, pedagogy is the art of
science, or profession of teaching;
especially education.
Sec. 5 (e) RA 10533

The curriculum shall use

pedagogical approaches such
as constructivism, inquiry-
based, reflective, collaborative,
and integrative.
Features of
K to 12:
stronger integration of competencies
and values within and across the
learning areas to master learning
standards (content and performance
Features of
K to 12:
we are molding “integrated” learners,
or well rounded individuals.
two main sources of reliable and
meaningful knowledge for basic
education: expert systems of
knowledge and the learners’ experience
in his/her context

TO: All Schools Division Superintendent


Director IV



DATE: July 18, 2016

ln support to Regional Memorandum No. 11, s. 2015,
entitled The 2C-21- 1R Pedagogical Approaches and
as mandated by RA 10533, this Office reiterates the
use of the 2C-2I-1R approaches (Constructivist,
Collaborative, lnquiry - Based, lntegrative, and
Reflective) cum suggested strategies and underlying
principles behind each pedagogical theory to better
implement the Enhanced Basic Education Curriculum
in all grade levels.
To ensure that this will be properly implemented in all
schools in CALABARZON, the Quality Assurance
Monitoring and Evaluation (QAME) Division in
coordination with the Curriculum Learning and
Management Division (CLMD)will take the lead in
monitoring the adherence of our teachers using the
attached Assessment Tool. Assessment results will be
used in formulating CLMD policy to articulate quality
performance of the learners.
It shows learners to be active in the process of
constructing meaning and knowledge rather than
passively receiving information. It fosters critical
thinking and provides learners with a learning
environment that helps them make connections with
their learning. Learners are the makers of meaning and

 Thinking Skills
 Activity Based
 Direct Instruction
A. Thinking Skills

Strives to improve achievement by

consciously developing learners ability to
consider ideas.
Analyzes perspectives.
Solves problems and makes decisions on their
Thinking Skills
Suggested Activity (How to use the strategy)
The RMFD Activity
-Recall (Past Experiences)
-Model (Follow Procedures/Steps)
-Familiarize (Repeat the performance/Scaffolding)
-Decide (Form a conclusion)
Thinking Skills
1. Predict: students make predictions on the outcome
of some event and justify their predictions
2. Observe: students describe what they observe from
the activity they carry out or demonstrated by the
3. Explain: students explain the phenomenon, reconcile
any conflict between their predictions and
Thinking Skills
 It involves analyzing and organizing what you know
and what you want to learn about a topic before and
after the research is done
 Filling out this chart prepares a student for reading
about a topic, helps in reviewing what has been learned
about the material, gives help in obtaining more
information, and makes the students ready to write
about what they’ve learned
NOW What I KNOW What I WANT to What I LEARNED HOW Can I Learn
Know More



A mind map is a diagram
used to represent words,
ideas, tasks, or other items
linked to and arranged around
a central key word or idea.
A schematic representation of meaningful
relationships among concepts.
Good for starting a topic.
Good for finding any misconceptions.
Encourages students to clarify their ideas
using a visual representation.
Assesses current understanding and assists in
further learning.
What is
“ cartoon-style drawings
presenting characters with
different viewpoints
around a particular

(Roesky & Kennepohl, 2008)

Concept Cartoon

Concept cartoons are extremely versatile as a

teaching strategy (Brenda Keogh and Stuart Naylor,

They may be employed across subjects, such as

in the development of reading skills in English, or the
teaching of problem solving in Math.
Thinking Skills

Suggested form of ASSESSMENT

(Forms/types of assessment to use to implement the strategy)

-OBP (Outcome-Based Performance)

B. Activity Based

Engages learners in individual or group

experiential learning opportunities such as
purposeful conversation, project planning,
hands on inquiry, analysis, and product
B. Activity Based
Suggested Activity (How to use the strategy)
The 3A’s Activity
-Act (Giving simple workshops/coaching)
-Analyze (Compare and Abstract)
-Apply (Use and Implement)
B. Activity Based

Suggested form of ASSESSMENT

(Forms/types of assessment to use to implement the strategy)

-Paper presentation
-Power point presentation
-Project exhibits
-Activities that will demonstrate the multiple
intelligences of the learner
C. Direct Instruction

Guides/models learning in the quickest way.

C. Direct Instruction
Suggested Activity (How to use the strategy)
The TGA Activity
-Tell (Give guidance)
-Guide (Facilitate the process)
-Act (Apply the concept)
C. Direct Instruction

Suggested form of ASSESSMENT

(Forms/types of assessment to use to implement the strategy)

-Laboratory experiment results

-Template completion
-Framework creation/interpretation
Curriculum begins with the parts of the Curriculum emphasizes big concepts,
whole. Emphasizes basic skills. beginning with the whole and expanding
to include the parts.

Strict adherence to fixed curriculum is Pursuit of student questions and

highly valued. interests is valued.

Materials are primarily textbooks and Materials include primary sources of

workbooks. material and manipulative materials.

Learning is based on repetition. Learning is interactive, building on what

the student already knows.
Teachers disseminate information to students; Teachers have a dialogue with students, helping
students are recipients of knowledge. students construct their own knowledge.

Teacher's role is directive, rooted in authority. Teacher's role is interactive, rooted in


Assessment is through testing, correct Assessment includes student works,

answers. observations, and points of view, as well as
tests. Process is as important as product.

Knowledge is seen as inert. Knowledge is seen as dynamic, ever changing

with our experiences.
Students work primarily alone. Students work primarily in groups.
Collaborative Approach

It requires the learners to work together

towards a common goal. This type of learning has been
called in various names like collective learning, learning
communities, peer teaching or team learning. Learners
engage in a common task in which each individual
depends on and is accountable to each other.
 Online Collaborative
 Jigsaw Method
 Think-Pair-Share
 Integrated Process Approach/Process
 Peer Teaching
Online Collaborative

Prepares learners to be responsible

individuals in a technologically advanced
Projects and activities given by the teachers
shall reflect students’ current and future
Online Collaborative
Suggested Activity (How to use the strategy)
1. The CPFM Activity
-Create Transparency of Expectation
-Provide Clear Instructions
-Form Small Groups
-Monitor and Support
2. Integration of Information Technology (IT) in the
Online Collaborative

Suggested form of ASSESSMENT

(Forms/types of assessment to use to implement the strategy)

-Project Presentation
-Paper Presentation
-Action Research (SHS)
-Formal Essay (SHS)
Jigsaw Method

 Is a cooperative learning technique in which learners

work in small groups.
 It can be used in variety of ways for a variety of goals
that allows for an efficient way for learners to learn
content, develop their listening, engagement and
empathy skills aside from allowing them to interact
among each other and work independently.
Jigsaw Method

Divide students into 5- or 6-person jigsaw

Appoint one student from each group as
the leader.
Divide the day’s lesson into 5-6 segments.
Assign each student to learn one segment.
Jigsaw Method

 Give students time to read over their segment at

least twice and become familiar with it.
 Form temporary “expert groups” by having one
student from each jigsaw group join other students
assigned to the same segment.
 Bring the students back into their jigsaw groups.
 Ask each student to present her or his segment to
the group.
Jigsaw Method
Suggested Activity (How to use the strategy)
1. The TDAR Activity
-Think (Analysis of the problem)
-Discuss (Share ideas on how to solve the problem)
-Act (Act collaboratively)
-Reflect (Introspect on the result made by the
Jigsaw Method

Suggested form of ASSESSMENT

(Forms/types of assessment to use to implement the strategy)

-Group paper introspection re: experiences/feeling

during the group discussion
-Product of the group (in line with the rubrics
provided by the teacher)

 Is a strategy in which students work together to solve a

problem or answer a question.
 Students think through questions using three distinct
steps: TPS (Think, Pair, and Share)
Suggested Activity (How to use the strategy)
The 2D-2M Activity
-Decide (Upon the problem/issue to be solved)
-Describe (The purpose of the strategy and provide
guidelines for discussions)
-Model (Ensure that students understand on how to use
the strategy)
-Monitor (Support students as they work)

Suggested form of ASSESSMENT

(Forms/types of assessment to use to implement the strategy)

-Group power point presentation

-Paper Reflection (Self-Assessment)
-Observation checklist to monitor the desirable
attitudes of the learners during collaborative work
Integrated Process
Approach/Project Management

 A highly collaborative activity for it requires the whole

team to think of the entire project and all of its systems
together, emphasize connections and improve
communication among students and stakeholders
throughout the life of a project.
Integrated Process
Approach/Project Management
Suggested Activity (How to use the strategy)
The Process/Activity
-Think of a project as a whole
-Focus on life cycle design
-Work together as a team from the beginning
-Conduct assessments (e.g., threat, vulnerability,
assessments and risk analysis) to help identify requirements
and set goals.
Integrated Process
Approach/Project Management
Suggested Activity (How to use the strategy)
The Process/Activity
-Develop tailored solutions that yield multiple benefits
while meeting requirements and goals
-Evaluate solutions
-Ensure requirements and goals are met
- Emphasize the integrated process
Integrated Process
Approach/Project Management

Suggested form of ASSESSMENT

(Forms/types of assessment to use to implement the strategy)

-Paper presentation
-Project presentation
-Case studies presentation
-Debates results
-Collaborative writing
Peer Teaching

 Involves learners taking on a teaching role in a school

 This strategy can be reciprocal teaching, peer tutoring,
and cooperative learning.
Peer Teaching

Suggested Activity (How to use the strategy)

The AFA Activity
-Assign and design a lesson
-Facilitate the lesson
-Assess their peers
Peer Teaching

Suggested form of ASSESSMENT

(Forms/types of assessment to use to implement the strategy)

-Paper presentation
-Power Point presentation
-Group reports
Integrative Approach

It is a learning theory that describes a

movement toward integrated lessons helping students
make connections across curricula; making connections
with a major, between curriculum, co-curriculum, or
between academic knowledge and practice.
 Scaffold-Knowledge
 Content-Based Instruction
 Thematic Teaching and
Learning By Design
Scaffold-Knowledge Integration

Makes thinking visible

Models scientific thinking, scaffolds students
to make their thinking visible; provides
multiple representations
Helps students learn from others
Encourages listening to others; design
discussions; highlights cultural norms
Scaffold-Knowledge Integration

Promotes autonomy and lifelong learning

Encourages monitoring; provides complex
projects; revisits and generalizes inquiry
processes; scaffolds critique
Scaffold-Knowledge Integration

Suggested Activity (How to use the strategy)

The 4A’s Activity
-Activity (Build on students ideas)
-Analysis (Make thinking visible)
-Abstraction (Encourage listening to others)
-Application (Promote autonomy/lifelong learning)
Scaffold-Knowledge Integration

Suggested form of ASSESSMENT

(Forms/types of assessment to use to implement the strategy)

-Group work presentation

-Projects exhibit
Content-Based Instruction

CBI lessons focuses on the topic or subject

matter using the language they are trying to
learn as a tool for developing knowledge.
They develop their linguistic ability in the
target language with the content of a
particular subject.
Content-Based Instruction

This is thought to be a more natural way of

developing language ability and one that
corresponds more to the way we originality
learn our first language.
Six T’s Features
 Themes- central ideas that organize major
curricular units
Content-Based Instruction

Text- content resources which drive the basic

planning of theme units.
Topics- sub-units of content which explore
specific aspects of the theme
Threads- linkages across themes which create
greater curricular coherence
Content-Based Instruction

Tasks- instructional activities and techniques

Transitions- explicitly planned actions which
provide coherence across topics in a theme
unit across tasks within topics
Content-Based Instruction

Suggested Activity (How to use the strategy)

The 4A’s Activity
Content-Based Instruction

Suggested form of ASSESSMENT

(Forms/types of assessment to use to implement the strategy)

-Power point presentation

-Action Research (SHS)
Thematic Teaching & Learning
By Design

Integrates basic discipline of all subjects

Acquires knowledge best when learning in
the context of a coherent “whole” and when
they can connect they’re learning to the real
Thematic Teaching & Learning
By Design

Seeks to put the teaching of cognitive skills

such as reading, mathematics, science, and
writing in the context of a real-world subject
that is both specific enough to be practical,
and broad enough to allow creative
Thematic Teaching & Learning
By Design
Suggested Activity (How to use the strategy)
The AACE Activity (Kalantzis 2007)
-Apply (Being creative)
-Analyze (Being critical)
-Conceptualize (Design Theory)
-Experience (New concept with celebration)
Thematic Teaching Model
English Filipino AP Science Math TLE
Sample Have a panel Discuss Discuss Discuss/ State Answer List the needs
instruct- discussion on “Ang Paksiw definition of how science mathe-matical of the family.
ional activi- the roots of na Ayungin” poverty and techno- problems
poverty. which deals through an logy could related to the Prepare/
on poverty. interview. lessen issue of Make projects
poverty. poverty. that be sold to
increase family
Culminating Activity - Immersion/Exposure to poor areas in the community.
Thematic Teaching & Learning
By Design

Suggested form of ASSESSMENT

(Forms/types of assessment to use to implement the strategy)

-One way to check if the teacher is using thematic

approach is the bulleting board display where lessons
in different learning areas are connected to each
other and focus on the theme.
Culminating performance
“It is what teachers think, what teachers
do, and what teachers are at the level of
the classroom that ultimately shapes the
kind of learning that young people get.”
- Andy Hargreaves and Michael Fullan-

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