SMPDM - Group 12 - Final

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SMPDM Project

Group 12
Group Members
Amogh Desai- 6A
Archita Goyal- 13A
Avi Godha- 16A
Jyoti- 25A
Shubham Sodhani -48A
Bhalchandra Gatne- 17C

Major sectors that we are covering:

By 2025, IDC predicts that the 42% of world population is 574 Billion USD remittances
total amount of digital data on social media with 90% globally in 2016. Remittances
created worldwide will rise to millennials. to middle-income countries
163 zettabytes reached a record high in 2018

$22 trillion-plus global retail By 2025, Research and

market, gamification is Markets believe that it will
emerging as a highly reach a staggering total
effective for turning web app market value of $325 billion
visitors into loyal customers
Mobile phone users: 1995 -> 2014 Difficult to process Restricted access to
offline payments real-time data 3

Optimized Ad Formats Rise in cyber attacks

Fast/interactive fun videos for mobile Adware grew 136% - attackers access to personal info

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Cross-border currency
Analytics Firm Mobile Advertising
exchanges online

• Mu Sigma is a decision sciences and • InMobi is a mobile advertising • TransferWise is an online platform that
Big Data analytics company platform provides cross border currency
What do they
• Help enterprises systematize better • Enables brands, developers and exchange services
do? data-driven decision making publishers to engage consumers

• It makes money through fees charged

• It offers outsourced high-end data • Real-time auction of ad space by on international transfers
How do they analytics to more than 150 Fortune publishers • Applies whichever amount is higher
500 organizations • Offers very strong video solutions between fees charged to sender and
monetize? • Clients include Wal-Mart, Dell, & the recipient
(video ads and programmatic ads)
Pfizer Inc.

• Total funding: $365.6M • Total funding: $772.6M

• Equity for $45M on Feb 2013 • Grew into India’s first unicorn • Some of the investors are Lone Pine
Funding • Total funding : $213.3M • Made nine acquisitions, the most Capital, and Lead Edge Capital
recent being Pinsight Media

• Revolut
• Absolutdata • WeSwap
• StartApp
• Bridgei2i • CurrencyCloud
Competitors • smaato
• Splunk

1 Transportation 2 Internet Advertising 5 Internet and Mobile Users
• US has potential to • Internet advertisement in • Global internet users
become global auto hub USA is growing at 20% growth flat at 9%, India
due to rise of ride-hailing • Facebook and Google grew at 40%
services and self-driving control 76% of the market • Smartphone users grew at
technology in US a declining rate of 10%
• Shared private rides • India Passed USA to
becoming mainstream Become #2 Global User
2 Live content Market
• Smartphones in the
2 Voice • Rise of live UGC on developing world are
platforms like Facebook, cheaper, but they still eat
• Voice emerging as Twitch up a huge portion of users'
computing interface • Content has mass income.
• Voice word accuracy rates audience but still is
improving rapidly. personal
• Google voice searches 7x • Live streaming of sports
since 2010 combined with social
media tools

App-based transport Testing platform for
Social e-commerce
service apps

What do the • Shuttl is an app-based transport service • It is an online reseller network for • BrowserStack is a cloud web and mobile
for commuters. It allows users to pre- individuals and small businesses, who testing platform that enables developers
do? book journeys on affordable, air- list and sell products within their social to test their websites and mobile
conditioned buses. Currently it has 1000 media networks like WhatsApp, applications across on-demand browsers,
buses running on 150+ routes, providing Facebook, and Instagram. OS and real mobile devices.
55k rides daily.

How do they • They make money through delivery • It monetizes by offering subscriptions to
• They have a revenue model, their rates
charges and commissions per order app developers starting at $29/month
monetize? start from Rs 50
• They have introduced weekly and • They also serve enterprises like Google,
• Passes are also available for fixed
monthly trade schemes for resellers. Microsoft, IBM, etc
rides/fixed days basis

• Recently secured $50 mn funding from

Funding • $91.3 Million Funding • Total funding received $214.9 mn
Accel Partners
• Yearly <$1 million revenue • Yearly revenue is $11.9 mn
• It has an yearly revenue of $70 mn.

• Easy Commute • Shop101 • SauceLabs

Competitors • ZipGo • Glowroad • Equafy
• Cityflo • Ezonow • Eureqa

1 Online Education 2 Data Plumbing Tools 3 Games Driving Transformation
 Increasing education costs  Digital Data / Insights to  Gamified Philanthropy
Improve Customer Experiences driving customer engagement
 Offline education enrolment
slowing down
 Data used for improving  Social shopping and
customer satisfaction gamified discounts driving
 Offline education institutions growth
expanding reach through  Technology is changing at
online courses higher rate than human  Digitization and
adaptability Gamification Same-Store-
 Online education platforms Sales-Lift
taking various shapes and sizes  Major concerns in the field
are security, privacy, Major players
problematic content
Major players
Major players

Communication Platform for Business Intelligence & Big E-Commerce platform for
School Data Analytics Software Group Deals

• Platform for teachers to communicate • To inspire everyone to embrace their • E-commerce platform allowing users to
What do the do? with students and parents. curiosity, dig deeper and keep asking participate in group buying deals
• It has ~35 M users and is employed in questions with data insights • You create/join group & order in bulk
more than 70% of public schools • BI Tools, Visualization platforms after team formation.

How do they • They attract users to free services, • Pricing is customized depending on • They had 1.7 Billion yuan revenue
monetize? later upsell them on paid features # users, # database, scale of with 525 Million yuan loss
• Free Messaging Service & Charges deployment • They earn commission on each order
%5 from event tickets sold • $3000 - $5000 /month for 10 users from sellers & buyers as well

• $2.7 Billion funding

• $280.5 Million Funding
• $59.5 Million Funding • In July 2018 company was listed on
Funding • Google acquired it ~ $ 2.6 billion in
• Yearly ~$20 million revenue NASDAQ stock market
June 2019

• Alibaba
• Tableau
• Flocknote • dealmoon
Competitors • ThoughtSpot
• ClassDojo • B5M.COM
• Sisense
• Normal mailing list like Google

What it means to us as marketers? 9

Understanding the Data Opportunity with globalization

If data is analysed and utilized With increasing globalization,
properly, it can be used to business opportunities increase
understand patterns, trends in by providing cheaper
consumer behaviour to take international services to the
better business decisions consumer

Leveraging the technology Innovation to increase engagement

With more advance technologies, Marketers should find innovative
traditional business models needs ways to keep customers engaged
to be revamped to stay relevant with a particular service or
in the industry and increase the product and reduce the churn
reach to new customers rate for the company

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