Presentation (Velocity Profile in Square Duct)

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Measurement of Velocity

Profile in a Square Duct

ME 400
Jafar Samarah
Motasem Abu Shanap

 Aim of the experiments is to obtain the velocity

profile in square duct at different location along x-
 Velocity Profile Measuring Devices.
 Pressure Measuring Devices.
 Pitot Static Tube.
 Pressure Transducers.

 Viscous flow
 Laminar, Transition and Turbulent flow
 Reynolds Number
 Hydraulic diameter
 Entrance length
Viscous Flow

 Viscosity is a measure of the resistance of a fluid

which is being deformed by shear stress.
 Dynamic viscosity.
 Kinematic viscosity .
Flow Regimes

 Laminar Flow, Re<2300.

 Transition Flow, 2300<Re<4000.
 Turbulent Flow, Re>4000.
Reynolds Number
Hydraulic Diameter
Entrance Length

 It is the length required to reach the fully developed

Governing Equations

 Conservation of Mass
 Conservation of Momentum
 Navier stokes equation
 Euler's Equation
 Bernoulli's equation
Conservation of Mass
Navier Stokes Equation
Euler's Equation
Bernoulli's Equation
Experimental Setup

 Square Cross Section (20X20cm) and 2 m long duct.

 Fan.
 Glass piece on the side of the duct.
 Nozzle.
 Pitot Static Device.
 Signal Reading Device with Pressure Transducers.
 Straighteners.
Experimental Setup
Experimental Results

We Obtained The Velocity Profiles at The Locations Shown in The Figures

Figure 4.3 shows the velocity profile for the duct channel along x-axis with
variation of y-axis, without straws at fixed z=0 cm. For each location we
took 5 readings of velocity, and then we took the average velocity ⊽.
In figure 4.4, velocity profile Over y-Axis With Fixed Height z=0 cm, along x-
Axis without straws. Normalized by dividing each velocity by the mean
one, ⊽/Vm.
Figure 4.5 shows the velocity profile for the duct channel along x-axis with
variation of z-axis, without straws and fixed height y=0cm.
For each location we took 5 readings of velocity, and then we took the
average ⊽.
Figure 4.6 shows the velocity profile for the duct channel along x-axis with
variation of z-axis, without straws and fixed height y=0cm. it is normalized
by dividing the velocity of each location by the mean velocity ⊽/Vm.
Figure 4.7,Comparing the results at
x=180 cm, for y & z axis

 Vibration of the duct due to the fan rotation.

 Irregularity of the duct shape.
 Extra friction due to the flange connection.
 Eccentricity of the fan eye.
 Vibration of Pitot static tube due to the air flow.
 The Frame of the glass which gives extra friction.

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