The Growth and Development in Plants: Biology

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The Growth and

Development in Plants

Senior High School Grade XII
Created by : Lili Akhmad MR, S.Pd
SMA Negeri 4 Kota Bekasi
The theories are :

 The Definition of Growth and

 The Growth and Development in Seed

 Germination (The Process and Type of

The Definition of Growth and

 Growth is the process of

biological change happening in
organisms which is the increment
of size (volume, mass, and height)
that has irreversible properties
(cannot go back to the initial
The Definition of Growth and

 Development is the specialization of

cells to be certain structure and
function. The development cannot be
measured, but it can be seen from the
change of shape and maturity level.
For example in flowering plants,
development is shown by the
formation of flower organs.
 Germination is the formation of a
small plant from a seed. Germination
only happens if the conditions
required are satisfied, such as the
availability of enough water, suitable
temperature (optimum) for the work
of enzymes and availability of enough
air (oxygen) for aerobic respiration.
The Process of Germination
 The first phase of germination is the
absorption of water by the seed until each cell
is filled by enough water, so the components
of cell can start to work. The phase of water
absorption by the seed is called physical
process. This process happens as the
consequence of potential difference of water
between the seed and the surroundings. A dry
seed has lower water potency, so it can absorb
water (imbibition) from its surroundings.
The Process of Germination
 Besides physical process, germination also
involves chemical processes. Water that enters
into a seed causes the seed develop, seed’s
skin break and activate the embryo to release
gibberellin hormone. This hormone then will
push the thin layer on the outer part of
endosperm (aleuron) to synthesize and secrete
an enzyme. Then the enzyme hydrolyzes the
food reserve found in the cotyledon and
endosperm, so it produces small molecules.
The small molecules are absorbed by the
cotyledon during. the growth of the embryo to
be a germ of plant.
• absorption of water by the seed

• imbibition

activate the embryo to release gibberellin hormone

• This hormone then will push the thin layer on the outer part of
Chemical endosperm (aleuron) to synthesize and secrete an enzyme

• Then the enzyme hydrolyzes the food reserve found in

the cotyledon and endosperm, so it produces small molecules
Chemical and • The small molecules are absorbed by the cotyledon during the
Biological growth of the embryo to be a germ of plant
processes (growth)
The type of Germination (epigeal):
 Seed germination is distinguished into
two, they are epigeal and hypogeal. If
spreading of the stem’s segment
happens under the embryonic leaf
(hypocotyl), so the embryonic leaf and
cotyledon are lifted above the soil, the
condition is called epigeal germination.
The example of plants that bud in
epigeal way is mung beans (Phaseolus
 If
spreading of the stem’s segment
happens under the embryonic leaf
(hypocotyl), so the embryonic leaf and
cotyledon are lifted above the soil, the
condition is called epigeal germination.
The type of Germination (hypogeal):

 Ifelongation of stem happens upward

(epicotyl), so the embryonic leaf is
lifted above the ground but its
cotyledon still lies in the soil, the
condition is called hypogeal
germination. The example of plants
that bud hypogeally is peas (Pisum
sativum) and Corn (Zea mays)
 Ifelongation of stem happens upward
(epicotyl), so the embryonic leaf is lifted
above the ground but its cotyledon still
lies in the soil, the condition is called
hypogeal germination.

 Untuk memahami materi tentang Faktor-

faktor yang mempengaruhi pertumbuhan,
dilaksanakan praktikum secara mandiri di
rumah masing-masing dengan judul :

“Pengaruh Cahaya Terhadap Pertumbuhan

Tanaman Kacang Hijau”
Contoh :
3 buah pot dari bahan gelas bekas air mineral
Contoh : Pot 1
 Disimpan di tempat yang terkena cahaya
matahari langsung (di simpan di luar
Contoh : Pot 2
 Disimpan di tempat yang TIDAK terkena
cahaya matahari langsung (di simpan di
dalam dudus tertutup, di tempat GELAP)
Contoh :
Pot 3 disimpan di dalam bagian dus yang
telah diberi lubang pada bagian sampingnya.

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