Advance Computer Architecture: Dr. Indrajeet Kumar

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Dr. Indrajeet Kumar

1.1 Overview

Why study computer organization and

– Design better programs, including system software
such as compilers, operating systems, and device
– Optimize program behavior.
– Evaluate (benchmark) computer system
– Understand time, space, and price tradeoffs.

1.1 Overview

• Computer organization
– physical aspects of computer systems.
– E.g., circuit design, control signals, memory types.
– How does a computer work?
• Computer architecture
– Logical aspects of system as seen by the programmer.
– E.g., instruction sets, instruction formats, data types,
addressing modes.
– How do I design a computer?

1.2 Computer Components

• Principle of Equivalence of Hardware and


– Anything that can be done with software

can also be done with hardware, and
anything that can be done with hardware
can also be done with software.*

* Assuming speed is not a concern.

1.2 Computer Components

• At the most basic level, a computer is a

device consisting of three pieces:

– A processor to interpret and execute programs

– A memory to store both data and programs
– A mechanism for transferring data to and from the
outside world.

1.3 An Example System

Consider this advertisement: z? ?


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a ch MB?
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What does it all mean??

1.3 An Example System

Measures of capacity and speed:

• Kilo- (K) = 1 thousand = 103 and 210

• Mega- (M) = 1 million = 106 and 220
• Giga- (G) = 1 billion = 109 and 230
• Tera- (T) = 1 trillion = 1012 and 240
• Peta- (P) = 1 quadrillion = 1015 and 250

1.3 An Example System

• Hertz = clock cycles per second (frequency)

– 1MHz = 1,000,000Hz
– Processor speeds are measured in MHz or GHz.

• Byte = a unit of storage

– 1KB = 210 = 1024 Bytes
– 1MB = 220 = 1,048,576 Bytes
– Main memory (RAM) is measured in MB
– Disk storage is measured in GB for small systems, TB
for large systems.

1.3 An Example System

Measures of time and space:

• Milli- (m) = 1 thousandth = 10 -3

• Micro- () = 1 millionth = 10 -6
• Nano- (n) = 1 billionth = 10 -9
• Pico- (p) = 1 trillionth = 10 -12
• Femto- (f) = 1 quadrillionth = 10 -15

1.3 An Example System

• Millisecond = 1 thousandth of a second

– Hard disk drive access times are often 10 to 20
• Nanosecond = 1 billionth of a second
– Main memory access times are often 50 to 70
• Micron (micrometer) = 1 millionth of a meter
– Circuits on computer chips are measured in microns.

1.3 An Example System

Cycle time is the reciprocal of clock frequency.

A bus operating at 133MHz has a cycle time of 7.52

133,000,000 cycles/second = 7.52ns/cycle

Now back to the advertisement ...

1.3 An Example System

The microprocessor is the “brain” of

the system. It executes program
instructions. This one is a Pentium
(Intel) running at 4.20GHz.

A system bus moves data within the

computer. The faster the bus the better.
This one runs at 400MHz.

1.3 An Example System

• Large main memory capacity means you can run

larger programs with greater speed than
computers having small memories.
• RAM = random access memory. Time to access
contents is independent of its location.
• Cache is a type of temporary memory that can
be accessed faster than RAM.

1.3 An Example System

This system has 256MB of (fast)

synchronous dynamic RAM
(SDRAM) . . .

… and two levels of cache memory, the level 1 (L1)

cache is smaller and (probably) faster than the L2 cache.
Note that these cache sizes are measured in KB.

1.3 An Example System
Hard disk capacity determines
the amount of data and size of
programs you can store.

This one can store 80GB. 7200 RPM is the rotational

speed of the disk. Generally, the faster a disk rotates,
the faster it can deliver data to RAM. (There are many
other factors involved.)

1.3 An Example System

ATA stands for advanced technology attachment,

which describes how the hard disk interfaces with (or
connects to) other system components.

A CD can store about 650MB of data. This drive

supports rewritable CDs, CD-RW, that can be written
to many times.. 48x describes its speed.
1.3 An Example System
Ports allow movement of data
between a system and its external

This system has

ten ports.

1.3 An Example System

• Serial ports send data as a series of pulses along

one or two data lines.
• Parallel ports send data as a single pulse along
at least eight data lines.
• USB, Universal Serial Bus, is an intelligent serial
interface that is self-configuring. (It supports
“plug and play.”)

1.3 An Example System

System buses can be augmented by

dedicated I/O buses. PCI, peripheral
component interface, is one such bus.

This system has three PCI devices: a video

card, a sound card, and a data/fax modem.
1.3 An Example System
The number of times per second that the image on a
monitor is repainted is its refresh rate. The dot pitch
of a monitor tells us how clear the image is.

This one has a dot pitch of 0.24mm and a refresh rate of 75Hz.

The video card contains memory and

programs that support the monitor.
of Chapter
You 1


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