United Kingdom: 6 English Day
United Kingdom: 6 English Day
United Kingdom: 6 English Day
English Day
• The United Kingdom officially the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Kingdom
(UK) is a sovereign and insular country located to the northwest of Continental Europe
• It is bordered to the north by Scotland, to the west by Wales - its two land borders - to the
northwest by the Irish Sea, to the southwest by the Celtic Sea, to the east by the North Sea and to
the south by the English Channel.
• The United Kingdom, located in northern Europe, has an area of 243,610 km2. The United
Kingdom, with a population of 67,025,542 people, is a highly populated country and has a
population density of 275 inhabitants per km2. Its capital is London and its currency is British
This has great relative importance outside of the economic issue, since
agriculture occupies close to 70% of the land suitable for production,
being able to satisfy the country's food needs in more than 60%, thus
guaranteeing security largely food.
The main items produced are wheat, potatoes, barley and beets; while
for the livestock part, it is sheep and cattle that stand out, being a very
good producer of milk and derived products.
England's economy has traditionally been solid, It has been established for decades as one of the
main economies based on industry and trade, which has generated that for years its GDP is
among the top 5 in the world.
The economy is based on :
• In the UK, the main products it exports are vehicles, gold, pharmaceuticals, turbines, as well as
oil. ... In addition to being the second largest exporter of services in the world, including
banking services, insurance, among others
The flag of the United Kingdom comes from the
union of Ireland and Great Britain in 1801 and is
a combination of the crosses of the patron
saints, the two crossed crosses, the white one on
a blue background and the red crossed one of
Saint Patrick, which are interspersed behind of
the English cross of St. George.
• The royal coat of arms of the United Kingdom, or the royal arms for short, is the
official coat of arms of the British monarch, currently Queen Elizabeth II. These
arms are used by the Queen in her official capacity as monarch of the United
Pancake Day:
A curious tradition that the English have,
is the "Pancake Day", which takes place
on Shrove Tuesday, which in turn is the
Tuesday that falls 41 days before the
beginning of spring and is related to the
eve of the fast of Lent.