Water: The Solvent of Life

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Water: the Solvent of Life
Chapter 3 overview
• The great importance of water on Earth
• Quantifying Molarity.
• What is pH and why is it important?
• Acid vs. Base
• Hydrogen Bonding
• Water
General terms to know:

• Solute = a substance that gets dissolved

• Solvent = a substance that does the dissolving

• Solution = combination of solvent + solute

In life on Earth,
everything relies on
Aqueous solution – in water.
• Anything with a charge (aka “Polar”),
Creation of:
even if it is a partial charge has a
Hydration spheres
tendency to react with water.
WATCH ME! • Non-polar substances (ex: methane
[CH4]) that lack a charge, will not react
with water.
• Example: Salad dressings
• Many salad dressings contain vinegar and
oil – if you allow the dressing to sit for a
while, you’ll see the oil separate from the
How do we QUANTIFY the amount of a
substance in a solution?
• As we discussed earlier, 1 proton or 1 neutron is equal to 1 Dalton (amu).
• 1 Dalton = 1.7 x 10-24 g
• Written out, that is 0.0000000000000000000000017 g (that’s super tiny)
• 1 mole (mol) = 6.023 x 1023
• Written out, that is 602300000000000000000000 (that’s a lot)
• This is referred to as Avogadro’s Number – it is quantity (like a “pair” or “dozen”)
• Named after Italian scientist, Amedeo Avogadro
• This number states the number of individual protons or neutrons that would be
present to weigh 1 gram.

So, if 1 proton weighs (1.7 x 10-24 g), then it would take (6.023 x 1023 ) of
those to = 1 g.
Example Problem:
- How much does 1 mol of Hydrogen weigh?
H has 1 proton. The mass of that proton = 1 Dalton.
H = 1 Dalton = 1 g/mol
So, the actual mass of 1 mol of 1H =
(1.7 x 10-24 g) x (6.023 x 1023 ) = 1g
Example Problem:
- How much does 1 mol of Calcium weigh?
Ca has 20 protons and 20 neutrons. The mass of each = 1 Dalton.
Ca = 40 Daltons = 40 g/mol
So, the actual mass of 1 mol of 40Ca =
[(40)(1.7 x 10-24 g)] x (6.023 x 1023 ) = 40g

Example Problem:
- How much does 1 mol of Calcium Chloride (CaCl2) weigh?
Ca = 40 Daltons = 40 g/mol 1 mol of 40Ca = 40 g
Cl = 35 Daltons = 35 g/mol 1 mol of 35Cl = 35 g
40 + [(2)35] = 110 g
1 mol of CaCl2 = 110 g
This is how we calculate dry weights for these
elements. BUT, it’s important to quantify the
substance of matter IN WATER
Molarity (M)
• Molarity – the number of moles of
solute per 1 liter of solution

This is extremely important to

understand, especially for those going
into the medical/nursing field. For
instance, IV bags are often used for
patients. These bags have a concentration
of certain substance diluted in a solution.
Understanding how to measure these
concentrations is VITAL – if those
concentrations are off, that patient could
Find the Molarity
Example Problem:
- Determine how to make 1M solution for Hydrogen Peroxide
1 mol of Hydrogen = 1 g
1 mol of Oxygen = 16 g
[(2)(1)] x [(2)(16)] = 34 g
1 mol H2O2 = 34 g
Place 1 mol of H2O2 into a beaker, then fill up to 1 Liter
= 1M solution of H2O2
Find the Molarity
Example Problem:
- Determine how to make a 1M for Calcium Chloride (CaCl2).

1 mol 40Ca = 40 g
[(1)(40g)] + [(2)(35g)] = 110g
1 mol 35Cl = 35 g
Place in beaker and fill up to 1L

1M solution of CaCl2 = 110g/1L

pH pH = “potential of Hydrogen”

• pH represents the concentration of H+ ions that are free in that

• Small fluctuations in pH can be deadly to organisms.
• Ex: Fish populations heavily rely on keeping the pH constant.
• Ex: Plants must have appropriate soil pH
• Not required reading, but cool research on soil pH and plant
Water has a tendency to disassociate (or come apart)

H2O  H + OH
+ -
[Hydrogen ion] [Hydroxide]

In pure water, a specific fraction of water molecules are dissociating and constantly in flux
• There’s an equal number of these coming apart and rejoining together in pure water.
• The volume of water will have the same concentration of H+ ions in an aqueous solution.
Acid vs. Bases
Increases in the concentration of H+ ions make a solution more
Increases in the concentration of H+ ions decreases
the concentration of OH- ions

Increases in the concentration of OH- ions make a solution more

Alkaline (Basic)
Increases in the concentration of OH- ions
decreases the concentration of H+ ions
• Ex: Hydrochloric acid (HCl)
• Used in pools to balance the pH

HCl  H + Cl + -
• When HCl dissociates in H2O, it contributes to the H+ ions
concentration --- this creates a more acidic solution.

• Ex: Sodium hydroxide (NaOH)

• Also called “lye” and “caustic soda”

NaOH  Na + OH + -
• When NaOH dissociates in H2O, it contributes to the OH- ions
concentration --- this creates a more alkaline solution.
[H+] [OH-]
1 X 10 0 M 1 X 10-14 M • H+ and OH- ions have a constant relationship in water
1 X 10-1 M 1 X 10-13 M
1 X 10-2 M 1 X 10-12 M
• When one concentration goes UP, the other goes
1 X 10-3 M 1 X 10-11 M
1 X 10-4 M 1 X 10-10 M
1 X 10-5 M 1 X 10-9 M
1 X 10-6 M 1 X 10-8 M
1 X 10-7 M 1 X 10-7 M
1 X 10 M
1 X 10 M
p[H] = -log hydrogen ion concentration
1 X 10-9 M 1 X 10-5 M
1 X 10-10 M 1 X 10-4 M p[OH] = -log hydroxide ion concentration
1 X 10-11 M 1 X 10-3 M
1 X 10-12 M 1 X 10-2 M
1 X 10-13 M 1 X 10-1 M
1 X 10-14 M 1 X 10 0 M
• Small changes in pH can be deadly!
• In the human body, if our blood’s pH drops by 0.4, it
would be fatal.
• Imbalances in the hydrogen ions and hydroxide ions will
destroy structure and organization of molecules that
compose our cells.
• Buffers are chemicals that resist changes in pH.

• Homeostasis – ability of living organisms to maintain a stable internal

- we do this with the pH of our blood. Buffers resist changes in pH by
absorbing hydrogen ions (H+) if an acid is added to solution, or giving
off H+ or adding [OH-] if a base is added to solution

H2CO3 HCO3- + H+
In acidic conditions In basic conditions
H2CO3 HCO3- + H+

Our blood contains mixed concentrations of

carbonic acid and [bicarbonate + H+] ions. If we
experience an increase in H+ in the blood, which
reaction direction would help us survive?

The reaction moving to the left TAKES the H+ ions and
recombines them with bicarbonate. This becomes carbonic
acid and lowers the concentration of H+ in the blood.
Balanced pH is vital to our ecosystems too
Coral Reefs and
Ocean Acidification • Increases in CO2 in the atmosphere combines
with ocean water and makes the water more
acidic (lowers the pH). This is called Ocean
Acidification, and is dangerously harming coral
reef systems around the world. Without the
ability to create their calcium carbonate
“skeletons”, corals are dying and we see a
catastrophic collapse of marine ecosystems
that rely on these reefs.

Importance of Water
Water molecules support all life on Earth

~75% of Earth is covered in water, and all life forms are approximately 50% (like
our cells), to 95% (jellies!)
Emergent Properties of Water

Remember! Emergent Properties are

properties that exist due to smaller parts
working together (think organs in your body
working together to keep you alive).
Hydrogen Bonding
Hydrogen bonding allows water molecules to stick together

+ Hydrogen
H bonds

+ – H

+ –

Cohesion – when a water molecule sticks to another water molecule.

Adhesion – when water sticks to outer surfaces.

• Plants use the properties of
hydrogen bonds to their
advantage – in order to pull
water in from the environment
and spread it throughout their
bodies, many plants have
Vascular Tissues that allow for
the transportation of water

Surface Tension
Another emergent property of water

Surface tension allows a liquid water

molecule to pull on another liquid water
molecule. Basically applying enough
tension to keep the molecules weakly
held together (like a rain drop)

In aqueous water, the molecules are

slower moving that in the air (water
molecules in gas form). This causes a
stronger pull on the liquid water
molecules instead of a pull on the
gaseous molecules.
Surface Tension
Animals like spiders, water striders, and brown basilisks (video)
have evolved to utilize surface tension!

Basilisks are non-native species that

have established here in south Florida.
Sugden Park in Naples has TONS if you
want to see one, and maybe see it run
across the water! (it’s VERY COOL!)

Water also helps stabilize the
temperature of our planet!
Heat – the measure of kinetic energy.
• basically, heat is a measurement of how fast molecules are moving.
• A higher kinetic energy = a higher temperature
Cold – simply the absence of Heat
As mentioned in previous chapters and in lab - in
science, we use Centigrade rather than Fahrenheit.
• Centigrade is measured in bases of 0, 1, and 10s.
• Ex: Water freezes at 0 degrees C
• Ex: Water boils at 100 degrees C
• Specific Heat – a measure of a substance’s ability to resist
change (such as a change in energy – like temperature).

• Water has a HIGH specific heat

• Water actually has THE HIGHEST specific heat of any known
substance. It is VERY resistant to change.
• This is because of Hydrogen Bonds
Let’s compare Water and something like ethyl alcohol

As we discussed, water
(H2O) has partial charges.
This allows for other water
molecules to form hydrogen
bonds which will link them
all together (see graphic)
Let’s compare Water and something like ethyl alcohol

Ethyl alcohol (C2H5OH) can

also form hydrogen bonds
(see graphic).
Let’s compare Water and something like ethyl alcohol

HOWEVER, water molecules can form several more

hydrogen bonds than ethyl alcohol can. This results in water
having a much stronger overall structure, making it more
difficult to change.
This stronger bond allows
water to resist energy
changes. For example, if you
were to put a drop of ethyl
alcohol on a table, it would
evaporate much faster than
the same amount of water.
So why do temperatures in
deserts fluctuate so much??

• As you likely know, deserts LACK water.

• This lack of water means that this ecosystem does NOT resist changes
in temperatures very well.
• Because there are so few water molecules forming networks of
hydrogen bonds.
• If you’ve ever been to the desert before, you’ve likely experienced
this. In the day time, it can get brutally hot (it’s a desert…), but at
night, it can quickly drop to freezing temperatures!
Now, compare that desert landscape to a rain forest
(or even south Florida).
Rain forests have high levels of water
(it’s the RAIN forest). This allows these
landscapes to resist changes in energy
thanks to the strong structures created
by hydrogen bonding.

If you’ve ever been to the rain forest, or experienced summer in Florida, you
know this to be true. Summer in Florida is our rainy season, thanks to our sub-
tropical climate. Because there are more water molecules, more hydrogen
bonded structures form, and we see VERY little fluctuations in temperature from
day to night.
Water also has a high heat of
This means that water strongly resists the changing from a liquid to a gas state.

• Because water resists changes so well, and we have an abundance of water

on our planet, this provides an environment where life can exist and thrive.
• It is likely theMars
Today we have not found life on otherMars
planets (yet).
3-4 billion Many
years ago

planets we have discovered lack water or the levels of water we have,

therefore those places have severe fluctuations in temperatures – making it
difficult for life to exist.
Because of water’s hydrogen bonding, high specific heat, and high heat of
vaporization, a lot of organisms have evolved to take advantage of this.

Sweating – our body resists

temperature fluctuations by
sweating. Sweat cools the body
off when it gets too hot.

The warmest water molecules

leave and the cooler molecules
remain = evaporative cooling.
Water is CRAZY, yet again.

Water is unique (again) because it is less dense as a solid.

• Hydrogen bonding (again) causes water to
be less dense as a solid, and more dense in
its aqueous state.
• In solid form (ice), the kinetic energy
decreases and water forms as many
hydrogen bonds as it can. This causes the
molecules to line up in hexagons leaving a
lot of space in between.
You’ve likely noticed this phenomena before.
Where ice will form on the TOP of the water, but
aqueous water underneath.

Fishers also know this – on cold days, the water

temperature is much warmer than the air
(because water resists that energy change and is

If it were the other way around (ice was more

dense) – water would freeze up from the bottom
of lakes, rivers, creeks, etc. and that would kill off
the animals living in that water.
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