Research Proposal Writing CH 3

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Chapter Three

Writing a Research proposal

Proposal Writing
• A Research proposal is
– a short document designed to express your
intentions and future plans
– a reasoned, critical research plan that includes
the pitfalls and how you will handle them.
– similar in a number of ways to a project
proposal, however, a research proposal
addresses a particular project: academic or
scientific research.
Proposal writing …. cont’d
Elements of a proposal
I. Title
II. Introduction
III. Statement of the Problem
IV. Objectives/Purpose of the study
V. Research Questions
VI. Literature review
VII. Approach /Methods and procedures
VIII. Significance of the Study / expected benefits
IX. Duration and plan of action/Activity Shedule
X. Cost/Budget Schedule
XI. References
XII. Appendixes
Proposal writing …. cont’d

– An obviously important part of the process.
– You need to engage the reader with
• Short,
• Relevant ,
• Clearly demonstrating what the problem is and
why this is important.
Proposal writing …. cont’d
– Provides readers with the background information for the
research reported in the paper.
– Establishes a framework for the research, so that readers can
understand how it is related to other research
– In an introduction, you should
• create reader interest in the topic,
• lay the broad foundation for the problem that leads to the
• place the study within the larger context of the scholarly
literature, and
• reach out to a specific audience.

Proposal writing …. cont’d
• Statement of the Problem
– A problem might be defined as the issue that exists in
the literature, theory, or practice that leads to a
need for the study”
– It is important in a proposal that the problem stand
out—that the reader can easily recognize it.
– Sometimes, obscure and poorly formulated problems
are masked in an extended discussion.
– In such cases, reviewers and/or committee members
will have difficulty recognizing the problem.
Proposal writing …. cont’d
• Effective problem statements answer the question

– “Why does this research need to be conducted.”

• If a researcher is unable to answer this question clearly

and succinctly, then the statement of the problem will
come off as ambiguous and diffuse.

• Make sure to state the problem in terms intelligible to

someone who is generally sophisticated but who is
relatively uninformed in the area of your investigation.
Proposal writing …. Cont’d
Objectives of the Research
– Could be stated as General and Specific Objectives
• The General objective
– should provide accurate and the overall purpose of the
– Try to incorporate a sentence that begins with
“The general objective of this study is . . .”
• The specific Objectives
– include each and every specific purposes to be
addressed with an overall aim to achieve the general
• Research Questions/Hypothesis
– Describe the questions to be raised or the
hypotheses to be tested
Proposal writing …. Cont’d
Literature review 
– The review of the literature provides the background
and context for the research problem.
– Establishes the need for the research and indicate
that the writer is knowledgeable about the area
– Demonstrate to the reader that you have a
comprehensive grasp of the field and are aware of
important recent substantive and methodological
– the literature review should be generally brief and to
the point.
Proposal writing …. Cont’d
• Methods and Procedures
– This is the heart of the research proposal.
– The activities should be described with as
much detail as possible
– Indicate the methodological steps to conduct:
– Sampling (techniques)
– Data collection (instruments)
– Model Building(tools and methods)
– Model Testing(tools and methods)
– procedures to be used to analyze the
Proposal writing …. cont’d
• Significance of the Research/study
– Indicate how your research will refine, revise, or
extend existing knowledge in the area under
– Thinking about the significance of your study, ask
yourself the following questions.
• What will be improved or changed as a result of the
proposed research?
• Will results influence programs, methods, and/or
• Will results contribute to the solution of a problem
facing the society?
• Will results influence the decision making process?
• How will results of the study be implemented, and
what innovations will come about?
Proposal writing …. cont’d
• Duration and plan of action/Activity Schedules
– Indicate the length of time required to complete the research
– The proposal must produce a reasonable plan of action for
the duration of the proposed research and an estimated
completion date
– The Plan of action
• gives a brief outline of the estimated time needed to
complete each section of the research.
• makes you be more certain that you are not proposing to
do too much work.
• Cost/Budget Schedule
– Prepare a budget for your research project that shows what
you anticipate the cost of conducting the research to be.
– Be honest and reasonable in preparing the budget
Proposal writing …. cont’d
• References
– references cited in the research proposal
should be included in the reference list.

– Follow a specific and consistent guideline

regarding use of references in text and in the
reference list.
• (Eg. APA, Turabian, Chicago, etc.)
Proposal writing …. cont’d
– References : Rules
1. Any work not your own should be clearly
2. Any quotations within quotation marks
3. Every citation in the text should be listed in the
4. Every item in the reference list must have
citation in the text.
5. Every table , figure or photograph must have a
reference in the text
Proposal writing …. cont’d
• Appendixes (Optional)

– The need for complete documentation generally

dictates the inclusion of appropriate appendixes in
– The following materials are appropriate for an
– Questionnaires
– Interview protocols.
– Sample of informed consent forms.
– Cover letters sent to appropriate stakeholders.
– Official letters of permission to conduct

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