How To Write Writing Proposal

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Writing Thesis and

Project Proposals
A presentation by
Sajadin Sembiring, S.Si., M.Sc. Comp.

Outcomes of this workshop

To introduce strategies for bridging the gap between
coursework/beginning research and thesis/project
To help you understand the symbolic situation of the
thesis/project proposal and common elements of such
To introduce practical symbolic and grammatical
principles of writing effective proposals.
To provide you with tips for drafting and revising
individual sections of the proposal.

Writing Thesis/project Proposals:

The Big Picture
Your proposal describes your proposed plan of
What you intend to study (scope and research
How you intend to study your topic (methodology).
Why this topic needs to be studied (significance).
When you will complete this work (timeline).
(Occasionally) Where you will conduct this work.

Writing Thesis/Project Proposals

Justify and plan (or contract for) a research project.
Show how your project contributes to existing
Demonstrate that you understand how to conduct
discipline-specific research in an acceptable timeframe.

your academic advisor and committee

Proposal Writing and Anxiety:

Proposal-specific Advice
Understand that the proposal will be negotiated--be
prepared to revise!
Think of the proposal as an introduction to your thesis or
Remember that the proposal is not a compulsory contract.
Remember that your proposal is not intended to limit
ideas, but to help you think practically.
Ask classmates to form a writing group.
Talk to your Supervisor/Academic advisor!

Parts of a Proposal

Problem Statement
Research Questions
Review of Literature

Overview of
Plan of Work

Creating a Working Title

Orient your readers to your

research topic.
Indicate the type of study you
will conduct.

Provide a brief (100-150 word) overview of
the proposal
Summarize important elements
(Introduction, Statement of the Problem,
Background of the Study, Research
Questions, and Methods and Procedures).

Establish the general subject area .
Describe the broad foundations of your
study - provide adequate background for
Indicate the general scope of your project.
Provide an overview of the sections that
will appear in your proposal (optional).
Engage the readers.

Statement of the Problem

Answer the question: What is the gap that
needs to be filled? and/or What is the
problem that needs to be solved?
State the problem clearly early in a paragraph.
Limit the variables you address in stating your
Consider bordering the problem as a

Purpose/Aims/Rationale/Research Questions
Explain the goals and objectives of the
Show the original contributions of your
study (Optional).
Provide a more detailed account of the
points summarized in the introduction.
Include a justification (rationale) for the
Be clear about what your study will not

In addition, this section may:
Describe the research questions of the
Include a subsection defining important
State limitations of the research.
Provide a justification for the particular
subjects of the study.

Review of Literature
Writing the literature review allows you
to understand:
How other scholars have written about your topic.
The range of theories used to analyze materials
or data
How other scholars connect their specific
research topics to larger issues, questions, or
practices within the field.
The best methodologies and research techniques
for your particular topic.

Review of Literature:
symbolic Functions
Situates the current study within a wider
disciplinary conversation.
Illustrates the uniqueness, importance of
and need for your particular project.
Justifies methodological choices.
Demonstrates familiarity with the topic and
appropriate approaches to studying it.

An Effective Literature Review should

Flesh out the background of your
Critically assess important research
trends or areas of interest.
Identify potential gaps in knowledge.
Establish a need for current and/or
future research projects.

Tips on drafting a literature review

Categorize the literature into recognizable topic
stake out the various positions that are relevant to your
build on conclusions that lead to your project, or
demonstrate the places where the literature is lacking.

Avoid Smith says X, Jones says Y literature

Avoid including all the studies on the subject.
Avoid polemics, praise, and blame.

Writing Literature Reviews: Key Point

You are entering a scholarly conversation already in
progress. The literature review shows that youve been
listening and that you have something valuable to say.
After assessing the literature in your field, you should
be able to answer the following questions:
Why should we study (further) this research topic/problem?
What contributions will my study make to the existing

Introduce the overall methodological approach.
Indicate how the approach fits the overall
research design.
Describe the specific methods of data
Explain how you intend to analyze and interpret
your results.
If necessary, provide background and
justification for unfamiliar methodologies.
Address possible limitations.

Tips on Drafting Methodology

Break down your methodology into
In the Engineering, may include subjects, design,
apparatus, instrumentation, process, analysis, etc.

Remember that your methods section may

also require supporting literature.
Anticipate and prevent the audiences
methodological concerns.
Acknowledge major problems.
Justify your approach by showing how benefits
balance potential problems.

Discuss the methodological, substantive, and/or
theoretical contribution.
State the practical and/or theoretical importance
of the problem and/or objectives of your study.
Explain the usefulness or benefits of the study to
both the outside world and the research

Overview of Chapters
Some proposals include a sentence
length description of each chapter
(i.e. chapter two reviews relevant
literature; chapter three discusses the

Timeline/Plan of Work
Some things to keep in mind:
Consult your supervisor.
Be aware of important dates for submitting.
Do not be overly ambitious.
Remember that your proposed timeline
demonstrates your awareness of the various
elements of the study (approval, design,
testing, and length of experiments; purchase
of necessary materials; drafting; redrafting).

Bibliography & Appendices

Include a working bibliography of key texts
that inform your study and methodology.
Your appendices may include Experiment
Diagrams, table, computer program etc.
Both bibliographies and required
appendices tend to be discipline specific:
know what the requirements are.

More Proposal Nuts and Bolts

Most are roughly 5 to 6 pages, but
they can be much longer.
Style Considerations
Visual Aids

Style Considerations: Coherence

Move from old information to new information.
Put the most important information at the end of
the sentence.
Keep the subject and verb together.
Start sentences with short, easily understood
Use stock transitional phrases.
Use pronouns and/or recycling.

Voice and Visual Aids


Active: I will conduct the bulk of the research during the sixmonth fieldwork period.
Passive: The bulk of the research will be conducted during

Reasons to use Passive Voice:

Your field may prefer its use, especially in describing

research design and experimental activities.
You need to defend consistency from sentence to sentence.

Visual Aids
Incorporate charts, graphs, diagrams,
illustrations, etc., wherever possible,
permissible, or practical.

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