Ways of Representing Molecules

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Ways of Representing


General Chemistry 1
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
Ever wondered how molecules look like on a
microscopic scale?

Compounds can
be represented by
just the ratio of
atoms or the exact
number of atoms
found in each unit.
For complicated
molecules, how each
atom is connected
and how they are
positioned are
important in
understanding their
chemistry. 4
How do we represent chemical

Learning Competencies
At the end of the lesson, you should be able to do the following:

● Represent compounds using chemical formulas,

structural formulas, and models (STEM_GC11AM-Ic-e-

● Give the similarities and differences between the

empirical formula and molecular formula of a
compound (STEM_GC11AM-Ic-e-22).

Learning Objectives
At the end of the lesson, you should be able to do the following:

● Differentiate between an empirical and molecular


● Write the empirical formula if the molecular formula is


● Demonstrate ways to represent compounds using

chemical formulas, structural formulas, and models.
How important are chemical
formulas for knowing the
composition and structure of a

Chemical Formula

Molecular Formula
● most common way to represent molecules

Chemical Formula

Molecular Formula
● most common way to represent molecules
● symbols of each element are written down with a
subscript indicating how many atoms are in the

Chemical Formula

Molecular Formula
● most common way to represent molecules
● symbols of each element are written down with a
subscript indicating how many atoms are in the
● example: compound with two atoms of hydrogen and
one atom of oxygen is represented as H2O.

Chemical Formula

Empirical Formula
● gives the simplest whole-number ratio of each element
in a compound

Chemical Formula

Empirical Formula
● gives the simplest whole-number ratio of each element
in a compound
● Let us take glucose for example.

Chemical Formula

Empirical Formula
● gives the simplest whole-number ratio of each element
in a compound
● Let us take glucose for example.
○ molecular formula: C6H12O6

Chemical Formula

Empirical Formula
● gives the simplest whole-number ratio of each element
in a compound
● Let us take glucose for example.
○ molecular formula: C6H12O6
○ empirical formula: CH2O, wherein for every carbon
atom, there are two two hydrogen atoms and an
oxygen atom.
Chemical Formula

Empirical Formula
Subscripts: divide each amount of atoms in the formula
by the greatest common factor

Chemical Formula

Empirical Formula
Take H2C2O4 as an example.
What is the greatest common factor among its subscripts?

Chemical Formula

Empirical Formula
Take H2C2O4 as an example.
What will happen to each subscript if we divide it by 2?

Chemical Formula

Empirical Formula
In some cases, the molecular formula is already in the
lowest number ratio and would automatically be the
empirical formula.
○ C5H12 is both the molecular and empirical formula
of the compound.

Chemical Formula

Structural Formula
● used for more complex molecules such as organic
compounds - those containing carbon bonds

Chemical Formula

Structural Formula
● used for more complex molecules such as organic
compounds - those containing carbon bonds
● inorganic compounds - those that lack carbon bonds

Chemical Formula

Structural Formula
● used for more complex molecules such as organic
compounds - those containing carbon bonds
● inorganic compounds - those that lack carbon bonds
● hydrocarbons - organic compounds made up entirely
of carbons and hydrogens

Chemical Formula

Structural Formula
● complete structural formula
○ all bonds and atoms are shown

the complete structural formula of n-pentane

Chemical Formula

Structural Formula
● condensed structural formula
○ atoms connected to a specific carbon are
represented like molecular formula

the condensed structural formula of n-pentane

Chemical Formula

Structural Formula
● skeletal or line angle formula
○ hydrogens attached to each carbon will not be
drawn: implicit hydrogens

the line-angle formula of n-pentane

Molecular Model

Ball-and-Stick Model
● balls - atoms
● stick - bonds between atoms
● shows the geometry of the
molecule and helps us Ball-and-stick model for
predict properties n-pentane

Molecular Model

Space-Filling Model
● better estimate of actual
molecule shape
● bonds represented by sticks
in previous model is cut short
to give better representation
Space-filling model of n-

Why is it important that molecular
models show the correct geometry
of the compound?

Let’s Sum It Up!

● A chemical formula is a way to represent molecules to convey

information about its composition or structure.

● A molecular formula is the most common chemical formula

wherein symbols of each element are written down with a
subscript indicating how many atoms are in the compound.

● An empirical formula is a chemical formula showing only the

simplest whole-number ratio of each element in a compound.

Let’s Sum It Up!

● Organic compounds are compounds containing

carbon bonds. Compounds that lack these bonds are
called inorganic compounds. Molecules that contain
only carbon and hydrogen are part of a family of
organic compounds called hydrocarbons.

Let’s Sum It Up!

● Structural formulas are detailed chemical formulas that show

the structure of a compound.
○ complete structural formula - all bonds and atoms are
○ condensed structural formula - indicates the number of
attached hydrogens to each carbon
○ skeletal or line-angle formula - the hydrogen and carbon
atoms are implied from the shape of the structure.

Let’s Sum It Up!

● A molecular model is a 3D model showing how atoms are

connected in a molecule.
○ ball-and-stick model - model where different colored
spheres represent atoms, and sticks represent bonds.
○ space-filling model - model wherein bond lengths are
shortened for better estimation of its length relative to the
size of the atoms.


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