MWEB Business Hacked: MD. Shakil Rahman Id-2124161047

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MWEB Business


MD. Shakil Rahman

Id- 2124161047
Case Summary

So, several MWEB Business subscribers'

account detailed were compromised when
their logon and password details were
MWEB was founded on 1997. Is a cutting- published on the internet by hacker and its
edge network and service infrastructure with appear that hackers gained access to the
outstanding customer service. Internet Solution' service management system
that MWEB business uses to provide and
manage business account that have not yet
migrated to MWEB network.
Question: 1
What technology issues led to the
security breach at MWEB?

• Account information for

MWEB Business subscribers
was exposed when hackers
posted their logon and
password information online.
What is the possible business impact of this security
breach for both MWEB and its customers?

• Notifying their customers.
• Would possibly lose their customers.
For Customers
• Losing personal information.
If you were an MWEB Yes. I would consider MWEB’S response to be
customer, would you consider
MWEB's response to the
security breach to be
acceptable? Why or why not? MWEB responded quickly to the hacking incident.

They were also quick to note that no personal

information was lost and that none of MWEB’s
clients suffered any losses.

Furthermore, MWEB successfully repels 5,000

attacks a day.
What should MWEB do in the future to avoid similar

• MWEB should implements up to date security.

• Create digital certificates, intrusion detection system,
Management Information System (MIS) audit,
regular and thorough testing and improved identity
• MWEB should constantly advise its customers to be
vigilant regarding their online data and security.
Jigsaw Method Steps:

• Group Making & Topic Distribution

•  Self Case Study, Understanding, Solution (Sketching the Solution
with Points)
• Making cross-functional group
• Sharing the ideas and & sketch updated version of the solution
• Get back to the home group
• Sharing the summary of the case to the group members one by one.
• Making the poster
• Poster presentation
Jigsaw Method benefits:

• It helps build comprehension.

• It encourages cooperative learning among
• It helps improve listening, communication, and
problem-solving skills.
Thank you

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