Distinguish Reality From Fantasy

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Distinguish reality from

A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson

Unlocking of Difficulties
Give the synonym of the underlined words.
a. It is hard to swallow food when there is a sore throat.
(reject, take through the mouth, throwaway)
b. We used to hook our clothes at the back of the door.
(catch, get off, close)
c. The performance of the pupils really struck the fancy of
the spectators.
(thrifty, extravagant, simple)
B.Establishing a purpose for the lesson
What can you say about the
picture presented?
What idea comes to your
mind upon seeing this
Most of us have read stories
about fairies or fantasy
stories. Class, do you really
believe that there are certain
things that are impossible to
C. Presenting Examples/ instances of the new lesson

Today, you are going to listen to a

poem about the old woman who
swallowed the fly. Do you think it
could really happen? What other
things would you like to find out in
the poem?
D.Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1

“The Old Woman Who Swallowed a Fly”

There was an old woman who swallowed a fly

Oh! My! Swallowed a fly?
Poor old woman, I’ll think she’ll die
There was an old woman
Who swallowed a spider.
Right down inside her,
She swallowed a spider
She swallowed a spider to hook the fly
Oh! My! Swallowed a fly
Poor old woman, I think she’ll die
There was an old woman who swallowed a cat.
Fancy that! Swallowed a cat!
She swallowed the cat to hook the bird
She swallowed the bird to hook the spider,
She swallowed the spider to catch the fly
There was an old woman who swallowed a horse
She died of course!
E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #2

1. Go back to the motive question. Have the pupils

answer them clearly.
2. Comprehension Check
a. What are the animals mentioned in the poem?
b. What did the old woman do?
c. Do you believe that there is such an old woman who
can swallow animals like spider, cat, horse?
d. Was the poem believable?
e. Do these really happen in real life?
F.Developing Mastery

Engagement Activities
Teacher will record another story. Pupils
will listen to the story and do the
necessary activities
G.Finding Practical application of concepts and skills in daily living

 Write It
With your group members, talk about the story
listened to. Select the event that may happen and
event that would be impossible to happen in real
life. Write your answer in a chart form
 Act it Out
Select the part of the story which you think
is impossible to happen. Make a role play of
 Draw It
Make an illustration of the events that
happened in the story. Identify whether it is
a fantasy or reality.
H. Making generalization and abstraction about the lesson

How will you distinguish reality?Fantasy?

I.Evaluating learning

Determine if the sentence tells reality or fantasy. Write your answer on the blank.
__________1. Turtles helped one another.
__________2. Animals talk like people do.
__________3. Turtle thought of a clever way to fool Carabao.
__________4. A turtle’s shell is hard and strong.
__________5.Carabao did not like to be called coward.
__________6. Turtle liked to hunt food with Carabao.
J.Additional activities for application or remediation

Write five examples of

fantasy and reality

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