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Republic of the Philippines


Villa de Bacolor, Pampanga


A Detailed Lesson Plan in FSM 315 – International Cusine

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
a) identify the Tuna Pasta;
b) define the tools and equipment used in preparing Tuna Pasta;
c) discuss the ingredients used in preparing Tuna Pasta;
d) follow the procedure in preparing Tuna Pasta; and
e) observe safety rules and precautions.

II. Subject Matter

Main Topic: European Dish
Sub Topic: Prepare and Present Tuna Pasta
Online References:
a) https://panlasang pinoy.com/how-to-cook-tuna-pasta-algredo/
b) https://www.slideshare.net/chloeandreaa/occupational-health-and-safety-ohs#
c) https://www.residencestyle.com/list-of-personal-protective-equipment-in-the-kitchen/

Materials: Laptop, Projector, PowerPoint Presentation, Ingredients: Linguine, All-Purpose

Cream, Fresh Milk, Tuna in can, Butter, Garlic, Fettucine, Parsley, Parmesan Cheese, Salt, and
Ground Black Pepper.

Values Integrated: Cooperation and Workmanship

III. Procedure
Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
A. Preparation
Classroom Management
Good morning class! How is your day?
Good morning, Ma’am! We’re doing great.
Opening Prayer
Before anything else let’s start our class
with a prayer.
Kindly lead our opening prayer.
Yes_____. Yes, Ma’am. Let us bow our heads and feel
the presence of the Lord.

Before you take your seats, kindly pick up

the trashes under your chairs and put it in
the trash bin.

Please arrange your chairs first before you

take your seats.
Yes, Ma’am.
Okay. Thank you.
Checking of Attendance
Class monitor, is there any absent today?
None, Ma’am.
Okay, that’s good to hear.

Review of the Past Lesson

Last meeting, we discuss about American
Who can give the meaning of American
Yes_____. American cuisine consists of the cooking
style and traditional dishes prepared in the
United State.

Very good!

B. Motivation
Our motivation for today is called Spell the
Here is our mechanics, I will show you the
flag of the country then you will answer in
Yes, Ma’am.
Let’s start.

Who can answer the first one?



Who can answer the first one?

Correct. China

And lastly? ____.

C. Presentation
Thank you for your participation. Did you all
enjoy our activity? Yes ma’am.

Our lesson for today is all about how to

prepare and present Tuna Pasta. Not really, Ma’am
Are you familiar with the Tuna Pasta?

This is a dish which the main ingredients are Tuna pasta is a good dish to make at this time.
tuna and fettucine pasta.
Can you read the definition of Tuna Pasta?
Yes. _____

This is easy, one pan, healthy recipe that

incredibly healthy and tasty. We can serve
Tuna Pasta in breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Since you have an idea about Tuna Pasta,

let’s tackle the Personal Protective Equipment Yes Ma’am.
used in making it.

Who knows the meaning of PPE? Personal Protective Equipment.

Yes? _____

Correct! Thank you.

What is the purpose of PPE? PPE is used to minimize exposure to hazard

Yes? _____ that cause serious workplace injuries and
illness. These injuries and illnesses may result
from contact with chemical radiological,
physical, electrical, mechanical, or other
workplace hazards.

Very Good.
So personal protective equipment or PPE are
used/worn for us to keep us safe, protects us
from accidents, and keep our food clean and
safe from possible contamination which can Yes Ma’am.
lead to spoilage of food and course we do not
want that to happen right class?
Can you give the different PPE’s we use in
cooking and its uses? Yes? _____ Apron. Apron are used to keep clothes clean
and tidy, for added protection from things like
spill, food, dirt, germs, and hazards.

So, the main use of an apron is to protect

ourselves and clothes from dirt. Do you Yes Ma’am.
understand class?

Very good!
Kindly give another PPE. Yes? _____ Hairnet is worn to keep hair from contacting,
exposed food, clean and sanitized equipment,

Do you understand the use of hairnet class? Yes Ma’am.

Very Good Class!

Do you have questions so far class? None Ma’am.

What is the other PPE that we need to wear? Gloves. It is used to not touch the food with
Yes? ______ our bare hands so we need to wear gloves.

Disposable gloves are one possible way to

prevent bare hand contact with prepared and
ready-to-eat food.

Kindly repeat the mentioned PPE? The PPE that can be used are apron, gloves
Yes? and hairnet.

Very Good!
Are there any questions about PPE? None ma’am.
So now let’s proceed on the different safety
rules and precautions in cooking our Tuna

Can you give the safety rules and precaution Always wash your hand in preparing the
in cooking. Yes_____. utensils and ingredients.

Very good, another safety rules. Yes _____. Always wear your PPE

Very good. Another one? Yes _____. Prevent cross-contamination

Correct! What else? Yes _____. Cook food to proper temperature.

Another? Yes_____. Remove the accessories and jewelries.

Is there anything else? Yes _____. Yes ma’am. Use potholder in handling hot
dishes to prevent burn.

Very good class!

Why do you think is it important to observe

Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) inside
the laboratory or the safety rules and It is important to observe and follow the safety
precautions in this laboratory? Yes _____. rules and precaution in laboratory work to
avoid accident.

Very good!
Always remember to follow OHS and/or the
Safety Rules and Precautions inside the Yes, Ma’am.
kitchen laboratory or in shop room to avoid
any accident while we are preparing food. Did
you get it class?
Can you name the tools and equipment that
are place in the table and identity its
function? Yes _____

(The teacher will present the ppt and actual

tools and equipment used in cooking the Chopping board. It is used to protect the
Tuna Pasta) surface in which to cut or slice the
ingredients in Tuna Pasta.

Very Good! Colander. It is use to sip the pasta of Tuna

What else can you see in the table? And give Pasta.
its use. Yes _____.

Nice answer! Thank you!

Stove. It is use to cook our pasta and the
We need to use colander to sip the pasta.
other ingredients.
Another tools and equipment? Yes _____.

Stove is intent to cook all the needed Yes Ma’am.

ingredients in tuna pasta.
Is that clear class?

What about the plate class? Yes _____.

The plate is where you present the dish.

Correct! Thankyou.
We will use the plate for presenting our
finish product.

What else? Yes _____

Knife Ma’am.
Knife is use to cut the ingredients if its need
to cut it.
Very good!
Knife is use to cut the ingredients of Tuna

Lasty, we also have spoon and fork. What is It is use to for eating, serving and cooking
the uses of spoon and fork. foods.

Very good!
Spoon and fork is use for eating and serving
the foods
Okay before we proceed to the next topic In making the Tuna Pasta we need chopping
what are the tools, we are going to use in board, colander, stove, plate, knife, spoon and
making Tuna Pasta, everyone? fork.

Excellent! Thank you!

Do you have any questions about the tools and None, Ma’am!
equipment needed in preparing our Tuna

Here are the ingredients we need in making • 1 lb. linguine cooked

the Tuna Pasta. • 1 1/8 cups all-purpose cream
Kindly read the following ingredients. • 1 ¼ cups fresh milk
Yes _____. • 6 oz. tuna in can
• ¼ cup butter
• 3 cloves garlic
• 2 tablespoons parsley chopped
• ¼ cup parmesan cheese
• Salt and ground black pepper

These are the different ingredients that we

needed (presented in the table). Are you Yes, Ma’am
excited class?

Okay let me show you. But first kindly read 1. Melt butter in a pan. Add garlic. Cook
the first procedure. Yes _____. while stirring until garlic starts to

The teacher will sauté the needed ingredients.

Kindly read the next step. Yes _____. 2. Add all-purpose cream. Cook for 30

And then. Yes _____.

3. Pour in fresh milk. Stir. Let boil.

And then. Yes _____.

4. Add tuna. Cook for 1 minute.

Then. Yes _____.

5. Put the parmesan cheese into the pan

Just raise your hands of you want to volunteer

to season our dish Yes Ma’am

Please read the procedure number 6.

Yes _____.
6. Season with salt and ground black
pepper. Stir until all ingredients are
well blended.

Very good! Do you understand class? Yes, Ma’am.

For the next step. Kindly read step number 7. Add the cooked linguine. Toss until pasta is
Yes _____. costed with sauce. Add chopped parsley if

Thank you! Yes Ma’am

Always remember class to always we use
potholder in holding hot lid.

This is very easy to make. All you have to do Yes, Ma’am

is follow the simple instruction. Di you

Okay class.
Who wants to taste it class? Me Ma’am

What do you say about the Tuna Pasta? It is delicious Ma’am

I am excited to see your own Tuna Pasta for We are excited too. Ma’am
the next meeting in your task.

What can you say about the finish product? It looks so delicious, and it makes us hungry

Very good! I know it makes us hungry.

Again, what are the tools and equipment we

used in making Tuna Pasta? The tools and equipment that we used are
chopping board, colander, stove, plate, spoon
and fork.
Great! And what are the ingredients? Yes ___. The ingredients are linguine, all-purpose
cream, fresh milk, tuna in can, butter, garlic,
parsley chopped, parmesan cheese, ground
black pepper.

Very good! You have a great memory!

What about drinks? Together with Tuna Pasta we can serve juice.

Great Job!

Do you have any questions? None Ma’am

D. Generalization
Tuna Pasta is a kind of delicious and nutritious dish. The main ingredients of this dish is
the linguine and tuna combine with another ingredients such as all-purpose cream, fresh milk,
butter, garlic, parsley, cheese, salt and ground black pepper to taste. This dish is a good source of
diet, is rich in omega 3 fatty acid that helps preventing cardiovascular diseases. However, it is
crucial to perform the safety rules in cookery, maintaining cleanliness and wearing full personal
protective equipment (PPE) inside the kitchen must strictly observe of a way of preventing risk
such as accidents and diseases

E. Application
Group Activity: The class will be divided into 5 groups, each grou[ will contain 7 members, they
will prepare and present the Tuna Pasta Reciepe

IV. Evaluation
The output of the activity will serve as the evaluation and rated using the rubric below.

Product Apperance 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Presentation is acceptable but
Presentation needs improvement lacks professional qualities
Product Taste 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Questionalbe taste, needs improvement Adecate but not outstanding
Garnish 0 1 2 3 4
In appropriate selection of garnish or Adecate but not outstanding
no garnish or too much garnish Lacks of creativity

Product Apperance 9 10 Score

Presentation is attractively displayed
and show creatively
Product Taste 7 8 9 10
Pleasing appropriate taste for food
Garnish 5
Appropriate for food items
Exhibits creatively
V. Assignment
December 7, 2022
“American Cuisine”

Answer the following questions:

1. What is a American Cuisine?
2. What food are part of American Cuisine?
3. What makes American Cuisine unique?

Prepared by:

Judy Ann T. Dagdag

Danica Estrada

Jessebel Sibulan

Chin Tayag

Jerico Tiongson

Checked by:

Ms. Lizette F. Laurino, LPT


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