Sexual and Asexual Reproduction

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The reproductive

Grade 11

At the end of this presentation, you should be able to:

 explain the role of mitosis in asexual reproduction

 explain why asexual reproduction gives rise to genetically

identical offspring.

 compare sexual and asexual reproduction.

What is Sexual Reproduction?

 If you were told: Define sexual reproduction; what would you say?

 Perhaps that: “it is the process in which new organisms are created, by

combining the genetic information from two individuals of different

Sexual reproduction

 Sexual reproduction involve two parents.

 Gametes, or sex cells, are produced in the reproductive

organs by meiosis.

 A male and a female gamete fuse during fertilization to

form a single cell called the zygotes. The zygote
divides by mitosis to form an embryo an and ultimately
an adult.
Sexual reproduction

 Offspring produced in sexually receive genes from both parents, therefore

they possess characteristics of both parents i.e. they show variation.

 The process is slow because it involves gamete production, finding a mate,

fertilization and embryo development

What is asexual reproduction

 If asexual reproduction is the ‘opposite’ of sexual reproduction, then there

should be no gametes, no fertilization and no need for both male and female

parents to start with.

 Asexual reproduction is the formation of offspring without the use of

gametes; it involves only one parent.

What is asexual reproduction

 Asexual reproduction involves only one parent and offspring are

produced by mitosis.

 All offspring produced asexually from one parent are genetically

identical i.e. they are a clone.

 The process is rapid because it does not involve gamete production,

finding a mate, fertilization and embryo development.

 Asexual reproduction occurs in unicellular organisms e.g. Amoeba and

bacteria, in fungi and in some plants and a few animal
Methods of asexual reproduction

 binary fission
 budding
 vegetative propagation
 spore formation (sporogenesis)
 fragmentation
 parthenogenesis
 apomixis
Binary fission

 Many simple animals

and plants use mitosis
to produce new cells
rapidly. This asexual
division is called
binary fission.

The Amoeba
demonstrates this
beautifully., also
euglena &
 Budding reproduction refers to
the formation of an outgrowth (or
bud) from an organism that is
capable of developing into a new
Offsprings are all identical
 The outgrowth is genetically the
same as the parent but relatively
 It may stay attached or eventually
split off from the parent.
 Example of organisms that
reproduce by budding are hydra,
corals, echinoderms
Vegetative propagation
 Vegetative propagation is a form of
asexual reproduction in plants. 
 It is when a new plant emerges
from vegetative parts, such as A. Cutting B. Grafting C) Air-layering D) Tissue culture
specialized stems, leaves, and
 vegetative propagation can be
classified into two major
types: natural means (bulbs,
tubers, corms, suckers)
and artificial means (cutting,
grafting, layering, tissue culture).
 Fragmentation refers to the parent
organism breaking into fragments
and each fragment is capable of
developing into a new organism. 
 Thisis observed in fungi (e.g.
yeasts, and lichens), molds,
vascular and nonvascular plants,
cyanobacteria, and animals (e.g.
sponges, sea stars, planarians, and
many annelid worms).

 This is the development of an unfertilized egg into an individual. In organisms

that have no sex chromosomes, a fertilized egg will develop into a diploid
female. A non-fertilized egg may develop into a haploid male.
 In simpler term parthenogenesis is a form of asexual reproduction where
females can reproduce even without a male to mate with. E.g. Lizards,
Komodo dragon, bonnethead shark. Etc
Advantages and/or Benefits of asexual
 You should realize by now that each type of reproduction has advantages and
 Bearing in mind the various methods, can you deduce the
advantages/benefits of asexual reproduction? Give it a try! Talk within your
group and list at least three.

 Now share them with your classmates.

Advantages and/or Benefits of asexual
reproduction cont’d
Did you include these in your lists?
1. Time and energy are not wasted in finding a mate.
2. Because there is continuous reproduction, large numbers can be produced.
3. Offspring can be produced quickly.
4. Favorable environmental conditions can be exploited.
5. If parent is of genetic ‘good quality’, the offspring will also be of ‘good
Disadvantages of asexual reproduction

 Can you deduce these as well? Give it a try. Then, Click here for the
(1. Offspring may find it difficult to survive in a changing environment.
2. If a parent is of ‘poor quality’, the offspring will also be of ‘poor quality’.
3. Because offspring colonize the same area as parent, competition and
overcrowding can easily result.)
Advantages/Benefits of sexual
 Almost all the benefits result from variation.
1. A species that reproduces sexually is able to adapt to changes in the
2. If the parent is of ‘poor quality’, then the offspring do not have to be off
‘poor quality’ also because of meiosis and fertilization.
 The third benefit is not due to variation
3. Organisms can colonize a new area easily.
 This genetic variation is beneficial.
 Because each organism of a population has a different genetic combination, it
means that each organism has different abilities to resist changes in the
 These changes could be diseases, predation etc.
 Variation is the basis for natural selection which you will learn more about
Disadvantages of sexual reproduction

With all the benefits outlined, do you think there are any disadvantages? What
are they?
1. Time and energy are spent to find a mate.
2. Few offspring can be produced especially because reproduction is not
3. Because of genetic variation, ‘poor quality’ offspring can result from ‘good
quality’ parents.
Video on asexual and sexual

Advantages of sexual and asexual

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