NLC CapB Demo in Science - Visayas
NLC CapB Demo in Science - Visayas
NLC CapB Demo in Science - Visayas
Enhancement Camp
Consolidation Intervention Camp
Advanced learners
(Outstanding & Very Learners who need further practice and application of the Learners who are yet to grasp
Satisfactory in their previously taught learning competencies (Satisfactory & the Fundamental Math and/or
Academic Performance) Fairly Satisfactory), learners who did not meet the English skills whether they met
expectation in Science, and learners who did not meet or did not meet the expectation
expectation in English and Math but have already excellent (if they did not meet the
fundamental skills in Math and Reading (if they did not
meet the expectation, they will be rated using Do 8 s. 2015)
expectation, they will be rated
using DO 8 s. 2015)
Lesson Components Short
Sample Lesson Plan
Sample Lesson Plan
Sample Lesson Plan
Lesson Components
1 2 3 4 5
Component 1
Lesson Component 2
Lesson Purpose / Intention
(3 minutes)
Lesson Component 2
This component offers teachers a chance
to acquaint students with the purpose
and/or intention of the lesson.
Component 2
Lesson Component 3
Lesson Language Practice
(5 minutes)
Lesson Component 3
Component 3 concerns language use in:
Component 3
Lesson Component 4
Lesson Activity
(25 minutes)
Lesson Component 4
It addresses the “key idea” for the lesson.
It is about students applying known content to
solve non-routine problems.
Requires students to interpret/understand the
meaning of the ‘stem’ (stimulus, passage/text or
diagram, first part of the problem) correctly
before answering questions of differing degrees
of complexity related to the stem.
Lesson Component 4
Component 4 has three aspects:
Component 4A: Reading and
Understanding the Stem
Component 5
Lesson Components Short
Link for the Science Breakout Materials